Johnny Tremain (1957) Poster

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why do people not want their children to watch Disney movies?
john-washburn9 September 2009
I have a parent that is not allowing their child to watch Johnny Tremain. I don't understand why. I have noted that in some cases where language was a problem, I can understand that. This is based on an authors book about the American Revolution. Why would anyone want to keep their child from watching it? It is a clear depiction of the book and gives a good representation of the historical events. It also shows the dress and the attitudes of the time rather well too.

Is there something that was done that make it a bad movie, the language or what? Do others object to Disney movies as well especially the early ones?
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" If you mean to start a war, . . . let it begin here "
thinker169115 March 2011
In the 1700's, England had in it's possession perhaps the most lucrative colonies in the world, securely in its grasp. However, due to poor management and a royal arrogance, it instead created enough resentment to establish a growing uprising which led instead to The Revolutionary War. That is the setting which author Esther Forbes used to write her book. The Walt Disney film directed by Robert Stevenson, which used her book is called " Johnny Tremain. " The story follows the exploits of young silversmith apprentice Johnny Tremain (Hal Stalmaster) as he does his best to stay out of the approaching conflict, seek his mother's brother and keep to his trade. Unfortunately, events soon engulf him and his country, beginning in Boston with a rebellion over an imposed Tea Tax. Thereafter, the movie traces the growth of the Sons of Liberty and their efforts to secure their rights as Englishmen. Thrown in for good measure are the key figures of the Revolution including Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, John Adams, his cousin Quincy and James Otis (played by Jeff York). Key events like The Battle of Lexington, Concord Bridge and the "Shot Heard round the world" are added to coincide with American history. Although, his life is central to the story, it's added only for continuity to the War and it's place in history. Nevertheless, it's a good and wholesome movie and easy for students to learn of the important segments of our early country. Easily recommended for the entire family. ***
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The exciting and thrilling story of the brave patriots that participated in the American independence
ma-cortes21 March 2018
The true story of the gallant American patriots that took part in the American Revolution . The film being dedicated to the youth of the world. Set in 1773 Boston when the valiant patriots participated in the Boston Tea Party, this deed signed the initiation of American war of independence . Based correctly on historical events with inclusion of various known happenings, as the notorious feat carried out by Paul Revere .Well recreated the beginning hostilities in April 19, 1775, skirmishes among the British troops and the colonial militia in Lexington and Concord. The first battle of the American war was in Lexington , Northwest of Boston .Anticipating a rebellion , general Thomas Gage sent 800 troops to seize stores at Concord and arrest John Hancock and John Adams , two prominent American rebels. An advance party encountered a party of about 50 minutemen , American rebel militia , on Lexington . They refused to disperse when ordered to do so, and then Brits to open fire . 8 Minutemen were killed and the remainder retired . Fervent patriots against redcoats were led by Salomón Chandler .The British party turned back for Concord and was later ambushed , it was only saved by reinforcements sent out from Concord . The total losses in two actions were 73 British troops killed and 174 wounded , 49 Americans killed and 39 wounded . While Johnny Tremain , Hal Stalsmaster , is drawn into the war . Along the way , he falls for a beautiful girl , Luana Patten , befriends a Revolutionary young , Richard Beymer , and learns about life, being caught up in the dangerous events of the revolution . As he joins the Sons of Liberty, a group of colonists who get together secretly and scheme their strategies against the tyrannical British rule.

