The Practice (TV Series 1997–2004) Poster


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Underrated Show
shelbythuylinh6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The great Dylan McDermott is Bobby the lead protagonist who is trying to live up to his father's legacy and started from humble beginnings there.

While he has other lawyers under him whom he considers as family and a love-hate relationship with ADA Lara Flynn Boyle there.

Really would not want to be a defense lawyer knowing that the client is guilty as heck. And really need to defend the victims instead. It went from a lawyer show to that over in a soap opera. That will indeed kill a show.
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For The Underdogs
damianphelps11 April 2021
The Practice is a high quality show that is filled with underdogs and losers, and that's the lawyers!!

The clients to be fair are pretty much the same. This win one for the little people element is what makes the show work along with some nice moments of quirkiness.

Very enjoyable series and a nice warm up for the more irreverent Boston Legal :)
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A great legal drama in the David E. Kelley tradition
AlsExGal24 July 2015
This show was a fine example of successfully mixing torts with the titillating with a good balance that has eluded so many other courtroom dramas over the years. The premise of the show is that Bobby Donnell is the head of a law firm that is barely managing to keep itself financially afloat due to the kinds of cases that the firm takes and the fact that they have trouble collecting their fees from more than a few of their clients. However, these lawyers are the kind of people you would always want on your side. They have a can-do attitude and seem to relish an uphill fight. In fact, at several points in the show, they remind one another that the reason they took on the uncertainty and lesser remuneration of starting their own law firm was so that they could choose their battles rather than work for a big firm where the price of financial safety would be representing big corporate clients, right or wrong. Although this show has a large sexual component, it has several average looking and even outright plain looking folk as regular castmembers. Furthermore, these average looking people, with more than their share of physical flaws, are actually given meaningful personal lives. Creator David E. Kelley actually wrote five of the first six episodes of the first season, and it shows in the performances. Unlike many shows where the characters struggle to figure out who they are, these actors and actresses have their personalities down pat with their opening lines.
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Very interesting
basrutten1 December 2002
Along with "X-Files" and "E.R.", this is one of the very few TV series that has consistently been able to keep my attention for more than a couple of episodes. The combination of good acting, nice storylines and intriguing court cases makes this series very interesting to watch.

Basically, "The Practice" is a drama about an unlikely group of lawyers that run a small law firm. Most remarkable is that these lawyers aren't all played by the usual super-handsome actors, but by people that might actually pass for lawyers in real life. This group of lawyers undergoes the usual array of romances, personal setbacks, and quarrels like in any drama serie. Nothing special, but certainly entertaining, and more importantly, almost always believable (as opposed to soap opera's where the most implausible things happen to the most implausible people all the time)

The real meat of the series, however, are the court cases, of which there are usually two to three in one episode. These are almost always creative, believable (nothing like the nonsensical cases in "Ally McBeal") and intriguing and often really make me think: "what would I do if I were the lawyer, judge, or juror?". Any series or movie that makes me actually think about ethical dilemma's (or anything else, for that matter) scores bonus points in my book. OK, so maybe the small law firm wins a little too many cases, and maybe they take the "moral high ground" a bit too often, but this doesn't really detract from the enjoyment.

"The Practice" combines enjoyable drama elements with some well thought-out and intriguing court cases into a formula that doesn't get old fast. Splendid !
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sswren123 July 2022
Watching this for the first time as at July 2022.

Wow. How did this slip past my radar?!

Characters are eclectic and likeable. Scripts are phenomenal. The cast is brilliant.
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One season too long.
Jetset97113 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I would have given "The Practice" a 10 out of 10 or at least a nine out of ten except for one thing, the last season. First let me talk about the good aspects of this show. Top notch cast and writing, excellent direction, crisp story lines and editing all combine together to make this an exceptional lawyer show. I really enjoyed the complex nature of the show as these professional lawyers struggle with ethical challenges that come with defending unscrupulous and deplorable clients. Yes, at times it got a little over used, but for the most part it enhanced the show immensely. For seven seasons I watch and admired this show for its daring bravado. However, in the last season they made a critical error, one that should be a cautionary tale to all television executives and producers. For whatever reason, contract disputes or orders from the top, the cast was literally gutted. Half of the top regulars, Bobby, Lindsey, Rebecca, and even Helen Gamble left the show. This had disastrous consequences. The remaining players did their best but this show was damaged beyond repair. To be fair, the introduction of James Spader as the silky snake attorney, Alan Shore, was a very welcome addition. Thankfully he was spun off to "Boston Legal". Still, he was not enough to salvage the rest of the show and it was just painful to watch the demise. Why do producers and directors of hit shows always squeeze the last drop out a show, when they know they should end it while its on top or at least not far from its prime? It is frustrating as all get out to me that they don't realize the obvious. Since they don't seem to even know what the word "obvious" means here is a list.(These are just a few. Go to "Jump the Shark" for a more complete list.)

