Forever Midnight (1999) Poster

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Sad for Blackwell
ZoBo10 December 1999
I was under the impression that independent films were becoming "the" films to be reckoned with. I was wrong. Not that this film was terrible, but Blackwell could use a dash of HUMOR in his directing and writing. Much too dark, too depressing, and way too long, the only saving grace of the film was the acting (though most of the time the actors were given ridiculous dialogue and direction). They tried to make the best of an awfully bad situation. I hope Blackwell learns from this picture. P.S. Erick Weir was BRILLIANT!
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Awesome for the Budget
abimeur6 November 1999
I felt, considering the 38,000 dollar budget the crew did a very good job in conveying a poignant story onto the movie screen. The acting was decent enough to allow for thorough believability. It is evident that the director/writer did not intend for there to be one single main character, but perhaps a little too much weight was laid upon the woman instead of the two other friends. But I left this film feeling that it did, somewhere hovering about its core, contain the germ of truth with respect to post-high school/pre-college stress. Plus the film made a good atempt at conveying the multi-faceted tensions between an 18-year-old's family and friends. Overall, I would say that such a low-budgeted film, being the directors first feature-length creation, is an entertaining exposition.
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"Forever Midnight" is a quality independent film.
Squishy-1421 September 1999
I thought that "Forever Midnight" was a wonderful independent film. The acting was generally good, and the story was compelling. While it dose seem targeted towards the young adult audiences, and the dialog is a little wordy at times, I think that the film does a good job mixing humor and drama to let you enjoy it for what it is.
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If you count how many screens I've seen it on........
deth-613 July 1999
If you count the number of screens I've seen it on 4, you see at the premier. they had 3 screens showing it and on opening day just one big one. Any way being one of the few that could stand to see this film twice I've decided to complement a certain aspect of it. Now, I stick with my position on actors being only as good as their directors lead. But one actress in my mind stands out of this horror show as a beautiful beam of light an angel in the guise of evil. The inspiring beauty known to us as Linsey Shupe. I just have to compliment her small although significant dent on this movie's shallow back. Again I saw bravo to the wonder of this sheer goddess of film and stage. By far the best moments to watch in the film. I just had one small question how did the casting agents find, and the budget afford the wicked witch of the west to come out of a long hiatus for this shoty piece of trash?(fenix's mother)
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FOREVER definitely belongs in the title...
aginav27 June 1999
Overall this film was poorly made. No inspiration or originality. A real waste of Celluloid and Time. It pains me to see my hometown shown in such a dull sort of way that I wish I lived in the White Mountains. Hell, that way if a movie were to be made about that area it would at least have Alien Abductions.

No plot, paper thin characters, terrible direction.
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even worse the second time you see it......
deth-68 May 1999
I personally saw this movie twice, and if the major plot holes or undeveloped characters don't bother you, or hinder your viewing, perhaps you could enjoy the movie a bit. To top it all off, the lead character, if you could tell who it was, played by Sarah Byrd, failed to deliver the correct emotions or at least those her lines conveyed. Instead of anger, it sounded and looked more like whining. But, I suppose an actor can only act as good as the director leads. In conclusion Blue Dog production should try to spend there money a lot more wisely. Perhaps read the script first.
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First effort...for nearly everyone involved.
70mmBigShot19 November 1999
Nathan Blackwell -- First feature film. All Talent -- First feature film. Majority of Crew -- First feature film. Are you getting my drift? This feature is highly regarded in the Independent film circuit as a remarkable first effort. Local Phoenix critics, including Bob Fenster and Roger Tennis gave their blessings to this film and acknowledged the quality of its production and acting. Avid's editing camp chose this film as a course project because of its cohesiveness and quality characterization. The film is wrapping up a national promotion, underwritten by FlixTour. If this is any indication of Phoenix's independent film scene, then expect it to become the "next Austin". Not all of the acting was entirely brilliant, however I expect to see two careers blossom from the project: Sarah Byrd and James Hoenscheidt...Their performances were both well timed and engaging. Despite a few ackward lines of dialog, I found their efforts to be painfully honest. I was reminded of a time when my peers and I were finding our own way out that high-school cocoon and into young adulthood. I encourage anyone to see this feature, especially if independent film is in your blood.
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What you get when you cast friends.
boffo-412 March 2001
This movie suffered terribly from the old game of directors hiring friends. The lead in this movie desperately needed a charismatic, likeable female actor, but what it got was a disaster. Sarah Byrd was totally miscast.

Eric Weir and James Hoenscheidt although, were excellent, and they were friends of the director as well. I see good careers happening for both of these young men.

It's too bad that people will put all of their money and hard work on the line and not listen to seasoned casting directors who know better.

Better luck next time.
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