Flynn (I) (2024)
A must see for all Americans who care for their country!
20 May 2024
I watched this movie with a great amount of interest as I knew about what the intelligence community and "law enforcement" was trying to do to this man before his ascension to National Security Advisor.

I had the pleasure to serve closely with Mike Flynn both in and out of combat. He is one of the most honorable, brave, great Americans with whom I ever served. This movie explains quite well why the intelligence community turned against him early in his ascension to General Officer rank in the military. He went against the party line and criticized the system propped up by lifelong bureaucrats and powerful lobbyists involved in the "military industrial" dance.

This documentary gives a great overview of how the US government turned to third-world political warfare to take out political opponents through trickery, confusing the public, feeding the media party lines, and outright character assassination with no mind for the aftermath. A depressing story with an uplifting ending that is the Flynn family.

In my opinion, this documentary was too gentle in countering the vicious, vindictive government senior bureaucrats - many of whom are still dishonorably serving this country - as well as members of the Obama Administration and carryovers into the Trump administration. The documentary's lack of deserved criticism for these lifelong bureaucrats would be regarded as "fair treatment" by today's news organizations... in direct contradiction to the confused and baseless attacks they levied against Mike Flynn and his family on a near-daily basis.

Let us never forget Chuckie Schumer's warning on one of the government's propaganda channels to President Trump in January 2017.... "Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," And this is exactly what happened to General Flynn.

Let's not forget how John Brennan - one of the main characters of this saga - bragged (and probably still does) about how he joined the CIA when he was a registered member of America's Communist party (his words, not mine) making him a perfect fit for the Obama Administration and the America to come.

And the producer left out casts of others in the intelligence community, federal law enforcement and other sections of the U. S government that were directly complicit in making sure Michael Flynn fell and fell hard.

There are so many stories still to tell. This could have easily been a mini-series with 12 more two-hour long episodes to introduce the audience to the entire cast of miscreants involved in this sordid affair. A great place to start would be the 51 "intelligence professionals" - many of whose names were not made public because they were still actively "serving" - that signed the 2020 pre-election memo swearing that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation". Many of them - if not all - were involved in the Flynn affair. And Michael Vickers - the former USDI - is at the top of that list. Vickers has a knack for shirking all disasters and controversies under his watch and coming out completely unscathed.

The Cabal in DC have perfected the tactic of "suiciding" your political opponent.... making it appear to the public that their opponent had no other option but to disappear from the earth from their dastardly deeds. While they come close to this goal with members of General Flynn's family, they discounted the Flynns' strength of their commitment to and love for each other. Nonetheless, the US Government backed by your taxpaying dollars did everything they could to bankrupt and destroy this honorable and typical American family, while many of these tax-sucking officials went home to their undeserved riches in DC's finest suburbs and laid their heads down to sleep without a care. Despicable!

The cover ups continue and many of the self-serving bureaucrats are still entrenched in the system today.

This documentary has a powerful lesson: General Flynn never gave up on this country and neither should we. If the Cabal could do this to him and his family, they can do it to you. Let's get to work!
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