Review of Flynn

Flynn (I) (2024)
Americans Need to Know
24 May 2024
As someone who has been following many of the real-life heroes who were shown or mentioned in this powerful documentary, I was impressed with the comprehensive way so much important data and so many events were pulled together in a way that makes it easy for the average American to understand. People like need who follow daily have amassed a great deal of info and explaining it to someone who knows things aren't right but doesn't know where to begin can be difficult. I now have this movie to gift them as a jumping off point and a frame of reference from which they can begin independent research if they need to know more.

It's very well done and when compared to the narrative the colluders want you to believe, this documentary connects ALL of the dots whereas the narrative leaves gaping holes because they hide mores then they tell us. Every incident and every allegation is 💯 verifiable. It's important to know that the event within still works overtime to divide even those of us who are in the right side and one of the ways they've done so is to try to discredit General Flynn within the movement. Flynn sets far to and explodes those lies in this content and explains the "controlled opposition" and how they work to undermine those who are right over the target.

Being over the target is why "The Powers That Be" went after him FIRST-knowing where the bodies are buried made him very dangerous to the Deep State-and the Deep State is explained thoroughly in this masterpiece I liked to call "Intel for Dummies." The American people are, for the first time in our history, being let it on game theory and learning the who, what, where, when and why of it all and learning the names of the people, places and things that are generally left out of the mainstream narrative in favor of salacious headlines and twisted accountings of what's really happening.

This documentary is crucial to those of us who care about our country and had stopped believing in altruism and heroics as we watch everything being dismantled and destroyed. Flynn is a real and true American hero. He shows us what integrity, honor, sacrifice and humility look and sound like. It is so good to hear from his family and others close to him be able to validate the version of him I have come to believe in based on the past five years of my own research and discernment of who are the "good guys" and who are our "enemies within."

If there's a message we are to glean beyond what I have mentioned already, it's that the people must stay engaged and involved in our own survival and while we can't all be heroes at this level, we all have access to heroes in this day and age and what we do (or don't do) to assist the best of us will be key to stopping the worst of us from succeeding in the destruction of America. We're being told and shown what we will become of us if we don't. We owe General Flynn a debt of gratitude and thanks, at the very least, and our time and loyalty every day.

Watch it. Watch it with others.

Gift it to others so they can watch and learn.

Keep General Flynn, those working directly with him and their families in your prayers.
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