The picture is a good adaptation upon the notorious historic events, being colorfully shot with great cinematograpy by Charles Boyle and rousing musical score by George Bruns . Directed with tenderness and carefully cast and appealing to history aficionados and sentimental susceptibilities . In the movie appears several historical characters as Samuel Adams , Paul Revere, Otis , Josiah Quincy, Joseph Warren , all of them played by notorious actors. The motion picture was well directed by Robert Stevenson . He was a fine craftsman from Walt Disney studio who made several movies and hits , such as Mary Poppins, The darn cat , Monkey's uncle , Gnome Mobile , BlackBeard ghost, The love bug , My dog the thief , The Island at the top of the world, Our Dinosaurio is missing , The shaggy DA, In search of castaways, Herbie rides again , Old Yeller, Kidnapped, Darby O'Gill, Bednobs and broomsticks, among others. The flick will appeal to American history buffs.
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A Good Adaptation of a Great Book
johandav27 May 2003
I've loved this book since I was a boy, and still think it's a wonderful way to get children reading about the birth of our nation. The movie does a good job of keeping the important historical facts front and center. Unfortunately, much of the book's richness, and darker shades, are cut away to make this more of a film for the entire family, five year olds included. As is often the case, entire characters are omitted in the interest of time and simplicity. On its own terms, though, a fine film and worth seeing.
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A review written on July 4, 2015
starbase2024 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, maybe I am a romantic American patriot. I did enjoy the movie in spite of all its historical inaccuracies, outdated presentation and production values. However, it did remind me of the courage of the rebels and the risks they took to win our freedoms. I had forgotten much about our early history that too many of us now take for granted. As some other reviewers have mentioned, maybe it should be remade in a completely historically accurate manner. Also, the introduction shows Walt Disney as the consummate salesman. No wonder he accomplished so much in his lifetime - and contributed so much to American culture and values.
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Better Than I Expected
benjaminmadsen10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I started this movie expecting to be an outdated and not entertaining film. Surprisingly and thankfully, I was wrong. Johnny Tremain is a decent film. If you have a basic understanding of United States history it is even better than if you don't. Johnny Tremain states at the beginning of the film he doesn't want to be a troublemaker like the New England rebels but after many trials fights the British even without a gun. Walt Disney said that even the heroes that don't make it into the history books need to be respected and remembered. I wholeheartedly agree. The main song was catchy and the Disney feel shone through. The movie was not historically accurate in some places and the action seemed rushed and exaggerated. All in all, Johnny Tremain was a decent movie.
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"Disney-fied" in a Good and Bad way.
camrammer10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this film at the age of 8. At the time, I enjoyed it very much, and I felt like I learned a decent amount about American history. However, there are some things I've noticed as I've aged. Although there are several elements in this story that give a wide range of entertainment, there are other things that simply make no sense whatsoever.

Don't get me wrong: this movie still remains to be one of my favorite Disney titles. However, when it comes to especially the fighting and violence, Disney sure tried hard to make this movie accessible to everybody. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it helps to lack historical accuracy throughout the movie. First of all, the violence within Lexington was much more rigid and barbaric. Sure, the formations by the British soldiers still seemed to reflect some historical accuracy, but the whole strategy Disney used in order to avoid elements such as blood and just pure struggle came to provide a very odd, overextended 10 minute scene.

Although the historical accuracy is a slight problem within Johnny Tremain, it shouldn't be forgotten that this movie still succeeds in providing multiple cases of true information. The perspective of the "rebels" seems to offer a great story for the average child to immerse themselves into, hopefully absorbing some information in the process.

In conclusion, Johnny Tremain is a movie that has yet failed to entertain me. Whether this be the well-constructed story or the hilarious bad acting when dying, I'm not so sure. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a film to entertain you, or you have quite simply never heard of the Revolutionary War, (First of all, you should know about the war. Second, this really only details the Boston Tea Party and the Battle of Lexington and Concord) then Johnny Tremain is the movie for you.
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and they all lived happily ever after.
Crystal_Hansen10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Johnny Tremain wasn't a bad movie considering the time period that it was made. I enjoyed it mostly because of the time period the movie takes place. Definitely more accurate than some of the other movies I've seen about similar time periods. If I was watching this movie in 1957, when it came out, I would probably feel pretty good about America. The movie starts out with Johnny working for some guy that's a silversmith. Then this Lyte guy comes wanting the silversmith to remake a pot thing that a maid "broke" but the pot doesn't even look broken. Johnny tells the old guy that he would like to make the pot and breaks the sabbath doing so. His punishment for breaking the sabbath? He burns his hand and can no longer be a silversmith. Then he wanders around looking for a new job. He can't work anywhere because now he's a cripple. He joins the revolution and fights the red coats without a musket 'cause he's a boss. And they all live happily ever after. The end.
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Good old fashioned entertainment ..... and educational too
parcdelagrange15 January 2010
When I was 7 years old I was taken by my older brother to the local 'flea pit' to see a double feature, the main film was 'Bambi' and the supporting film was 'Johnny Tremain'. Being only an ankle biter at the time, the film I was looking forward to seeing was Bambi, I had never heard of Johnny Tremain and had no interest whatsoever in watching it, however, once the lights went down in the cinema and the film started, I found myself enchanted by what I was watching, being an English boy I knew little or nothing about the American War of Independence, I had never heard of the Boston Tea Party and had always presumed that Britain and America had always been on friendly terms, we were never taught about it at school, which is hardly surprising I guess, seeing as the Colonists took on the might of the British military and won! The story of Johnny Tremain was told in such a simple and enjoyable way, in a way that only Disney could tell a story, that even a 7 year old English kid could understand the plot and historical background. It is 52 years now since I saw the film but it made a such a lasting impression on me that I can still remember the words to the song (which admittedly being a very short song with few words, is probably not saying much). I would assume that to todays youngsters this film would prove to be dated and uninteresting, after all there is no sex,no bad language and the violence is sanitised, but it was made in a time when values were a lot different and Disney was the king of family movies. Times have changed, but for all the digital special effects and hype, I for one, reckon you can't beat a good old fashioned movie telling its story in an uncomplicated way, standing or falling on plot, direction and good acting.
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Acting isn't the best
r96sk29 May 2020
A dull watch, at least for me.

