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A Very Safe Movie
daveisit2 May 2005
The Interpreter is an extremely packaged political thriller that contains only a little punch. The main reason I gave it a go was Sean Penn who seems to rarely make mistakes selecting his work. Nicole Kidman can be a mixed bag, and Sydney Pollack a competent seasoned veteran director. All three performed well without setting the screen alight.

The use of the United Nations building was a big plus and definitely gave the movie more realism. It also gave the viewer more of an idea on what a massive organisation the UN is.

Even though "The Interpreter" was enjoyable the ending was definitely a disappointment. It wasn't that it was necessarily wrong, just that you knew what was coming. This was the "Hollywood Factor" showing through. Perhaps the reason it didn't turn into real Hollywood trash was the fact it was filmed and produced in New York.
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Pollack Thriller with Uneven Pacing, but Kidman is Outstanding
Instant_Palmer3 June 2021
One of Nicole Kidman's Finest Performances. Sean Penn's performance starts off flat with his character grumpy and unappealing, but as film progresses, one learns this was an appropriate approach based on the character's history.

This was a complicated story to bring to film, and Pollack did an adequate job in that regard, but too often the pacing is just a bit too slow and uneven.

Where Sidney shines is in bringing out the best in actors, and for me, this was one of Kidman's best performances in film, making it worth the view alone.

One must hunker down in this film as it is atypically a slow paced and subtle thriller. Some scenes don't connect with what would likely be realistic outcomes of circumstances, so the film loses 2 points for those moments, and another point for some hodgepodge editing.

Well done plot twists, a few moving moments, and Kidman's performance maintain the film's 7 Rating and a 👍 recommendation to view.
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Ridiculous Ending Spoils Good Movie
ccthemovieman-122 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Seldom has an ending been so disappointing and ruined a good film as this one.

For most of the way, this was a slick thriller, nicely photographed and nicely acted. Sean Penn is outstanding in here. I like to see him play low-key characters instead of hot-headed sleazeballs. Nicole Kidman also gives a good performance. Sometimes her classic beauty hides the fact she can act.

The story was pretty involving, hard to put down once you've started. My only complaint up to the ending was the obvious plug for the United Nations. This looked a public relations piece for that organization.

However, then came that ending - a real insult to anyone's intelligence. In a nutshell, nobody would go the extremes they went to here to protect a visiting dignitary, using all that manpower and machinery....and then leave him all alone in a room at the end! Are you serious??? It was unbelievably stupid and ruined what had been an entertaining and somewhat- smart film.
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murky thriller vibe
SnoopyStyle5 January 2015
Silvia Broome (Nicole Kidman) is an UN interpreter. She overhears two men discussing a mysterious plot in an African language. "The Teacher will never leave this room alive." Allege war criminal Matobo president Edmond Zuwanie is coming to address the UN General Assembly. She becomes convinced that the threat is against Zuwanie and tells the UN security. U.S. Secret Service Tobin Keller (Sean Penn) and Dot Woods (Catherine Keener) are assigned to protect Zuwanie and they investigate Silvia. It turns out that her family suffered under Zuwanie and she is connected with the opposition.

