Why We Had to Kill Bitch (2003) Poster

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Finally, a movie set in Pittsburgh with mass appeal!
hitman33a7 April 2005
"Why We Had To Kill Bitch" is a funny movie with a good story. And what else do you really need these days? Many comedies out there tend to dumb-down just to get the easy laugh, but the director here takes the high road and is rewarded for it. I enjoyed "Bitch" quite a bit. I found the not only the story satisfying, but the characters as well. Some take a little time to grow on you, but by the end of the film you actually find yourself rooting for them.

Plus, being set in Pittsburgh and actually being a good movie gives it double points in my book as Pittsburgh is my hometown. It's nice to finally have a movie other than "The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh (1979)."
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I liked it....
tisabira7 April 2005
Now I'm just the average film watcher/film lover and not a film student or anything, but I enjoyed this when I saw it at the Bares Bones International Film Fest in Oklahoma. I wouldn't mind having a copy or seeing it again, but I can't find it locally. It was funny but it was also fun! (you know the difference, right?) So I'd recommend it to a friend for renting or if they have a chance to see it premiering somewhere at a fest. A good time and a different type of film than the "norm."

I thought the people in the movie did a good job on it. I enjoy the variety and the unique qualities of independent film and this is another one I will add to my "need to see" list for friends with similar tastes.
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One hell 'ov a ride!
figur47 April 2005
This movie screened at the 5th Melbourne Underground Film Fest and I gotta admit! I got sucked in by the title! But the movie held up as well. Entertaining, engaging characters and convincing cast. Sexy women too!Sometimes all the crazy antics were hard to keep track of and sometimes the camera was a little too hand held,..but the film held together through its sheer energy. The film has that much visual color it is almost overwhelming, the camera never stops moving and the characters never stop scheming. My prediction is keep an eye out for this director."Bitch" is pulsing with ambition and confidence. This director is going to pull off something even bigger in the future..
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Oh-So-Clever. A movie you'll want to watch over and over and over and over and over and over and over
tvwriterguy7 April 2005
I saw WWTKB at a screening and it was one of those movies that just stayed with me. I would be out with my buddies days/weeks later and say, "Dude, this reminds me of the scene in a great indie I saw." After the 20th time saying it, I finally ordered a copy of the film online (www.killbitch.com) and introduced my friends to the world that is "Bitch." :) To everyone who had a buddy obsess over a lost love to those who work with eccentric co-workers and to those who have even more eccentric friends... this movie is for you. The characters are fun and beyond quirky and the jokes are plentiful and clever (and quick... that's why you'll want to watch it again and again). I HIGHLY recommend it. Grab some friends, a six-pack and kick back. You'll be glad you did.
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Painfully Bad in every aspect
josta99josta17 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had the extreme displeasure of attending the opening premiere of this film down at the Lowe's Waterfront theaters. One my way out of the theater, the woman woman behind the DVD sales booth asked if I wanted to buy a DVD copy. I quickly cried, "Hell no! I'll make a better one." Everyone posting positive comments about this film must have been directly involved in making (or even more painfully, funding) this production. Horrible writing. Horrible lighting. Horrible set design. Horrible technical work. Horrible acting. Horrible structure. Horrible concept. Horrible result. This trash is my answer whenever I'm asked, "What's the worst movie you've ever seen?" Close this browser window right now and never give this movie another thought. You're welcome.
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Waste of time
hunda119 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Total garbage. I've lived in Pittsburgh for 3 years now and was excited to see this movie based on the positive feedback I had read. The night before renting "bitch" I had a lively discussion with friends and colleagues about the number of fun and interesting movies that have come out of this great city, including "Night of the Living Dead (1968)" "Robocop (1987)", "Gung Ho (1986)" and of course "Striking Distance (1993)". Maybe considering an indie alongside these movies was my first mistake.

