Slalom (Video Game 1986) Poster

(1986 Video Game)

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Rareware's first treasure.
ilovestarwars21 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Slalom is the first Rareware game in a Nintendo console(Rare had made more than 30 games for NES, more than Nintendo). In the game you are a skier, trying to go down a mountain. The graphics are wonderful for that year.There was more than 20 colors in the screen, a surprising thing for the beginning of the NES. The game had a normal sound. The controls were simple, you only had to evade the obstacles with the left or right D-Pad. The game had some fun. Slalom was Rare's first game in a Nintendo system, and was good.It's a treasure of NES. Overalls are: GRAPHICS-9/10. SOUND-7/10. GAMEPLAY-10/10. FUN FACTOR-8/10.

My overall for this game is 8.5/10.
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