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Spiffing rape revenge roughie filth
Bloodwank3 September 2011
Directed and narrated by but otherwise not featuring the great Zebedy Colt, Terri's Revenge definitely shows his twisted trademarks. That is to say it's sleazy as hell and delivers some tip top insanity, despite pitiful budget and short runtime. Our heroine Terri gets raped, first her husband's buddy has a go then hubby gets home and the two double team her. She teams up with a lesbian lover who got raped and then p!ssed on by her boyfriend and the two get dildo revenge on various suspected rapists. Bonkers finale, the end. This one has very little time for plot or feeling, the majority of its just under hour long run time is spent on sex so its fortunate that it stars the lovely Terri Hall, my favourite of old school adult performers so far. Rake thin, raven hair, red smile and vampire eyes, an offbeat erotic menace that bleeds from the screen. I found her captivating, which is real handy because the sex in these kinds of films rarely gets a rise out of me and this one doesn't have a whole lot else. Her co star, a British accented lady whose name I do not know is pretty fine too which helps, particularly because she can't act for toffee. The sex scenes are mostly competently shot, there are some unfortunate cunnilingual close ups in the first scene which would make even Jess Franco cry excess, but fortunately somebody must have told told the cameraman to cut that sh!t out because it mostly stops. The rape scenes are nicely extended and graphic although not all that disturbing as the ladies can't seem to help but get into them, though the revenge rape scenes are nicely gonzoid stuff. Speaking of which, I had slight pause for reflection here: these ladies are punishing possible rapists by raping them, but is this ultimately all that effective? I mean, if these scumbags went through due legal process and ended up in jail they'd be taking it in the ass from 400 pound bulls rather than pretty women and surely most would totally prefer the latter. Though a fellow IMDb commenter has described Terri Hall's appearance in this one as "predatory drag queen" so your mileage may vary on this point, I still reckon dildo rape from a vigilante broad is better than full on prison rape, looks of said broad notwithstanding. Heh, seem to have gotten waylaid by my interest in pegging there, basically this is one for roughie geeks only. It loses points for being totally mindless and bulking up the end scene with unnecessary loop filler (Viking themed rape material is cool and all, but not when used so pointlessly) but its generally decent filth, even boner raising at times and the final sexual act is pretty jaw dropping (and probably pretty painful) so it gets an overall thumbs up.
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The man hating film that made even hardcore, militant feminists say "Woah....what are you doing?' Warning: Spoilers
Terri is raped and abused in a very graphic way at the beginning. She soon befriends another young woman who suffered a similar fate. Naturally, the law can't/won't help, so they decide to turn the tables and make the perpetrators the victims and put them through the hellish nightmare that they were forced to endure, only much, much worse. So, Terri and her friend somehow locate rapists who had been raping up a storm and had managed to elude police forever. The pair double team them. Only, it's not what I would call "revenge" or "punishment". The men who are supposed to be being punished by Terri and her friend for the wrongs they have done to women aren't really being "punished". I'm sorry, but getting pegged from Terri Hall ain't punishment by a long shot! And certainly, a spanking from her with a leather S&M paddle is not either! So, their "sweet revenge" on the bad guys isn't revenge after all. They still get to have sex with the pair. Shaking my head. Oh well. Zebedy Colt films never made much sense anyway.
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Can't Touch This !
Nodriesrespect13 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It took until the DVD era for the late "Zebedy Colt" a/k/a Edward Earle Marsh to be recognized as the demented dirty movie auteur a growing group of very vocal "old school" fornication film fans nowadays regard him as, nourishing his burgeoning post mortem cult via sustained blog raving and ranting, attracting instant cognoscenti on a regular basis. Though I agree that Colt churned out an intriguing body of work in the face of dire adversity, frequently lumbered with shoe-string budgets on the outer limits of what was already a fringe industry, it would be ill-advised to go overboard in praising an idiosyncratic yet frustratingly uneven talent for accomplishments compromised for more reasons than mere lack of funds. His wildly unpredictable life proved a greater work of art than anything he managed to put up on the screen. For more biographical info, allow me to direct you to my comment on his AFFAIRS OF JANICE, itself a textbook example of its perpetrator's perpetual reaching for the stars while lying in the gutter, to quote dear dead Oscar Wilde.

