Strike Commando 2 (1988) Poster

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It's not a mirage! Richard Harris actually co-stars in this!
gridoon16 July 2002
More like a collection of ripped-off scenes (just to name a few of the "sources": "Predator", "Rambo II", "Lethal Weapon") than an actual sequel to "Strike Commando". Not as enjoyable as that film, anyway, but still worthy of two stars, because for those who can enjoy "Strike Commando" this won't be so bad after all. However, the villains are too stupid to be considered a threat and Brent Huff is an actor with all the talent of, say, Lou Ferrigno.
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Inferior but fun light hearted sequel to a classic
Bloodwank14 March 2012
Well, I would have hoped a director as mighty as Bruno Mattei might be one to break the curse of inferior sequels. Sadly not, but he does his best here with the odds stacked against him. This time around he doesn't have the incomparable Reb Brown, massive amounts of firepower and corresponding bodycount nor hysterical emoting, and his various "inspirations", tend to be lighter (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Romancing the Stone, Lethal Weapon as well as Rambo 2 and other jungle actioners), so really the ultimate product was bound to be flawed, and it is, but it still pretty much rocks so its all good. Brent Huff takes over the Mike Ransom role, and while he lacks the stately magnificence of Reb Brown does a solid job, a smart, rough and tumble tough guy who can come into his own when the going gets hard. Mary Stavin plays a bar owning partner and love interest of sorts, bold, brassy, badass and not to mention beautiful she proves an ideal counterweight to the macho end of the scale. Italian schlock regulars Massimo Vanni and Ottaviano dell'Acqua (Rats: Night of Terror) appear as well, but the most plaudits go to the great Richard Harris. The cosmos only knows what strange wheels turned to put Richard Harris in a Bruno Mattei film but he gives it his all, a turn of authority and dignity forged in total commitment, he plays the material as if it were Oscar worthy and the effect his marvellous, his scenes tremendously entertaining. The star power can't entirely distract from the fact that the film is a bit too light hearted, and doesn't have quite enough action, explosions, wannabe gruelling violence or deranged tilts at pathos to be truly great, there are certainly classy bits (often involving useless ninjas) but overall there's a slightly underpowered feel to things. Still, I can't say as this isn't pretty solid entertainment. You'll laugh, you'll roll your eyes, you may in some small moments feel your pulse start to quicken but most importantly, you'll likely won't feel bored. So worth a watch for fans of this sort of thing.
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More cheesy action goodness from Bruno Mattei
Leofwine_draca2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
STRIKE COMMANDO 2 is another crazy jungle adventure film from Bruno Mattei, the undisputed king of Italian trash cinema. This one was shot in the Philippines like its predecessor, so you see folk like Vic Diaz turn up in minor roles. The film sees the wooden Stallone impersonator Brent Huff struggling to rescue a colleague from sinister terrorists, but there are twists and turns in store as well as a whole lot of cheesy and repetitive action sequences.

Yep, this is another RAMBO rip-off from the late 1980s, with the addition of a scene or two outrageously stolen from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK; there's even a Nazi guy impersonating Ronald Lacey from that film. The most bizarre thing about this sequel is the presence of Richard Harris in support, certainly the biggest star I've seen appearing in Italian trash cinema. No wonder he gave up acting for a while afterwards.
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Cheap and exploitative B-movie with noisy action , adventures , chases and shootouts
ma-cortes28 April 2021
Vietnam squad leader, Major Vic Jenkins : Richard Harris is kidnapped by captors terrorists demanding ten million dollars worth of precious diamonds in return for his freedom . Michael Ransom : Brent Huff is dispatched by the CIA assigning him the risked mission to release him . Along the way , he is helped by the tough but sympathetic Rosanna Boon : Mary Stavin , who owns a jungle tavern, but not all is as appears and then things go wrong , including a final twist .

