The Return of Don Camillo (1953) Poster

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I'd sure like to find more of these Fernandel films.
planktonrules22 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The French comedian Fernandel made five films in which he played the priest Don Camillo. Unfortunately, I placed this film above the original film in the series on my Netflix queue! Yes, that means I haven't yet seen the first film, but fortunately the second one gives a recap of events leading up to the next film. And, I promise to see the first one ASAP!

This film finds the priest being punished by the church for being so pugnacious. He's sent to a horrible parish--the top of a mountain where there are almost no people and those who do live there mostly just stay home. He has little to do and is bored. At the same time, his old town is NOT happy now that he's gone. Despite several townspeople hating him (especially the mayor), the rest of the folks are miserable and stop participating in church activities and the church falls into a state of disrepair. The bottom line is that the town, despite pushing him to be replaced, really wants him back.

Eventually he is returned to the town and there are several crises that need his help. The one that persists throughout the episode is the problem about building a dam. The city needs it to stop flooding but the guy with the land is being stubborn and won't agree to let them use it. The communist mayor hates to admit it, but he needs Don Camillo's help--not just with this but with his oldest son. Unfortunately for Don Camillo, he can't just punch people and make things right and must rely on God's guidance through some tough times. And, not surprisingly, by the end, change takes place in the most unusual and unexpected ways--and with the most unexpected people.

This is a nice, gentle comedy and it reminded me a bit of the Catanflas film "The Little Priest" (from Mexico). Both films feature very unconventional priests who sometimes resort to worldly solutions to problems. In the case of Catanflas, he might gamble--but all for God's glory. And with Fernandel, he uses his fists--but again, to God's glory. What makes this unusual, though, is that Jesus talks to him--telling him that this is NOT the way to solve problems! While this might seem a bit sacrilegious, it seemed pretty benign to me--and Jesus did not come off badly as a result.

By the way, I was surprised that this was an Italian film. I naturally assumed that with Fernandel it would be a French language film and him speaking Italian surprised me, as I'd only seen him speaking French in the other films in which I'd seen him.
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And life goes on for Don Camillo!
LeRoyMarko28 September 2002
Another little gem to watch! Don Camillo returns to its cherished parish after a forced "séjour" in the mountain. The mayor is happy to see him back, cause he sees in him a formidable adversary. Yes Peppone and Don Camillo are adversary, but deep down inside, they need each other. Another look at life in a little post-WWII Italian village, where catholism and communism fight each other.

Out of 100, I give it 82. That's good for *** out of ****.

Seen at home, in Toronto, on September 10th, 2002.
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"There's A Divinity That Shapes Our Ends, Rough Hew It How He Will"
boblipton31 August 2021
Fernandel and Gino Cervi return as the conservative priest and the Communist mayor of a small city, who bicker, bicker, bicker but love each other, as well as the other people of their town: the old doctor who refuses to die, the landowner who won't give up a small part of his land to produce a new dam, and of course, Camillio's good friend, G*d, who guides the priest with a love that surpasseth all understanding. Duvivier returns as director, with a script that continues directly from the first movie, and offers some insight into the character of a town where everyone knows everyone

At first glance it seems an odd movie for Duvivier, softer than his pre-war fare, and more openly religious. Yet there was always something godlike about the workings of fate in his poetic realism, and perhaps this is simply reflective of the evolution of his ideas, or a canny choice for an artist whose works need a very large audience.

Fernandel and Cervi would reprise their roles in three more movies over the next dozen years. Duvivier would move on to other projects.
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So much to do, don Camillo !
nablaquadro25 December 2006
Very good episode, like all the others to be honest, but this one stands out for a deep and strong message, religious and not.

In the first part, the forced retreat of don Camillo is a very intense piece of cinema. His personal "via crucis" up to the mountain, his dialogue with God (the conscience's speech ?) teach to us the real value of a redemption. Camillo's exile, thank God will last little time (Peppone knows anything ?), full of energies to fight again. For the glorious bell Gertrude fallen by the belfry, the tragic Po's flood, a singular battle of the clocks, the barbaric life in the boarding-schools and the last fascists' ardors.

