Final Stab (Video 2001) Poster

(2001 Video)

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Final Stab
Toronto8521 July 2008
A wealthy group of recent college grads are invited to participate in a "murder mystery" game. It begins as a fun evening of scary stunts featuring rubber knives, fake blood, and a "murderer" played by an actor in a creepy mask. But when the body count becomes real, the players soon realize that one of them is a real killer and the rest of them are playing an altogether different stay alive.

Final Stab is a pretty decent horror flick made in 2001. The acting by the main characters is pretty good for a B movie. There is a little bit of blood and no nudity. Overall I would recommend this to any slasher fan I guess. Don't expect this to be very scary cause it's not one of those "on the edge of your seat" horror movies. About half way through I was able to figure out who the killer was. It's a watchable thriller with minimum gore.

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One of the best "B" movies I've seen.
UthinnkUknoMe10 January 2005
Kristen is spoiled rich and always gets what she wants, even to see her very own sisters' psychotic boyfriend snap. So Kristen sets up the idea for a murder mystery party at an old house in the country. She invites people she went to college with and hires an actor to play a killer. She then has Angela (her sister) and Charlie (sisters boyfriend) come to the 'surprise' party. Kristen plans it out perfect, Charlie sees the first fake death right in the living room with everyone else and then he begins to panic and rushes out of the house. That's when Kristen's games begin. However, she thinks she has the perfect plot until the people really start dying. They really do have a killer among them. Sounds pretty good huh? Overall you could tell this movie was a "B" movie because of the poor directing and blood. The acting wasn't bad but as you can see plot is very good. Even though this was a predictable movie I'd rate this.. 6/10.
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Best DVD money can buy.....If you only have $2
trackie02rock31 March 2003
Final Stab was a delightfully pathetic movie. It reminded me of the videos made in my high school film class. That aside, it had potential. The slasher idea, while about as used a week old kitty litter, still has potential to produce "that movie"....another scream (the original). If this script was tossed to John Sayles for a couple weeks it could have been worked into a good piece of work. The potential lied mostly in the fact that it was a murder mystery party, so the victims walked right into there deaths, not expecting anything but a rubber knife and fake blood. The part that killed it was, by far, the writing. Even without changing a thing about story, good writing could have made it more bearable. My friend commented that he thought it was bad acting, but I felt the actors did quite well stumbling over all that awkward dialogue. The villianous sister, played by Erinn Carter is a quite talented actress. She movied onto the Sitcom/improv show "On the spot" with Tim Conway. There she does an excellent job in flexing her comedic muscles. One last comment on the film, while the ending was semi-predictable, I was pleased how it was incorporated. It was the ending that a good slasher filck should have had.
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Dull, derivative slasher stuff
highwaytourist4 August 2007
I admit it, I got suckered in. Silly me! The plot actually borrows more from "April Fools Day" (which was one of the better slasher films of its time) than "Scream." A rich bitch invites her estranged sister and her sister's nightmare-plagued boyfriend to a house-warming party, accompanied by her synchophant college friends. She stages a fake death, allegedly to start a murder mystery theme house as a business venture. But (surprise!) someone starts killing off the guests for real. While I never expected anything of quality, I had hoped for something that was enjoyably bad. The people involved in this films seemed to promise such a thing. What amazed me was how boring it was. Everything that is done here has been done before. The cast is good-looking, but they show very little skin. Also, the killings have very little bloodshed, far less than the R rating warrants. It makes me wonder who the target audience was.

There are only a few minor compensations. Errin Hayes gives a pretty good performance as a Joan Collins wannabe, and the other actors are passable. The background music isn't bad, some of the humor works, and the technical aspects are marginally better than in other films of its kind. But it didn't make the film any less boring.
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So bland
Maciste_Brother28 April 2005
I know David DeCoteau films will never be mistaken as great art. But if they were at least entertaining then their lack of artistic merit wouldn't be so bad but alas, his films are rarely entertaining, which makes these producers products even more tedious to watch. And FINAL STAB is one tedious film: a bland film with a bland title with bland actors in a bland one-setting story. A game of Pong is more compelling than this so-called horror film.