The dialogue is painfully incoherent and boring. The acting is pathetic. The camera angles and overall cinematography were horrible. The whole concept of the guy behind the camera interacting with the main characters does not work at all. I could not get through this movie and recommend that you do not bother with this hack.
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Definitely a fabulous evening!
angelcat7697 April 2005
I saw WWHTKB for the first time at the Great Lakes Film Festival in September of 2003. I laughed, I cried, (I laughed till I cried, I'm no wuss!)and then I bought the DVD before I left. I can honestly say that I have never seen a movie quite like Bitch. It combines the sort of humor that us 20 somethings can relate to with semi typical real life scenarios. The plot is clever and the punchlines are catchy, really hitting their mark. Shortly after, my copy of the DVD started to glitch. This saddened me to no end. I would tell all my friends about this movie, then would beg to barrow it, but unfortunately, the disk.. no good :( Then I heard that they would be showing Bitch at the local Penn State campus. I left work early, grabbed as many people as I could fit in my Tracker and we hauled ass to see this movie. JP Nickel, the writer, producer, actor, pretty much Bitch extraordinare, hooked me up with another copy of the DVD and myself along with five of my friends had one of the best nights of our lives. I now take the movie with me whenever I go to visit friends who would not be exposed to this film otherwise. I've lost count as to how many times I've actually watched Bitch and I have yet to tire of seeing it. People still ask to barrow my copy and I gladly lend it out. I think that if you are tired of all of these remakes of old movies and tired ideas that have been reworked and then regurgitated with a new name, than this movie is a welcomed relief to the sequels and the disappointments that have been bombarding us.
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funny movie, go watch it
s17mercury7 April 2005
if you're looking for a fun independent movie then give why we had to kill bitch a try. i first watched the movie with a friend who had seen it at school, and she loved it so much she shared it with me. both of us own the movie on DVD because we enjoyed it so much, and have in turn showed the movie to others who have also enjoyed why we had to kill bitch.

wwhtkb is funny, witty and if you're like me chances are you know people just like the characters in the movie. why we had to kill bitch will keep you laughing, and perhaps even giggle at somethings you might not normally giggle at. the movie really has a great ending, that will provide some more laughter. round up some friends and go ahead and watch it. i look forward to more movies from nickel.
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Light, Witty, and Wonderfully Bizarre
ravenium-127 May 2005
I was introduced to this movie by a friend who brought over the DVD one night as part of a collection of movies we could pick to watch. Since none of us had admittedly heard of it before, we decided to watch and give it a chance.

While it might not appeal to the big-explosions-special-effects-only younger crowds of today, the film is well-paced, witty, and is one of the few movies that has hit my capacity for sarcastic and bizarre humor hard. Unlike most of the movies of the aforementioned genre, WWHTKB actually takes time to develop its characters so you might actually have an opinion on them (vs. the mindless automatons of most of today's features). There will be many moments that leave you saying "what the...?", which might not be for everyone, but it contributes to the overall style of the film (in my opinion, at least).

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and hope to see more productions from the same director in the future.
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The usual clichés do not apply
chadbudzik7 April 2005
Okay, well maybe this film is "a fun-filled romp" and "an action-packed thrill ride." But somebody says these things about nearly every movie, and they don't do Why We Had To Kill Bitch justice. This film is unique, to say the least.

I had the pleasure of seeing this film in the largest screening room in Pittsburgh, twice. First I saw it at the world premiere, which drew over a thousand people for the best turnout of any indy film in Pittsburgh history. By the time I saw it again a year later at the DVD release party, the film already had a dedicated cult following.

This is a film which doesn't take itself seriously, and that frees it up to be really, really funny. From the witty banter, to the zany, over-the-top yet familiar characters, there is an utter lack of pretense that really lets you know how much the filmmakers loved this project.

I loved the characters (you know someone like each one of them), the acting, the silliness, the randomness, the way the humor hits you in so many different ways, I LOVED THE ENDING (which I won't ruin), but the thing I loved most about this film (and this is very important in my opinion) is that it was funnier the second time I saw it! I can only hope that more great films like this come out of Pittsburgh. I highly recommend that you check it out if you get a chance. If you have any sense of humor at all, you'll want to play it again as soon as the credits roll. But stick around for those. The credits are one of the best parts!
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An excellent start
jdlambeth8 April 2005
WWHTKB. JP Nickel...Greg Caridi...Kristen Pfiefer...and several other impressive "young" actors. This is a film enjoyable on many levels. While I often have trouble making sure my parents or a relative, etc, has caught the humor in a cartoon or theatrical work of the day, this film right here is the bomb. An excellent first film from a growing director/screenwriter/actor, WWHTKB IS one of the best feel-good family comedies. Coupled with the award winning short film " Grim" on the DVD, this is an essential movie. Unless, of course, you're a Danielle Steel fan.....but you wouldn't be here anyway if you were, would you?

