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Leave The Kiddies Home
Seamus282926 October 2007
I first saw this silly little silent short from the the late 1920's on a video compilation some years ago. The pre film intro proclaimed that this short was produced by a famous animation studio in secret, fearing legal problems from the studio,not to mention the vice squad for producing a pornographic film. It does look like crude early Walt Disney,or perhaps a no budget Max Fleischer production. The end results seem pretty silly (you know this film wasn't intended for the standard Saturday matinée fare at the Bijou Theater). The plot concerns a very well endowed man in a series of graphic sexual situations. You may be able to unearth this goofy little bit of crude,early animation in perhaps an adult video outlet that features some animated stuff,or perhaps available as a download on some adult web site (it's good for at least one viewing).
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Something crazy and awesome
Rectangular_businessman3 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Well, apparently not all the old cartoons were so "innocent" as my parents used to say.

"Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure" predates stuff like "Fritz the Cat" and every single hentai anime, being the first animation to contain sexually explicit scenes. In many ways, this short manages to be edgier and more explicit than the X-rated cartoons from seventies (Such as the previously mentioned "Fritz the Cat" and "Down and Dirty Duck".)

"Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure" is like a porn version of the surreal animations done by the Fleischer Studios during the Twenties and Thirties. It is something incredibly twisted and crazy...but also strangely charming. And it also serves to show that, back then, animation wasn't considered as a medium aimed exclusively to kids, a sad misconception that still exists in the present times, disregard of the success of comedies like "The Simpsons" and "South Park".

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the term "cockfight" takes a whole new meaning
framptonhollis12 August 2017
Why so much bestiality? Seriously, I would have expected the first pornographic cartoon to have SOME sort of moral compass; but, no, "Buried Treasure" (also known by it's superior title, "Pecker Island") rejects any and all morality and revels in its own shocking, obscene glory. It's hilarious, erotic, but not really hot unless you have rather...odd taste. One of the many surprising little details about this weird adult oriented silent cartoon is its surrealism. Again, I would've thought that a porno as early as this would hold some boundaries, be at least a little calm. But, no, it goes all out, off-the-balls insane throughout with scenes featuring the protagonist's detachable penis, his strong sexual desire for a literal cow and how he fights the farmer having sex with it before him with his penis, predating the lightsaber fights in "Star Wars" (I legitimately wonder if George Lucas was directly inspired by this "classic"), and a vagina that seems to be blocking the lead's c*ck from experiencing genuine pleasure since it's full of random stuff (ex.: a clock?!? and even a CRAB?!?!? WTF is this?!?! and where can I find more :)?). It's like a collaboration between Luis Bunuel, Salvador Dali, Johann Schwarzer,, a really drunk sexually frustrated David Lynch, the deep web, a bunch of horny furies and Loony Tunes. In other words: it's a wild, cartoonish, hilarious, zany, surreal, semi-disturbing work of perverted, pornographic animated art.
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Animated Porn Comedy
Michael_Elliott30 May 2015
Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure (1929)

**** (out of 4)

Hilarious animated short about Eveready Harton, a man with a huge penis who tries at all costs to have sex. This adventure takes him to a horny woman, a licking cow and a surprise in the sand.

EVEREADY HARTON IN BURIED TREASURE is certainly a one of a kind film as it was made at a time when censors were extremely strict so getting something like this in a theater would be impossible and I'm going to guess that very few people ever actually saw this thing. There were live action porn movies made around this time but obviously they weren't shown in the same places that was playing the latest Cecil B. DeMille production.

This animated film is certainly hilarious and its naughty bits are bound to make you laugh. The animation itself is actually quite good even though it's very simple. We basically just see Harton going from one situation to the next trying to get laid. The party with the woman is quite memorable for a certain reason that I won't spoil here. The same is true for the sand sequence. If you're easily offended then it's probably best that you don't watch this thing but those with a humor that don't mind sexuality should certainly check this one out.
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Ding Dong.
gengar8433 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A man with an enormous penis gets involved in a variety of sexual situations, including bestiality, just to warn you. Make no mistake, this is XXX, even today, but it's mercifully short and actually amusing, even to a conventional person such as me. But is it genre? Yes, because there is no such penis. On the other hand, all cartoons are pretty much "no such thing", so this is a dilemma going forward, which cartoons to count as genre.

Apparently this was a private venture from Max Fleischer and pals for fellow cartoonist Winsor McCay ("Gertie the Dinosaur"), and apparently it was so raunchy no film processor in the USA would touch it, so they reportedly had it processed in Cuba. A copy was later discovered and screened in (where else?) San Francisco during the 1970's (when else?).

