Review of Neon White

Neon White (2022 Video Game)
heaven or hell, it deserves Paradise
24 May 2024
What a wonderful speedrund came with absurd anime aesthetic and story just touched me to my bones, enough to 100% completed and what I mean is collecting all the items and gifts.

Playing this game almost in a trends. It was so good that I had to see all of the story and get a gold medal at least on every level so it was just so fulfilling I beat it in 2 settings, 12 hours and I would say it totally worth it.

But the characters are all lovable anime absurdity we have the best friend we have the cuticle who likes knives we have the sexy girlfriends who will call you puppy.

But they are still foolished out and feel fun and compelling and I think that amnesia makes it so you grow to enjoy them like the main character begin to remember . It feels simultaneously because of it.

And the gameplay is so fast-pac Sill technical it is most amazing that it's so good that I could play this on a controller and still feel precise because I played the PS5 version.

When I get into the rhythm listen to the music Jump used I'd you demons just the trends is so magnificent. I cannot leave it. I'm so sad the game is over because I'm not gonna see these lovable goofballs anymore and this amazing gameplay that is tense but still open enough to a few ups and still get a gold medal.
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