Everybody having at least 60 years in Italy remembers the big Po river's flood (my parents told me plenty about it) in early 50s. These kind of movies are able to maintain living the records of both happy and tragic events that marked our history through the following generations. An epoch desperately needful of a common identity (and then the politics!) but basically already related with the simple, daily things.

Fernandel and Gino Cervi couldn't be more terrific in their roles. Like Fernandel was a perfect don Camillo, Gino Cervi was either a perfect Peppone, or Maigret in the french TV-series taken by Simenon's novels. Two underrated actors that inaugurated a prolific age of Italy/France co-productions.
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Watch it again and again and again...
castelli8 March 2000
At home we never tire of this, perhaps the best of the Don Camillo series. The characters are so perfectly drawn and the black and white photography is much more dramatic than colour! It gives a very true-to-life picture of the social and political scene in post-war Italy, with just enough exaggeration to have the spectators rolling in the aisles.
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A Bell For Camillo
writers_reign13 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sequels don't often deliver though people who should know better keep doing them - see Claude Lelouch and the sequel to A Man And A Woman for example - but one almost foolproof way to ensure they come off is to entrust them to an expert like Julien Duvivier, who manages effortlessly to continue the episodic life of that wonderful contradiction in terms the childlike strong-arm priest Don Camillo who finds nothing strange in chatting with God. He begins the film in exile but we know it's not going to last because Peppone needs Don Camillo like Laurel needs Hardy and so the stage is set for more conflicts and Lessons In Life Andy Hardy style with Peppone in the Mickey Rooney role and Don Camillo standing in for Lewis Stone. A more than satisfying film enhanced by the black and white photography.
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Maybe the best Don Camillo film
IndustriousAngel1 July 2013
The films from the Don Camillo series were a favorite of mine even when I was only 10 or 12, despite many very adult themes - witness to the genius and timeless humor of writer Giovannino Guareschi. It's been a while but now that there's a restored DVD collection available (with some scenes I had never seen because they were cut from the dubbed release) we revisited the whole series and they do stand the test of time. Not only are they great comedy - physical as well as satirical - but they are also a kind of historic documents, capturing the soul of the time and region and politics like few others. The fact that much of the film is shot in a kind of realismo makes the absurd situations only the funnier!

I'm not a religious man myself but Fernandel's portrayal of the stalwart, choleric and compassionate priest is captivating; one of the all-time great performances in film history.
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He should never have returned
gridoon202410 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unnecessary sequel. Zero plot, just a series of episodes, none of them funny. There is one brief moment where the film threatens to become interesting: when Peppone thinks he has committed a murder and asks Don Camillo for help. THAT'S the story I would be interested in following. But of course Peppone is wrong and that thread is quickly dropped and the film goes back to being a tiresome sitcom. Fernandel and Gino Cervi still share a nice affectionate chemistry, but on the whole "The Return Of Don Camillo" is the worst Julien Divivier film I have seen yet. He might have agreed, because he parted ways with the character after this. *1/2 out of 4.
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A travel to the mountain and the return to Brescello.
zutterjp4814 February 2020
"Le retour de Don Camillo es the second film of the saga Don Camillo-Peppone,it was directed by Julien Duvivier (1953) with the same actors ,Fernandel and Gino Cervi.As punishment because he has hit Peppone Don Camillo is sent to a mountain village, Montenara; it's snowing,the local church looks empty and Don Camillo feels sad and alone.He will go back secretly to look for his crucifix in Brescella and Peppone will helped him giving him a lift.Peppone has great trouble with a landlord, because the village needs to build a dam against the floods of the Po river and Peppone visit the archbishop to obtain the return of Don Camillo who can be able to convince the reluctant landlord. I enjoyed very this story about rivalry and friendship between the two strong men of Brescella.
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