The funny thing about this film is that it was shot in widescreen and yet the film was never released theatrically. So why bother shooting this direct-to-home video film in widescreen?

Anyway, there's almost nothing else worth mentioning about FINAL STAB. It's pretty difficult to write a concise critique for such a bland film.
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Stupid, bland direct-to-video SCREAM clone.
capkronos9 July 2003
A rich bitch (Erinn Carter) throws a Halloween birthday party for her sister (Melissa Renee Martin) at a secluded house where a family was murdered years earlier. Unbeknownst to the innocent sister and her mentally unstable boyfriend (Jamie Gannon), they're actually being set up as guinea pigs for a plan to turn the house into a bed and breakfast where make-believe murder mystery games are to be played. Who better to show up than a real masked killer with a knife?

Martin and (especially) Chris Boyd are better actors than usual for a David DeCoteau movie, but this is basically just a bunch of long, boring, talky sequences punctuated by kill scenes so tame John Ashcroft wouldn't even raise an eyebrow at them. A few ridiculous surprises pop up near the end, but they do not make up for the tediousness of the first hour.

Score: 2 out of 10
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Somewhat watchable
Sleepin_Dragon14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When you watch Scream, even after all these years, it's has a slickness which hasn't dated, by comparison Final Scream looks and feels very dated, yes it was made back in the nineties, but it could have been filmed on a phone. Once you get past that you then notice the acting, it is for the most part wooden at best, with some performers definitely better then others. Now the story, I quite like it to be honest, of course it's one that's been done so many times, the mask and knife are straight out of Scream, but who cares, it's a B movie after all. So long as you aren't expecting much I think you could watch this, one or two moment of entertainment, but nothing more really. 4/10
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Really bad slasher movie
atinder15 April 2013
I saw this movie about 12 years ago, I never saw it again ,

You maybe thinking, why bothers review after so many years, My told about the movie called Final Stab, The plot sounded like another movie I saw years, Only to find out it was the same, When I saw this movie it was Called Final Scream,

12 years where Scream series was still making buzz and my foolishness made buy this movie.

I Don't remembered much from the movie, the plot did sound really good and could have been a lot of fun.

Number of people invited murder party and then they need to find out who killer is but soon bodies that really being killed off.

I don't think this movie was that gory at all, the kills were mostly of screen.

The acting was not good in this movie at all, you can't tell that by the trailer.

I thought the twist end was okay and suits the end of the story.

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Well, this was terrible.
daniel-mannouch3 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not that I ever expect a direct to dvd cash in to leave an indelible impression, but DeCoteau seems to go out of his way sometimes to deliver the cinematic equivalent to a blank white sheet of paper.

Shot mostly in the dark with only flashes of lightning and harsh tungsten lighting to guide our eyes, Final Scream's almost non existent cinematography makes this already forgettable film all that more difficult to recollect.

Crap that it is though, at least it's legitimate crap. No way this film would have existed without 1996's Scream snatching bank the way that it did and so Final Scream achieves some nostalgia value just on the timely nature of it's conception alone. The film amazingly apes the Wes Craven trendsetter with much nuance by adopting the same dull and lifeless colour palette, the obnoxious self awareness, only now with more hyperbole, and the metallic sheen all of the Gen X Hollywood cast seem to exude.

Knowing DeCoteau's fondness for twinks, I was further disappointed by the lack of erotic charge Final Scream has as DeCotaeu in the past has delivered some truly exceptional horror film nudity.

In conclusion, Final Scream is poorly acted, low energy cash in cinema that is at best a made for lifetime slasher and at worst a barely visible non event slice of derision that is truly a waste of one's 81 minutes.
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Badly needing filler.
kjjames8115 April 2021
I watched this last night as a one off just to see what these movies are like.

Did I enjoy it? Well yes and no, meaning that the killings were okay but the story itself was boring.