I honestly didn't find any of 'Johnny Tremain' entertaining, even though it isn't anything atrocious at all. The plot is pretty straightforward, while the editing and acting isn't the best. It's all a bit of a bore, sadly.

Sebastian Cabot gives the most notable performance as Jonathan Lyte, he'll likely be the only cast member that I'll remember. Hal Stalmaster isn't bad in the titular role, he's just a little wooden.

The premise is, as already noted, very simple, but that actually isn't a criticism of mine. The main things I don't like are the way it's all shot and how it's acted/spoke - no particularly huge complaints, just numerous little annoyances that add up. There is, at least, a catchy song in Liberty Tree.

2½*, marginally.
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Disnified beyond recognition!
twhiteson17 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am fully aware that no film adaptation of a novel can remain completely faithful to its source. It is just not possible to do- most novels are too nuanced and large to be comfortably fitted into a two hour movie. However, it is possible for a film to capture the message and tone of a novel by keeping true to its narrative. Yet Disney's film adaption of Esther Forbes 1943 novel for young and old, "Johnny Tremain," failed to stay true to the narrative of the book and the result is a thoroughly mediocre and bland movie.

Set in Revolutionary era Boston, Forbes' novel is the story of a bright, talented, and cocky fourteen year old silversmith apprentice, Johnny Tremain, who because of an accident which cripples his hand finds himself without a profession. Without a future as a silversmith, Johnny must find a new life and career. Along the way he finds himself swept up in the events around Boston in the mid 1770's that culminated in the American Revolution. Johnny becomes involved in the clandestine activities of the Sons of Liberty. He participates in the Boston Tea Party, spies on the British, and mingles with such patriots as John Hancock, Sam Adams, and Paul Revere. The strength of the novel is how Forbes so effortlessly weaved the fictional story of Johnny in with actual historical events and persons. It is just a brilliant work of historical fiction.

One would think that a film studio could not make a complete hash of such terrific source material. Yet Disney did. Disney did what is usually expected of film versions of novels- it jettisoned "minor" characters and subplots to streamline the story. That's understandable. What is not forgivable is completely changing the message and tone of the novel in order to have lots of action scenes and a happy ending. In the book, Johnny only hears of about the fighting at Lexington and Concord- in the movie Johnny is shown in the thick of the fighting. That's understandable (film's need action), but what is not forgivable is the ridiculous joyousness of the battle scenes- Johnny and his friend, Rab, hide behind trees, shoot at redcoats, and seem to be having a grand time! They also occasionally break out into song- "Oh, we are the Sons, oh, we are the Sons, the Sons of Liberty!" (It's just as bad as one could imagine.) Disney selling war as a boys' adventure is exactly the opposite of what Forbes intended in her novel.