Adventure movie with ironical and hilarious moments , including noisy action , thrills , plot twists, shootouts , fights against Ninjas and lots of explosion . This is a rip-off to known movies , that's why it takes parts here and there of "Rambo" by George Pan Cosmatos , "Raiders of the Lost Ark" by Steven Siielberg , "Romancing in the Stone" by Robert Zemeckis and , of course , "Strike Commando I" , also made by Bruno Mattei/Claudio Fragasso and starred by Reb Brown as Michael Ransom , Christopher Connelly , Allan Collins . In fact , the latter was an exploitative ripoff of the expensive mega-action thriller Rambo .This 1988 sequel Trappola Diabolica or Strike Commando 2 has an overwrought script from Claudio Fragasso and director Bruno Mattei himself , sleepwalking actors and below average plot . The yarn is decently played by Brent Huff as Michael Ransom who relunctantly takes the dangerous mission , the likeable Mary Stevin who bears remarkable resemblance to Farrah Fawcett and incredible interpretation by Richard Harris in a low-budget film , giving an acceptable acting as the kidnapped Maj. Jenkins . They are accompanied by some regular secondary actors of the B or Z Italian series as Massimo Vanni, Ottaviano Dell'Aqua, the Philippino Vic Díaz and Luciano Pigozzi or Allan Collins but whose scenes were ultimately deleted.

It contains a lively and moving musical score by Stefano Mainetti who lifts some John Williams' sounds. As well as atmospheric cinematography shot on location in Philippines Islands . The motion pucture was regular but professionally directed by Bruno Mattei who often used pseudonym Vincent Dawn , being assisted by his regular collaborator Claudio Fragasso who wrote the script , though uncredited . Bruno Mattei was an Italian craftsman who made a lot of films in all kinds of genres : Terror , Peplum , Spaghetti Western, Erotic , Nunexploitation, Women in Prison or WIP , such as : " Rats" , "Cage Women" , "Seven Magnificent Gladiators" , "Hell of the Living Dead" , "Robowar" , "Scalps" , "Apache Kid" , "Cop Game" , "Terminator 2" , "Emmanuel in Prison" and several others . Rating : Average 5/10. The film will appeal to Italian adventure/action aficionados.
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More Mattei, More Rips
Michael_Elliott21 July 2018
Strike Commando 2 (1988)

* (out of 4)

Here's another ultra-cheap action picture from Bruno Mattei. This time out, Michael Ransom (Brent Huff) must go into the jungles of Vietnam as his old squad leader is being held ransom. Once there the kidnappers are demanding some priceless diamonds for his return but Ransom has his own way of dealing with things.

Once again we are treated to another awful film from the one and only Bruno Mattei who has pretty much become a legend to bad movie fans because of his willingness to do whatever it takes to make something unoriginal. The first STRIKE COMMANDO was a really bad film but it did offer up a lot of bad action scenes and explosions. That stuff happens, to a lesser degree, here as well but this film also plays the Mattei game of ripping off other movies. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARC, LETHAL WEAPON and RAMBO II are just some of the films that get ripped off here.

I must admit that I was a little shocked to see a lot more dialogue and story here compared to the first film but I'm going to guess that the budget got slashed before the production started. I say that because the first film was mostly action but that's not the case here as the action doesn't really start until the finale. With that said, I must admit that I enjoyed this one here slightly more than the first because the dubbing was so bad that you couldn't help but laugh at some of the dialogue and the way it was delivered.

Huff flexes his muscles throughout but the real shock to the cast is Richard Harris. I was shocked to see him in a film from Mattei and what's stranger is that he isn't just in a walk-on part but instead he appears throughout the movie in a rather large part. Perhaps the action scenes budget was cut to give more money to Harris? Who knows but STRIKE COMMANDO 2 is pretty much what you'd expect it to be.
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Rambo Ransom the Raider of the Lost Diamonds in Vietnam?!
lowlandermg10 May 2023
A whiskey stream of consciousness review.

