A Total Waste of Time
25 May 2024
Mission: Chapter 1" is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. It's really a garbage film that's not worth anyone's time. From start to finish, it's boring and pointless.

The story is so unoriginal. It's the same old plot about stopping a villain with no real twists or excitement. You can see everything coming from a mile away. The script is lazy, and the whole thing just feels recycled from other, better movies.

The pacing is terrible. The movie is way too long and drags on forever. Scenes feel disconnected and add nothing to the story. Instead of being exciting, it's just slow and dull, making it hard to stay interested.

Amy Jackson's acting is really cringe. She's the main actress, but she can't deliver a believable performance. Her acting feels forced, and she has no chemistry with the other actors. It's painful to watch her try to be dramatic.
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