Split Cherry Tree (1982) Poster

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a gifted students future lies in the hands of his unschooled father
ljarsonbeck-122 August 2004
In early America in a rural sector of high wheat and corn fields stands a small school house where a young farmers mind is opened to the world of science (a passion now being flamed by deeper study than the farm fields and weather patterns could offer). But it's an early spring a time for young minds to sow the fields and help with chores...it's always been the custom. The boy wants desperately to stay in school and further his learning which may ready him for college in a few years. His life is torn between duty and custom and this new direction. However, the ultimate choice is that of his father: man of the land, hard and unschooled..can the teacher help explain this new life?? What can this father care about a passion for microbiology?? A very nice little film I saw on HBO when HBO offered some culture in between the T&A for ratings. It may also offer you a chance to see some dilemmas American youth faced in another time. An absolutely wonderful little short I saw only twice but remember well 22 years later.
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