This starts as an interesting thriller with the UN as a backdrop. The political intrigue is somewhat engrossing like a murky 70s thriller. Kidman is cold and Penn is a bit unstable. I wish his character is the protagonist and the audience can unravel the intrigue from the outside. Kidman's character is better with mystery. The movie should keep some distance from her. The audience should keep guessing about her. I do have a few questions about the ending and it drags on a bit too long. It should probably use an alternate ending.
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A thinking person's thriller
jlowry19 March 2006
Entry to the United Nations headquarters in New York (and being directed by Sydney Pollack) was enough to make Nicole Kidman sign up for this enjoyable, if not a little formulaic, political thriller. Hollywood's golden girl teams up with man of the moment Sean Penn in this well-paced and intense tale which unfolds against a backdrop of international terror and unashamedly draws parallels with the current political situation in Zimbabwe. Kidman adopts a satisfactory South African accent for the role of Silvia Broome, a UN interpreter who overhears a plot to assassinate a controversial African leader during his visit to the United States. Penn is Tobin Keller, a Secret Service agent assigned to investigate Silvia's claims and protect her from the assassins. But is Silvia telling the truth? Silvia's life is turned upside down as she becomes a target for the killers but a suspicious Kellar digs deeper into her past in a bid to find out what she is hiding. Pollack (who has a small part in the movie) scored a massive coup when he convinced Kofi Annan to allow filming inside the UN building for the first time. Even Alfred Hitchcock had to improvise when making the classic Cary Grant North By North West. The movie has some very strong opening scenes, shot on location in South Africa, and instantly grabs our attention. When the action moves to New York, Pollack (who brought us Tootsie, Out Of Africa and The Firm) creates an old-whorled vibe with grainy shots more reminiscent of the 70s, deliberately avoiding the neon lights of the Big Apple to create a dulled-down mood that sits much better with the film's content. Kidman and Penn handle their material well, putting in solid performances and the pair square up nicely on screen. Predictably, and annoyingly so, however, a chemistry develops between the two making for some scenes which would have been better left on the cutting room floor. Let's face it, the old adage of two strangers being brought together by circumstance and suddenly being able to open up and shed their baggage has all been done before. The moral of the story is also a little bit too Hollywood. We can admire its good intentions and even buy into the idea that we can change the world with words and diplomacy but it all becomes a bit nonsensical. But it is the movies after all and it's difficult to find fault with Pollack who has opted for a dialect-driven film as opposed to high-octane action scenes - although they do make a welcome appearance as the film reaches its climax. This is the thinking person's thriller and it's definitely worth a viewing.
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Rock-solid thriller Warning: Spoilers
I think this film is slightly underrated.

I think it's a solid political thriller with good character development, adequate casting and a message about the need to preserve one's ideals. Admittedly, there is a lack of chemistry between the two main actors.

The plot is mature and exciting, and takes place in a place rarely seen on screen in this way: inside the UN. It is an impressive part, not least because it functions not only as a fantasy backdrop, but also to give symbolic and practical insight into its work.

The political intrigue, i.e. The intriguing conspiracy, is not the only element of the story, as a personal drama is integrated into it, in order to better understand where our characters come from.

The tension generated by the film, especially in the scene where the titular protagonist almost gets shot, the bus sequence or the final incident at the UN, is very well done.
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Disappointing Commercial Thriller
claudio_carvalho30 December 2005
I heard some good comments about this movie from some colleagues, and I bought the DVD really expecting to see great film. Directed by Sydney Pollack and having Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn and Catherine Keener in the cast, I thought that it would certainly be a great political thriller. Unfortunately I was absolutely wrong.

The confused and flawed screenplay does not develop well the characters, the story is very disappointing and commercial and there are very stupid lines, such as when Silvia asks Keller what he does when he can not sleep, and he answers that he stays awake; or when Dot comes to a stripper in a night-club and asks her to not touch the Prime Minister in a lap dance. What about the secret service leaving the menaced president of a country alone in a room after an attempt against his life? Why would a citizen and her president together alone speak in English instead of in their native dialect or language? The conclusion is simply awful and corny, and the alternative ending with worse than the original one. There is a total lack of chemistry between Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn for the insinuated romance arising between them. Nicole Kidman seems to have fixed the awful plastic surgery of her nose, and is very beautiful again in this flick.

Last but not the least, it is very weird that many favorable reviews are made by users with only one review issued in IMDb, in a type of apparently fake promotion. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "A Intérprete" ("The Interpreter")
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Nicely textured suspense drama with a heart
mstomaso1 May 2005
Sydney Pollak has directed a lot of good films over the last 40 years, and this, though not his finest work, is one. But it's just 'good'. Pollak has a great sense of pacing and character development, and he puts both to work to good effect in this suspenseful high-stakes terrorism drama. Kidman and Penn deliver solid and memorable performances and are joined by an excellent supporting cast. The acting talent, clever though predictable plot, superior production and cinematography, and fearlessly quirky script are what makes this film work, despite a few rather absurd plot points.

Kidman unsurprisingly, dominates the screen with a powerful portrayal of a young South African translator for the UN, who overhears a plot to assassinate the genocidal president of her home country, Motambo. Penn plays a hard-nosed, recently widowed investigator assigned to the case. As the plot escalates, it becomes clear that Kidman herself is also a target and that she has secrets...