What did Richard Harris get paid for this film?!?! He must've needed some fundage to keep up with his notorious hellraising habits. Directed by Bruno "the man of many names other than his own" Mattei. There are actually a few nice shots and sequences spoiled by bad acting, script, and production design.

Love the scene where Ransom picks up Rosanna Boom and tosses her in the truck. Hilarious. Can't get over how much Mary Stavin (Boom) looks like Dolores O'Riordan, the late lead singer of the Cranberries. Brent Huff (Ransom) reminds me of Chris Cuomo. Fake newscaster and fake action star. Ha!

Yes, this film rips off Raiders of the Lost Ark in so many ways. If only they could have gotten a better keyboard player. Still trying to figure out why Ninjas are in Vietnam. There are scenes ripped from Rambo First Blood Part 2 and Predator as well. The movie looks like it was filmed 10 years before Predator, but was released the year after.

The clown keyboard music throughout the film adds to the ridiculousness and is probably the most appropriate style decision made. I'm guessing the choice was dead serious. Not quite the Troll2 of return to Vietnam flicks, it's close. The first Strike Commando is a much better film even though part 2 had the better budget. I'm guessing most of it went into Harris's bottle. If you like baddies, drink up. If you want more action, skip it. Wallowed through with Old Grandad 114.
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Awful Italian rip off
jellopuke23 October 2021
Take one part Missing In Action and one part Romancing the Stone and mix it with total incompetence in front of and behind the camera and you get this junk. Painfully awful with some of the worst choice in score you'll ever see. They seriously use silent comedy music for action and dramatic scenes. It's almost funny how bad this is, but it never gets so bad it's good. Save 90 minutes of your life and avoid this.
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Michael Ransom is back!
HaemovoreRex22 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Brent Huff takes over the role of Michael Ransom, formerly played by Reb Brown, in this light hearted sequel to the original film.

It's basically more of the same i.e BIG and beautiful explosions (a staple in Bruno Mattei action flicks), lots of macho posturing, our hero screaming his lungs out whenever he fires off a few rounds from his favoured M-60 and especially in the case of the film in question, some absolutely awful and inappropriate 'comedy' music! In fact, as regards the comedic value, the film plays out more overtly like a deliberate comedy throughout than its prequel which seemed to start out with serious intention before descending into an out and out hilarious laugh fest (with some possible debate as to if it was entirely intentional or not)

Added to the mix this time around we have a sadistic panama wearing Russian who has a curious predilection to garrote his victims, a small army of ninja (!) and the presence of Richard Harris (!!!!) – Yes THE Richard Harris! It's a real credit to him that even considering the material he found himself lumbered with here he still gives a great performance without hamming it up and actually lends a touch of genuine class to a film that certainly doesn't deserve it. This is not to say that the film is bad however, far from it, for although this is a HUGELY derivative movie (more about this in a moment) it's certainly never dull and more than achieves what it sets out to accomplish i.e simply to entertain.

Now, as to the aforementioned derivative nature of this, well put it this way, whilst these films are very usually shall we say politely, 'heavily influenced' by bigger budgeted American fodder, the movie in question, directly rips off amongst the most scenes (scene for scene) from other films that I think I have ever ever witnessed. As examples, obviously Rambo being a big influence here, we have a few direct re-enactments of moments from that movie in addition to and more shockingly, a number of scenes directly from Lethal Weapon including the electrocution torture scene and the staff/tonfa combat climatic fight sequence. Hell, there's even the drinking game from Raiders Of The Lost Ark lifted here! When I say 'lifted' I really do mean DIRECTLY lifted! For instance, in the previously mentioned Lethal Weapon torture scene, even the exact method of our hero's escape is copied i.e. by breaking his tormentor's neck with his legs!

Back to the more positive points of the movie now though, there's some great stunt work on display throughout the film and the action sequences are competently handled (although the final showdown being so obviously sped up does come across as odd to say the very least)

I particularly liked the macho slow mo shots of our man firing off his weapon towards the end of the film with the obligatory close ups of the spent rounds flying out and bouncing onto the floor whilst our hero hollers at the top of his lungs – cool stuff!

