Ice Queen (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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Not Thawed Out
ghoulieguru27 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So, the set up for this thing is that some scientist has found a cave woman from prehistoric times frozen in the ice. She's the Ice Queen of the title. While en route back to civilization, the Ice Queen comes to life and rips through the pilot's throat, causing the plane they were traveling in to crash into the side of a mountain. The crash causes an avalanche, which deposits the plane, along with several tons of snow, into the main lodge of a ski resort.

It's late in the season, so there aren't a lot of people in the ski resort, but the few people that there are get stuck in the main lodge with a newly revived blue monster lady. The Ice Queen gets free and starts prowling around, killing ski bums and bimbos until she comes across this one ski patrol guy that she thinks is cute or something. He does his best to stop her rampage until they can put her back into cold storage.

This is like a low budget version of THE THING made by people that have seen too many Godzilla movies and teen sex comedies. The worst scenes of the movie are when the granulated sugar avalanche consumes all these little train villages, and the wet t-shirt contest that takes up the first twenty minutes of the movie. If you're looking for a movie that combines gratuitous nudity with really cheap production values, look no further. Ice Queen is for you.
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Absolutely not a pain to sit through.
Vomitron_G9 September 2010
Woooohaaaaa!!! This was bad... and once again fun enough for me to sit through it without any problems.

Some prehistoric chic, dug up somewhere in the amazon, gets transported by airplane. The plane crashes at a ski-resort and the cold temperature mutates her into... The Horrible Ice Queen! This film features a wet T-shirt contest (fun!) and there's a blonde bimbo with delicious fake boobies getting naked and having sex in a hot bathtub (more fun!!!). And OMG, will you check out all these wonderful miniatures in this movie! Especially the matchbox cars were superb! The actual storyline of the film? A bunch of dumb twenty-somethings trapped in a big house overrun by snow, getting killed off by the Ice Queen, one by one. And a fat guy running around outside between miniature cars looking for them. I recommend anybody looking for a good time to watch this splendid film. Preferably with beer, pizza and in the company of friends. With a bunch of topless girls that will stay the night.

Under these circumstances, there's absolutely no way you can go wrong with this flick.
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OK cheesy horror (may contain spoilers)
michaeltoddbackus12 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First off this movie was not quite as awful as some are saying. For a movie in general it is 2 stars, but for horror cheese (a guilty pleasure of mine) it is more like 4 stars. It had the potential to be more, but was not. Okay now let the ripping and spoiling begin! This film has big problems with continuity and creature effects (two big no no's in monster/horror cheese films). An electrical short that happens during flight does not explain creature transformation. I love the fact that Jennifer Hill's character is running around the entire time in very thin material and no one gives her a jacket. Hill is attractive, but personally I thought Noelle Reno was much more attractive and she gives a darn good performance that stands out in this film, showing that she has that rare blend of good looks and talent. Hill, Harmon Walsh and most of cast deliver decent performances. But, the creature's look and acting were horrible and unneeded. This would have been a better movie if creature killing people was the hot chick she started out to be and not the short circuited, latex, mystic wanna be, walking red eyes commercial she turned into. The avalanche sfx are solid given budget. However the solid acting, lighting, and fine exterior sfx could not make up for bad creature make up and acting, bad acting by scientist, the bad ending (he's dead), and the major continuity flaws. All in all it's a moderately enjoyable horror slice of cheese - you could do much worse and you can do a Whole Lot Better!
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So Bad That Becomes Hilarious
claudio_carvalho5 January 2007
While transporting a unique female species from the Pleistocene Age, a.k.a. Ice Age, a military convoy is attacked and the sample is abducted. The creature called "Ice Queen" should be conserved in cryogenic state, otherwise she would wake-up very aggressively, but the apparatus in the plane where Dr. Goddard (Daniel Hall Kuhn) airborne the species has a problem, the creature is warmed, awakes and kills the mercenary pilot. The airplane crashes and slides with the snow avalanche that was provoked in the mountains, falling over and burying a resort, trapping a group of survivors with the Ice Queen inside. The species kills some of them, while Johnny (Harmon Walsh), his girlfriend Tori (Noelle Reno) and Elaine (Jennifer Hill) have to find a means of escape to save their lives.

