Demon's Kiss (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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roseanna-x25 December 2013
I have watched many films bought from Poundland and to be honest, some aren't that bad, some are so bad that they are hilarious, and others are just bad. I can honestly say that this is the worst one I have ever seen in my life; it wouldn't have the rating it does if not for the tits. I don't even understand how people can like it; I enjoy many rubbish films which makes me quite an easy going critic. I have never judged a film too harshly and I always watch any film that I believe to be bad twice just to make sure I was fair. This is awful awful awful. The acting, the camera work, the lines, the weird crappy sex scenes; nothing in this movie was worth ever revisiting. Do not give it the time of day or night. However the boobs are nice, I will admit.
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KristinaLustig31 July 2007
Honestly, this movie was worth the 2 dollars I spent on it in the bargain bin, just for humor's sake. The acting was atrocious, the sex scenes weren't sexy, and there are even grammatical errors on the back of the DVD box. I won't even approach the script itself. In general, this was as bad as bad movies come. If you have a thing for weird blood fetishes or weird casting (as in, how did these actors actually make a full-length film?), then this movie is for you. If you do not have things for either of these, then only watch this if you are a bad movie aficionado. Maybe this should be retitled "Demon's Kiss: How Not to Make A Hit Movie." Or perhaps "Demon's Kiss: Acting Isn't Important When You're Attempting Softcore Porn."
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El Beso Del Demonio
Trisha40111 March 2003
A research trip to Poza Rica starts the movie, with Paul an archeologist and three attractive women (yeah, sounds like a male author) being Teresa his girlfriend and two other research assistants. They begin their travels threw the jungle with the help of a native guide who warns them of "el beso del demonio", translated as Demon's Kiss. Dismissed as old fable, they continue further. This is where and when everything begins to go wrong.

I liked the jungle and cave. The cave looked really creepy and so did the 'demon'; she was very large and tribal looking. I think there was some unnecessary sex scenes, my boyfriend disagrees and thinks they were part of the plot (u-hum). I don't mind blood, but there was a lot of it! The mugger scene was pretty gross. The Demon's Kiss, which is actually a bite, turns it's prey into a blood thirsty animal, but at times she appears like a starving messy vampire. It had its slow moments but overall I liked the story and the characters, the acting was not bad. I didn't mind the Michael Jackson's Thriller ending, but I was somewhat confused as to what was going on and who was dead.

My boyfriend rented it, and I thought I was going to fall asleep as I normally do with his DVD picks. However I enjoyed it, I was surprised; it kept my attention (and my boyfriends for sure).
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