I must say that overall, for me at least, this movie wasn't nearly as much fun as the original but that I would still nonetheless recommend it as well worth a watch if you wish to see a lighthearted take on the genre.

Now, any chance of Strike Commando 3 Mr. Mattei?
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Raiders Romancing the Lost Stone Ark: First Blood pt. 2
udar5520 May 2007
Vietnam vet Michael Ransom (Brent Huff) is sent by the US Government into Burma to save his old commander (Richard Harris). He is ordered to pay a ransom (ha!) of $10 million dollars in diamonds. Naturally, he encounters trouble along the way. At first glance this Bruno Mattei flick might merely appear to be a RAMBO clone. But Mattei is no fool as he shamelessly rips off RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and ROMANCING THE STONE in this one. No joke, Mattei lifts the drinking scene and truck chase nearly frame-by-frame from RAIDERS.

Of course, if you enjoy this type of stuff like I do than you are in for a treat. Brent Huff is no match for Reb Brown in the role of Michael Ransom but he does well enough. And your eyes are not betraying you when you see noted thespian Richard Harris in this as the commander. I guess he wanted to star in something that made ORCA look credible on his resume. Female lead Mary Stavin is quite attractive, especially when she sneaks into the camp in a black wig. For some odd reason, Mattei decided to give this film a soundtrack like THE STING, which only enhances the comedy (the unintentional stuff, not the stuff they want you to laugh at).
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Enjoyably silly sequel
Woodyanders17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Rough'n'tumble Vietnam veteran Michael Ransom (a likeable performance by hunky Brent Huff) goes after the terrorist group who kidnapped his former 'Nam superior officer Major Vic Jenkins (nicely played with surprising conviction by a slumming Richard Harris!).

Once again notorious Italian schlockmeister Bruno Mattei delivers the right-on ridiculous Grade B exploitation goods: We've got lots of stuff blowing up real good, loads of expendable flunkies who include some of the most hilariously feeble and useless ninjas to ever disgrace the screen, frequent use of strenuous slow motion, plentiful ineptly staged action, a high body count, a pleasing sense of lighthearted humor, and a shamelessly derivative ragbag script that rips off "Rambo: First Blood Part II," "Romancing the Stone," "Lethal Weapon," and "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Lovely blonde Mary Stavin contributes a lively turn as feisty bar owner Rosanna Bloom while Mel Davidson as suavely slimy sadist Jenkins and Vic Diaz as wicked and depraved drug kingpin Huan To make for fun villains. A goofy blast.
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A total hoot.
Hey_Sweden5 March 2023
Vietnam veteran Michael Ransom, now played by Brent Huff ('The Rookie'), is currently still living in Asia, where he is recruited for a mission to rescue his former commanding officer / savior Vic Jenkins (Richard Harris ("Orca"), in a classic case of "What the Hell is HE doing here?"). To help achieve his goal, Ransom hooks up with a feisty female bar owner, played by the gorgeous Mary Stavin ("House").

Exploitation master "Vincent Dawn" (a.k.a. Bruno Mattei) strikes once again with another amalgam of ideas and scenes "borrowed" from earlier classics like "Romancing the Stone", "Apocalypse Now", "Rambo: First Blood Part II", "Predator", and "Raiders of the Lost Ark". The whole thing is quite agreeably cheesy, with a ridiculous plot (involving diamonds and drug smuggling, among other things) and oh-so-tacky dialogue and performances. Given how tacky the movie can be at times, however, I'm inclined to give the filmmakers the benefit of the doubt, and say that this is *meant* to be portrayed as tongue-in-cheek.

The action is decent, there are explosions aplenty, and the sex appeal of 1977 Miss World Stavin is undeniable. The supporting cast includes such familiar faces as Ottaviano Dell'Acqua ("Rats: Night of Terror"), Massimo Vanni ("Robowar"), and the ubiquitous and always welcome Vic Diaz ("The Big Bird Cage"), a guaranteed presence in many a Filipino exploitation picture.