"Ice Queen" is so bad that becomes hilarious, an involuntary comedy. First of all, the screenplay and the dialogs do not help the group of actors and actresses so absurd and silly they are. The direction is terrible, and most of the cast seems to be quite amateurish. The unknown Daniel Hall Kuhn has an awful performance in one of the lead roles. The "silicone queen" Jennifer Hill gives some of the most funny moments of the story, and the body movements of the Ice Queen are comical. I agree that this movie is bad, but in the end I liked it since I laughed a lot. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Terror no Gelo" ("Terror in the Ice")
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Wonder why this is so cheap? Well, now you know.
natashabowiepinky6 June 2013
Why is it ALWAYS the blonde, fake-tanned, silicon-enhanced skank they show with her bits out in modern 'horror' films, and not the natural, attractive ones? There is a bimbo in this movie who talks so dumb and is such a bad actress, she makes the ladies from TOWIE seem tolerable by comparison. The biggest laugh is when we find out she's in law school... this is about as likely as me being a midwife. If the director had any sense he'd have killed her off after the wet t-shirt competition and the shag in a hot tub, but nope... Instead she hangs around like a bad smell, ruining every scene she's featured in. At least she's getting plenty of help there...

Onto the monster. It's a massive smurf with spiky teeth and some red wires trailing from it. It moves like your drunk uncle trying to play charades, and kills people by plucking their hearts from their chests. Fortunately, it doesn't recite any weird chants like Mola Ram in Temple Of Doom. In fact, it doesn't say anything at all, it just drools and snarls and licks it's lips. It is also completely unscary, so even in movies as appalling as this when the creature usually provides some blessed relief, here it just highlights how shoddy and pathetic the whole enterprise is.

What else? Well, there's a HUGE avalanche scene that may have worked, apart from the most obvious use of green screen EVER. (And WTF is someone banging a gong as part of the background noise during it?) And there's a cute dog, with more talent in it's right paw than the rest of the humans put together. Apart from that, it is boring, boring, boring... then the giant smurf appears, and we wish it would go back to being boring, instead of just painful.

Fortunately, I don't envisage the makers being in a position to pollute the atmosphere with more of their garbage films for quite a while. After all, the profit margin from selling two copies a week at Poundland must be somewhat slight... 1/10
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So bad it's just bad
luckie589219 June 2008
I'm a big fan of horror movies that are so bad they're good, as in hilarious, but Ice Queen is just so bad it's bad. Bad acting, bad script, bad costume for the monster, etc. - all those are expected and they're what make a bad horror flick hilarious. And Ice Queen has them. But nothing happens in this movie for about the first hour, and then there's about twenty minutes of 'horror.' Okay, yes, there are some pretty ridiculous and hilarious moments - as when the monster gets momentarily taken out by a common bathroom fixture, or anytime the monster is shown just standing there going "blaeh! blaeh!" looking like she's about to go into convulsions - but overall it's not enough.
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Low budget rubbish.
poolandrews20 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ice Queen starts as a military convoy is attacked by someone or other, the film doesn't think such details are important so why should we, & a unique prehistoric humanoid shaped female Ice Queen (Ami Chorlton) creature recently discovered is stolen. Scientist Dr. Goddard (Daniel Hall Kuhn) decides to transport the Ice Quen to somewhere not far from the Snowshed Ski Resort Lodge by plane, unfortunately the cold temperature outside revives the Ice Queen & she kills the pilot, the plane crashes, causes an avalanche which buries the ski lodge trapping Johnny (Harmon Walsh) & his buddies. Besides having to survive the avalanche Johnny & his buddies also have to contend with the Ice Queen who kills on sight...

Co-edited, co-written & directed by Neil Kinsella this is yet another brainless straight-to-video/DVD low budget piece of crap horror film with lots of unintentional comedic moments. The script by Kinsella, producer Peter Beckwith & David Williams is boring, dull, clichéd & full of plot holes. The whole Ice Queen thing is wrong, no explanation is given as to what she is, when the equipment in the back of the plane stops working there would have been all sorts of alarms going off as is the case with medical equipment, if Ed phoned the emergency services to report an avalanche they couldn't just say 'we don't believe you' & not bother to investigate, the emergency services are obliged by law to respond to a call for help & that's a basic fact. I could go on but you get the idea, the script is dumb & had little thought put into it. The character's are awful, they do stupid things, they split up, no-one seems that bothered about being trapped under an avalanche of snow or that some of their mates have been killed & are dead & they are just plain annoying. The film seems to go on for ages, it's boring, it's predictable, it's stupid & it's not a film I enjoyed.