Obvious signs you should end your show. 1. If you lose a key character or half of your main cast. 2. If your show has been on longer than 4 presidential elections.(Ahem, Simpsons) 3. See Jump the
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The best legal drama ever
philip_xavier22 September 2021
This legal drama keeps it real without falling prey to the habit of making the hero some sort of a super human lawyer who finds ways to defend criminals by being on the right side always.
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The best - not all the good guys win but some of the bad guys do
safenoe14 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
TV legal dramas aren't documentaries, and they're not supposed to be (of course), but if there's one series that comes close to reflecting real life practice, it has to be The Practice.

It's a series where not all th good guys win, but some of the bad guys do, and unfortunately that's real life. Suits is Suits, but The Practice is true to life in many respects. One of the most heart breaking episodes was when the firm did everything possible to save a black guy from execution, when really he was mentally incapacitated.

I say to people who loved Boston Legal, make sure to watch The Practice.
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Don't waste your life on the last season
Lcribb915 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Do NOT watch the last season, it's a complete waste of time. Yes, I know this show is old but in the event anyone decides to start watching it like I did. Save yourself from the wasting 16 hours of your life and just stop after season 7. It was originally supposed to end with seven, and they should have done that. Instead of getting rid of all of the cast basically and just giving you a preview of a another show for a whole season
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A roller coaster ride of emotions
safirecharmed1 January 2020
This is a compelling show featuring many different personalities that somehow come together for one reason: goodness and the law. Some days you were disgusted with the despicable acts that were happening on the show and other days they redeemed themselves. The last season they lost what made the show so wonderful and I'm not talking about the characters. Alan Shore was a detriment to the show. He was an interesting guy and funny but he had no moral standing. He made everything sarcastic in a humorless way. Of course it was hard to lose several main characters but keeping Jimmy, Eugene, and Eleanor really helped. It's only sad the adding Alan sure and Tara ended up making the show horrible in the end.
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A good show that faltered late.
cdymally22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the early seasons when it was about the cases. However, the Bobby and Lindsey drama ruined the show for me. The writers never developed their relationship, instead, springing it on the viewer flippantly. I never felt like they never had any heat or love in their relationship. It felt like the writers just wanted them to be together.

Another issue was the repetitive nature of the cases. The firm dealt with many twist that were repetitive and should been anticipated but weren't. In addition, some of the verdicts were unrealistic and seemed to happen for shock value.

Overall, the cases were compelling. I enjoyed the first four to five seasons and tolerated the seasons six and seven. The show loses half the cast between seasons seven and eight, and I stopped watching.
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A great show
jasbar-14 July 2006
I've just watched this series for the second time on UK TV. I want to watch it again. It should be played continuously.

Great characters, superb actors.

Great scripts, superb, well researched and topical story lines.

The producers didn't shirk from tackling real and contentious issues.

Bobby sitting alone in the office in the final episode, reminiscing, brought a tear to my eye.

There should be more.

Please that there will be more.

David E Kelley is to telly what Jim Steinman is to music.

Absolutely brilliant.

Can anyone explain why it is that the defence sums up first with the prosecution getting the final word? Here in the UK it is the other way round - fairer for the defence I think.
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Disturbingly realistic
Eyesore_is_cool10 April 2007
Often people tell me that The Practice was cheesy and that I'm stupid for liking it-the former is true but the latter is not.

The practice was indeed cheesy but it was still quite unique as far as legal shows go. First of all, these were defense attorneys so you're given no reason to pity them, and secondly, they weren't exactly rich or well-respected, and most of the lawyers were ugly, average "losers". With this the show got a certain realistic quality, in that it didn't attempt to impress you with amazing and respectable characters, and instead it let you see what most legal firms are really like.

Still David E. Kelley, as much as he tried not to spoonfeed anything to the viewer, wrote some of the cheesiest dialogue about the struggles of defense lawyers. Intelligent viewers shouldn't fall for it, although I can see why some people wouldn't be able to see the more positive aspects of this show.
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The Practice: A different viewpoint
nandue09297 July 2010
The Practice (1997-2004) contained fine actors, however, its scripts defied reality. For instance, the starring defense lawyers were confronted with a lawsuit for defamation of character since they cast suspicion on a different person other than the defendant on trial, during their case. The other person then filed this lawsuit against them. In reality, as a lawyer myself, words spoken or recorded during judicial proceedings are given complete immunity from defamation of character. It is called "absolute privilege," therefore, the lawsuit could not have happened.