There are some problems with believability here. Most glaring is the fact that the intelligence agents and security people investigating Kidman and the plot to kill a genocidal African president in the U.N. are depicted as anything but intelligent. The identity of the perpetrator and the nature of the intended crimes should have been more or less obvious about half-way through the film, and the security team should have had a trap set and armed personnel crawling all over the entire building. It is also unlikely that anybody in Kidman's predicament would have been allowed to continue with unrestricted access to the UN, at virtually any time of day or night, more or less unwatched. And it is even more problematic that somebody with her background should be working at the UN in the first place. The actors' performances and the relationship which develops between the two main characters (which is really at least half the plot) help to gloss over the minor problems and make the film very entertaining and suspenseful. There are also some potentially powerful political messages just below the surface, but I never felt that these messages really emerged, and was left wondering if theyr were simply artistic flourishes or perhaps, posturing.
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Humanistic, language-loving political thriller
EThompsonUMD21 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
For some time I avoided "The Interpreter," [2005] which sadly was to be the final film directed by recently deceased Sydney Pollack. It received lukewarm reviews in the mass media (although Ebert liked it) and generally unappreciative commentary on IMDb. My avoidance turned out to be a mistake. I have since viewed the film several times on video and have admired it more with each viewing. Yes, the pacing is unusually slow for a political thriller. Yes, the relationship between the leads has a weird chemistry and does not end with the usual Hollywood romantic closure/cliché. Yes, the script is talky, very talky even. And, yes, the plot is hard to follow and has some large plausibility holes, particularly in the film's final sequence.

As it happens, though, only the last of these is truly a "weakness," and then mainly to those unfortunately literal-minded film viewers whose aesthetic pleasures are utterly ruined by "logical" inconsistencies in plot construction or resolution. Would the Secret Service, FBI, and U.N. security staff really leave a nearly assassinated leader of a foreign state unattended in a "safe room" immediately after the event? Certainly not, one hopes. But stranger things have "really" happened in the panic following actual assassinations in 20th century American history. Were that not so, the conspiracy theorists would have much less grist for their mills. Regardless, the flaw in logic just doesn't matter much, for the entire plot to assassinate President Zuwani, the dictatorial and ruthless head of Matobo, a fictional African state, is not only a "con" as one of the FBI officials gathers early on in the investigation, it is also a perfect example of a Hitchcockian Maguffin.

Unlike more intellectually simplistic political thrillers, including Pollack's own genre classic "Three Days of the Condor," "The Interpreter" isn't ultimately about the surface subject of its main plot. The plan to assassinate Zuwanie while he delivers a self-exculpatory speech at the U.N. – i.e. what Silvia Broome hears, or claims to have heard, whispered in Ku on a darkened General Assembly floor – is as much what "The Interpreter" is about as "Psycho" is about the theft of $40,000 or "Casablanca" is about the missing letters of transit signed (with ridiculous implausibility) by General De Gaulle.

What "The Interpreter" is about instead is a rich complex of issues that surround and emerge from the working out of its convoluted plot. Very interestingly, it is about the politics of revolution and betrayal in contemporary Africa (taking its main cue from the horrors in Zimbabwe). It is also about the importance of language and communication in a world where children are armed with AK-47s. The film explores the linguistic workings of the U.N. in loving detail and even takes the time to invent and employ a made-up language (the aforementioned "Ku," which Silvia Broome interprets along with uninvented and un-subtitled French). A key witness in the investigation speaks only Portuguese. Moreover the film's climax, comes not with the expected death of Zuwanie but with his having to read - and choke on - the powerful and inspirational words he wrote before he became like the monsters he beheld. In the next to last scene we hear Silvia's voice-over naming Zuwanie's victims as recorded in detail in her dead brother's notebooks, thereby illustrating another unique power of language: bearing historical witness to atrocity. Most of all, "The Interpreter" is about two characters, Nicole Kidman as U.N. interpreter and Matoban ex-patriot Silvia Broome and Sean Penn as Secret Service agent Tobin Keller, wounded by violence done to loved ones and helping each other resist the desire to subject others or themselves to further violence, "a lazy form of grief" as it is defined in one of the film's many memorable phrases.