Forbes was not cynical about the ideal of American Revolution- the war was fought so that "a man could stand up." However, Forbes let the reader know that that simple hope came at a terrible price. The character of Rab, Johnny's best friend, is a remarkable seventeen year old boy. He's smart, handsome, fearless, and oozes charisma. He's a boy destined to be a great man. Yet it's not be. At Lexington Green, as Rab stands among the Minutemen confronting the might of the British Empire, he is mortally wounded in the first volley. He never even got a chance to fire his own musket. He dies the next day, propped up in a chair with blood pouring from his mouth. Forbes wanted young readers to know that war is not a boy's adventure- it robs the world of its best and brightest at a very young age. By having Rab walking around, alive and well, and singing that awful song at film's end, Disney succeeded in completely botching its film adaption of "Johnny Tremain." This is one book that is crying for a remake!
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The pride of old America!!!!!
sethn17231 July 2006
Disney makes another book-movie in 1957 with "Johnny Tremain," based on Esther Forbes' award-winning novel of the same name. It is about a boy named Johnny Tremain, who worked as an apprentice until his hand touched hot molten silver. Now he had to find a new job, until he decided to go into battle. This had taken place in Boston back during such wonderful events in history like the Boston Tea Party and the invasion of the British (One if by land, Two if by sea).

I have read this book in Calvert School back in 7th grade, I believe. It was such a wonderful book; my mom even enjoyed it, too. Our library had a classroom version of this movie on DVD (although a regular version can also be purchased), and we had just checked that movie out and we enjoyed it so.

"Johnny Tremain" is real good Disney, indeed: a great book made into a great movie portraying terrific American history.

Ten stars.
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johnraut-5833410 September 2018
I am watching this movie for a history through film class. We are watching it to see what they were trying to convey to Americans in 1957.

The movie makes me question its historical accuracy a lot because the characters are very emotionless. During the battles they react very calmly to people dying. They are very small battles and they don't last very long.

I liked that the movie was trying to make the viewers feel patriotic although they didn't do a very good job.They did a good job with the costume wardrobe and the setting. I liked the old houses they had in the setting.

The characters in the movie had little to no emotion. They tried to show that the girl liked Johnny but you could hardly tell because the actors showed almost no emotion. The militia fighters in the war had very slow reaction times and sometimes no reaction at all. Even when Johnny burnt his hand in the silver his reaction was very dull.
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That a man can stand up
laholly17 October 2006
I saw this movie originally on the "Wonderful world of Disney",long before I read the book for an education class in college. I also taught my 8th grade language arts class part of James Otis' wonderful speech about the price of independence. I do not remember if the speech is in the film,but if it was it was wasted because the powers that be at Disney in 1956 decided to change the ending. A previous review mentioned the same thing... by not allowing the character of Rab Silsbee to die after the Battle of Lexington, the entire perspective of the film disappears. I once had a father ask me if it was OK if his son,who did not want to read the book, watched the movie , I told him sure, if he wanted to fail the class.... the teacher would have known immediately that he had not read the book,because he would have no clue about "that a man can stand up".

That said, the movie is well cast,especially the characters of Dr Warren, Paul Revere and James Otis.(Jeff York as always was wonderful).

Hal Stalmaster, who never to my knowledge made another film is just fair as Johnny.Dick(Richard)Beymer is a little goofy as Rab and has fun with the part(unfortunately it doesn't go anywhere.)Luana Patten as Cilla was too old for the part. A previous reviewer said that this film is ripe for a remake. I totally agree. Lets make a film(made for TV or otherwise that really does this literary treasure justice!
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"One if by land..."
treeline130 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It is Boston, in the year 1773, and Johnny Tremain is a young apprentice working for a silversmith. Unjustly accused of a crime, he is rescued by several influential men of the city, including Paul Revere. Johnny joins the "Sons of Liberty," a grass roots political organization, and takes part in the Boston Tea Party and in the famous skirmish at Concord.

The legendary events you read about as a school child come to life in a rousing, patriotic tale. While Johnny is a fictional character, most of the others in the movie are real people such as Revere (with his famous ride), Samuel Adams, and Dr. Warren. Hal Stalmaster is a very likable young Johnny, all innocence and idealism. Walter Sande (Revere) and Rusty Lane (Adams) look like their namesakes and give powerful performances.

