Hunting Season (Video 2000) Poster

(2000 Video)

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"This isn't deliverance… " boy, he said it!
catfish-er16 June 2008
I bought this movie thinking it would be based on the excellently-written "Open Season" paperback, from the 1970s. In that story, like this one, a woman takes revenge against hunters who raped her; and, in that case, killed her boyfriend, after "hunting" both of them. However, despite the quote from Hemmingway, "There's no hunting like the hunting of armed men," this movie has nothing on that one.

Speaking of rape, since they hated "I spit on your grave," I am sure movie critics S&E loved this one, as everyone involved in the rape scene kept their clothes on – the woman had on her underwear; and, the rapists their jeans, jackets, and shirts. The only more unrealistic rape scene was in 1993's Savage Vengeance, a sequel to the vastly superior original, in which everyone was fully clothed the whole time.

This film has a few more problems… it was obviously filmed in California – auto license plates, Balboa Medical Plaza, and, the like. However, the director keeps cutting back on the State of Pennsylvania Hunting "licence" (YES, it's spelled that way; and, there are many other spelling errors as well). It just doesn't make sense.

All the practical effects are unbelievably bad. Worse, some are silly – just take a look at the rabbits that others have mentioned.

What's with the cop anyway, first he's hostile toward Sarah, then he's disinterested, then he's looking at housing construction, while feigning concern... odd.
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Ok for a 3-d movie...
dwpollar31 July 2003
1st watched 7/31/2003 - 3 out of 10(Dir-Jeff Leroy): Ok for a 3-d movie, which isn't saying much. This film was originally shot in 3-D and it actually has a good 3D feel to it, but like most 3D movies the `actual' movie is not that great. I have to admit there was one good actress in the film(Cindy Pena) as the revenge-stalker bow-wielding hunter. She actually tries to act but the rest of the males in the cast are worthless and don't seem to even be trying. The female in the picture is raped by hunters and basically stalks them on her own after the police give it a shot. There is a twist in the ending which I won't reveal for those of you who venture into watching this but it was somewhat expected. The rest of the movie including the special effects was disgusting utter-trash. Watch it for Cindy Pena if you watch it at all.
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Hey, I've Seen Lots Worse Produced by Real Movie Studios...
hokeybutt5 June 2005
HUNTING SEASON (2 outta 5 stars) Well, sure this is an ultra-low-budget bunch of cheese that is barely a "real" movie at all. It's filmed on video... the acting, writing, special effects and even the sound effects are terrible... but, hey, I'd rather be watching something ludicrous and laughable than some competently-made, generic "TNT Exclusive" or some such nonsense. This is a true descendant of the bad '70s rape/revenge flicks that used to play at the local drive-ins. A young couple go out camping and are accosted by masked hunters who beat up the guy and rape the woman. The local sheriff doesn't seem to be much help so she gathers up her crossbow and hunting knife and goes after the bad guys herself. The cheap special effects are kinda fun in a cheesy way. The girl who plays the lead (Cindy Pena) isn't too bad an actress... unfortunately everybody else is dreadful. The directing, to be honest, isn't all that bad... the camera usually seems to be well-placed (which is rare for these kinds of movies). The editing, on the other hand, leaves a lot to be desired. To pad out the short running time (I guess) there are a lot of pointless flashbacks to all the previous scenes of gratuitous nudity and/or violence. An added bonus is that this movie is released on DVD in 3-D (but without including glasses, of course, so I can't tell how *good* the 3-D effects are). But, what can ya expect for a $4.00 DVD at Wal-Mart? I figure I got my money's worth.
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3-D - dreadful, disastrous, dispiriting...
Libretio3 May 2005

Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 (Nu-View 3-D)

Sound format: Mono

A woman (Cindy Pena) arms herself with an arsenal of lethal weapons and heads into the woods to take revenge against four masked hunters who beat her boyfriend (Michael Walker) to a bloody pulp and subjected her to a brutal sexual assault.

Marginally superior 3-D offering from the same stable as CAMP BLOOD (1999) and its embarrassing ilk, featuring a spirited performance by Amazonian beauty Pena as the vengeful, leather-clad harpy seeking revenge on four irredeemable slimeballs, leading to a genuine twist in the tale. Jeff Leroy's direction is lively and competent (including a fair number of off-the-screen 3-D effects), but the rock-bottom production values and unflattering camcorder photography conspire against any and all good intentions.
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Literally the worst "film" I've ever seen - and I've seen a lot of films!
movieguy6451 August 2009
I have rated many thousands of films to date on IMDb and this is the very first comment I've ever left! I only leave a comment about this "film" because it is literally the worst "film" I've ever seen.