Director Kinsella doesn't do much to liven things up, the direction is poor & the film has pacing problems. The Ice Queen herself is awful, she has these spastic looking exaggerated movements, she stares, sneers & wiggles her tongue at the camera & she just looks retarded. It's not scary, there's no excitement, tension or atmosphere. There's no gore either, someone has their hand pulled off, there are several scenes of the Ice Queen sticking her hand into people's chests & that's it. I will admit though that the avalanche scene is quite well done even though it steals footage from the film Avalanche (1999) so I can't give it that much credit since the best sequence in the film was at least in part stolen from another film. Also, when Johnny & his mates crawl out of that air vent at the end there's no snow anywhere & the ground is dry, where did the snow that covered the building go all of a sudden? Also, why didn't the avalanche destroy the jacuzzi & who left it on?

Technically the film is alright, it's nothing special but it's reasonably well made. Apparently shot in Vermont. The special effects are OK & better than a lot of low budget horror films of recent times. The acting is poor by no-one you've ever heard of.

Ice Queen is one of those dumb low budget shot on a camcorder type horror flicks the kind everyone seems to think they can make. I didn't like it & I doubt many will.
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iarepacman29 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so first things first, the prosthetic make-up provided by Optic Nerve was great (except for the scene where the costume had big gaping holes in the leg, and the skin underneath wasn't blue like the rest of the character). The problem, was that the actress underneath the make-up was atrocious. All of the actors in fact were just god awful. The film itself isn't half bad, with a very impressive scope given its budget. The plot though, is hacky and takes nonsensical twists and turns (we see the main character fooling around with the blonde bimbo in the hot tub, then later she tells the girlfriend nothing happened, its just silly). Any why didn't the guy on the outside of the avalanche just call someone else? Or ya know, call back over and over? The last battle is perhaps one of the most awful things I have ever seen. A wonderful make-up throughout the movie, is reduced to the sum of its parts. Literally. The "melted" ice queen, amounts to nothing more than the actual foam latex prosthetics floating in some water. For a film that had some impressive (albiet budget) fx up until that point, this climax was just sad to no end. In short, great make-up fx on the antagonist (and nowhere else unfortunately), but thats about all this movie has on the plus side.
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poorly made rubbish
greenflea29 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a great idea, but a brain-dead director, seriously low budget and acting worse than a high school play, seriously let this movie down. The special effects are a joke, and most of the time, I wasn't sure whether to either burst out into tears or laughter. Like the scence showing the crash air plane inside the hotel, does seriously look like the plane was put there, with fake foam scattered around it, than having crash into the building. In many scenes inside the resort which is bury beneath tons of snow, its well lit up, despite no power is on. The main actresses in this movie, obviously wasn't given the roles base on their acting, more like the size of their boobs. The Ice Queen is more scary than a broken down car, and she seriously reminds me out of those z-grade 1950's horror movies monsters or aliens.

The Ice Queen at first shows up as a naked woman, in excellent condition, despite been bury under ice for thousands of years.

I do believe high school students could be a far better job, than those behind making this stupid movie.

The director seriously needs to go back to directors school, or find another job.
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Best Bad Movie Ever!!!
ImmaBeast8224 June 2008
OMG!!! "Ice Queen" lol. I absolutely love how bad this movie is. The performances are awful, the story is played out, and the special effects are really cheesy. But I have to admit that I enjoyed this movie's terribleness! I totally think they should remake this with Carmen Electra as the Ice Queen, Adam Brody as the male lead, and Tara Reid as the hot dumb blonde. How awesome would that be? That could definitely be a serious Razzie contender. Oh, and they can get Uwe Boll to direct! He'd be great at making it even worse! I can see it now...

