Mädchen, Mädchen (1967) Poster

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What a time that was
qeter29 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The action takes place in the 60's. Capitalism was weakened by social forces connecting the managers with their workers. With the second world war not that far away there was a sense of togetherness between the owner of a raw material factory and his workers. At one time the boss himself says to his son about one of his own workers, they should not look up that much to authorities. In this surrounding a love story develops. A girl was in love with the older father. The movie starts with the father still in prison because of his affair with the teenager. The teenager herself comes back from an educational institution. Now the girl falls in love with the son. The movie builds up a lot of suspension. What will happen when the father arrives? Will the son kill the father? Will he leave home with the girl? A drama may develop as the father comes back. Now both are in love with the girl. At the end of the movie they are close to a fight. But the girl leaves them both and so it comes to a happy end between father and son quite suddenly. Somehow refreshing, that the typical flow of a possible love drama is avoided so easily. A movie shaped by its time of tolerance, solidarity, and hope. Quite nice, but also a bit slow. A document of its time and therefore worth to get viewed by more people, to see: how far away from humanity and love capitalism has brought us in the last 50 years.
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Too cliche this tidbit of nonsense
tauraq9 February 2024
First thing that was a big downer was the swarmy little weasel of a son that under normal circumstances the girl would not given the time of day. But weak AF writing took over and the typical sleazy little worm was given a pass. Don't blame me for the lousy job of building the slack jaw character building and direction this movie took. Needless to say I lost total interest well before the ending, which if she did leave these two, it would have made for at least some semblance of a woman who isn't a total airhead with the collective intelligence quotient of an eggplant. Maybe just maybe these writer will start giving the female characters a bit more in the intellect department for a change, instead of the typical fare of clueless bimbos.
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