Garfield of Dreams Of Family Fun And Heart
25 May 2024


The Comedy Is Humorous

The Heart Is There

The Voice Acting Is Fine

Plenty of Garfield References For Older Fans

Adorable/Family Friendly

An Okay Story

Summary: Modern CGI can be hokey or good depending on the budget. Fortunately, I feel that this film was good with the approach they took to animating and designing our feline friend and his group. Most of the characters maintain their design from the comics, whimsy proportions, exaggerated elements, and eyes that are so wide they take up most of the space on their faces. A testimony to the classic, Garfield still holds smooth animation as the anthropomorphic bunch plays well with fluid and dynamic movements that feel like the Peanuts movie with more finesse. Regardless of how you like the style, I give this movie props for keeping the emotions running with their design choices and just how touching some of the softer moments can be.

Which brings me to the rest of what I liked about the movie. Garfield's latest movie may not be the most original work, but it accomplishes the goal of being a family-friendly feature for the masses. The comedy is humorous, at times making me laugh out loud and others more in line with younger audience members to chuckle and squeal at when the slapstick humor hits. And if you are quite versed in the Garfield franchises, you'll enjoy the nods to the cat's marketing endeavors and famous moments intertwined with the comedic antics. The voice acting helps at times to make these jokes come out, though no one puts any effort to sound like Garfield's usual tone, which is both annoying and fine at the same time depending on what you want from the character. The story is a nice combination of a Garfield and Friends set of episodes mixed with a tale similar to Despicable Me. The hybrid works to be entertaining with enough heartfelt moments to choke you up occasionally and give you that warm feeling in your stomach. The movie has a lot to cater to most audiences coming to see this film, and I felt quite content with the 75 minutes or so I got with the group.


More Jon Needed


Jokes Often Are Forced

There Feels Some Skipping In the Plot

More Time With Baby Garfield

Just Missing That Creative Spark/Cleverness

SUMMARY: No surprises for most of these, The Garfield Movie is geared toward a certain age set in mind as the primary audience. The story has that family feel, but it's predictable, a tad bland, and lacking most twists and turns that I always hope can make a surprise. Missing the market with more time with the cat's baby form was also a mistake, as this could have served as half a movie with the little guy, and establishing his home alludes to something more brimming. And Jon, a staple to the franchise, is a goof, but he is a side goof that holds very few necessary attributes to the story past those opening sequences. The disjointed plot elements only further feel second thought until the end where things come together and set up for a potential sequel that will surely come if it makes enough money. Throw in some rather forced humor and missing some spark to raise this past just another Garfield feature, are the limitations that I think further dampen the movie for those looking for more to the film.

The VERDICT The Garfield Movie is very fun and perfect for the audience that the trailer was intending would enjoy the film. It's got fun animation that pays tribute to Davis' work, contains vibrant and stimulating colors, and a very smooth flow to make all the loveable human antics come to life. Loaded with that family-loving energy, it's a fun outing to the theater with enough feel-good moments to warrant hitting the holiday weekend to beat the heat. However, the movie lacks the creative spark or togetherness that I think other movies have done well. It needs a little more balance, a little more twist, a little more fervor, and catering to 90's level writing that catered to more than the primary audience. I'd encourage you to check this out at home at the least for a family night in, but if you can get out to the theater, please do. My scores are:

Animation/Adventure/Comedy: 7.0 Movie Overall: 6.0.
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