UWE BOLL presents "THE ICE QUEEN" starring Carmen Electra, Adam Brody, & Tara Reid lol
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"Holy f****'n Christmas!" Thrill in terror at the bloody reign of the Ice Queen!!! Warning: Spoilers
She's here to make us hurt ain't she!? I think this is a great example of a movie so bad it's good, and there are very few that I can honestly say I enjoy for that reason because I usually find the whole 'B-movie' thing a bit hard to grasp, as I like films that I personally consider fun, not 'bad'. Anyway this definitely ranked among that list right away. It's a very straightforward and ridiculous half-baked horror movie that's only really good for a laugh, and going into it I had no expectations one way or the other, especially after seeing the opening scene, but it soon had me chuckling at it from how joyously goofy and cheap everything about it was, and I just really got into it and found it surprisingly entertaining and a lot of fun to watch. It's one of those trashy horror pictures that are meant to be absurd, and not in that obnoxious obvious way where you're constantly getting little winks to the camera, but in the sense that to an extent it's taking itself seriously, which for me is where a lot of the comedy comes from, especially in the scenes where the ridiculously pretty cast members try to show how scared they are of the Ice Queen. The actors weren't the worst that I've ever seen by a long shot, they handled their lines competently enough. This was surely no easy task when you consider that they had clunker lines like "It's show time in Bitch Town", to contend with! And special kudos to Ami Chorlton's wicked performance as the Ice Queen herself, who is of course at the center of this crazy movie, and is the sole reason why it works. Now here was a right vicious bitch, I don't recall ever seeing another villain quite like her. She's a truck-drivin' mad momma from the Ice Age and she's all p****d-off and bitter cause she hasn't got any in like a million years! Why the hell does she start out in the movie looking like a regular beautiful woman and then turn into blue-fried s**t when she awakes? Who cares, the plot calls for a scary monster woman chasing people around, we got one! Her motivation? We never really know, she just seems to be kind of, evil. She's pretty simple. Archetypal. She just wants those damn humans dead and when she finds a warm body she's like:I need to kill that! Ha, she sounds like a guy! Like everything else in the movie, she pretty much only gets points for camp value. I love all her freaky writhing and the way she always looks like she's power-walking everywhere! I liked her neat method of dispatching her victims by sticking her hand into them and freezing them from the inside-out. And when she meets the one teenager trapped in the avalanche-covered ski resort who steals her heart for some reason she is then driven - she gonna get that f*****g man!!! Why was he so much colder than everybody else? The scene is so totally hilarious where she's acting all coy like she still think she's sexy. You just know they had to have broke up in laughter a few times when they were making that scene! I thought the makeup effects of the character looked great, she was fairly scary. Reminded me of the creatures from the two 80's Demons movies. ::: At first glance it appears to be your typical B-movie and in many ways it is, but to me it rises above that somehow. The most straight-up loony moment is when the crazy scientist nerd person shares a surreal pow-wow moment with the Ice Queen where they both 'roar' in triumph of her victory over a most worthy foe! Recommended if you have a sense of humour and even the slightest appreciation of the lovably bad. It's got the right amount of cheese, charm and snowy madness. Whether they went out to make it purposefully hilarious or not, Ice Queen is just awesome! Look at that sexy beast strut!!
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i want my $1.10 back
mischam7629 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The only way i could ever re watch this 'film'again,and i use the term loosely,would be A)with a gun pointed to my head or B)with LOTS of beer and a bunch of mates to laugh out loud at the whole thing.I'm pretty certain its not a comedy. The only thing scarier than the ice queen was Elains implants.Does she even realise where her nipples are pointing these days? Wait until you see the scene where her arm is pulled off leaving a very visible mannequins arm attached to Johnny's,exposing wrist joints and all.Oh,and the toy cars turned upside down on the snow are very effective...if you were filming a kids movie about toy cars in the snow.At leasy Harmon Walsh aka Johnny offered some eye candy.
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Let it go!
nethy-nho17 March 2019
It's an old movie, that when I'm a child I really had scary of that woman(?), but rewatching nowadays, I just thought all the events really funny and bizarre, the cast is horrible, the plot is WTF, the dialogues are so poor, and the killer is the best thing because she just wanna kill everybody (and she should), and she has weird ways to do, and she is creepy and weird as well, so, it's basically a trash movie, and I particularly love this kind of movie, and if you like, you must watch too.
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What a waste of a really good monster
Xex-Arachnid4 November 2006
The head line should say it all and to go off on that, it's true. To create a monster nowadays is hard enough, and when you do come up with one that can potentially scare the paste out of someone, it's usually wasted in horrible "horror" movies or commercials.

Let's see, the reason why I rented this movie was because I've kept seeing it popping up at all the rent franchises for 3 months and finally gave in.

