Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Shame it ended
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I missed this series the first time round and have just watched it on the Syfy channel.

I was very disappointed that is only ran for two series and left us with a cliffhanger. There should be some kind of unwritten law that states series that are cancelled must have a conclusion and not leaving us hanging.

I generally enjoyed the series. I had a few problems with some of it though. When they first go through the Stargate and arrive on Destiny they only have the clothes they are standing up in. Yet we never see them clean them, Eli is the most noticeable with his red T shirt and fleece which never seems to get dirty or worn. Especially noticeable when he, along with others, spend a month on a planet.

The ammunition is supposedly in short supply yet they never seem to run out even after loosening off a huge amount in some episodes.

In series 2 episode 9 a second Rush comes in a shuttle from the future. He then proceeds to dock with Destiny, how is there somewhere for him to dock as it comes from the future and the now Destiny should still have both shuttles.

Other than those gripes it was fab, would have been nice to have a one off film to bring them back to Earth though.
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