Supported by the wonderful Catherine Keener as Keller's torch-carrying partner and Pollack himself as the chief of the Secret Service, Kidman and Penn, two of the finest actors of their generation, offer up their usual first-rate performances here, carrying off five scenes of extended dialog wherein they explore each other's hidden facets and discuss such unlikely but arresting topics as the Ku form of justice and whether wanting someone "gone" is or is not the verbal equivalent of wanting him or her "dead." Personally, I'll take such interruptions in the flow of action over the requisite car chase and explosion scenes any day – although the film does have its own interesting versions of the latter as well. All in all, "The Interpreter" is a film that has been seriously underrated and deserves a look from those who appreciate textured screen writing and subtle acting and who, like me, may have been put off by the film's original reception.
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Great Cast, good acting, bad plot line
liezell26 April 2005
Being from Africa, I found it highly annoying that they decided to use a fake country name (which of course not a lot of people would know!).

The general idea was great and I love NIcole Kidman, and I was really looking forward to watch this movie. However, after seeing it, I felt a lot more could have been done with this wonderful cast and great idea - a lot was missing and it was pretty predictable.

The sad thing is that there are a lot of children actually walking around with automatic weapons, killing for "lunch money" to survive. The civil wars in Sudan are also very sad, but what is even more sad is that we sit here as bystanders and we don't do anything about it. Yeah, we might complain a little if we hear (or shall I say when we hear/read - because so little is said about it) but then people are more worried about foreign gasoline imports, than they are about human lives in a far away country. All it takes is to contact your local government representative.

While I feel this movie shed a little light on that, and yes I know the story is not about it, the plot could have been more suspenseful and unpredictable.
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What a disappointment!
zhenca24 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
With all my respect and admiration for the creators of the movie as well as my concern for the topics of political corruption and ethnic conflicts it raises, I must admit ruefully that even the brilliance of Sean Penn's acting (perfect as he always is) couldn't save "The Interpreter" from going flop in every respect.

First comes the poorly written script with artificially forced scenes that totally undermine the credibility of whatever's happening on screen. How on earth could you imagine an opposition leader of an African country, no matter how small, taking a ride on a street-bus and, what is even more bewildering, discussing political dealings and murders in a pure English with his accuser Nicole Kidman, all this with plenty of, one can assume, English-speaking people around them. Another gem of incongruity in the film is leaving the president of a country all by himself right after an assassination attempt and despite all the efforts to protect him from being killed. These are just a few among the abundance of inconsistencies and strained situations in the script.

The directing adds neither credibility nor suspense at all. It is pretty easy to guess the intentions and further actions of the characters because you have seen all these hackneyed plot twists so many times before. No originality, ingenuity, or finesse one would expect from the creator of "Three days of the Condor" comes out in a below the average handling of the plot development.

This all leaves Kidman's attempts at being believable all but successful and, especially so, in the culminating scene. Where it is supposed to be great emotional acme nothing is felt but an insipid taste of "you've guessed it all" disillusion.

What could have become a clever, topical political thriller turned out to be an average Hollywood flick with no power to awake people's hearts and minds or change attitudes to ethnic cleansing and wars in the real world.
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a thought or two on The Interpreter
oddvincent22 January 2007
Last night, I watched The Interpreter, primarily because I wanted to see if Sydney Pollack still had it and in my humble opinion, he does. I don't see too much film-making like this these days. For one thing, it's slow, but in a good way. Too many suspense films speed by at such an absurd rate that there's never any time for a mood to be built or characters to be known. Here, we get to know the characters intimately and are gradually drawn into the complex and compelling and relevant plot. Speaking of relevance, there is, here, a "message", but it's delivered organically by way of carefully structured storytelling and character development, not with a bullhorn and fireworks. Speaking of characters, I love the understated performances in this film by Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman. I love also the moments in this film, such as when Penn's character in a country-western bar unplugs the jukebox to stop the noise of some country-pop crap then restarts it in order to play Lyle Lovett's wonderful "If I Had a Boat" then goes to a pay phone and calls his own house just to hear his wife's voice on the answering machine.