There is absolutely no production value. The writing is horrible. The acting is terrible. The directing is atrocious. The editing is laughable. The score is ridiculous. This film looks as if a grade school student wrote it, shot it on a bad camcorder and edited it on a speak-and-spell.

With all of that said, however, this film holds a special place in my collection - a place in the "so bad its good" category. It is actually so bad that it's great! Unintentionally, it is one of the best comedies I've ever seen and I found myself laughing as I watched most of the film on 2x speed after the first five minutes. I can't wait to have a bunch of friends over to watch this supremely entertaining laughable effort, or lack thereof.
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I liked this movie.
wurliguy22 April 2004
I liked this movie, and It was in real 3D.

The acting was pretty good, the main actress was great. I hope she gets a chance to act in better movies, she deserves it.

The story in this "Real" 3D movie is better than most of these low budget efforts. I like the story twist at the end. The 3D was quite good, I hike in the countryside a lot, and the settings look exactly like the places I hike. It was believable to me.

The main reason I watched this movie was that it was in 3D, I probably wouldn't have watched it otherwise.

I have seen 9 of these low budget 3D movies and this one rates a 6 out of 10. I will plug a few of the others to see, "Eyes of the Werewolf", "Camp Blood", "Camp Blood 2", "Zombie Chronicles", and all in REAL 3D.

This movie should be seen in 3D, the way it was meant to be seen, as should all 3D movies. They become much more interesting in 3D, much more realistic.

Yes, maybe the story could be fine tuned, and polished a bit more, but it is very watchable. I keep hoping that a future effort by this bunch will rise above its low budget roots. It only needs a good story and some imagination.
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wm_7226 January 2005
Where to begin? This isn't your average movie. Imagine college freshman taking film class for a month and they have to make a movie. This is probably how it would turn out. These movies are VERY entertaining for me for different reasons. One being they are SO corny that they're hilarious to watch. Whether it be a horror or a's still comedy to me. The absolute BEST part of this movie was when a body fell off of a cliff and landed DEAD STILL on top of the water! AH HAHAHA! Just PLOP as if it were inflated with air. I also like to see completed film projects by amateurs and see how talented they are and what kind of ideas they come up with. I'm rating it a 2 and I'm being super generous because it did slightly entertain me. If you have a weird taste like me and like these type of movies for the cheese ball effects...go for it...At least it's in 3d as a bonus.
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Hunting Season
shadowfever26 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What I like most about no budget movies is that, unlike their high budget Hollywood counterparts, they refuse to take themselves too seriously.

Spending millions of dollars on a big budget film doesn't necessarily make it entertaining or original. And spending no money doesn't mean that it has no merit.

The ending had a nice twist. Though it has been done before we often don't expect an ending that is so non-linear, that actually veers off into a form of originality.

I loved Cindy Pena,she had the right outdoor quality and didn't seem out of place at all. A great body for the great outdoors. Not a beauty but that added to her intrigue. Not to say that she was unattractive, just not model perfect. She could chase me in the woods. And she wouldn't be stopping every few minutes to fix her makeup.

I don't normally rate rape scenes but this was really one of the weaknesses of the movie. A little gratuitous sex and violence (okay, a lot of gratuitous sex and violence) is almost a requirement in this type of story but having all of the participants keep their clothes on was a little disturbing. Perhaps it was an attempt by the film makers to subconsciously promote the use of barrier devices rather than condoning unprotected, unwilling sex. Must have been latex panties.

Anyway, not a waste of time. Much more accessible than a lot of what passes for entertainment anymore. Made cheaply, accepting it's limitations, and done with a measure of humor.
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The absolute worst movie I have ever seen!!!
rarvin29 May 2014
I wish I could give this one no stars; it is truly THAT BAD. As another reviewer noted, everything about it is horrible (the production, acting, sound, video...everything!) I can't think of one thing about this movie that I could possibly remotely like. I've seen bad before, but this one gave me an eye twitch for days. If you want to watch the epitome of cinematic crap, here it is.

The story line isn't anything out of the ordinary and they even attempted to throw in a twist-ending (if you even get that far), but I literally sat through the whole thing with my mouth hanging open in utter amazement. It appears to be a college project gone awry.
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I saw this under the name of Grave Vengeance and it was put...
ghost-925 July 2001
This was put out by Brain Damage video and it sucked worse than any movie short of CLASS OF NUKEM HIGH. It was really, extremely, horribly, unbelievably, bad. It is funny to do an MSTK3000 routine on. Notice that in the closing credits they misspell sheriff as "sherrif" and chief as "cheif". They use plastic guns and bb rifles for real guns and the effects are silly. Some shots of Cindy Pena being "raped" are repeated throughout for maximum nudity. Very silly movie!
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