This is what I mean by saying in my title, it needed filler.

The story being the main problem just seemed that the film makers ran out of things to put in a movie.

The story was boring, they needed to fill it out better before the killings started.

By the time the killings started you will be bored waiting for things to happen.

Next time make the film longer and add a better story otherwise this movie will just be another fan film that will gather dust.

Two stars because the acting was pretty darn good.
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Not as bad as I expected
jasonpittman-11 September 2001
I hired this out from Blockbusters last night under the title Final Scream. The film is a rip off of all the slasher films before it but still manages to hold you attention and turned out to be a pretty enjoyable film. Certainly better than many of the recent teen slasher films.
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april fool's day meets 90's teen slashers movies..
rotta18 August 2001
There is no much to say about this one!!!hehe It's very ok for a night without a good party or a good company. The characters in the movie talk all the time about Friday and Halloween but the plot has to do with "April Fool's Day" and the death scenes with "Scream" and these others 90's movies. Yes, there is the house around the city,some teenagers killing each others and a "misterious" killer. The killer outfit is pretty nice, and the death scenes are good, better than IKWDLS Urban Legend... Focusing on the actors, bad performances except from one or two that i can't remember the names. But what's the problem with bad acting!!!!!!I love them!!! Anyway Final Stab is worst than Scream but at the same level as Cherry Falls and better than I know and Urban Legend . Watch!
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Final insult
Bezenby22 April 2013
Final Scream commits the cardinal sin of having people endlessly stalking around a house, shouting in the dark and looking for people. If I've got one pet hate, it's wasting time having people walk around shouting. The worst example of this to me is Legend of the Mummy 2, and while watching Final Scream I noticed that both films were directed by the same guy, and set in the same house! That means I've spent three hours of my life watching people wandering around the same house. Truly painful.

Nightmare having Charlie and his girlfriend Angela are invited to a part by Angela's estranged sister Kirsten, seemingly to repairs ties between them, but really just an excuse to trial a murder mystery weekend venture Kirsten planned out. Before you can 'this film is utterly ridiculous' a real masked killer turns up and starts stabbing everyone to death: the actors hired for the murder mystery weekend, Kirsten's friends, some locals that turn up for some reason. But who is the real killer? Is it Charlie, who has a secret past? Or Kirsten, who goes on about how great Friday the 13th is (good move that, constantly referencing a much better film). No one even realises that there's a killer in their midst until the very end (they just comment on how good people are at playing dead).

I'll say this: It's by no means as bad as Legend of the Mummy 2. I'll also say this: It's by no means a good film either. There's a distinct lack of gore (though plenty of kills)and I for one can't stand the smug, self-referential horror flick talk that Scream has foisted on us. If you like people wandering around asking who's there, then this is the film for you. Good luck.
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You gotta be kidding me
jacksonblueman622 October 2001
I should have known not to rent this when on the back it said that it was inspired by classics such as Scream, Friday the 13th, and I Know What You Did Last Summer. I Know What You Did Last Summer is a classic horror movie? I mean come on... It was an okay horror movie with a few cheap screams. This is nowhere near the horror movie that I Know What You Did Last Summer was. I gave this a one, and I hope that I can avoid the temptation to rent another hack, wannabe Scream movie.
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Underrated, but you still could enjoy it if you try
gila_film21 April 2003
When a supposedly prank turn into reality, a bunch of young people must reveal the person under the mouth stitched masked killer....... before it's too late.

This is what happened if someone was so obsessed with slasher flick, both of the filmmaker and the character in the movie itself. By mentioning the superiority of "Friday the13th", "Final Stab" is one of the latest flicks in the tradition of "Scream". Maybe it's not the best, and a little weak in the cinematic aspect. One thing that really annoying is how obvious who is the killer is (or are?). The plot it self has many holes on it. Okay, it is a B-movie, and we know what we are dealing with right? So let's don't do the complaint.

