It's police lingo for the word "detective", a shortened version of it.
If by "simple" locations you mean city streets and buildings; it costs a fortune to get permits to shut down streets and buildings in metropolitan cities. Also given that its almost constantly raining throughout the film, they likely had rain machines. Plus the salaries of actors, directors, producers, film crew etc.. plus props, makeup, and so on. The budget adds up quickly. Even by mid-90s standards, $33 million is a modest budget.
Brad Pitt was paid $7.5 million for his role and Freeman was allegedly paid $5 million for his performance. Producer Arnold Kopelson's fee was $2 million and shooting in Los Angeles was very expensive and director David Fincher's fee was almost $800,000.
Brad Pitt was paid $7.5 million for his role and Freeman was allegedly paid $5 million for his performance. Producer Arnold Kopelson's fee was $2 million and shooting in Los Angeles was very expensive and director David Fincher's fee was almost $800,000.
Several actors were considered for the role of John Doe, including Val Kilmer and Denzel Washington. However, the role ultimately went to Kevin Spacey.
Two detectives, William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and David Mills (Brad Pitt), search for a serial killer who bases each kill on one of the seven deadly sins.
Se7en is based on a script by American screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker. However, the movie was subsequently novelized by Anthony Bruno and published in 1995.
They are the most deadly vices, according to Pope Gregory the Great in the 6th century. In the order of severity used by Pope Gregory, they are Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. Lust may be specifically seen as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature, which can manifest as sexual addiction, fornication, adultery, bestiality, rape, perversion, and incest. Gluttony is over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. Greed (avarice) is the seeking of material gain over spiritual gain. Sloth does not refer to laziness, but to indifference, of an unwillingness to act, an unwillingness to care. Wrath/rage is inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Envy is jealousy. Pride is seen as the most serious sin, from which all others arise; a love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbour. There are also Seven Holy Virtues which directly contradict each of the Sins. In parallel order to the sins they oppose, the Seven Holy Virtues are Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility.
The location is purposely not revealed. It's a fictional city of constant rain and urban decay that mirrors the general tone of the film. In an interview with Cinefantastique magazine, however, screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker stated that the primary influence for the film's screenplay came from his time spent in New York City while trying to make it as a screenwriter. "I didn't like my time in New York," he admitted, "but it's true that if I hadn't lived there I probably wouldn't have written Seven." Consequently, it seems fair to presume they live in NYC, as Tracy Mills mentions to Somerset that she and David had lived "upstate", and few other metropolitan areas speak of "upstate" in the same manner as New York. Also, when Mills and Somerset are in a diner, you can see an advertisement for "New York Pizza." The film was shot, however, at several locations in Los Angeles and near Lancaster, CA. You can read about the filming locations here.
The location is more of a conglomeration of cities. While it does have the feel of New York City with the Subway sound vibrating Detective Mill's home, the finale has the main characters driving out into a flat plains surrounded by mountains. This looks far more like Southern California and LA does have a rudimentary subway system. What LA doesn't have is the weather.
The location is more of a conglomeration of cities. While it does have the feel of New York City with the Subway sound vibrating Detective Mill's home, the finale has the main characters driving out into a flat plains surrounded by mountains. This looks far more like Southern California and LA does have a rudimentary subway system. What LA doesn't have is the weather.
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