Now in terms of already expecting a disappointment, I am not not disappointed but still throw up my hands when pondering if cheap CGI is the all sum total future of movies, then I will cancel all my memberships of the evil celluloid corporations and just buy the classics and F the rest.

And yes, Jennifer Hill is a lovely slice of lemon mering pie but that was not the reason why I had rent this and her lovely synthetic ta-tahs couldn't save the movie even if they busted out of her Victoria Secrets strap case.

Now let me get into the movie. If you don't know what the movie's about, well it's about a doctor and his archaeological team finding the find of the century, a frozen woman from the ice age who has genetic structure solely made out of liquid that is meant to be kept below 30 degrees. The doctor plans to fly his novelty via private charter plane which was infiltrated by some money hungry mercenary type guy while in route get's frozen and kill mid flight, leaving the doctor to steer the plane in a mountain peak causing an avalanche that destroys the small skying community below. In the midst of all of this, all the characters who've survived meet up and try to lead a caravan out of the submerged town, getting killed by the ice queen. And in the end, the two main characters survive with the would be ex-alcholic uncle and his bitch (hehe) who's playing red-cross searcher above.

Okay, for the monster, in the beginning of her introduction was very good for me. The way she moved (writhed) and growled and flicked her tongue made the actresses performance very believable but too much of it made it get played out quick.

As for the brother in the movie, well it's typical for this character type to have the persona of being around white folks through out most of his life but tries to talk black or say a few lines that sound black but very unconvincing. I mean for real, I know that there's brothas almost everywhere but I highly doubt they make collards in the killingtons, if you know what I mean.

The doctor is some kind of crack pot, weirdo which is typical of these doctor types, who some how survives the monster's attacks as if they share some sort of union which compromises the character because the logic is, if you raise a baby croc, it will eat you so I think it would apply here as well.

Also, if such a discovery was found, I don't think the U.S. government wouldn't be involved, since such grants for such things are granted by the U.S. of A and since they know everything, I think some agent would be sent to see how their money is spent. So in reality, there would of been a military personnel present throughout but then again, there wouldn't of been a movie.

Also, the part where the ex-alcholic uncle used emergency services to call for help was turned down by the operator because she'd thought the uncle was going through one of his drunk rants of madness. WRONG-if this were real, that person would of gotten fired because all emergency calls have to be taken seriously, but then again if this was the case, there would be no movie.

Now in summary, I can understand that a lot of things in this movie was poor due to a serious lack of budget but if that's the case, then a movie (no matter how promising) shouldn't be made.
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Moronic piece of film....
dmurph4118 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't know where to start when summing up this film. Each actor is had the ability to make me instantly hate them both as an actor and a person. They had as much acting talent as a blind man calling balls and strikes. You could've walked down to the nearest grocery store, picked out five people, and told them to act in this film, It would have had the same effect. The special effects looked like they were done by children who had no hands. There are too many goofs to count and the best actor in the film was the dog, and even he screwed up his lines. The moans of the ice queen were equivalent to having actual ice shoved in your ears over and over. This movie was as convincing as trying to tell someone that the blonde's breasts were real. Never see this movie, period.
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Ice Queen
Scarecrow-8827 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A resort is destroyed by an avalanche caused by a downed air craft carrying a female creature from the Ice Age(..hence her official title)who destroyed the pilot while a scientist miraculously survives. The crew, in charge of the resort, are pursued by the she-beast who can freeze humans from the inside out burying her hand into the bellies of the victims. The scientist wishes to keep her from harm but the Ice Queen can not be contained.

Cheap sets, poor CGI, lame characters, and tepid performances in this worthless creature feature. There's some moderate gore and lame love triangle sub-plot that goes nowhere. Ami Chorlton is buried under hideous make-up, sharp finger nails and fangs, green skin with yellow eye contacts.