The killing scene is somewhat brief and there's no chase scene, but fairly effective to build the fright tense, even though it's gory but not so gruesome. The acting of the most of the cast needs more improvement, but Erinn Carter, which is plays the Kristin's character is good and will be a fine actress if she involving her self in more serious films.

The direction from David DeCoteau is a B-Movie typical but better than the expectation; a good point for the movie, since it's a low-budget below-average-kind feature. One thing that DeCoteau dissimilar his flick with others is; if the others explicit death in majority of female, so as you can watch here, most in the list of the body count are male and it's a gorgeous and hunky males too, that be usually typical of female victims in this genre. Of course there's female victim, but there's only one count! These symptoms are already illustrated since the very beginning, when Charlie (Jamie Gannon) goes to shower. This typically tends to a woman character too, right? But the symptoms are already shows in his recent (and the upcoming?) films, like "The Brotherhood" films, which is shows a bunch of hunky males in barely any clothing at all. Even his past film like `The Curse of the Puppet Master' exhibiting a boy in his underwear!

In general, "Final Stab" still can manage an enjoyable entertainment, especially for an underrated slasher flick. Despite the corny nature it has, `Final Stab' has something more on the plot but just not showing up much deeper (the homosexuality nature). It also still can be a fine company if you want to hanging out in a late night with a number of friends and watch some movies. Just give it a try.

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Absolutely Pointless!
famousgir115 December 2001
Kristin is a b*tch who likes to cause trouble. When she invites some 'friends' over to her a house she's just brought, she asks them to help her play a trick on her sister Angela and Angela's boyfriend Charlie. What will happen is, Kristin will get an actor to play a killer and this actor has to pretend to kill everyone, scaring Angela and Charlie. What people don't realise is, this is not a game, and there is a REAL killer on the loose.

Yes, Final Scream is another straight-to-video/TV B 'horror' movie, which of course like many others out there is completely rubbish. The whole cast here are nobodies and act absolutely awful. The little twist (Is it even a twist?!) at the end is pathetic and it's quite obvious from the beginning what the ending will turn out to be. This is pathetic and should not be watched by anyone. I can't believe I actually brought this movie.
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Stale and illogical slasher.
gridoon21 June 2003
Right from the stale opening stalking sequence (which turns out to be a dream to boot!), you know what you're in for: another derivative slasher flick that does what others ("April Fool's Day", "Return to Horror High") have done before, and better. Supposedly it also wants to satirize the old horror cliches, but it succumbs to almost each and every one of them. The script has no respect for the audience's intelligence; the killer violates the laws of logic (getting in the back seat of a car without being noticed by the driver?) and the victims always do the stupidest things (and they can't tell the difference between a real dead body and a "fake" one even when they're standing right beside it). Still, the direction (apart from the annoying "tilted" shots) is OK, and SOME of the actors (for example the one who plays Doug) aren't bad. (*1/2)
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Even Worse Than Expectations
gavin694229 January 2010
A group of friends meet for the weekend in a "cursed" house that had been the site of a vicious, Mansonesque murder. The new owner wants to use it for a murder mystery game, where the friends get "killed" off, and the ones left alive are left to guess the killer. But then a real killer shows up, so that's not good.

This film is a lower budget affair with unknown actors. It's in the vein of a Full Moon film, being helmed by David DeCouteau, a 1980s Full Moon regular (and apparently still around). Strangely, the film tries to pass itself off as a "Scream" replica, but it is really nothing like that franchise, not in plot or look or sensibility.

The real source for this film is "April Fools Day". I have to assume that the writer of "Final Stab" ripped this one off directly, because it would be one heck of a coincidence otherwise. A murder mystery weekend? Preppy friends? A practical joke? It just follows right along, at least until the murders turn real. But that's such a minor change that this can hardly be called an original film.

The acting is decent but not great, the effects are nothing special, the plot as mentioned is a rehash... if you want to see a good DeCouteau film, see "Creepozoids". Or better yet, watch "April Fools Day" (the original) and just be done with it. This film has vanished off the radar (if it was ever there), and I feel no compulsion to defend it.
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well-groomed actors recite empty dialogue and die from minor wounds
lastgoldrush24 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those pitiful "horror" films that seems like it came together as an excuse to encapsulate a few sex scenes, yet there are no sex scenes in the movie. This leaves you with a movie full of trendy-looking people who act and talk in ways that are neither stylistic nor realistic.

