This Is My Street (1964) Poster

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Well worth watching
tlloydesq14 July 2014
In the 1950's and 1960's UK cinema became more gritty and realistic. It examined the human cost of relationships focussing on the fact that people can get hurt.

"This is my Street" pulls no punches: Marge has lived in Jubilee Terrace all her life and wants to get out. She is married to Sid who is happy to pop down to the pub for a few beers and a game of darts – he sets his targets pretty low. Bad boy Harry rents a room next door (from Marge's mum) and provides the potential escape Marge dreams of. But does Harry want love or just sex? Marge has a pretty sister who pops along midway through the film, she seems to be well set – will her dreams be dashed? Down the street is Maureen who is happy to provide the sex but expects something permanent. But does her lover just want sex or does he want love? This film was made 50 years ago and some of its topics must have been challenging at the time.

Ian Hendry's unsympathetic portrayal of Harry must have been difficult to take in the 1960s. Quite possibly realistic but not the sort of manner the public would want to face up to.

June Ritchie gets under your skin as Marge. You want to like her but she also presents an unsympathetic profile. In fact few of the leads come out with any sympathy which I guess was the intention of the makers. Jubilee Terrace is a metaphor for life in general – we all have our dreams, sometimes these come true but other times we get a kick in the teeth and fall back into line.

I think the film still rings true today. We all have our aspirations. This is rather a blunt way of showing how we can be disappointed.
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Gritty realism
lucyrf8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Lovely b/w photography. June Ritchie is excellent as Marge, the bored housewife who works in a department store selling handbags and has a little daughter of about four, minded by her mum every day. Mum lives next door, and has a lodger, Harry, with a roving eye and a seedy strip club. Marge has an affair with Harry, but gets too "intense", and Harry moves on to Marge's sister Jinny, who's engaged to an uptight doctor. All the actors are convincing, but the best thing about this film is the claustrophobic setting: the tiny rooms too full of old-fashioned furniture, the crumbling Victorian terrace houses full of cheery modern touches in the form of bright curtains and formica-topped tables. When not stifling indoors, the cast roam the strangely empty streets under the gas-holder, or occasionally live it up in a ritzy night club, wearing flashy cheap clothes. It's an almost lost world.
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The Girl from Battersea
richardchatten7 October 2020
That Anglo-Amalgamated were now making kitchen sink dramas showed that by 1963 the genre had reached the commercial mainstream. Reuniting June Ritchie & Ian Hendry from the now forgotten 'Live Now - Pay Later', this isn't even included in the filmography of executive producer Peter Rogers' autobiography, although it's probably as good as anything he ever made. (The one thing betraying that it came from the same stable as the 'Carry Ons' is Eric Rogers' score.)

When I last saw this film on the occasion of it's only screening on BBC2 as the Midnight Movie on the night of 11 June 1977 it was less than fifteen years old and already seemed a period piece. Hendry (still a familiar face on TV) had long since become old and haggard compared to the dashing young fellow he then was. Now he's been dead nearly thirty years and John Hurt - who here looks barely old enough to shave - would be eighty were he still with us. But the film still lives!
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The music and Clapham
leavymusic-27 August 2019
What Stands out in this movie for me is the Eric Rogers music, he did all the music for the carry on films, and it's so distinctive in this, sometimes sounds like a comedy, but he gets away with it, adds a style which is so 1960's. Love these British dramas, as many agree they have more story power and character than a lot modern films, and it's always charming to see London in a different light, how it's changed so much since then, filmed in south London nr Clapham. Good film, fully recommend it if you like B&w British class.
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Kitchen Sink Soap
TheFearmakers11 September 2021
Ian Hendry plays a role that would have probably better fit a more downright handsome Laurence Harvey, but he does have the right amount of scoundrel charm that's initially fully-loaded towards pretty married June Ritchie, who definitely has a kid... In fact she and loose lodger Hendry consummate after both take time finding her...

But while there are a fair number of scenes with June's bored, jobless husband Mike Pratt, they really don't seem all that married... and either way there's zero chemistry between the actors...

On the other hand, as the film opens, Ian and June's Harry and Margery are the perfect couple in both age and looks, so their inevitable romantic twist is hardly daring... That's left to the second act as June's younger, spunkier lookalike college-aged sister Annette Andre turns up and gets the full-press treatment...

As predictable soap operatic romance ensues and IS initially intriguing... in fact both affairs (little sis dates a snobby doctor who may soon be her fiance) have the right kind of "how far will this flirtation go" mystique...

But the far more interesting character's kept on the side, a neighboring b-story's b-girl brunette (contrasting the blonde leads) in Philippa Gail, having an affair with a random married man while hit-on by greasy spoon co-worker John Hurt...

And, overall, THIS IS MY STREET does effectively use the titular location that includes the usual bleak B&W "kitchen sink drama" streets, huddled housing and even a bombed-out scrapyard...

What's lacking in the romance department is RISK. Without any real MALE obstacles, our boy Hendry basically seems like a single dude sharking after single girls.
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Whatever Happened to June Ritchie?
kidboots15 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Along with Carol White, June Ritchie was the Crown Princess of the Kitchen Sinks - that genre of films where British realism really came into it's own. Originally teamed with Ian Hendry in "Live Now Pay Later" both were now at the top of their game. For June fame would be fleeting but for a few years she was able to put her stamp on some memorable roles - and her Margy is close to perfection. Margie is battling with her dead end life, married to Sid (the ever reliable Mike Pratt) who only gets excited when a darts match is in the offing, she also has to fend off her mother's sleazy boarder Harry, and now her boss has indicated that he will promote her to a store model - if she is nice to him!! (Sid's response is to feel proud that she's the girl her boss chose!!)