This wholesome Disney family movie may be more appreciated by parents than their children (who no doubt have to read the source novel by Esther Forbes in school). It really brings all the names and facts to life and is quite inspiring. Highly recommended.
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anallars14 September 2018
My History Through Film class watched this movie for a brief introduction of the American Revolution. This movie follows the main character Johnny and his journey with the Sons of Liberty. At first, he was an apprentice, but ended burning his hand which left him out of work. Nobody else will take him in because of the work he cannot do with one hand. After being accused of thievery and lying after trying to reach out to his wealthy uncle, he finally finds where he can help. He finds out that his good friend is apart of the Sons of Liberty, which he then joins and does small tasks for them. He sends secret messages to the other members throughout the town and helps when they have meetings. The movie displays historical events such as the Boston Tea Party and Paul Revere's Ride. I think the film covered these events as accurately as I remember them aside from the fictional aspect of it. I was able to follow what was going on pretty well. It was made in the 50's, so the acting and everything else overall is quite cheesy, but I think that's what made it a little more enjoyable. This was the first movie I've ever seen that was about the American Revolution. I will probably look up more movies about this part of history so I can see other ways filmmakers have told the story. There were some parts that I found a little boring and I almost lost interest. But, there were also some parts that I really enjoyed. I think it was a good movie overall. I don't think I'll watch other movies by this director, but only because it's difficult to find ways to watch movies from this long ago. It's a fun film that covers a part of history in an entertaining way. You get to learn about the American Revolution in an educational way as well as follow a fun fictional character on his journey.
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Wasn't that bad
dirtyjabs10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was actually pretty good and it kept me interested. It wasn't slow and it actually had script compared to the first movie of the new world. The reason why we watched this movie was for our history through film class. The filmmaker was telling the story of Johnny who wants to fight but can't because of his hand injury. The movie is really staticky and you can tell it's old school. When they had war it looks like a golf field they had it on. Some of the stuff in the movie wasn't as gory just because it was made by Disney and so it doesn't really explain the brutal part of the war. I liked how it actually had script instead of just playing along it kept me instrested and not bored. I didn't like how old it was because it isn't as thrilling as new movies now .
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A decent historical movie
bambamcohee10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie to see the progress movies had made throughout history. The was about a young boy who helped distribute knowledge about the British. He had a burned hand and couldn't do much else so he took the job. He was tasked with remembering the names of important people in history and deliver messages to them. The acting was pretty bad and so were the special effects used. The video was grainy and you can tell the set isn't as good as they are today. How Johnny was trained to ride the horse seems inaccurate to me. Along with the the tea party. The stand off with the Brits and how they picked them off so easily seems unlikely. I like how after the court case Johnny showed his dad he didn't need him or the cup. How Johnny knew his grandpa couldn't make a new handle so he tried to. Also how Johnny's impairment didn't stop him from trying to help. I didn't like how much of the og story was taken out. overall it was an ok movie. It did have historical accuracy. But it should not be looked at as something that'll teach you a lot. It was interesting to see how they made preformed everything in such an old film. It wouldn't be the end of the world if i never saw anything with the same people ever again.
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Johny Tremain Review
spenhask10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am doing a review for the movie known as Johnny Tremain. I'm reviewing this movie for my U.S. History through film class. The plot of the story is that this guy Johnny burns his hand and can't do his usual job because of it. S he needs to find new work. However, not many will hire him because of his hand being burned. So he turns to this rich relative of his who ends up getting him involved with the revolutionary war. I noticed that there's only horses and guns and such in this movie because of its time period. I also noticed it takes place right before the revolutionary war. So there's still British soldiers that order people around and some listen while others disobey their orders. Also, there's a couple of big events of the war put in like the Boston Tea Party. I question whether Johnny actually burned his hand or not. I also question whether he actually had some distant relative that he turned to for employment. It's a history movie just like The New World was supposed to be. But it's much better because it actually has plot and I can understand what's going on. Whereas The New World was just too artsy to really be a history movie. I liked that it had an actual plot. I also like how there's actual dialouge among the characters. But the best part is it was actually able to entertain me which is more than I can say for The New World. I didn't like how short it was the movie didn't last long enough. It would've been nice if it showed the rest of the war and how it impacted Johnny afterward. Overall, the movie was pretty good. There's decent characters, a good plot, and represents its time period pretty well. It was an interesting movie and it would be nice to see others like it.
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Johnny Tremain is a good American entertainment
MovieGuy10926 July 2011
Johnny Tremain is quirky Hollywood at its quirkiest. I really liked it though, for all of its uncalculated moves. I enjoyed the fictional character's journey through real events. The battle scenes are okay and the story is serviceable, but what wins it over is the charisma of the main character. Quirky and flawed, but never unengaging or lacking in any sort of good American entertainment, it may not be that well remembered, but I still found it likable. For all the pleasures of 1957 Hollywood including 12 Angry Men and The Bridge on the River Kwai, this is limited, but it still does not fail in being a good time killer and entertainment device.
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hannbell14 September 2018
I watched Johnny Tremain because I'm taking a history through film class. This was one movie that we all watched together in class. The movie is about the Sons of Liberty, it contains the Boston Tea Party and Paul Revere's Ride. It tells the story about Johnny, a boy who worked for a blacksmith until he had an accident and was unable to use one of his hands, and his journey joining the Sons of Liberty. We learn about their secret meetings they had and all the plans they made. Some of acting was really cheesy and the lines were kind of funny. You can tell the movie was made in the 50's due to that and the screen quality. There was bad lighting and the screen was slightly fuzzy so it gave it an older kind of look. I feel like the film followed history as I know it pretty well. It made sense and it followed the stories that I've always heard and had the right people. Something I did realize was different was Paul Revere's ride. It wasn't as big a deal as I've always heard it was and I'm pretty sure he isn't alone on his mission to watch for the light. I once watched a Suite Life of Zack and Cody episode where they reenacted the Boston Tea Party. Aside from that I've never really watched a film about this that I can remember. I really liked this film because it had a good sense of friendship and community among the Sons of Liberty. It always makes you feel good to see the good guys win and even though this is history and so it must follow the storyline, it was still something I like to see. I also liked the fact that they had children and teenagers in it instead of a bunch of old guys, I didn't like that some parts were very uneventful and I got bored and distracted easily. As a movie overall I think it was a good way to educate people on this history of those stories in an understandable and entertaining way. Although it didn't follow history quite exactly, it still had most of the correct facts. This isn't a movie I would watch more than once because it wasn't very exciting. I also probably wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they were trying to find a way to learn some short history quick and easy. It was interesting but not enough to make me want to rewatch it.
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Can't believe how bad this movie is
mdenis4616 December 2011
I taught US history for 39 years. I also had my classes READ the novel. When done, we'd show the movie. Over the 15 or so years we did this, I can't remember a single student who liked the movie compared with the book. They (7th and 8th graders) were totally insulted at how Disney gutted the story, way beyond the need for making it into a "family" movie. Whole, important story lines were omitted -- Dove and the chalice, for instance. For those poor souls who have said in other reviews how this movie teaches them about American history -- SAD, SAD!

