Yeosu daetalok (1976) Poster

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Boring and overtly sentimental garbage with no nudity.
HumanoidOfFlesh26 September 2007
Despite its lurid title "Execessive Torture in a Female Prison Camp" is easily the worst WiP I have ever seen.I had an opportunity to see it in Chinese,so the plot went beyond me,but basically the film centers around a Korean family who gets on the bad side of the Japanese during the Japanese occupation of Korea during World War II.A Korean mother and daughter are thrown into a prison run by the Japanese and a lot of surprisingly tame abuse is heaped upon them.Extremely disappointing WiP movie that features absolutely no nudity.What the hell?Women in prison flick without sex and nudity is simply bad and with no redeeming qualities.There are a couple of cool fight scenes and some of the prisoners are cute looking,but that's the only positives.Overall,this rare Chinese film is boring and surprisingly tame.Avoid it.4 out of 10.
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Oddly tame given the genre
Leofwine_draca14 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
GREAT ESCAPE FROM WOMEN'S PRISON is an odd little WIP film made in South Korea. It seems to have originated from Taiwan. The version I watched was in Mandarin with the characters using Chinese names throughout. The plot involves a rural community oppressed by Japanese invaders, who have some of the womenfolk thrown into a dirty jail while the men plot outside how to rescue them. By the standards of the genre, and the films which were being made in, say, Japan or Italy at the time, this is a tame little outing that could have been made a decade before. There are a few scenes of punishment, would-be executions, and near-rapes, but otherwise there's not much in the way of on-screen violence. The menace is next to nothing too. As for the 'great escape' of the title, it's very small-scale and over very quickly, hardly 'great' at all.
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Korean WIP genre / niche entry - those Japs are mean - total trash mess!
Bofsensai13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another 'women's day reverential watch ... to which, first up: you should know - this is abysmal! So there, immediately you are advised, warned:

I'm only writing this up first to perhaps be helpful to recommend that even if you're a sucker for anything with a whiff of imprisoned wenches of this cinematic niche (WIP), still, don't waste your time on this; plus secondly, well so's I just gotta draw out some reason to excuse having wasted my own 'male gaze' time on this mish mash!! (Yep; why oh why, do I watch these?!*)

However, of course, it could be redeemingly something, somehow (possibly?) to do with a polemic on the apparent (remaining?) Korean / Japanese rivalry (check the final framed image of triumph); but otherwise, this is a mess of barely above the amateur dramatics style of emoting and acting: as like note when large happy go lucky inmate - (unfortuntely, credits do not make clear who this significant character actress is) - is shot 'escaping' up the work quarry incline (her expiration histrionics are, well, 'extended'!) - with barely any redeeming factors even for the jaded WIP fan, to make it worth 'male gazing' through.*

Although, in noting the title, so do note how one inmate (might be June Chan?) easily, coquettishly, fools those stern, wicked whip wielding Jap guards, when she feigns the need to wander off out of the work detail confines, for a ladies' relief 'need' (I believe: at least, guard chivalrously turns his back on - a prisoner!) ... and then, having succeeded, yet how she tragically ends up: ohh, wicked, wicked - Japanese, too, note! - betrayal!

But, if you were to insist (in a sort of gotta see completist of the genre need - more fool you, though), you'll be treated to Dae-kun Lee's portrayal of a leering, almost constantly maniacal laughing (Korean betrayer, collaborator?) camp commandant, who takes fancies to selected inmates, and, for one unfortunate (our heroine; moon faced Mira Yoon, I believe) after her defilement, 'rewards' her with ... a pair of stay up stockings (!) which, when she returns to her shared group cell, sends them into paroxysms of sensuality with: but not only that, but also, ohh: lipstick, too! Mmm; for the former she defiantly dons to strut around, showing off to her not chosen to be ravished cellmates (of all women, remember), but, does - thoughtfully? - share the lipstick, which they proceed to not only smear across their lips, but also apparently adorn their faces with childlike daubings (well, no mirrors, presumably), too: yet, recall: they are all incarcerated in one cell, devoid of any, er, well, admirers ... but, still, taking pride in your appearance is surely a good psychological boost to the harsh conditions:

But, back to the manically obsessive commandant, for even in these abusive encounters it's still, really, all decorum: for even if he does have these helpless inmates at his mercy like so, so you'd expect him to in character be utterly ruthless, as when for another 'chosen', despite ripping off their togs, so routinely exposing breasts - it's still decorum because helpless inmate still manages to hold her hands protectively fully over each breast (not a nipple in sight - literally*!) - and in any case, eventually, he seems far more enamoured of legs - and there just kissing only .. (ahh or, euwww!)

*So, warning: BTW: did you notice that? Standard WIP trope, 'naked shower scene' - IS NOT HERE!

But for you WIP aficionados, of course, it's essential to know about the inevitable patriarchal controlled regime with cruelly imposed punishments, huh? So here are those otherwise only worth watching for plot spoilers = read no further if you still DO want to completely waste your time travailing through this trash:

Soon, the (occupying?) Japanese try to pliers prise, loosen the heroine prisoner' tongue (to reveal whatever): and we know this sure hurts because when she is thrown back into the group gals pound, she not only can't talk at first, but nor eat: then, for whatever insubordination, there's the 'walk the plank' / balancing bar - blindfolded! - over sharpened spikes scene! Ohh, tricky and nasty. (BTW: for those of you who know how human balancing works = haven't you actually gotta 'see' so your ear canal can adjust your balancing? Or some sort?) Anyway, then surely would mean none could complete without 'plunging' - er, it's about two feet above the spikes - to spiky death!

Later, another is racked upside down, lower legs and feet naked spread-eagled (a bit): prisoner garb once again (fortunately) decorously gravity defying; but she's unconscious, so in front of her (I believe) Mother, she is attempted to be revived in a sort of a waterboarding style bucket of water tipped over her lowered head position: since for this scene 'execution', this actress did not seem to flinch once, thereby, unfortunate that cannot be sure of exactly whom, as the characterisations were difficult to follow, as thus hers seemed to me, stood out as one of the best performances. And I think it's also 'Mother' who later, is herself also seen menacingly (by those Japs still, again!) manacled arms up ....

Whew! The cruelty of those (Korean occupation, I believe) wartime Japs and their collaborators.

Oh, and there's a threatened hanging of the heroine, too - but (WARNING: PLOT SPOILER coming), thwarted by a method those of you who have seen Leone's 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' should quickly recognise.

Which leads to the title: which by whom, 'happily ever after' does certainly occur - as incongruously achieved through a bunch of revolutionaries (?) that the plotline occasionally switches to otherwise completely pointlessly focus on.

Oh, and in this respect, you'll also get thrown in some practice-like kick kung fu moves: - and if you like motorbikes with sidecars, such is several times featured - but for the life of me I can't be bothered to work out why.

Perhaps it means much more to Korean history buffs, with their take on the interpersonal dynamics of...?

So, all that from complete tedium trash: so was worth watching, then?

Absolutely, resolutely NOT!
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