Harmon Walsh is Johnny, who works under drill sergeant Audrey(..she pretty much orders him around like one, although the hapless guy doesn't do himself any favors)exploding snow which collects on hills. His pals Devlin and Jessie(Peter Wyndorf and Demone Gore)are his co-workers(..which means, they are mincemeat for Ice Queen). As Audrey, Walden is stuck with seriously bogus wise-cracks which are groan-inducing, particularly when she challenges Ice Queen to combat. Daniel Hall Kuhn is the scientist who gets all excited and enthusiastic when discussing his specimen..he's the kind of tool who attempts to thwart our heroes' mission to kill the bitch, and save themselves. Johnny is currently dating Tori(Noelle Reno), a member of the resort staff. Johnny was making out with a big-breasted bimbo, Elaine(Jennifer Hill), not realizing that she would be interviewing for a job at the resort. These complications soon mean little as they focus on ridding themselves of Ice Queen and finding help. John Romeo is rotund Ed, the bartender of the resort's bar. Ed is a reformed alcoholic who fights off the urge to chug-a-lug seeing that the resort is in shambles and the small number of guests / vehicles were buried under snow.

I don't know what was up with Chorlton's stride as she seeks fresh victims, but she has a nice figure, even under that costume and grotesque mask. The avalanche and initial destruction it causes is obvious, dismal CGI. Hill's big jugs and excruciating acting might be worth sitting through this disaster, but I doubt it.
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One of the worst movies I have ever seen.
tabbja29 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie featured a cast of possibly the worst actors and actresses ever to grace the big screen.

After a plane crash that turns an already dying (or maybe dead -- I can't recall) woman into the "Ice Queen," there's an avalanche that strands a group of young men and women.

One of the first indications of this movies lack of quality is the obvious use of TOY CARS for the avalanche scene! I can do better with photoshop. The Special Effects crew needs to get out of the movie business and fast!

I'll skip the midsection and move right to the ending: The "Ice Queen" begins a sexual dance (if you want to call it that) to attempt to lure Johnny and he goes along with it in order to pull her into the hot-tub. Apparently the all-powerful "Ice Queen" can be easily defeated by a pool of hot water -- she is now a pile of crappy rubber parts that look like my 8-year-old brother made them with playdough.
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The idea was nice though
kenny_wolfs29 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I rented this video was because the cover seemed scary enough to me, a hideous woman, who somehow reminded me of Lordi's keyboard player, awakes from the ice and goes on a rampage. The movie started out nice though, since me and my friend have a little gag going around that there are three things that a good movie needs: a helicopter, breast and a midget (preferably one that gets kicked away, or kicks himself in the head). The first scene of the movie contained a helicopter, the second one contained Jennifer Hill in a wet t-shirt, and the fourth scene contained Jennifer putting it all out. Heck, I was honestly thinking this could be a good movie, and was the edge of my seat awaiting the midget.

After this, things went bad quickly. The Ice Queen looked pretty ugly, I'll give you that, but the horrible nonsense that she is put me off from the beginning. We are being told that she is a Homo Erectus, which still seems plausible. Now, it could be because I'm a High School teacher of History, and I might be more critical about historical incorrectness than others, but I do believe more people will hear their skin crawling when they claim the Homo Erectus (which only lived in Africa by the way) has a body temperature of -30°. I don't know if that's Celsius or Fahrenheit, but anyhow, it would mean that our ancestors had ice for blood. One could overlook that silly comment of the professor, but then he tells me that the Homo Erectus had the unseen power of being able to slash open its opponent, and freeze them from the inside out. When I heard this, I nearly fell from my chair, the idiocy and unrealism really are going over the top in this movie. Why does the Ice Queen need this type of power? She could just slash her opponents with her huge claws, and still be scary. Seeing how I'm a history teacher, I've had my fair share of 13 year old boys laughing about the name Homo Erectus like Beavis and Butthead, but those little pervs at least had a better idea of what the Homo Erectus was than the makers of this movie.

If this was all the silliness in the movie, one wouldn't mind so much, but the madness goes on. Not only did our ancestors have freezing powers, for some reason they have heat vision, which can be compared to the way "The Predator" looks at this world. At a certain point in the movie, she sees main character Johnny (Harmon Walsh) standing, and somehow his body turned colder than the walls, which seem to be on fire right now. This makes our Ice Queen fall in love with him, and I can tell you that this is the point of the movie, where you just stop trying to see it as a horror movie, and just accept the rest of the movie will be a comedy. Seeing the vicious Ice Queen biting on her 5 inch nail/claw as if she were a porn diva acting out a naughty 16 year old school girl just has to make you break out in laughter.