Frequently funny and never boring, "Strike Commando 2" is silly as Hell but impossible to dislike.

Seven out of 10.
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Magic. Stolen magic.
BandSAboutMovies16 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Only the genius - or madness - of Bruno Mattei, Claudio Fragasso and Rossella Drudi could take a Rambo ripoff made in the Philippines and decide to add ninjas, the KGB and no small amount of inspiration from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Sgt. Michael Ransom's (Brent Huff!) owes a debt of honor to his Vietnam squad leader Vic Jenkins (Richard Harris!), who has been captured by heroin-selling terrorists who want ten million dollars worth of diamonds. Now, everyone is going to pay.

How else can I sell this movie to you? Oh yeah, Vic Diaz is in it! Plus, the Strike Commando works with a girl he meets in a bar who is in the midst of a drinking contest named Rosanna Boom. Yes, that's her name, but I'd forgive you if you called her Marion Ravenwood. She swears more than me, which is saying something, and is played by 1977 Miss World Mary Stavin, who was also in Mattei's Born to Fight, A View to a Kill, House and Adam Ant's video for "Strip."

Italian stalwarts Ottaviano Dell'Acqua and Massimo Vanni are also in this movie, which was shot at the same time as Zombie 4: After Death. And speaking of recycling, a lot of the jungle action here also shows up in Mattei's Cop Game, which is also beloved in my world.

The movie has a great twist which I didn't see coming. Then I realized that the movie had been missing one of the essential Rambo ingredients. We had not yet seen our hero get tortured. Yes, like a southern tag team babyface, he must sell and sell to build for his comeback on the man who has turned heel on him, then emerge from the mud and the blood and the filth and unleash unholy hell on people who only care about diamonds when the Strike Commando's one true love is the unending thrill of bullets, brawls and blowing things up real good.
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kirbylee70-599-5261799 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It isn't often that a sequel to a film turns out better than the first. But that's exactly what happened with STRIKE COMMANDO 2. Given a bigger budget this time director Bruno Mattei and screenwriters Claudio Fargasso and Rossella Drudi came up with a much better picture. Not only that, this time they brought along a major star in actor Richard Harris.

The group also did the smart thing of not bringing Reb Brown back to reprise the role of Mike Ransom. Instead this time he is played by Brent Huff who went on to numerous other films and can currently be seen on TV's THE ROOKIE. He turns in a much better performance than Brown and adds a touch of humor to the character not seen in the first film.

This time around Ransom is called in by an old friend to help with a situation. An old Army colleague named Vic Jenkins (Harris) has been kidnapped and is being held by the KGB. In flashbacks we see that Jenkins save Ransom's life in battle and there is a bond, a debt between the two of them. He agrees to take on the job and attempts to save Jenkins only to discover he was duped. The CIA were holding onto Jenkins to protect him. Now Ransom has put down his help and the real bad guys move in and capture Jenkins.

Ransom is taken in by the CIA and told what's going on and agrees to go in and clean up the mess he has made. He still owes Jenkins and looks at him as a father figure. Ransom is given the $10 million in diamonds the kidnappers are demanding and hits the road. Making his way through the jungle he comes across a seedy bar where he meets the owner, Rossana Boom (Mary Stavin) while looking for information. A fight ensues, the bar is burnt to the ground and Boom invites herself along as a partner with Ransom.

Along the way Ransom learns that the person behind the kidnapping is Kramet (Mel Davidson), a Vietnamese drug lord in charge of a major heroin ring. The diamonds he is demanding will expand his business globally and increase his power.

As with all movies in the Rambo-esque world these films become there are crosses and double crosses galore. But the film does toss in some comic relief at times that makes it bearable. In addition to that the stunt work here is among some of the best seen from the stuntmen in the Philippines.