On another occasion, the lead lawyer, Bobby Donnell (Dylan McDermott) angrily shouted within inches of the trial judge's face at a conference in the judge's chambers. Almost all judges would not have tolerated this even in the heat of anger. Donnell would probably have been cited for contempt of court and jailed immediately, depending on the temperament of the judge.

On still a different occasion, Donnell commended a junior partner, Lindsay Dole (Kelli Williams) after she presented what he called the finest appellate argument he had ever heard. Actually, her appellate argument was arrogant since she kept rudely interrupting the different judges' questions, which is unheard of in an appellate court. Instead of favorable recognition, she would likely have received a lecture from the senior partner for jeopardizing their client's case by disregarding the court's decorum.

While it dealt with some important issues, The Practice had a flair for the overly dramatic, so much so that it far overshadowed these issues. The series purported to be "realistic" when it was anything but! It contained legal misinformation and overblown, inaccurate lawyer behavior that was contrived to seem believable to viewers.
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The Practice NEEDS to be on DVD !!!
plkcsk12 November 2005
Please - When are all 8 series of that fantastic programme, THE PRACTICE, going to be released on DVD?? When? When? When? For those who do not know the series, the following is a summary: Set in Boston, The Practice centres on a firm of passionate attorneys to whom every case is important and every client worth a fight to the end. Legal manipulations are the firm's modus operandi, and they have it down to a science, making even the most questionable arguments convincing. And while they can't — and don't — win every trial, the pursuit of justice remains the priority until the final verdict is announced … and sometimes afterwards. Pursuing justice, however, often confronts them with serious ethical and moral issues of conscience. But please - when is it coming out on DVD??
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One of the greatest television dramas in history
jcc58615 August 2006
The Practice is easily the greatest legal drama ever created. It stands as one the greatest shows of the 1990s. The cast was great from top to bottom, headlined by the exceptional Dylan McDermott, Steve Harris, and Cameron Manheim. David E. Kelley crafted a brilliant show with exceptional writing and great character development. It is a shame that the Practice did not find a larger audience (it was only in the top ten once) because it was definitely worth watching. Even though I was a little bit disappointed with the last two seasons of the show (with the exception of the great James Spader) it is still a classic.

I can't believe this show has an IMDb rating of only of 7.2 it deserves a 10.
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You might want to ignore the last season....
IWatchTooManyDamnShows30 September 2023
I finally got to watch the entirety of The Practice after having watched the first few seasons as a kid on tv. And it holds up. It holds up pretty damn good even.

If you like the Good Wife, then there's a good chance you will like The Practice. Great characters and actors portraying them, from the main actors to the district attorneys and the judges. A lot of interesting cases with plot twist resolutions which you don't see coming, Besides being episodic, it also sometimes has long term storylines which take place the entire season(s).

This series is played straight and serious. The cases and situations become a bit more outlandish in the last seasons, but nothing too ridiculous.....untill season 8.

Season 8 isn't really the last season of The Practice. I would say season 7 makes for a MUCH better series' end. As it was intended to be, as they didn't know an 8th season would be made at that point. The 8th season however is more a preview for the spin-off Boston Legal. The main characters we know and love are relegated to bit players (or removed from the show entirely even) to accomodate the Alan Shore character.

From that point on this is no longer a serious show, but some ridiculous series of schmuckery with an House MD like character doing all kinds of illegal acts and being the worst type of human, yet gets away with it and gets portrayed like the cool main guy. When in reality, much like House, he would have been fired and even imprisoned for his actions long ago.

I don't know if I will watch Boston Legal. As it pretty much stars Alan Shore and the newly introduced Tara Wilson and Denny Crane. One who is one of the most wooden actors I have ever seen who totally didn't get chosen for their looks alone, and the other one is WIlliam Shatner calling out his character's name repeatedly like a Pokemon.

Maybe when I don't expect a serious series, I might enjoy it more and thus maybe appreciate Boston Legal more. However the complete turnaround of how this show was portrayed in season 8 versus it's previous 7 seasons is simply amazing. But not in a good way.
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A TV masterpiece!
Berneaud7 March 2002
Can't believe I didn't start seeing it from the beggining!Forget "ER","Buffy","AllyMcBeal" and even the mighty "X-Files".This is without question one of the greatest shows ever.