Now, on to the character of the Ice Queen, the only character that is not flat out cheesy, dumb or annoying. Some say they dislike the scream she makes, I liked that aspect of her. You could see she still was a beast and somehow it gave me the feeling she was afraid. That's one of the only good things done in this movie, somehow, you feel bad for the Ice Queen. She's not pure evil, she's just a creature put into an unfamiliar environment that is panic stricken, kinda the same thing as Cloverfield probably was.

********************* SPOILER - END OF THE MOVIE *********************

Now, I have to tell you about the end of the movie too. I was only finishing the movie since I wanted to see if the end was as ridiculous as the rest, and boy it was. Never have I seen such a stupid ending in a horror movie, and remember, Freddy Kreuger was killed initially because somebody didn't believe in him, while he was standing right in front of her. Now, the Ice Queen seems almost "get lucky with Johnny", but then he pulls her into the hot tub and she melts, and turns into a cheap plastic eyeball. Really, in this day and age, you should be able to make something better than that final prosthetic. When Jennifer Hill's rack isn't the most obvious fake prosthetic in your movie, something is plain wrong.

All in all, this movie is one of the most horrible horror movies ever made, but I gave it three stars, because the last 20-30 minutes were just so plain ridiculous that they made me laugh, and that means the movie entertained me, although not intentional.
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Mad Scientist
easygoin-22 October 2006
When you consider the horrible script and bad grammar, nonsensical "science," run on sentences Dr. Goddard had to try do something with, anyone who has any intelligence at all will conclude that the actor who had to speak these lines did an incredible job. In fact, he may be the only true actor in the film! We can only hope someone gives him a good script so those who can't see beyond bad scripts and directing can see how talented he truly is. I saw another review of this film on another web sight in which the review was dead on. I don't recall his name, but he commented that at first you may think the actor playing Dr. Goddard is a bit awkward, but when you realize the horrible lines and situations, and direction he had to deal with, you will also realize he must have the spirit of Brando in him to pull it off half as well as he did! Kudos to Mr. Kuhn for what he was able to do with lines no one could could do anything with. Someone give him a good script!
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af692644 July 2008
I don't even think that this movie should deserve 1 star. I wish they gave the choice of .5 rating. anyway, the movies plot has less substance than a 1st graders creative writing paper. It is horrendous. I've seen better acting by Steven seagal. He would have made this movie at least a 2/10. The worst part I think was the special effects, I mean this movie was made in 2005 and uses TOY cars and fake model houses and power poles in avalanche scenes. The ICE QUEENs costume looks like a spandex suit from the consignment shop, covered in rubber tubes and grey spray paint. I estimate the budget of this movie was probably between 500-1000 dollars including the actors they picked up from the unemployment office. HORRIBLE, not worth paying for. though I did laugh from time to time, so if you can watch it for free and want a good laugh by making fun of all the goofs, then I recommend it.
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Godawful Flick
dgreatgnazzini19 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Watched the movie through my free pay-per-view cable subscription. I would have definitely not purchased this movie. I needed to kill about 1 1/2 have hours but was only was able to stomach about 3/4 of the movie. Special effects were like 1950's Godzilla. The movie viewers were intoduced to the monster during a sequence where a poor copy of a Cobra Gun Ship helicopter, attacked a military convoy carrying the monster in a 55 gallon drum. Why was the military transporting an archaeological find? Why Am I so concerned by this? The acting in this movie was similar to low budget B movies. Got a big laugh when my son compared the ICE QUEEN Monster to BeetleJuice. The monster, to me, looked like a combination of BeetleJuice and the Monster from SPECIES. There was a little entertaining T&A but not worthy of the lousy dialog, lack of plot and cheesy special effects. Stay away. Please Stay away.
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s-reca17 September 2009
This movie makes me pee with laughter! I am not even kidding. If you are totally into really bad funny horror movies, this one takes the cake. There are a lot of bad ones out there that are not funny, but this one (along with troll 2) is amazing. The acting, the screams, the ice queens moves are hysterical. The acting - they are just all play there part so bad. I think tori is the worst Ice queen gyrates and jerks around so much she looks like she's having seizures I watch about once a year and it gets me every time. I am telling you as soon as i turned on the DVD and valley by gregory douglas came on, I knew it was going to be a really bad movie.
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A frigid and unusual horror
boyinflares7 July 2006
Edgewood's "Ice Queen" is an unusual sort of horror, in terms of premise, villain and setting, but combined with an interesting and attractive cast, make for a very cool (excuse the pun) film. Without giving too much away, a prehistoric woman is discovered, and brought back to life, except she is a seemingly mindless creature bent on destruction, who just happens to crash land with the doctor who knows all about her in a small ski-resort town, which becomes buried in an avalanche at the wrong time. Essentially, one could label this in the "monster" sub-genre of horror.