IMDb....home of the Indie!! IMDb exists for stuff like this.
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the bitch we all know and love
jamiekorsmo7 April 2005
I first saw 'bitch' at a film festival in Oklahoma last year, and I must admit, I've enjoyed this movie over and over since that day. I am lucky enough to have this privilege since I own it on DVD! I have since moved to Georgia and I made sure to bring 'bitch' along with me! The film is so clever in its content and honestly funny, and you can just see the love that was put into making it. The hardworking gentlemen who created 'bitch' are amazing and deserve any credit you are willing to throw their way. For an independent film (or any film for that matter), this is really top-notch in my book. I definitely recommend it to anyone. So go rent it, buy it, love it. I promise you won't stop laughing. Bitch is a well-oiled machine, to say the least.
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Documentary film student inadvertently shoots a comedy.
nashton7 April 2005
Why We Had to Kill Bitch is the funniest film I have ever seen at a festival.

The plot is well paced. Comedy is spaced evenly throughout and springs from the story instead of from canned laughter. Shot in first person, the difficult mechanics of POV and storytelling are well executed. Slick pulp fiction dialogue ties scene to scene and refuses to stoop to trite.

Finally, the jewel of WWHtKB is the unique characters. I have met these people before in another life. Some I wish I still knew. Some I wish I could forget. The film is like Napoleon Dynamite... only different... sexier... more disparate.

If I had three thumbs, they would all be up.
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palmtreeguy8 April 2005
What a great indie film! As a fellow indie actor and producer, I understand how difficult it can be to turn a great idea into a great film. Something that Hollywood sometimes finds difficult to do, even with huge budgets, star talent, and tons of marketing effort. "Bitch" is not only a fantastic indie film, but it holds it's own against some large studio films.

Although I had nothing to do with the project and only had the pleasure of meeting J.P. once, I absolutely loved the story, liked the characters, and was very impressed with the overall quality and attention to detail. I have seen, been involved with, & tortured through hundreds of indie films and this one ranks in the "Watch it again and again" section.

Good job J.P.! Keep 'em coming!
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tres droll on the whole
jan_lennartsen3 May 2004
At first I thought-Oh, God, another student film catastrophe what with the heavily "dutched" initial segment and the fadeouts into titled sections etc. However, I toughed it out and am rather glad I did. The characters are stereo"typical" midwest[middle-Atlantic?] "slacker" sorts -the narrating one the cliched loafer student in a film program, there's some over-the-top acting [esp. by the "prof" cast member] that could have been toned down a bit...but on the whole a tres droll picaresque jaunt through semi-credible situations. And I quite enjoyed the "at the Improv" scene. The film does have some rough spots, and there are some lame "look at what the help does when the boss/mgr. is not on top of things" cheap yucks but amazingly they seem to work in this flick which normally I would claim to be far too long for its worth...but in this case I wanted a bit more. Not however the lengthy post-flick outtake elements which were not required-I know lots of people like them, I do not. The title is not really flattering and may turn some off but is apropos to the subject. One wonders if the Dave Matthews Band paid for product placement or if it was just an homage by the writer/producer/director. But I will look forward to this group's next effort. Why we had to kill 'Bitch' is like a really, really bad pun. One groans happily when it is finished.
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Indy Film Shows Lots of Potential
wacky-director7 April 2005
I first heard of WWHTKB from a friend of mine who appeared in the film. No longer an actor, my friend discouraged me from watching the film (he doesn't think he looks good on film), but my curiosity got the better of me and I ordered a copy from the website. Boy, am I glad I did.