Also, while I have nothing against fast, action-adventure-cartoon-type violence when it's done just right. The violence in this film isn't exciting. It's just as it should be considering the subject matter. It's sad and desolate and when a man speaks his last words to the child-soldier who has just shot him and when a bus is bombed or a desperate man is betrayed and murdered you feel it, the final moments of human lives; a being being taken away. There's room for sentiment in such films and it doesn't have to be sap as it so often is.

I don't follow entertainment news much these days (much as I'd love to) because such stories and reviews and even trailers (which I also used to love watching) give away far too much of the story (which I'm trying here not to do) so I don't know how this film was received, but I hope it did well and if it didn't, I hope audiences come to discover and love it gradually so that there might be more films like it.
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Fine performances, weak story
gravity38 October 2005
Director Sidney Pollack has given us some very fine films in the past; THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR and TOOTSIE come immediately to mind, and he won an Oscar for OUT OF Africa (although it's not high on my personal list of his films). But not even Mr. Pollack can make a great film without having a script to start with. I think that's the lesson of THE INTERPRETER. There are many things that are just not well thought out here, and the whole suffers as a result.

Penn is great as always, Kidman does a lot with her character, but often they're wandering through the scenes in a story that doesn't seem to know where to go next. Actually the fact the movie makes any sense at all is a credit to Pollack's experience and talent. There are some great ideas here, and there's certainly a level of entertainment achieved; even some thought provoking moments. But it's clear the filmmakers weren't working from a well prepared script. 6 out of 10.
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Script Needs Work
director_mitch24 April 2005
I was interested in seeing The Interpreter since it looked like a good adult drama. Unfortunately, the movie has some problems.

The big plus of the movie is Kidman. She is one of those women who actually looks better as she ages, and she is a talented actress. Sean Penn is also a good actor, and both do a great job in the movie.

Unfortunately the good acting can't overcome the weak script. I felt like the story was still a 2-3 drafts short of being ready for the screen. The biggest problem was that there are plot holes you could drive a truck through. I also felt the movie dragged through most of the middle as they tried to develop the strained relationship between the principle characters.

If you are a plot-driven movie fan, as I am, the movie is likely to be a disappointment. If you are a acting-driven movie fan, you will probably like the movie more.
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I guess that in international relations, there are no good guys, no bad guys, and no middle ground; there is only moral nihilism.
lee_eisenberg4 June 2005
Silvia Broome (Nicole Kidman) is a UN interpreter who is fluent in the fictional African language of Ku, spoken in her fictional native country of Matobo. When she returns to her office one night to retrieve something, she overhears some men plotting (in Ku) to assassinate the president of Matobo. Now that it looks like someone is probably after her, US agent Tobin Keller (Sean Penn) is assigned to protect her. From there, we learn that every character knows more than they are revealing.

What I determined most while watching "The Interpreter" was not whether it was a good or bad movie, although I did like it. It seems that when you reach certain degrees of international relations, there are no good guys, no bad guys, and no middle ground; there is only moral nihilism. We learn that for years, Matobo was ruled by the white minority while the black majority lived in desperate poverty. Then, current president Edmund Zuwanie led a revolution that brought the black population to power. Unfortunately, he turned into a dictator. Among other things, he murdered Silvia's family. Whether or not Silvia wants revenge is not the point (but she does admit: "I don't care for him."). The point is that no character can be truly classified one way or the other.

As for what the movie said about the United Nations as an organization, it didn't take a solidly pro- or anti-UN stance, although it leaned towards pro. Like I said, the point overall seems to be that you can't go totally one way or the other.
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Intriguing thriller with good cast , including suspense , surprises , plot twists and political events
ma-cortes19 January 2022
Nice suspense thriller with mystery , plot twists and an international conspiracy that unfold inside the United Nations . There an interpreter , Silvia Broome (Nicole Kidman) , overhears an assassination plot , as she has overheard a death threat against an African head of state and then a hard-boiled U. S. Secret Service agent named Tobin Keller (Sean Penn) along with his helper (Catherine Keener) are assigned to investigate the case . Silvia was raised in the Republic of Matobo, a fictional African country, but she has dual citizenship. Meanwhile , the U. N. is considering indicting Edmond Zuwanie (Earl Cameron) , Matobo's president , to stand trial in the International Criminal Court . Initially a liberator , over the past 20 years he has become as tyrannical and corrupt as the government he overthrew , and is now responsible for ethnic cleansing within Matobo . Zuwanie is soon to visit the U. N. and put forward his own case to the General Assembly , in an attempt to avoid the indictment . Then scalating events , happenings grow more nightmarish, and things go awry . We're all being watched ! . The truth needs no translation !.