Colt mostly slaved away for the storefront contingent, a storefront being an improvised adult "theater", usually a darkened room at the back of a dingy sex shop, a widespread '70s phenomenon and poor backwards cousin to the comparative luster of the Pussycat porno palaces, forever in need of cheap generic plot-lite potboilers. In order to make himself stand out from a crowd of anonymous pornographers, he embarked on something of a personal crusade to cover the type of sensationalist subject matter that "Porno Chic" producers wouldn't touch with a 10 inch pole. This provides a peculiar reflection of the pre-war Hollywood hierarchy when poverty row studios would draw inspiration from lurid tabloid headlines in order to compete with the majors, but I digress.

Shot in all likelihood over the course of a single day in 1975, the extremely minimalist to the point of deconstruction TERRI'S REVENGE! boasts as its sole asset the presence of ascending adult film superstar Terri Hall, undoubtedly accosted by the director as they were filming Gerard Damiano's masterpiece STORY OF JOANNA earlier that year. A consummate masochist, Hall proved a natural for Colt's peculiar brand of unflinching brutality and was to star in several of his twisted concoctions. As the starry-eyed wife of assumed nice guy Chad (sleazy Chad Lambert, also appearing in Colt's considerably more ambitious DEVIL INSIDE HER and UNWILLING LOVERS), she gets a reality check of the nastiest kind when her husband leaves her alone to "take care" of business partner Bill, portrayed by Peter Andrews whose considerable girth in the groin area kept him gainfully employed throughout the decade, most memorably servicing the titular stars in the Joe Sarno profile pics INSIDE JENNIFER WELLES and ALL ABOUT GLORIA LEONARD. Just as Terri expects her returning spouse to rush to her rescue, he drops his trousers and makes it a threesome instead. Men are indeed pigs.

Teaming up with an unidentified British girl who suffered the same fate, Terri invades the head-quarter of W.A.R. (Women Against Rape) to surreptitiously gather info on suspected sex offenders. In a spirit of prevailing justice, the two of them decide to give every bit as good as they got by submitting the scumbags to enforced rectal dildo reaming and testicular torture amid much verbal abuse ! The plot - Where ?! - thickens when Terri picks up undercover cop Lt. Henderson, played by a scruffily good-looking Latino type, cruising the waterfront (as a straight guy ???) and literally puts him through the wringer, wiring his balls so tight that he can enter her with them in what easily stands as the film's most imaginative sexual feat, almost a full decade prior to Alan Adrian's similar accomplishment with Sharon Kane in Ron Sullivan's kinky G-STRINGS.

Ominous voice-over narration delivered by a booming baritone longtime genre fans will recognize as belonging to the director who, uncharacteristically, chose not to appear on camera this time - more's the pity as his maniacal thespian stylings might have juiced up a flick that even at under an hour manages to drag in spots - informs us that the policeman subsequently vanished without a trace and issues out a warning for the male populace to beware of propositioning females ! Outrageous elements such as these seem to suggest that Colt was aiming for sick laughs, all but lost in the rushed thrift-store approach.

A fascinating personality who, like Colt, hailed from the "real world" of art, a former ballet dancer who turned to pornography to satisfy her "unacceptable" sexual cravings, the always tricky to photograph Hall looks not unlike a particularly predatory drag queen here, her chalky complexion smeared with scarlet streaks of rouge in dramatic contrast with that shock of jet-black hair, equal parts Goth girl and gay vampire. Though the director was to draw a decent performance out of her in his CRUCIBLE variation THE DEVIL INSIDE HER, he obviously left her pretty much to her own devices here, forcing her to fall back on the exaggerated school play patterns that already marred some of her most intense moments on JOANNA. Still, she's Sarah Bernhardt compared to the other chick whose plummy Limey clipped tones are at least good for a chuckle when she's delivering the dirty talk.
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Down and Dirty with the Zebedy Colt gang
gavcrimson14 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers

The Terri of the title is Terri Hall, a raven haired, thin, very tall sex actress best remembered for her kinky turn in 1975's The Story of Joanna, Deep Throat man Gerard Damiano's take on 'L'Histoire D'O'. Terri's Revenge was directed by The Story of Joanna co-star Zebedy Colt, and presents its titles as mock tabloid headlines alongside Terri theatrically posing. Casting a sinister figure, Terri with her darkened eyes, blood red lips and pasty skin here resembles a Female Dracula. From an upper-middle class background, Terri was a dancer for the Stuttgard Ballet, and her involvement with the rough edges of hard-X sexploitation baffled many of her co-workers including Colt. Years later several explanations as to Hall's involvement in hardcore have come to light, none repeatable here, but all point to hers being a sad, but all too familiar showbiz tale with no happy ending (she died of cancer in 1995).