One of my students was able to point out, literally, two dozen MAJOR historical inaccuracies -- The Tea Party took place in Boston in December, yet people are dressed like they're in Orlando in August; the Battle of Lexington took place outside Boston in April, when there is usually snow on the ground, yet the movie shows beautiful New England fall foliage! If THIS is how people learn about American history, no wonder most of our population knows NOTHING about our history!

People who think this is a wonderful movie obviously live in a Disney-created bubble world where every day is sunny and no one ever dies. They'd LOVE Disney's version of "The Civil War", played by Mickey and Donald, where North and South sing together happily while the bluebirds sing.

If you want a good laugh then, READ the novel, then (if you can stand it), watch this movie!
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"It's A Tall Oak Tree And A Strong Oak Tree, and we are the sons and we are the sons, The Sons Of Liberty"
bkoganbing4 October 2011
Johnny Tremain took a reverse process in attaining success as one of the best films about the American Revolution. It was a two part program on Walt Disney's television show and then later it was stitched together for theatrical release, so popular did it prove. Just like Disney's Davy Crockett. You can plainly see the seams, but that really doesn't matter.

The fictional character of Johnny Tremain who is an apprentice silversmith and his struggle to establish his birthright to the satisfaction of his loyalist uncle Sebastian Cabot is set against the background of Boston in the 1770s. As we well know the seeds of the American Revolution were planted there, it was a hotbed of latent treason to the British crown.

As Johnny Tremain started as a juvenile novel the issues of the American Revolution are quite simply laid out so that even the lay historian can follow the issues and the events of the Boston Tea Party and later the Battles of Lexington and Concord pretty much as they actually occurred.