This exciting suspense flick contains thrills , political intrigue , deception , noisy action , shootouts , twists , turns and is quite entertaining . A commercial thriller that failed at the boxoffice , here Sidney Pollack to indulge in the internal machinery of the UN building which allowed in the movie cameras for the first time and some breathtaking helicopter shots of NYC . The African leaders : Matbo , Ku , Kuman-Kuman are all fictional , of course , but we must asume that Motobo is a post-revolutionary sub-Saharan state and along the lines can be Zimbabwe and the president Zuwanie is a thinly veiled portrait of Robert Mugave figure . This is a competent thriller , but observing global politics from this perspective turning out to be an uncomfortable , frustating experience , but the movie still lends nothing to our understanding of post-colonial Africa , including ethnic cleansing , corruption as well as other atrocities and disasters . Main actors give passable acting , as Nicole Kidman as an interpreter working at the United Nations in New York City whose life is turned upside down as she becomes a hunted target of the killers and Sean Penn as the stubborn agent assigned to the twisted case that takes under the protection the threatened victim ; nevertheless , there isn't chemistry enough among them. They are well accompanied by a good support cast , such as : Catherine Keener , Jesper Christensen , Yvan Attal , Earl Cameron , George Harris , Michael Wright , Clyde Kusatsu , Hugo Speer , Robert Clohessy , David Zayas and Sidney Pollack himself .

It displays a colorful and brilliant cinematography from Darius Khondji, shot on location in UN , NYC . As well as rousing and moving musical score by James Newton Howard . The motion picture was well financed by producers Tim Bevan , Eric Fellner , Anthony Minghella and professionally produced/written/played/directed by Sidney Pollack , though it has some disappointing scenes , flaws and gaps . This good professional was an excellent actor and director , making the following important movies : "The Property is condemned" , "The Slender Thread" , "The Scalphunters" , "They Shoot Horses , Don't They ?" , "Jeremiah Johnson" , "The Way we Were" , "Yazuka" , "3 days of Condor" , "Absence of Malice" , "Tootsie" , "Out of Africa" , "Havana" , "The Firm", "Sabrina" , "Random Hearts", among others . Rating : 6/10. The picture will appeal to thriller fans , but especiallly appointed to Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn fans . In spite of its several shortcomings , flops and failures , the picture is well worth watching .
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I also saw the Interpreter in Greece
eve-6410 April 2005
I am in Greece and I just saw the Interpreter here. I read the book the Interpreter by Suzanne Glass a while back, and I was sure that this movie was inspired by her book. Well, now I know that it was! Her name is mentioned in the film credits. I thought the film was great, however they changed so much from the book which i had enjoyed immensely. Only the beginning of the film is exactly the same. Nicole Kidmans performance in the film is very strong although her South African accent could be better. Sean Penn, as usual, is dynamite.The most interesting thing for me was the insight into the world of interpreting which i had begun to understand by reading Glass's novel. It really is the most strenuous and demanding profession that i can imagine a person can enter into. I am sure this film will do extremely well in the united stated market. In my view, it is Oscar worthy and will certainly receive a few nominations.
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Not bad...
rainking_es6 April 2006
The truth is that Sidney Pollack's career has been rather irregular. He's capable of doing very good movies ("Tootsie", "The Firm"), but he can as well make pure rubbish such as "Sabrina" or "Random hearts". You never know what to expect from him. Anyway, fortunately "The interpreter" is closer (in quality) to "The Firm" than to the remake of "Sabrina". It is a nice suspense film, and Pollack copes very well with this kind of products. "The interpreter" is no masterpiece, but this plot involving the Secret Service of the USA, the UN, and some African war lords is quite entertaining and it's been filmed such elegantly.

