Naked Paradise (1957) Poster

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A film so big it warranted two titles!
mark.waltz9 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Many films have re-released titles or a title for another country. This film has posters and lobby cards under both "Naked Paradise" and "Thunder Over Hawaii". Perhaps one was for the drive-in crowd, the other for mainstream theaters. At any rate, it's a bizarre little American International film where Beverly Garland spends much of the film drunk, perhaps secretly laughing over having just crossed swords with the freaky looking monster from Venus in "It Conquered the World!" Hey, I figure if she can handle an upside down ice cream cone with crab claws then she can handle the seasickness her character faces with lots of booze in this. She's the mistress of gangster Leslie Bradley who knows what he's up to but is hardly ever sober enough to try to stop it. So when she wakes up and meets the boat captain, Richard Denning, Bradley has hired to help him, she sees a way out, established by her falling in love with him and giving up the hooch.

The weird blurred colors of this indicates the feeling of a really bad sunburn, or in Garland's case a really bad hangover. Garland's drunk act is pretty convincing, but she was always much better than the films she starred in. By the time getting realizes what Bradley is up to, it's too late because Bradley has weapons, but nature is going to take its course in this naked paradise, and it's really about a shattering slice of life that culminates the film in a nasty twist. Lisa Montell is a beautiful Hawaiian girl who figures prominently as the girlfriend of one of Bradley's men, but no actress is credited of the role of the rather large Hilo Hattie Hawaiian matron who does nothing but cook and eat and swing her considerable hips to a hula. Pretty hokey D grade adventure that had a script which could be changed based on the locations, making it rather generic.
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