Online free.
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Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure is one of the most ribald cartoons I've ever seen!
tavm21 August 2009
Wow, as discoveries go, this rare item from the late '20s is one of the weirdest that I just found on the ThadBlog. Besides the animated film in question, there are several other little clips of other animated stuff that would be pornographic today and I'm sure certainly was then since I'm sure if this had been shown in some downtown theatres of the time, they would have been closed right away! Anyway, some of the stuff shown outside of this short had Ignaz the Mouse perform some anal stuff on Krazy Kat. Beware of manholes, indeed! There was also a gag of a man and woman in the missionary position performing with the help of a sex machine. Milton Knight thinks that might have been animated by Jim Tyler. Anyway, Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure has the title character with a big...well, you know, performing various acts that have to be seen to be believed. Especially one where he literally gets a crab! According to Ward Kimball, three NY animation studios worked on three segments with none of them knowing what the end result was until it was unveiled at a hotel later on. Those three might have been the Max Fleischer one, the Van Beuren Aseop Fables Studios headed by Paul Terry, and the one that made Mutt and Jeff cartoons of the time. It's also been told that the animators that worked on this were George Stallings, George Canata, Rudy Zamora, and Walter Lantz, yes, the one that later created Andy Panda and Woody Woodpecker! Anyway, I thought the whole thing was hilarious as hell and just seeing this stuff from way before I was born just blows my mind! So on that note, I highly recommend you go to the ThadBlog to seek this one out.
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Very very funny.
rokshok18311 March 2002
I saw various clips of this early animation on a documentary about the changes in cartoons and animation through the ages. An interesting documentary featuring John Kricfalusi amongst others. However the highlights were undoubtedly the clips of Buried Treasure. Not surprising, was that this animation was featured in regards to adult content and themes, in what is often regarded as a medium for children's entertainment. This hilarious little cartoon is clearly for an adult audience as it is of a sexual nature. As I recall, it's centred on a very well endowed little character whom has anything but a little libido. In a knockabout fashion like the 1920's silent movies of Buster Keaton, he makes one goof after another on account of being unable to sexually repress himself.

You may read this and scoff from your intellectual disposition. But I would happily place a bet against anyone to watch this and not find themselves rolling in belly laughs. As I recall 'Buried Treasure' was the second of two animations that were very alike. Unfortunately, I have no idea of any details of the other one. I did however go looking on the Internet for this one and even contacted 'Spumco' animations. The lead I received took me to a dead end and so I gave up. However I would imagine it would have to be somewhere on the net to download.
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"Discouraged and disheartened, Eveready decides to blow the whole thing"
ackstasis11 October 2008
When 'Pennies from Heaven (1981)' presented audiences with a Depression-era America that was dirty and lewd, veteran musical performer Fred Astaire was aghast: "I have never spent two more miserable hours in my life. Every scene was cheap and vulgar. They don't realise that the thirties were a very innocent age." Well, I can't speak for the 1930s, but my notion of a pure and innocent 1920s has suddenly dissipated into thin air. 'Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure (1929)' is a silent animated short that simply defies belief – in the same year that Walt Disney affectionately sent skeletons dancing joyously through the night, one intrepid production company called "Climax Fables" (with no other IMDb credits) decided to turn the animation style on its head; no longer was it purely the domain of wholesome children's films. The "director" is a fellow named E. Hardon (they must have thought themselves geniuses to have come up with such a pun), and the main character is the exceptionally well-endowed Eveready Harton {whose name sounds vaguely like Edward Everett Horton, who by all accounts was such a nice man that I can't conceive any relationship between the two}.

Anyway, whether you enjoy this snippet of primitive animated pornography depends very much on your sense of humour. I had a few incredulous chuckles at the beginning, surprised at how explicitly the film dealt with sexual details that wouldn't again see the light of day in America until the 1960s. Then my unassailable prudishness came into play (the term originally had noble connotations, you know), and I found the film to be excessively vulgar, mean-spirited and stupid. 'Eveready Horton' is basically the animated equivalent of high school dropouts standing around in a circle exchanging lewd and bizarre sex stories – if you're into that sort of thing, then you'll probably find this curio a barrel of laughs. What else can you expect from Eveready Harton's Buried Treasures adventures? Well, there's a fifth appendage that frequently follows the title character around like a small dog, an encounter with (quite literally) crabs, a sword-fight that doesn't employ the use of swords, and something to do with a donkey of which I will speak no more. If you're laughing while reading this review, please feel free to seek out this film yourself, but I don't recommend it.
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Different, but garbage
Horst_In_Translation21 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure" is a 7-minute black-and-white cartoon from 1929, so this one is already way over 80 years old. As such, it is also still a silent film. This is probably one of the most known (if not the most known) adult cartoon out there. It is certainly very unique for a film from that time and you could only imagine what went through the creator's mind when he made this one. Probably nothing too serious. And you could also imagine the uproar it caused if more people had seen it than actually did. I do not object with the sexual content, oh well actually I do, but only partially as the bestiality sequences were really unnecessary. The scene with Harton (what a name too) and his girl was fine and actually even somewhat aesthetic and bold and it could not have looked any better with the technical progress in terms of filmmaking they had during that time. But it is never a funny film unfortunately, never a success from the comedy perspective and without the sleazy contents this would have been completely forgotten today I am sure. I give it a thumbs-down.
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