WWHTKB is a quirky romp, filled with bizarre characters that are only a step removed from the outlandish slackers that everyone in our generation has encountered/been/hated/hung out with/slept with at some point or another. The strangely Byzantine plot doesn't take itself too seriously, and writer/director John-Paul Nickel takes the opportunity to send up romantic comedies and Indy films alike, while making a movie that is arguably both. The performances are compelling: whiny Gregory Caridi as Eugene holds the thing together with a repellent charm; the dynamic duo of John Yost and Greg Johnstone (as Stanley and Quentin, respectively) always entertain; Kristin Pfeifer as the titular "Bitch" is so outlandishly evil you can't help but laugh; and then there's Jason Steele--his performance as George is something to behold.

Is the film perfect? Of course not. It's a bit derivative in style, stealing from (or paying homage to?) Kevin Smith and Christopher Guest, among others. When you get past the clever wordplay and eccentric characters, the plot is rather mundane. There are some technical problems--the sound, particularly, is spotty in places. But it's still more than worth watching. Writer/director John-Paul Nickel does a hell of a job on his first film, and shows that, given some practice (and maybe a budget), he could one day be a force to behold.

Kudos to the Five Cent Productions gang. Keep 'em coming!
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Fimlishly satirical tomfoolery wrapped in cool cover art
whatsgoingonmekon21 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw WWHTKB when it was screened in my hometown film festival two years ago at one in the morning on a Saturday. I had been watching movies all day for two days (thank you Jolt Cola and Continental Breakfast coffee) at this point, and WWHTKB stood out for a few reasons as one of my favorite movies from the festival. The main storyline, though contrived at points, kept a consistent mix of cynical humor and sarcastic wit with downright impossibly ridiculous situations and an extremely unlikely cast of characters - including "Bitch," the main character's abusive ex-girlfriend - that had me laughing out loud more than a few times. There were a lot of things outside of the main storyline that stood out as downright hilarious concepts, such as the fake John Travolta film, "Oh Shenannigans!" from which they show clips. Though these elements made me chuckle, they really don't stand out from the entire genre of late-teen-college-age movie as something original. What really stands out from the film is the high amount of action that happens within the scenes, but having no real interaction with the plot. For example two movie theater clerks poke holes into paper cups and get kinky with the popcorn tubs while two main characters talk about going out to the improv later that night. This is the kind of movie that is best watched with a couple of drinks and some good friends that you've gotten up to some fun with. I got to talk to the director at the festival, and ended up actually buying a copy of the movie. It has some of the most wonderful cover art for any movie that I've ever seen. A definite watch for one of those late night boredom releases.
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One of the greatest movies of all time
pixel__boy14 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie after running into the director at a bar during a film festival (and going to a strip club with him). I had no idea what I was in for. This movie raises all the important life questions you will ever have, such as "Will my friends kill for me?"; "How do I get rid of a boss I hate?"; "How do I get the girl I like?" and "Is it ethical to lie to my professor to get a better mark?" I would recommend contacting the director about buying DVDs as I don't know that they are in stores. I have a copy but I can't loan it to you as I lose too many DVDs that way.

Check out http://www.fivecentproductions.com/ for more info.
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Kudos For Karen
kellyjankauski7 April 2005
Honestly, what a surprise! I stumbled upon this movie in a local movie store near my house in Pittsburgh and on an off-handed recommendation, i decided to stay in for an evening and watch "Why We Had To Kill Bitch." Although it was not totally my style of movie, I found the dialog to be absolutely hilarious. It was witty, and quick, if not a little strange, but without a DOUBT original. Being a bit of a feminist, I appreciated the strong female characters. Heather was awesome... without spoiling any major details, I loved that the three main women were not at all cookie-cutter.

Overall, the movie was awesome. I would highly recommend it to anyone seeking some colorful and off-the-beaten-path entertainment.