The killer in this movie is more funny than scary. His mask has this big goofy grin and a bald head; it looks like they gave him a William Frawley mask and spray-painted it blue. During most of the murder scenes, he appears either to stab someone in a non-fatal part of the body or inflict a very shallow wound. In either case, the person dies instantly. The funniest parts feature glimpses of the killer running around in the woods by himself - without anywhere to be, really. This makes the viewer wonder if he is just doing the murder spree thing for the exercise.

The end makes a very poor attempt to pull off a "who is the real killer?" scene, as in "Scream." This may have something to do with this movie being optioned as a Scream sequel? The alternate titles suggest that. Either way, it's self-conscious of the horror genre, but only in a really embarrassing way.

All that said, if you like bad horror for the laughs, this one is pretty prime. Try to avoid spending money to obtain it.
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Godawful pile of.....
jamesbuc6 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK! Quick plot synopsis! Hero guy has odd dreams. Heroine (his Girlfriend) is invited to a party that is being hosted by her sister. Sister is planning up to fake a murder mystery party. Real murders happen. Thats the plot. :) Paper thin ain't it? Anyway onto the characters. We have Charlie the hero who spends most of the movie hiding around the house. We have Angela the whiny Heroine who I couldn't give two shits about because of her total dullness. Then we have Kristen (The only good credible person in this movie) who trys to make the film good and spits out some wicked one liners. Then there is Julie, the supposed slut/bitch character but in the end she just comes off as plain, boring and quite useless. We have Patrick the Jock who (to be honest) looks nice but is also plain and boring. There are also many other different characters who do this same 'Plain, boring and annoying' routine.

Think I've finished slagging it off? Nope! Then there is the awful camera work and lighting which manages to make everything that was supposed to be exciting (Such as the killer running after Angela) boring and dull with everything shrouded in thick blackness.

Then we have the awful script. The basis (as I have said) is paper thin. The characters seem to constantly spit out extremely poor attempts at making jokes about other horror films that are much much better. The various stalk scenes seem to last an eternity (The starting scene is very long and very boring with our hero character going 'whos there?' at every camera flick) Various characters (Such as the three thugs) turn up for little or no reason other to add to the body-count.

Talking about body-count though even though its supposedly quite high there is very little blood in the film. Most of the deaths are seen for a second and then the awkward camera pans away. even when blood is used it seems to defy gravity and splatter everywhere in a stupid way (since when did getting stabbed in the back with a small knife make a blood spray on the face??) Basically in short leave this movie alone!

Good Points - Umm. Can be used as a novelty coaster

Bad points - Everything
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Bottom of the barrel slasher crap.
BA_Harrison27 August 2009
With such a generic title and uninspired packaging, David De Coteau's Final Scream (AKA Final Stab) is clearly intended to deceive gullible punters into thinking that this is the next instalment in the popular Scream franchise. But there's no fooling anyone once the film begins: the derivative story, lousy acting, over-dramatic score, boring kills, and mediocre direction give the game away immediately.

This dreadfully bland film sees a bunch of attractive but obnoxious teens gathering at an old country house—the sight of a bloody massacre years before—to attend a surprise party held by rich bitch Angela (Melissa Reneé Martin), in honour of her sister Kristin (Erinn Hayes). The fun quickly comes to an end, however, when the party is crashed by a mask wearing, knife wielding maniac intent on killing all of the guests. However, all is not quite as it seems: the whole thing is a charade concocted by Angela, supposedly as a dry run for a murder/mystery weekend, but actually as a convoluted way of settling an old score with Kristin's boyfriend.