The quality of the episodes is consistently great, as are the performances of all involved. Major stand-outs are Dylan McDermott as Bobby Donnell,Steve Harris as Eugene Young and the strikingly beautiful Lara Flynn Boyle as Helen Gamble. Even the tiniest bit player is cast to perfection. The presence of big name stars is the icing on the cake.

Few movies put me on the verge of tears, but this series has done it more than once.

I once lived and breathed "The X-Files", but this is even greater.The way you become involved with the characters and their clients is pure work of genius.

I hope "The Practice" continues being produced for many years, because this blend of story-telling and charismatic actors isn't possible to recreate.

To sum it up: a true masterpiece!
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The best show ever on TV.
udit-mendiratta11 April 2008
This show is undoubtedly the best show that has ever been aired on TV. The story line was always intense, the characters are strong and impact full, all the actors have done a brilliant job. I especially like the character of Lindsey Dowell and Bobby. Although I think that Eugine Young and Ellenor Frutt's characters were no less. I watched this show while I was in law school and it inspired me to take up criminal law. I am not such a huge fan of its sequel, Boston Legal, I think it can never be compared to The Practice. Boston Legal barely deals with law. Its more about sex and Allen Shore's long speeches. It is not griping and is not even a tad on The Practice. I definitely expected better from David E. Kelly after The Practice.
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good drama, imperfect lawyering
KatharineFanatic23 June 2006
I'm a fan of courtroom dramas, and "The Practice" is better than most. It's a nice little series about a dozen lawyers both in the prosecutor's office and on the other side of the table, but it's primary focus lies with the defense. The characters all either are immediately likable or grow on you with time (there are exceptions, as I'm not partial to several of them) but most of the legal wranglings reveal the inexperience of the writers. Watch any given episode and see emotion argued rather than the law. It's not the fault of the cast so much as the writers, who clearly have no experience in the legal field. There are no citing of cases, no legal arguments, merely proposals and motions based on the emotional involvement of the characters.

It wouldn't hold up in court, but makes for exciting viewing. It's a good show, but compared to "Law & Order," isn't as impacting with its legal strategies.
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The best law show ever (except for Perry Mason)
ajkbiotech20 March 2021
The Practice is the best law show ever, except for Perry Mason.

This is real law, gritty criminal defense & PI, not boring corporate big firm law.

And the "United States of America" closing by Eugene is undoubtedly a classic of Americana.

You must watch. If the glove fits, you must acquit.
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Oh, Please.
jeannebodine7 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I found this show entertaining with a perspective from a different kind of law firm and interesting characters. That didn't last too long. As the show progressed, the characters and plots started to go over the top.

The smug, self-righteous, arrogant speeches these "lawyers" gave in court were vomit-inducing. So dramatic, so absurd, I wanted them to lose every single case. I have no love for judges, but each and everyone of them deserved to be disbarred because of their treatment of the judges - arrogant, LOUD, disrespectful is a sure fire way of ending your legal career before it starts.

Most of the plots were absurd. Yeah, sure, a newbie wins a class action suit against Big Tobacco. And why the heck are a secretary at a law firm and a criminal defense attorney conducting a sting operation for a district attorney? And annoying Lindsey Dole gets a murder conviction overturned after whining and disrespecting Superior Court judges. As I said in the beginning, oh, please.
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TC20212 March 2022
I rewatched this on Hulu (if only it would be released on DVD). This was such a great show, the acting, direction, writing all fantastic and riveting, probably the best and most realistic legal show I've come across. It sometimes takes a harsh outlook on the "justice" system and life in general. Dark, gritty, REAL.
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A retrospective re-watch
courtneyjjjjjjjj8 December 2022
And WOW this series has not aged well. Sure the nostalgia factor is still there. I got happy memories of the whole gang and there's some funny clients and good moments particularly in the beginning.

However after season 5 it quickly nosedives into a show full of morally and ethically ambivalent narcissists that don't think the rules apply to them and basically never get any personal consequences for their horrendous behaviour. And let's not overlook the blatant bashing of the police, labelling them all corrupt liars who would plant evidence and falsely arrest people without batting an eye. When they're not being weaponised by the DA's to skirt the law.

It's a difficult watch and I didn't finish it.
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Missing this show should be a crime
Scream-1114 February 1999
The Practice is the only show on television that never fails to make me reconsider my views on some of the controversial issues in society today. The writing is the best I've ever seen on television, and I love the characters, but the best thing about the show is that it deals creatively with important topics, like euthanasia and attorney/client privilege. As long as The Practice continues to take my breath away every week, I will be a devoted fan.
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