Run Like Hell (1995) Poster


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nipplie zoom in was ground breaking and cinema has not kept up
jordananderson-9242621 April 2024
Run like hell while on the first watch may be to subtle to notice but upon my fifth viewing i finally picked up on what made this movie incredible, the 5 minutes of un cutt footage of the naked women and zdar watching that the movie opens up with.

If i hadnt finally noticed it i may have rated this movie 2 stars, for anyone that missed this small detail of FIVE UNCUT MINUTES OF WASHED TITS AND DROOLING ZDAR i recomend you give it a closer inspection.

I am extremely excited for the sequel and can only imagine where it will go from here, perhaps they will hang major dong, but we shall see.....
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WOW!! Babes, Cowboys, Ninjas, Chainsaws and Robert Z'dar
TheCinemator20 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
How could this possibly be bad!! Well you hire the worlds crappiest video camera, don't have tape so why not shoot it over the worn copies of copies of used video tape. Hey then hire the worst actors you can find, (Z'dar excepted, he gets a free pass). You then make up the script as you go along. Then shoot it in your parents garage and on location at the local junk yard.

Hey just to make it look even worst transfer it to DVD using freeware you find on a dodgy download site.

Spend the rest of your budget on tomato sauce for special effects and you have "Run Like Hell"

I watched it from start to finish and I still can't tell you exactly what happened. But here is some sample dialog:

Ninja: "You must learn to fight,....because when the time comes to fight you must fight, like a badger, like you friend Darla did when you lost your friend Darla." Blonde Chick: "Look you are most likely some great martial arts master, but i've been through much worse things and lived, I don't have time to fight, we need to finish the quest."

mmmmmmm What freakin quest???? They just run and shoot and act really really badly.

Any who, I love cheesy bad movies, I have an extensive collection, but even I had to force myself to sit through this. The DVD quality is at some points unwatchable, this is only for those seeking out the worst of the worst. So bad it is not even good-bad, just bad-bad.
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Horrible, just horrible! Run like hell indeed!
Bill35717 July 2009
I would only recommend this post-apocalyptic home video to big fans of heavy T&A and thong enthusiasts that like the kind that ride high on the hips and make the wearer's buttocks look long and droopy (I think you know what kind I'm referring to. I hate those.)

The silly plot has Robert Z'Dar (whose scenes look as if they're shot in a day) as the despotic warden of a futuristic women's prison. Luckily for him, all single women have been rounded up and incarcerated. Needless to say, all the inmates wear the afore mentioned high-riding thong and nothing else.

Thrown in are an escape, a cyborg bounty hunter, chainsaws, some ninjas, and other crap that came springing from the minds of the three (It took three people to write this!) obviously twelve-year-old writers.

In case my words inadvertently inspire someone to watch this, let me end by pleading with you to please skip it. It sounds very cool but it's a boring, shot on video mess. It's so bad I had to turn the lights on and stand up to keep from falling asleep.
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There's bad, there's awesomely bad and then there's Run Like Hell
Corpus_Vile28 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In the near future of 2008... Wait a minute. That's actually the past. And this film was made in 1995. What on Earth where the three (yeah, three) writers thinking here? Oh well. I'll start again.

In the year 2008, the Earth is ravaged by war, pestilence, disease and mutants. (apparently)

Who's to blame for all of this bleakness? Wimmin', that's who. Single wimmin'.

Or at least that's what the "corrupt government" seem to think, and promptly bundle all single women off to prisons, as they're deemed "A threat to society".

This is explained by some dude doing a voice-over, only he never explains WHY, single chicks are deemed a threat to society.

But that doesn't matter, because as soon as this film starts, four chicks go from showering in their thongs to doing a prison break in their thongs, and this does its job in distracting you from asking about such niceties like realism, and believability.

Besides, Robert Z'Dar is the warden, and if you're actually gonna sit down and watch a futuristic post apocalyptic flick with sleazy wardens played by Robert Z'Dar and prison breaks by chicks wearing thongs, and then not like it, well, this begs the question: Shouldn't the sentence "Starring Robert Z'Dar as the sleazy warden" have been a valuable enough heads up to begin with??

Anyhoo, our heroines go on the run, to the fabled "Paradise City", (where presumably single wimmin' aren't deemed a threat to society and Guns N Roses are quite popular) only to have that dastardly warden hire a bounty hunter and a dude with a motorcycle helmet passing as a cyborg, to bring em back home, so that justice will be served. Apparently, cyborgs were invented in the 13 years before single wimmin' caused society's downfall.

Yet luckily for our intrepid single chicks, a mysterious Ninja, who just happens to be bopping along the post apocalyptic mutant and pestilence infested wasteland, decides to teach them how to fight, for reasons best known to himself. Judging by the training choreography, he's no Mr Myagi either. This leads to a climax which involves chainsaw duels and improbable wounds, such as single crimson lines from said chainsaw duels.

Run Like Hell is awesomely, incredibly, almost willfully awful. In every sense of the word. The dialogue is crap. The acting is woeful and the cast consists of people with names such as Gil Cologne. The score is this hilariously inept syntho nonsense and the fact that three writers thought that:

A) Society was gonna crumble in 13 short years.

B) Said future would also consist of ninjas, chainsaw duels and single chicks getting carted off to prisons as being single was a threat to society... a testament to the sheer grooviness of the drugs they obviously had knocking about back then.