I wonder if it wouldn't have been much better to choose another actress to play the ex-guerrilla character. I mean, Nicoloe Kidman is a wonderful performer, she's always OK, but she doesn't look that much like a paramilitary. Sean Penn is OK too, as usual, but neither him nor Kidman have made the work of their lives in "The interpreter". They look like they're on the automatic pilot. It doesn't matter though, none of them have anything to prove at this stage.

*My rate: 6/10
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Inside the UN
movie_fanatic78 April 2005
I had the opportunity to watch the movie here in Greece, where for some reason,it came out in the theaters two weeks before it does in USA.In general"The Interpreter" was an interesting movie, as one would expect given the undisputed talent of the cast(Kidman,Penn) and the experience of the director(Pollack).I particularly enjoyed the scenes that were shot inside the UN building and really added an new element to the story.Furthermore,the music of the film composed by James Newton-Howard is superb.Nevertheless,the movie lacks that "something" that would make it a great political thriller like "The Manchurian Candidate". The story is interesting,the performances by Kidman and Penn noticeable but the movie leaves you feeling that something is missing...In any case,you will spend a couple of hours pleasantly and also get a little bit of insight about the role of the UN.
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blackfeather_gr9 April 2005
I had the chance to see this film yesterday at its world opening in Athens,Greece."The interpreter" is a political thriller directed by one of the most suitable filmmakers for this,Sydney Pollack. Nicole Kidman plays the role of a South African-born UN translator who overhears an assassination threat against the dictator of an African country.Sean Penn plays the role of a Secret Service agent,assigned to investigate the case.Soon we find out that the interpreter's past could explain her possible involvement in the conspiracy.So-maybe-not everything is exactly as it seems to be. Both Kidman and Penn give controlled and emotional performances,although intense and powerful on the inside.It's nice to see 2 stars of the value of Kidman and Penn to make these choices in their career and not waste their talent in indifferent projects. In the end the film is not only a political thriller.It is also a story on overcoming personal losses,dealing with the past in a clever,effective way and moving on...
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An action-packed, political thriller from an award winning director!
daniel-desilva17 April 2005
This emotional, action packed Hollywood blockbuster explodes into cinemas across the United Kingdom this weekend with overwhelming support from movie fans.

From the critically acclaimed director, Sydney Pollack, has created a controversial and deeply moving film about the politics of the international community.

As the world embraces it self with the war on terror, this new film rises up against the critics and tells a brave story about an attractive UN interpreter, Silvia Broome (Kidman) overhearing an assassination plot against the dictatorial ruler of the fictional African state of Matobo.

Silvia eventually tells the security forces of her plight and demands extra security as she fears she was seen and wonders whether her African background could make her a target. A troubled FBI agent (Sean Penn) is assigned her protector and struggles to defend her as his colleagues dismiss her allegations as mere attention seeking; the audience are left wondering whether Silvia really is a lady in distress.

With Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn on top form, I was stunned by both acting performances throughout the many tense scenes. Both actors won Oscars at this year's academy awards and should be noticed for their breathtaking performances as their talent overshadowed the complex script.

However I was a little disappointed by the dramatic ending, there were too many comparisons with Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe; this may have been America's attempt at telling the world the dangers of dictatorial rule, a stern lesson from the world's most powerful country.

So, this is a high budget movie about the complexities of international politics combined with the seedy, underworld of the secret service attempting to protect a pretty blonde determined to punish her parent's killer.

