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The Fight for Circulation
boblipton21 August 2010
This is one of the long series of films that the American Mutoscope & Biograph company shot that shows industrial action in this period -- Billy Bitzer, who co-shot this with Arthur Marvin later shot a famous series around the Westnghouse factory in Pennsylvania, and there are more than a dozen of those pieces, meant for viewing on the movie screen and hand-cranked flip card viewer of the Post Office at work. Bitzer and Marvin would later attain screen immortality for their work with D.W. Griffith, although by 1910 Marvin would work with other directors at Biograph.

Shot in one, simple long take, this shows a bunch of news boys scrambling for copies of a newspaper for sales. Carefully staged to show the action and chaos, it is mostly interesting to show how things have changed in more than a century. Nowadays, we just hit a few buttons on the computer
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Fighting for the News
Michael_Elliott17 August 2015
Distributing a War Extra (1899)

This is a pretty fun movie that shows a group of newspaper works waiting for a truck to drop off the day's papers. This clocks in at just under a minute so you obviously shouldn't be expecting any sort of plot. I think watching these old movies gives one a terrific idea of how times were back then and it's fun to watch these reality shows. What's most interesting is the fight that breaks out as obviously the sellers wanted to get their copies first. The fight itself is worth sitting through the film for as it appears to be real and not something that was staged for the camera.
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