Anyway... I loved it, and found it firmly craptastic. Well recommended for lovers of trashy bad cinema.

And NOBODY else.
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A hugely enjoyable piece of low-grade junk
Woodyanders6 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In the bleak future of 2008 the world has been severely ravaged by war and disease. All the single women are rounded up and incarcerated in brutal womens' penitentiaries. Four gutsy gals -- Elsa (buxom blonde Dree Lange), Darla (lovely Colleen Corrigan), Shotgun (Liz Davies), and Sally (cute Elizabeth Prince) -- break out of jail, go on the lam, and hightail it to Paradise City. The evil sleazeball warden (veteran B-flick baddie Robert Z'Dar in fine slimy form) assigns tough bounty hunter Blade (the hopelessly wooden Gil Cologne) and his droid partner (director/co-writer Robert Rundle wearing a tarted-up motorcycle helmet!) to retrieve the ladies. Fortunately, mysterious ninja Jag (stolid Henry Olvera) decides to help the quartet out by teaching them how to fight. Clumsily directed by Rundle (who also came up with the story and co-wrote the slight script), with a tacky narrative that combines elements of chicks-in-chains exploitation and your basic chase thriller into a deliciously cheesy whole, largely awful acting from a lame no-name cast, clunky martial arts fights, a monotonously shuddery synthesizer score, dreadful dialogue ("I only bet on a sure thing and I'm never wrong"), crude and ugly eyeball-straining shot-on-video cinematography by Mac Williams, cut-rate gore, and ineptly staged action scenes, this gloriously ghastly mess possesses all the right wrong stuff to rate highly as a positively gut-busting four star stinkeroonie. Of course, we also get a tasty plethora of gratuitous female nudity (our four escapees spend the first ten odd minutes of the picture running about clad solely in black thongs!) and a smidgen of lurid soft-core sex. A complete trashy hoot.
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Zero Out of Ten
saint_brett17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Run Like Hell" starts out with two flat-chested prison cons lathering up in a shower as Maniac Cop looks on via a spy monitor, and by the looks of it, he's either going to have an induced accident in his pants or a stroke.

Apparently these two didn't make the cut for that "Simply Irresistible" music video.

Why are they showering with their underwear on?

Some introduction to the movie: a faceless nobody narrates a feeble story about it being the year 2008, even though it looks like the early 80s, and all single women are deemed a threat to humanity and sent to an industrial prison that's run by Z'Dar, who's just a pervert that likes to spy on unsuspecting people in need of a wash. The movie doesn't even follow its own rules, as there's a single woman at the end who runs a people-trading business and steals others. Why isn't she in Z'Dar's prison?

I've been watching obscure porn all day, and having to come back to my Robert Z'Dar marathon deflates my heightened sense of feeling alive.

Maniac Cop gets rough with two mail-order brides, and one of them actually has the gall to knee him in that famous jaw of his.

A flesh fest of female prisoners forms a coup and arm themselves for a planned escape.

Four semi-naked prison cons, with no names, manage to get on the outside, and it looks like we're back on the same set as Z'Dar's other movie, "Dead End City."

The tribe of lesbians hold-up an empty gas station and unload all their ammunition on two deadbeats. (I believe these same two come back from the dead later in the movie and die twice?) With the amount of ammo they pumped into those two dead guys, they would be all out, yet they continue blasting away till the movies end. There is no need for reloading in this movie. A gun with unlimited bullets sounds delicious.

Maniac Cop continues to have his way with the remaining prisoners. He has a fetish for being a peeping Tom as well.

A zodiac ninja picks off two urban cowboys, then joins forces with the escaped lesbians and sets sail for Sin City, or Burning Man.

"Run Like Hell" is absolutely last resort stuff.

"Go To Hell" is more like it.

The prison cons are reduced to only three after one's gallbladder suddenly explodes.

A pitiful display of emotion sees naked actress 2 weep over the dead victim then roar in anger, which is mega cringe.

None of these chicks have eaten in days, so wouldn't it be only logical to eat the dead lady?

"Run Like Hell" is a prequel to "The Roller Blade Seven." It's that bad. I bet there are people working behind the scenes on this movie who came from "RB7." Z'Dar did a lot of work with Robert Shaw. There has to be some connection. "Run Like Hell" has that same crappy feel to it.

41 minutes in, and I've lost interest. It's a movie without a story.

I don't have the patience left to be tested.

Everything I've watched in 2023 has drained what intelligence I had left and made me the third member of Dumb & Dumber.

If you don't believe me, take a look at the 54-minute mark of this movie. Laurel, from "The Langoliers," barks some message, but the cameraman had his recording device set on mute at the time and nothing comes out of her gob. It's a silent movie for 3 seconds, and the idiot with her says, "Okay, whatever you say." "Run Like Hell" is so inept that at the 1 hour, 19 minute mark in the end credits, they couldn't even spell desert correctly!

I didn't see any "Dessert People" serving up any trifle, or ice cream to the actors.

I can't let it slide either about the silly prison complex, which has been used multiple times as stock footage. It's just a factory in LA somewhere that emits pollution and probably produces cardboard boxes or peat bricks.

You know what? I'm all about done with my so-called marathon of what's-his-name movies.

I can't take much more of this.

This is the straw that broke the camel's back.

I think I'm out concerning Robert Z'Dar.

I need fresher pastures.

Somebody slightly better like Matthias Hughes or Dolph Lundgren?
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