And the personalities of the Sons Of Liberty come wonderfully alive in this film. Walter Sande as Paul Revere, Walter Coy as Dr. Joseph Warren, Rusty Lane as Samuel Adams step right out from the textbooks. But in the few scenes he has Jeff York as James Otis steals the movie.

There was a touch of genius in the casting of York and who would have suspected it because York normally played rough hewn frontier type characters. It was totally against type that York was cast as the Back Bay Patriot with both genius and madness in his running in his veins. Otis and Johnny Tremain define the real issues of what became the American Revolution in the best acted scene in the film.

Hal Stalmaster was a fine and earnest Johnny Tremain and was 'introduced' in this film. Why his career went nowhere after that is still a mystery. Luana Patten plays the daughter of Will Wright and Virginia Christine the silversmiths that Stalmaster is apprenticed to and Richard Beymer plays Stalmaster's original tutor in radical Sons Of Liberty politics.

If grade school teachers are not using Johnny Tremain as a teaching tool when the kids are learning the American Revolution, shame on them.
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Revolutionary Boston through the Disney lens
jhkp30 September 2018
Johnny Tremain is a well-enough made film and can be enjoyed on its own terms. I'm kind of torn about Disney versions of great books because, on the one hand, I enjoyed them immensely as a kid. They have a certain style all their own (in the art direction, music, costumes, production values) that I still find pleasing. On the other hand, the "Disnifying" of books like Johnny Tremain often takes the real heart and soul out of the work, substituting a kind of formulaic style that still manages to be heart-tugging and soul-stirring, but in a much more simplistic way.

You see it over and over, in all kinds of adaptations. I would describe it as cartoon-like. Every complex situation or emotion can be reduced to this Disney formula. If a book has a child protagonist and Disney gets a hold of the book, you can expect this same treatment of the material. Or at least you could, back in the 50s and 60s.

Robert Stevenson, a good director who had once worked for RKO (Jane Eyre, Walk Softly Stranger, The Las Vegas Story) was at the helm of a lot of these films. I sometimes wonder how he could justify to himself directing so many bowdlerizations of great books. But then, the movies were box office hits, so maybe it wasn't so hard.

Anyhow, looking at the film, it's not bad, but it's also a little weak. The adults in the audience might cringe when the patriots start singing "We are the sons of liberty" as if it were a Nelson Eddy musical..

The acting is fine, with some talented character actors on hand (Sebastian Cabot, Virginia Christine, Walter Sande, Rusty Lane, Gavin Gordon, Whit Bissell, Will Wright). I never cared too much for Richard (Dick) Beymer, who plays Rab, but he's good in this. Hal Stalmaster plays Johnny well. But he's not given as much to work with as he might have been, had they stuck closer to the book (where Johhny is a cocksure kid at the beginning who burns his hand and ruins his chances of being a silversmith, then becomes more humble). The character grows, in the film, but in a less interesting way.

Turning Johnny Tremain into a lighter adventure of the early days of the Revolution, rather than a dramatic piece of historical fiction, doesn't really ruin it. Somehow it still has a thrilling feeling of history in the making. Film itself is an exciting medium, and through the use of color, design, camera placement and movement, a sense of the dramatic can be achieved, and it is, here. That it gives us a happy ending without emotional depth, and a kind of pageant of history rather actual history, or any true human drama, is not unusual from this studio.
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Fairly boring.
ashlyndroge14 September 2018
I am watching this movie for my History Through Film class. It's definitely not the best movie I have ever seen. The filmmaker is telling the story of Johnny Tremain and how he helped with the Boston Tea Party. He started out as an apprentice and wanted to start his own trade. But, after burning his hand, he wasn't much help anymore. So, he set out to find something else he could do for work. The acting really wasn't that good in this movie. The camera quality was also pretty bad as well. Special effects weren't the best either. I didn't question any of the historical accuracy, because I actually do not know what really happened at the Boston Tea Party. I think that this movie connects to many of the other movies that are about the Boston Tea Party. They're a little different, but basically the same story line. I liked the song "sons of liberty", it was really catchy. I honestly didn't like much of the rest of the movie. I didn't like how in some parts of the movie, you couldn't follow the story. I did not like this movie. It was boring and not interesting. It didn't make sense. I don't think I would watch another by the same director or by the starring actors.
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