Ham and the Jitney Bus (1915) Poster

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Why Should Ham Get To Kick Bud When The Audience Can't?
boblipton24 September 2020
Ham and Bud spend the first half of this movie trying to kill each other. Then they find some money and buy a touring car, which they convert to a jitney bus. However, for some reason, people prefer to ride with the beautiful young woman in her clean car rather than these two.

In this period Lloyd Hamilton and Bud Duncan played a couple of characters. Looking like bums, they wandered into situations, abused each other and anyone nearby, and left. They were popular enough to sustain Kalem in its waning days. This argues that the public was so hungry for comedy, they would look at anything. When Kalem collapsed and the pair broke up, Hamilton became one of the finest short-form comics in the industry and drank himself to death in the 1930s. Duncan kept on working for another thirty years for no discernible reason.
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The last 300 feet
deickemeyer28 September 2019
Lloyd Hamilton and Bud Duncan, Kalem's slapstick comedians, find their best opportunity toward the close of this subject. After much trouble, passengers are secured for their jitney bus, which cuts up mad capers and then explodes. Most of the laughs are in the last 300 feet of the film. - The Moving Picture World, March 13, 1915
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