It has been said that Mattei and his writers wanted to combine the concepts RAMBO and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and from the way it turns out there seems a touch of ROMANCING THE STONE going on here too. Strangely enough it almost works. The film does entertain, far more so than the first film. Apparently it wasn't successful enough to see a third film.

Severin has released this one in an amazing transfer as well with another 2k scan of the original film negative. The extras are also pretty good for a film this old including both the theatrical and extended cuts of the film, "Guerilla Zone" an interview with co-director Claudio Fragasso, "Michael Ransom Strikes Back" and interview with actor Brent Huff and the trailer for the film.
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If you can see SC2, do go forth and watch.
tarbosh2200028 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Ransom is back! This time around, he's played by Brent Huff, and he really has his hands full for this particular adventure. His old Major in Vietnam, Vic Jenkins (Harris) has been kidnapped, and his captors want ten million dollars in diamonds in return for his release. The baddie doing all the dirty work representing the terrorists who not only kidnap people, but have a large heroin-making facility, is named Kramet (Davidson). He wears a white suit in the dead of summer and has an army of ninjas backing him up wherever he goes. Soon, Ransom ends up teaming up with local tavern owner Rosanna Boom (Stavin) and CIA guy Kelly Sellers (Vanni) (who is coming up with these names?) - to ultimately shut down the drugs operation, run by the nefarious Huan To (Diaz, because this movie was shot in the Philippines) and save Jenkins, but some twists and turns might say otherwise. Will Ransom pay the ransom for Jenkins? Find out today! While Strike Commando 2 has some good moments, overall we prefer the first entry in this two-part series. It must have been tough for Huff to fill the shoes of Reb Brown, and he even tries his hand at a Reb-style scream, or, Reb-el yell as we call it, towards the end of the movie. While it would have been a perfectly serviceable scream in its own right, compared to the master Reb, it falls short. But the main problem is that there are too many "wacky" musical stings, which highlight some attempted comedy. Usually this comes in the form of the typical bickering between Brent Huff and Stavin, who plays the stereotype "nagging woman" role. That is, until they can learn to get along. Adding some loopy clarinets and silent movie-style sped-up fights detract from the intensity the movie should have.

But there are plenty of positives to be found as well: many high-quality explosions are on show, and of course the main victims of these blow-ups are huts. There is some funny dubbing and some unintentional "laffs" as well. Naturally, there is the prerequisite torture scene, and in this jungle, many guard towers fall, or, poor unfortunate watchmen fall out of them. And lest we forget Richard Harris, of Richard Harris fame, whose presence here is inexplicable - but extremely welcome. Maybe the Academy Award voters held this against him and that's why he was a nominee but never a winner? Regardless, this is Harris as fans want to see him, and, like a true professional, he doesn't treat the material as inferior. He gives a strong, classy performance.

Michael Ransom has some UNFINISHED BUSINESS - with his automatic rifle and his missile launcher. Despite some missteps, if you can see SC2, do go forth and watch. Don't leave in a Huff, check it out if you get the chance.
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Not bad Italian RAMBO 2 rip-off!
Serpent-57 April 1999
The first one was a black comedy starring Reb Brown and Christopher Connelly, and it had numerous scenes that was lifted from RAMBO 2. But now, the sequel is more serious and headlines action star Brent Huff as a commando who is in search of his old old Vietnam buddy Richard Harris (!). Harris, a very masterful actor looks puzzled why he is even in this film (he said once in a interview he retired until they offered him THE FIELD, so this movie must have motivated his retirement!). Harris looks very ill in the film, and suprisingly he is most of the film unlike Mary Starvin who is second bills (Harris is 3rd billed) who seems to have little to do. Not bad action scenes, and even has Harris killing a giant fake bug. Huff is good as usual, but this film steals the ending of RAMBO 2 just like first STRIKE COMMANDO film. The film does looks depressing, and it's kind of sad to see Harris in a Philipeno shot cheap film, and on a role that Bo Svenson to Henry Silva usual does.
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