When her little girl goes missing strip club owner Harry is the only person around to help and his mastery of the situation helps to dispel her reservations and she suddenly sees him as her white knight. By this time Ian Hendry had the smarmy lothario lodger down pat and he inhabits his part so deeply he is Harry - who in even the end scene with all the damage done and he sees in Margie, once again the unobtainable, his attitude is "well that's all sorted, let's go down to the local for a quick pint"!! Unbeknownst to Harry, Margie is walking a thin line of intensity hurtling herself into an abyss, she is not the type for a quick fling. Once Marg becomes clingy Harry loses interest and soon turns to her sister Ginny (a very lovely Annette Andre) home on a visit just before announcing her engagement to a doctor!! Oddly enough she can't resist Harry's oily charm either but Margie who has a ring side seat to the goings on, is driven to suicide.

Wow, June Ritchie owns this movie giving such power to all her scenes. All the more, as a subplot soon introduces Maureen, a girl who knows her power over men and uses it to get what she wants (an interesting contrasting scene is when Larry gives Margy some jewelry she is so pathetically eager to like it, when Maureen receives some from her "fancy man" she wants to know when the earrings are coming!!). Maureen's family situation is different as well - her stay at home father who devotedly reads the bible is ridiculed by both his daughter and wife who is having a not so secret affair with a family friend. Maureen sets her sights on Steve who drives a fancy car and showers her with gifts but like Larry, Maureen is too self obsessed to look deeply at her lover's psyche, he has the same very deep feelings as Margy and when she comes to a rendevous looking dishevelled after being attacked by a man she flirted openly with at a bar (Patrick Cargill is singularly sinister) her lover sees red and Maureen's story has a shocking conclusion!!

John Hurt has a small linking role as a young cafe worker and the butt of Maureen's jokes.

Highly Recommended.
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Carry On up the street.
malcolmgsw5 February 2016
This as an untypical Peter Rogers production with the exception of one thing,the music.Composed by Eric Rogers you can hear the Carry on themes in it.At the time Ian Hendrey was at the peak of his stardom.Alas drink would ruin his career and he would die young.In this film he is effectively nasty.Mind you most of the characters are unpleasant,and none are better of at the end of the film.One notable feature of this film is the extensive use of South London locations.There is a lot less traffic then..I would guess that this film would have earned an X certificate,however this film is pretty tame by today's standards.
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Sad to say, yes this is accurate.....
jefadlm-18 May 2021
First off, anyone reading this , do not be under any impression that I have any regrets about my London younger days.

This is an accurate portrayal of how men treated women also how some women often lead men along a path of intimate desire , often ending with no result. Added to which, Harry's ( Ian Hendry ) were as predatory for anything lacking responsibility , so you can certainly discount marriage .And if the woman became pregnant , the man would go out of his way to ensure his water tight disappearance .All that said, many women got taken in , first by good looks, which Harry certainly has and a man that was bold and forward in his sometimes forceful and suggestive words and body language . All these folk, women and men were unique to 1950s to 1970s cultural British attitudes. The well known early film with Michael Caine ' ALFIE ' remains as powerful today as it was then, albeit only dealing with one male , one female as opposed to multiple ladies and gents in this narrative. Take note, the man always drives an expensive , often flashy car, especially Harrys imported American , which in those days was referred to as ' very well heeled man ' Best Italian suites, and only the best shoes silk ties and best luxury cars .In some viewers minds , one critical point are the slightly posh accents which would not be the case for people living in a rather run down London suburb , apart from the son, , whose accent is noticeably at a lower level ! Also, everyone is well dressed . When do theses people go to work and where does their income come from for all their trappings ? An interesting film, although i noticed a number of gaps in the narrative ? The bottom line of my first sentence is due to the fact I never fitted in with these characters, bearing no grudge, as my cars were always ordinary, and my dress sense casual , with no expensive shoes.
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A throwback to the films of the forties and fifties
MOscarbradley4 April 2017
This slice of so-called British realism came after a slew of really outstanding kitchen-sink dramas and was really something of a let-down. As directed by the lack-lustre Sidney Hayers it's more of a throwback to the British films of the forties and fifties, watchable certainly but nothing to get excited about. It's also let down by the highly inadequate performance of the pretty but vacant June Ritchie, cast here as the unhappily married housewife seduced by randy neighbour Ian Hendry. He's excellent, certainly a lot better than his material. However, none of the supporting cast, including a very young John Hurt, make much of an impression.
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crumpytv25 January 2021
Although preceding it by a couple of years, this film reminded me of Alfie. I thought the attitude towards women in Alfie was a one off, but apparently not. For Alfie read Harry. Flash Harry (Ian Hendry) His attitude towards women is use them and leave them, but the thing I don't get is why the women all seem seemed willing to prostitute themselves for a smooth talker, money and/or a good time (or all of the above!) Four women fall into this category in this film, surely women of that time were not so shallow and promiscuous. Also, were the two husbands concerned really so naïve as not to see what was going on right under their noses, and the mother come to that. I shudder to think what message this film sent out to the young people of the time watching in the cinema. Anyway, it is a good period piece with lots of footage of South London and Routemaster buses! The picture quality and sound was good, unlike films a few years earlier.
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A good cast gone to waste!
alexanderdavies-993821 December 2018
This film could have been potentially interesting, if only the story wasn't so boring and confusing. I felt I was watching a bunch of scenes cobbled together and with no sense of continuity. I soon lost interest. There is a very good cast at hand but they can't do much with a poor storyline. Ian Hendry and June Ritchie do quite well and at least there's a bit of on-screen chemistry between them. A very young John Hurt has nothing to do and is restricted to a few meaningless minutes of screen time. It's best to avoid this one.
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