Playing the eponymous heroine, Terri wanders around deserted ghettos remembering happier times with ugly, moustachioed husband Chad `the most adorable boy I'd ever met in my life'. Romantic flashbacks of love-making in a park and at home soon however give way to the memory of Super-scumbag Chad bringing home a likeminded individual for a two man sexual assault on his wife. Typifying the film's cruel edge, Chad leaves his buddy to rape an in-the-dark Terri who survives the ordeal only to find a second abuser, rather than a would-be-saviour, in the form of her returning husband. Terri relates all this to her British girlfriend, another refugee from male violence who has gone a bit overboard with green eye-shadow. After some Sapphic convincing, Terri's friend confesses that a confrontation with her aimless-slob boyfriend resulted in her been stripped, handcuffed, raped and worse (deeply unpleasant this).

'Men are so awful' muses Terri while sipping wine- 'I had discovered that, what can one do' replies her friend. Swearing revenge, Terri's friend suggests they kill the whole lot of those muthas but Terri decides it would be more appropriate to dish it out to rapists on their own terms. 'Gosh' proclaims Terri's friend 'well tell me about it.they really deserve punishing after all they put us through'. The pair infiltrate a local feminist organisation called W.A.R (women against rape) who's ID-fits on released rapists give the girls ammunition to track down their prey. A truly revolting montage of greasy, balding sex offenders being beaten and raped by the women follows, inter-cut with Terri's direct-to-camera commentary 'what a delicious combination. Pleasure and Revenge'. The deviance-de-resistance is however reserved for Henderson, an undercover Lieutenant who makes an ill-advised attempt at hunting the women down. Placing his portfolio among W.A.R's rapist IDs, Henderson starts hanging around docklands. Bearded, wearing shades and a leather jacket, Henderson certainly looks the part of a rapist on the prowl. Terri takes him home and the pair become amorous while watching a 16mm sex loop featuring Vikings' raping and pillaging, set to a song whose lyrics include 'early in the morning.I can't keep from heart is full of sadness, my eyes are filling with fear.. I can't keep from crying '. After having his wicked way with Terri, the Lieutenant finds himself at the mercy of her and her British partner in crime. Protests about his real identity fall on deaf ears ('a cop and a rapist... HA') as Brit-Girl sits on his face and Terri lassoes him by his privates! 'I can't keep from crying'-indeed

Despite an elongated re-title to 'Terry's Sweet Revenge', there's nothing whatsoever sweet about this tale of rape, violence and mayhem. Up there with the most extreme hardcore emanating from mid-70's NYC, Terri's Revenge is notable for Colt's refusal to exclude men from the film's nastyness and made slightly more palatable by occasional flashes of black humour. Colt in particular seems amused no end by his British cast member, who talks like Suzy Mandel but is given dialogue that would make a docker blush. Leading something of a double-life 'Colt' was in fact the stage name of a well-respected Broadway actor and recorded crooner, who associated with the likes of Sandy Dennis and Anthony Newley by day, and wrote and directed the most egregious of pornography when darkness fell.

Not one of Colt's better films, Terri's Revenge is too under-budgeted to really do its subject justice, relying on Viking sex for padding, and swirling tabloid headlines such as 'Women on a Rampage!' 'Police Hunt Female Rapists!' and 'Man Raped by 3 Women!' to convey the seemingly apocalyptic female-to-male rape spree that Terri and her friend lead by example. Still a brutalizing counterpart to the more 'socially acceptable' female vigilante pictures that played throughout the 1970's and 1980's, and the girls give spirited and sexually ferocious readings of their roles.

Acting as his own narrator Colt signs the film off with 'Lieutenant Henderson has not been heard from since', which given the poor chap's fate it's tempting to add 'except when speaking in a high falsetto.'
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Girlfriend's Unite
Michael_Elliott10 September 2016
Terri's Revenge! (1975)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Terri (Terri Hall) is a sexually free woman who loves to have sex but after her husband and his best friend rapes her she decides to join up with another sexually abused victim and take out some revenge.

Zebedy Colt directed this film and I must say that I didn't really care for it. If you like grindhouse sleaze mixed in with your porn then the film offers up plenty of that but even at just 57-minutes the film comes across rather boring and uninteresting.

I really didn't think Hall was all that interesting in the lead and I really wasn't blown away by anything about her. Another problem is that the supporting characters were boring and the sex scenes just didn't have too much going for them. There's some sexual violence mixed up towards the end of the film, which might appeal to some but for me TERRI'S REVENGE was a letdown.
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