With its asinine plot loaded with preposterous plot twists, dumb red herrings, disposable characters, a pointless gay subplot (presumably included to appease the more devoted De Coteau fans), but virtually no gore or decent scares (unless you include the ridiculously loud music cues designed to make viewers jump!), Final Scream really is one of the most dissatisfying slashers I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through.
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Nothing new here, but entertaining nonetheless.
FrightMeter8 March 2002
"Final Stab" offers nothing new to horror fans. The plot has been done before, the characters are total cliches, and the killings are typical. A group of friends gather at an old mansion where a family was murdered years before for a surprise party. A bitchy sister has a plan to turn the place into a weekend Murder Mystery resort, but first wants to scare the crap out of her sister's boyfriend because he wouldn't sleep with her months before?? Totally vicious characters who are more annoying than anything. But, something about the film keeps it from being a total waste, and actually makes it quite enjoyable. I would say that it is the non-stop action that the film offers. There is barely a part in the movie where the killer isn't lurking, or someone is not getting butchered. In fact, I think that film has one of the highest body counts that I have seen for a VERY long time! I mean every other scene, someone is getting knifed! This, folks, is what makes this a good film. Non- stop action from start to finish. As for the acting, plot, and killer & motives, that all has much to be desired. Nothing to do here but sick back and watch the sleekly disguised killer go to town!
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Dumb but somewhat enjoyable
KHayes66615 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin.....the story sounds like a good place to start.

Nefarious rich girl Kristen wants to scare the crap out of her goody two shoes sister Angela and her mentally unstable boyfriend Charlie because he wouldn't sleep with her. To do this she enlists the help of a bunch of coke addicted ivy league grads, an ex of Angela and a professional actor in order to create a murder mystery weekend getaway. What they don't know is that a real killer is about to show up and put a final stab into everyone.

....but wait there's more! Kristen has upped the ante by holding the whole getaway in the house Charlie's parents were murdered in. That's original and definitely vicious.

....but wait there's more! Kristen enlists an ex of Angela's as blackmail because...wait for it....he was CHARLIE's ex too.

Anyone who's seen the movie knows the rest....the real killer shows up and kills the ivy leaguers one by one (including 3 rednecks and the actor she hired) and it turns out to be Kristen doing the killing, in which case Angela wipes out her own sister (don't we all wish we could do that sometimes) and I guess lives happily ever after with Charlie.

A lot of this movie had holes in it, for instance what purpose did Bud and his cronies Earl and Cosmo serve? I know Bud was po'd that Kristen stiffed him but what was he going to do, kill her and her friends? Which makes me wonder how Kristen knew they were coming to begin with and how the 3 rednecks knew she was going to be there.

Least the ivy league grads called attention to the obvious by saying guys like them die in the horror movies, cross them off the survival list. Erinn Carter needs to do something better than get in a real horror movie like the next Friday the 13th, Halloween or anything like that.

As for Final Stab...I give it 6 out of 10 because I was at least entertained with the many killings and the T and A of Julie though covered.
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Run of the mill slasher
PsychoKlown28 June 2005
Final Scream is a low budget inferior take on the modern day classic Scream. It takes all the ingredients that made Scream such a success and doesn't do the right things with them. For example a horror mad person who could be used for some comic relief has a straight face throughout the movie.

The story is just a poor excuse to get enough people involved so the film can have a good bodycount, and this is the films only saviour because the acting is so bad and the characters are so annoying that you will smile gleefully as they are stabbed and strangled to death. This won't scare the biggest coward on Earth but i suppose this is good enough to kill 90 mins for any horror buff like myself.
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* out of 4.
brandonsites198126 May 2002
Not as bad as David DeCoteau's most recent efforts, but that isn't saying much. Wealthy woman invites some friends over to her place to play a pratical joke, which invloves faking the deaths of everybody, on an enemy of hers. However, someone shows up and actually starts killing everybody.

Not nowhere near as explotive as DeCoteau's previous efforts, and mildly entertaining, but awfully mechincal and by the numbers. The references to Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer throughout the whole film feel really out of place here.

Rated R; Graphic Violence and Sexual Situations.
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