This is a movie not for the restless or energetic as patience and intelligence is needed to understand the gripping plot.
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Don't bother unless.....
jax71311 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I love thrillers. I love suspense. I very much like Kidman and Penn. And I like Sidney Pollack's work. But this movie has one of the most undeveloped scripts I've ever seen. I agree wholeheartedly with the reviewer who wrote this script was 2 or 3 drafts away from being ready to film. The trailers lead you to believe Kidman is in danger, is running for her life, but the movie never really comes to this. We never see the secret service, the FBI, the CIA, or the local police go through the investigative process that leads to the revelation at the end of the story. In fact, most of the law enforcement personnel is shown as inept or inadequate, except, of course, for Penn. People get shot but you don't know why, I mean really know. Penn tries to do something with his character, but the script doesn't bring him into focus. At times, he has to look at Kidman dreamily only weeks after his wife's death??? How Kidman got into a room alone with the intended target was preposterous. This movie is Not A Thriller, Not Suspenseful. And the ending is a deflated, run-out-of-gas, illogical, incomplete exercise in nothingness. Again, it annoys me to know that people get paid big money to turn out this kind of un-movie, basically a string of scenes revolving around a conspiracy that lacks intelligence and complexity. Don't bother unless you're a big fan of the stars who do what they can with a Mc-script. My two stars are one for each of them for their effort.
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Kidman & Penn are superb in thriller
dougandwin13 April 2005
Having seen "Mystic River" recently, I was awaiting Sean Penn's next movie with great anticipation as he is one brilliant actor, and when I heard Nicole Kidman was to be his co-star, this was well worth waiting for, and both of them are superb in a very well-constructed movie, with great location shooting in New York. and in particular the United Nations building. Sydney Pollack has produced (and played a small part in it!) an excellent movie, full of intrigue with exciting music and great photography. "The Interpreter" has, by its very nature, been forced to create a new African Nation , rather than single out Zimbabwe for example, and the opening sequences set the mood for a very enthralling 2 1/4 hours. The whole cast is excellent, though made up of relative unknowns other that the two stars. I can recommend this film very highly.
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Enjoyed the movie; but there were too many distractions by poor scene continuity.
stephen_burns17 April 2005
As a fan of Kidman, Penn and Pollack I was certainly looking forward to seeing The Interpreter. The performances by the lead actors was exciting and very believable. However, what left me disappointed about the film was the distractions from poor scene continuity. With Nicole having a bad hair day throughout the movie, we see that as the camera angles change on Nicole her hair is different. Hair covering her eyes in one angle then combed back at another angle. Scenes where her hair is blowing in the wind with one camera angle, and no wind at all with the next shot. Another distraction is in the scene where Nicole speaks with an apparently strong South African accent that we do not hear in other scenes. And finally, I found it very distracting for Sydney Pollack to pop up now and then in scenes. I felt that as the movie Director, his cameo appearances was a distraction from immersing myself into the story.
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A weary political thriller
Red-Barracuda4 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I should have known from the start that this was going to try my patience. In the opening scene a journalist is led into a dilapidated football stadium in a small African country for a meeting. But it's a trap and he is shot to death by a young boy. As he falls to the ground dying he says 'It's OK' to the youngster who has just gunned him to death. I think it's only fair to say that most people would be a little bit less philosophical in this situation. Not many I guess would use their last dying breath to explain to their killer that they understand that the political situation in their country has led them to murder a stranger and that it's understandable and not in any way their fault. What this cretinous little scene does do, however, is indicate, quite accurately, to the audience that the film that they are about to see is going to be worthy and tedious in equal measure. Moreover, as a thriller this movie has about as much edge as a packet of custard creams; actually, on second thoughts, considerably less so.

Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn make for a somewhat tedious screen couple. Everything about the trajectory of their on-screen romance is clichéd and trite. So much so, that it really is difficult to care for either of them. Kidman, the interpreter, is really unconvincing as someone with such a militant background, while Penn's hard agent with a soft centre is, at best, tiresome. The whole back-story about Penn's dead wife was I guess meant to add depth to his character, to give him a vulnerable side, but it really only came across as forced and obvious. The spectacle of Kidman relaxing at home like a shaman playing African pipes is a sight that sadly has the potential to make a cat laugh. As does the supposedly romantic scene where she has a telephone conversation with her protector Penn, both of whom face each other across the street from their respective apartments; it's meant to be poignant but it comes over as seriously cheesy. And when Penn offers to wash the blood from Kidman's face you could be forgiven for suffering a hernia due to uncontrollable laughter, such is the predictable triteness. I think it can only be fair to say that both actors must have been offered a hefty pay cheque for this film; I would very much worry about them if they signed on due to the great story and characterisations. I certainly hope they weren't 'excited by the challenge'.

You may have gathered that I wasn't entirely into this film. It was so safe and middle-of-the road that it singularly failed to provide any thrills, which would have made up for the rubbish central characters. But alas, no. If there was a band that this movie is the equivalent to it would have to be Mike and the Mechanics – dull, weary, faintly ridiculous and inoffensive to the point of offense.
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