However, what sets it aside from many other monster films is a terrific cast, most all rather inexperienced actors, but they portray their characters well, and certainly as characters that you can actually care for. They are never boring, and you know a lot about them. They have issues going on in their lives, which often come to blows during their fight for their lives both against the avalanche and the monster, dubbed appropriately the Ice Queen.

Harmon Walsh is an absolute hottie, but he's also a terrific actor making his debut here as Johnny, the hero who finds himself with a big problem (aside from the Ice Queen) when he gets drunk and sleeps with another girl, Elaine, leaving his girlfriend, Tori, rather upset. But Johnny is also very smart, and keeps his head under the pressure that he and his friends find themselves in. Noele Reno plays Tori, rather tame compared to the other vibrant characters, but she gives a good performance. Jennifer Hill on the other hand, who plays Elaine, gives a sassy performance, she's fun and has great hair. In fact, at times you may wonder if Johnny will actually leave Tori for Elaine. Rounding out the cast are Daniel Hall Kuhn as the scientist who knows all about the Ice Queen, he gives a "interesting" performance in more ways than one (look out for his mating ritual with the Ice Queen, eek!), Tara Walden is excellent as the bossy Audrey whose fight with the Ice Queen is great, and both Peter Wyndorf and Demone Gore are very good as Johnny's friends Devlin and Jessie. Ami Chorlton doesn't get to say much as the Ice Queen, and due to all the make up she wears is unrecognisable.

With most horrors you can easily predict who is going to survive, unfortunately that is also the case here, for there is such a great group of people that one might find themselves hoping that they all survive. Obviously made on a low-budget, it certainly shows, but that is nearly a given with these sorts of films. However, "Ice Queen" is still a quality film with a different feel to it than other similar monster horrors, with a great cast and some very cool moments (pun intended).
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Low budget movies rarely surpass expectations... and this is another example of why that is.
Crazyfarts3 June 2006
A scientist has found a cave woman from prehistoric times frozen in the ice. She's the Ice Queen. While en route back to civilization, the Ice Queen comes to life, causing the plane they were traveling in to crash into the side of a mountain. The crash causes an avalanche, which deposits the plane, along with several tons of snow, into the main lodge of a ski resort.

This is a generic monster movie. A moronic plot with unnecessary happenings to fill up the length of the movie, below average actors and I can't say anything good about the characters as they are as emotionally thin as paper. The only time I was interested in watching these horrible actors/characters was the pointless sex scene with big fake boobs filling up as much of the screen as possible (it really is my favorite scene from the movie if I had to name one). To sum it up, bad acting.

Gore effects, whilst sometimes extremely amateurish, are quite a bit of fun to endure. It's definitely fake but funny, sometimes Evil Dead type funny. There are some decent crashes pulled off on the screen but are usually followed by horribly crafted CG imagery. If only they had kept this movie totally prosthetic and can the CGI, it may have been able to hold some kind of merit. Alas, they tried to get too Hollywood and make it worse.

Wardrobe design for the Ice Queen and miscellaneous characters are pretty bad, the make-up for the Ice Queen is bearable but only because it makes you laugh. Tee-hee-hee, she look funny.

All they really needed was some more talented people behind the scenes. If only they had a director who could hide that TV movie feel, if only they had a few more decent actors so it doesn't look like a movie filmed by a high school class. It could have rivaled such movies as Pumpkinhead, The Unnamable and Rawhead Rex but falls too short due to its lousy production values.
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Don't waste your time
lastliberal26 October 2008
This was so bad that If it hadn't included a hot tub scene with Jennifer Hill, it would have been one of the worst movies of all time.

It has a good monster in The Ice Queen, but she was wasted with her incessant screaming, and the set just didn't allow her to really develop. The battle with Audrey (Tara Walden) was set up for a promising scene, but it just didn't develop.

There was really no one you could care about in this film. It really didn't matter who came out. The pair that did were probably the least likable.

Despite giving us her all in that hot tub, Elaine (Hill) didn't fare too well.
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