Review of Atlas

Atlas (2024)
The six is for effects
24 May 2024
The writers latch onto a current concern: what happens if AI develops to a point where it decides it's time for us to go and it's bye-bye humanity. The special effects are good and I like imaginings of what the future will look like and what I will miss out on, unless maganuts destroy everything first.

I assume most who decided to watch Atlas did so because they like a good sci-fi space opera and wanted to see how Jenny from the block is holding up.

There isn't a lot new here as plot goes: madman (mad robot, same thing) is determined to kill everyone except for a few chosen; heroine is off to stop him. And plot twist (not really), heroine finds soul mate.

The film is pretty much a one woman show as Ms. Lopez is on camera 100 per cent of the time. As she has to work in a confined space for much of the film, acting as such is how well Ms. Lopez can use her voice to create mood and sense of urgency. Basically a decent pop corn flic.
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