Run Leia Run (2003) Poster


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I don't get it
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews25 March 2008
I guess there's a reasonable chance I'd have understood this if I had watched Lola rennt or knew anything more of it than the basic plot. As it is, I found this to be one of the weirdest things I've ever watched. I did still enjoy portions of it, Bertocci's humor seldom disappoints me. This is a parody of said German film, as well as the five Star Wars movies that had been released at this point, but mainly Episode V. I wouldn't suggest viewing this without having first watched said Episodes, and, if my case is anything to go by(or at least stand by, if your legs are tired, heck, in fact, have a seat), that should probably include first-mentioned Tom Tykwer piece. The comedy is more or less typical Bertocci, with some added zaniness(it seems quite random at points). Some of the material is really good. The animation isn't bad, and there's reasonable detail in the graphics, in general. The sound is well-done. The voice acting is more or less spot-on. The music, I'm assuming it's like that of "Lola", personally I found it repetitive and annoying(noticeably so, for something of this length). I found the pacing to be simultaneously too fast and too slow, everything was in almost constant motion, but at the same time, I'm afraid I found myself more or less bored with this... again, I'm not ruling out the possibility that had I watched the foreign cinema release upon which this is based, I'd have been thrilled beyond belief. Editing is fine, at the least. I recommend this to fans of Bertocci, Tykwer and Star Wars. If you don't know of at least the last two(maybe the first one, too), I'm not sure how likely you are to find this all that interesting. 5/10
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Are you people serious?
El-Cid-845 February 2008
Wow, just had a viewing, and wow did it suck.

As a web toon junkie, this is nothing special. In fact, it's sub par. The art and animation was either extra poorly done or ripped off completely, the story was a boring rip off of two films, the voice acting was awkward, and the pacing was painstakingly slow.

I just can't believe there are folks who would praise this thing. I can only assume these folks are fiercely devoted to all things Star Wars and who's perceptions are clouded.

On the level of webtoons, this is as mediocre as they get. On the level of independent animated films, this is complete garbage. I assume since this is on a film site, it should be judged as such. Don't waste your time on this one folks.
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A new hope: Adam Bertocci
Boba_Fett113822 June 2003
This movie has something that other Star Wars "fan films" lack: Originality. While other fan films waste time on simple average stories set in woods with Jedi fighting the Sith and sometimes even if you're are lucky a bounty hunter with (with all respect) cheap looking effects, this movie doesn't have any of that. The story is very well written and I must say that it's nothing more then perfect!

The voice cast is excellent and so are the animations, especially Bail Organa looks superb! And you can see that Adam Bertocci really understands film making.

Only one small point of critic: The sound is sometimes pretty messed up, sometimes the sound or the music is too loud or too soft. But that's OK, it doesn't make the movie less pleasant to watch.

I've seen lot's of Star Wars fan films in my life but this one is up there with the bests, along with "Troops" and "The Formula", two other excellent and original fan films.

Certainly a very entertaining animated movie. Don't stop making movies Adam!


P.S.: You must probably see "Lola Rennt" first, to fully understand this movie 100%.
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One of my favorite animated fanfilms
doggans23 May 2003
Directed by Adam Bertocci, who I can probably say is one of my best friends that I've never met in person (don't ask), Run Leia Run is a fanfilm parody crossing over The Empire Strikes Back with Lola Rennt. There are many quite funny lines(with a few jokes about the Special Edition, which is a popular subject with internet SW geeks), as well as a great cast of very talented voice actors, including some fanfilm "stars" such as Ben Fletcher(Bounty Trail, Knightquest, Broken Allegiance, and more) as Darth Vader, Darren Scales(The Empire Strikes Backyard) as Emperor Palpatine, and Elizabeth Ascot(the upcoming radio drama Rise of Nobility, and another *very* good online friend of mine) as Padme.

I heartily recommend this fanfilm, although it may be confusing to people who aren't familiar with Lola Rennt.
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Probably the greatest movie. Ever.
SR_Hadden27 May 2003
Well, I was sitting in my cell at the Florida State Penetentiary, and a question bubbled, down from my very gut, into my mind. Which is the greater film, and in turn, the greatest film of all time: The Phantom, starring Billy Zane, or Run Leia Run, directed by Adam Bertocci?

Granted, there are pros and cons to each, which I weighed, like a beautiful woman deciding which succulent ham roast to buy. The Phantom has skull rings. I like skull rings a lot. It also has Treat Williams. I like this guy a lot too. I think he might have been in that movie with the monkey that talked, but I'm not sure.

But Run Leia Run is probably better. For one thing it had some really cool people in it. Man Harrison ford looks so different now. I liked the part of the movie where the guy comes up to him and wants to swordfight him but he just shoots him. man i crap my pants everytime i see that part. i like star wars because i know mark hamill. he lives in my cell block, and one time i threw my mashed potato serving at him. man was he steamed.

this guy adam bertocci is a talent to watch. you should watch him every day like i do. He's nice to watch. it makes me feel good to look at him. I wish I knew more names of people who worked on this so i could watch them too.

I have to go now or else i'll get in trouble with my mom. or the warden. i forget.

  • Nosrednas tneK dna Yalc
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Very Enjoyable, Especially to Lola Rennt Fans
ElspethNemesis24 January 2010
Simply put, Run Leia Run is essentially a palette swap of Lola Rennt with Star Wars characters, scenery, and basic references. The plot and basically anything important in the movie is a Lola Rennt reference.

Like others have indicated, your enjoyment of the movie will be drastically reduced if you have not seen Lola Rennt before. I will go as far as to say that you will probably not get the movie at all, or at least, you won't get it beyond a very superficial level, if you have not watched Lola Rennt before. It's not good enough to just know the general plot of Lola Rennt, because Run Leia Run is pretty much one big fifteen-minute long Lola Rennt reference.

On the other hand, if you know the basic plot and main characters of the Star Wars movies, as well as a few more in-depth details about The Empire Strikes Back, you can actually get away with not having seen any of the Star Wars movies to enjoy this. A few things might go over your head, but not too much.

With all that said, if you are a fan of both movies, especially Lola Rennt, and you can set aside any reservations about low production quality, you will love this movie and just fall over laughing. The first time I learned of this movie, I repeated it five times in one sitting. In short, as much as I think Star Wars fans who happen to enjoy Lola Rennt will like this, I think Lola Rennt fans who happen to enjoy Star Wars will absolutely adore this movie.
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