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By Regalscope standards, this one is pretty good!
JohnHowardReid19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Filmed in Mexico with the Co-operation of Sotomayor Productions. Photographed in Regalscope (some Fox publicity says CinemaScope, thereby proving once again my claim that Regalscope is Bausch & Lomb CinemaScope and vice-versa). Producer: Jack Leewood.

Copyright 1959 by Associated Producers, Inc. Released through 20th Century-Fox Film Corp. No recorded New York opening. U.S. release: March 1959. U.K. release: May 1960. Australian release not recorded. 7,066 feet. 78 minutes. This full-length version was released in the U.K., but in the U.S.A. the film was cut to 73 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: Taursus, a buccaneer, shoots down his comrade Tiburon after helping him bury a treasure-chest on a desert island. Tiburon, left for dead, recovers, and in his wanderings about the isle meets a young boy, Frank, a marooned ship's helper with a pet seal who has adopted the ways of a savage. The two build themselves a jungle hideaway while waiting through the years for the proverbial ship that never comes; soon the young savage becomes a handsome muscular youth.

COMMENT: In their admirable rush to make "B" versions of well-known children's classics, it was inevitable that Associated Producers would turn to Captain Marryat (1792-1848). I still remember reading "Mr. Midshipman Easy" (1836) and "Masterman Ready" (1842). "The Little Savage" (not published in America until 1877) is obviously one of the author's lesser works, but it makes an entertaining movie (even if much of its amusement is unintentional) all the same.
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Don't play the "Argh!" drinking game.
mark.waltz14 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There's an extremely over-the-top performance by Pedro Armendáriz as pirate El Tiburon who is left for dead on a deserted island, discovering later that it isn't quite so deserted (the presence of a 10 year old boy and his pet seal Flipper), taking control and teaching the boy as he grows up to be a man the facts of his life. He's a little hard to take, unnecessarily brutally bossy and hot tempered, but showing a hidden heart of gold when the boys life is impacted by a shark attack. His constant use of cliched pirate jargon makes him really annoying after a while.

But this is a good adventure for children, seeming almost like a Disney movie but not, and although the seal gets sacrificed, the friendship that grows is not a while there's a bit of an understanding and respect as El Tiburon begins to learn a little bit about honor as he ages, although the plan for revenge against the pirate who left him there never diminishes. Terry Rangno is the young Frank and Robert Palmer takes over as he becomes a man, and you do get to see Armendáriz start to age.

As this was made in 1959, it looks cheap in black and white and certainly would have benefited by color. Certainly there are enough colorful characters to warned that with a friendly parrot remaining another consistent friend. Fortunately this flies by at under 75 minutes and kids will certainly find El Tiburon fun to laugh at. Adults might want to yo ho ho and a bottle of rum every time he crackles one of his catch phrases, but even at a short running time, that wouldn't be wise.
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So Freely Adapted From the Novel as to Have No Relationship
schweinhundt196716 November 2002
If anyone has read the original story(and the only way I ever read it was through Classics Illustrated),then you'll see that this is more closely related to"Treasure Island",and every film made with Cooper and Beery than the grim story written by Captain Marryat.Where do we begin? 1.)The original story takes place on a guano island off the coast of Chile,during the 1820s,rather than on the Spanish Main during the late 1680s. 2.)The screenplay,dealing with a double-crossed pirate redeeming himself by raising and loving a shipwrecked boy,and helping him to become a responsible man,never took place in the original opus. 3.)The only incident taken from the book involves the loyal seal who sacrifices himself for his master from the sharks. 4.)We've got an old bandit,who becomes a loving dad,and helps his boy reach manhood,by giving up his own life. Marryat's book is a tale of loneliness,Victorian duty,sacrifice,emotional deprivation,and growing up with the absolute minimal amount of nurturance imaginable.It wouldn't have sold without any the romance and swashbuckling adventure given in this movie.
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One third Treasure Island, one third Blue Lagoon, and one third Robinson Crusoe
bkoganbing23 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
One Third Treasure Island and one third Blue Lagoon, and one third Robinson Crusoe, The Little Savage for the most part features only the marooned Pedro Armendariz as a pirate captain whose second mate has abandoned him on a deserted uninhabited island in the 18th century Caribbean. It's Rodolfo Hoyos who's done Armendariz wrong, yet Armendariz is on the island where the pirate loot is buried, but he doesn't know where it is.

He's also not alone, he has 10 year old Terry Rangno on there as well. And they're stuck there for the duration.

So it's Long John Silver and Jim Hawkins who kind of take to each other in much the same fashion as Robert Louis Stevenson's characters do. And in that tropic paradise along comes Christiane Martel to teach the grown Rangno, now played by Robert Palmer the facts of life. I imagine none too soon because if I had been stuck those many years as Armendariz I might have gotten ideas.

Of course in the end Hoyos and Armendariz do have a reckoning as you might have figured they would.

Production values are on the cheap, they should have sprung for color cinematography so at least you could have a lovely view of a tropic Caribbean isle. The Blue Lagoon angle renders this one kind of unsuitable for family viewing. Adults might find it titillating but that's all.
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Where is this Wonderful Family Movie?
davidphilbarbara6 May 2008
This great warm adventure film about a little boy and a pirate shipwrecked on a deserted island is a joy to watch. Pedro Armendize can play a pirate almost as good as Robert Newton. Terry Rango is also good as the little boy and Robert Palmer plays him grown up. When I was a kid it was shown on most of the local TV channels and was even shown twice at my local theaters as a kiddie matinée. It was released by a major movie company, 20 Centry Fox. But now it is not shown anywhere that I know of, neither has it been released on video or DVD. Why? Who is holding it back? Parents everywhere, write or e-mail Fox and the DVD companies and request it's release. Today's children don't know what they are missing. At long last you can watch it online. Now please, please release it on DVD!
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A Great Family Movie, but what has happened to it?
dberrymanal121 November 2003
This was my favorite movie when I was a kid. But I have not seen it on TV since the late sixties. It is not even listed in most move reference books. Can any one tell me why it is not being shown? And is there any way I can get it on video? You would think with that "surviver" series such at hit,video companies would be turning every movie ever made about people stranded on a deserted island. Please some one tell where this movie is and where I can get it. Thank you.
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