Lots of cliches but occasionally funny
24 May 2024
Well, it's a Brazilian movie and I read in the other reviews that you need to be Brazilian to fully appreciate it. Okay, I'm not a Brazilian, so if some stuff was lost in translation then it was lost for me. But I guess I can still write a review telling what I saw and what I felt.

So let's start. When watching it, you will immediately remember old classics like Beverly Hills Cop or Police Academy. It's that kind of film. Some people would say it's parody but can you really do a parody of a comedy? It's rather a rip-off of such films. Very silly, very improbable and occasionally funny. With a lot of well known cliches like two cops with totally different personalities. It wasn't even very Brazilian for me, it could happen in Usa, Hong Kong, France or wherever.

For me sometimes it worked, sometimes it was cringy. I would probably find it more funny if I was younger. Is it just me or stupid films are generally less fun when you get older?
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