Great movie, JP :)
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Fun, crazy movie
johannableckman8 April 2005
I discovered this movie through a friend, and my husband and I LA-OOOVE it!!! We actually ended up at the premier in Pittsburgh while visiting and have managed to see it at least a couple more times. It embodies the every-kid experience: "one night my friends and i decide to go after this girl our one friend likes, which is great cause we hate the only other girl he ever liked, and along the way all this crazy sh*t happens." Anyone who's been to high school in the last 30 years will definitely relate, although some may not tolerate the weirdness well. Perhaps if you were a cheerleader in the last 30 years, you may not relate.
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Hunt this one down!
greymalkin_128 April 2005
A very unique film. Yes there are elements of QT and Kevin Smith but is not imitation the highest form of flattery. It has been said that there are no original ideas and with the many thousands of movies that are available in stores, the finger of god would have to be pointing directly at you if you expect to see something you've never seen before. What I haven't seen before is a film that so shamelessly yet unpretentiously zings the industry as a whole, the average movie viewer, and itself, and all in good fun. Because everything that Nickel's script pretends to despise is happening right there on the screen in front of you. Kevin, at a loss for a subject for his film class project, stoops so low as to bribe his best friend Eugene to grant him an all access pass into his staggeringly pathetic professional and personal life. What we the viewers are let in on is a fairly accurate portrait of generation Y's aimless slacker lifestyle, and the struggle for love and adventure therein. As a former long-time resident of Pittsburgh, I know these guys. I feel their pain. Put yourself in any mid-sized American city with a minimum wage job, average looks and nothing to do on a Friday night and this is what classifies as the best you can get out of life. Yet Nickel has succeeded in turning someone else's boredom and desperation into a fun ride. For the cinematic sadist like myself I was disappointed that there weren't more bumped heads and kicks in the groin but they happen just enough to make the title character "Bitch" or "Karen" as Gene naively calls her, the "weasel under the cabinet" as Pinter would say. Though her screen time is limited, her presence is constantly felt and unquestionably recognized by male and female viewers alike. Everybody knows Bitch. Every guy has dated Bitch, and every woman knows a Bitch they've had to overcome to get the poor abused schmuck who they know deserves better. This is a movie that everyone can relate to. It is irreverent, fearless, clever, honest unique and above all funny. And Fun. You won't find these people together in any other movie you see, although you're likely to encounter them in real life whether you want to or not. This time though you won't regret following them around for a day. This is the adventure citizens of Movie Land, and it will change the way you look at movies and hopefully, real life. So check it out, because I guarantee you, you have not seen THIS before.
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One of the funniest movies i have ever seen.
wadrischler8 April 2005
i went to see this movie at the Lowe's waterfront theater in Pittsburgh. they were giving away free tickets so i figured why not the worst that could happen is i waste a night out. when i got there the line was crazy out the door, they were only letting in the first 500 people, but we managed to get in. they had prizes, dvds, t shirts and a band it was awesome. i thought maybe they hyped it up and it was gonna suck,then the previews came on and they were all for local indie movies some of them looked OK and the the other were just horrible. one i remember vividly was some kinda crap called biophage? then i thought to myself wow this movie might be really bad, but i laughed my a** off from beginning to end. there were some slow parts but all in all it was great. i even bought a DVD to show all my friends. i thought it was one of the best local films i have ever seen. the acting was good the picture was beautiful and trust me from some of the previews the picture could have been real bad, and i laughed constantly. i give it 4 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why We Had To Kill Bitch....
MorRissa_Morris7 April 2005
Well, Why Not!? I liked "WWHTKB." It made me laugh, the acting was strong and the characters were entertaining, the plot was quirky and the dialogue was tight.

Congrats to JP for writing and directing "WWHTKB" and having the drive and passion to get his project out there on quite a few movie screens.

If you enjoy movies like Clerks and Mallrats, you will enjoy watching this.

...and about Josh Thomas' review - damn, what a bitter reviewer he is! Please, don't base your decision on his review.... track down and watch this film and make your own decision!
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Great Film
stevefrankrit13 April 2005
I really enjoyed Why We Had to Kill Bitch, perhaps I am a bit biased since I saw it with someone who was in the movie. It isn't really like any other movie that I've seen before, so It's a bit difficult to describe. If I had to describe it, though, I'd say it's a mixture of comedic-reality TV, 80's teen movies (like ferris beullers day off), and clerks. The highlights of the film were definitely the acting performances by the main cast, as well as the use of comedic flashbacks. The film starts off a little slow and takes the more direct slapstick humor route, but changes into a more plot-driven/ironic comedy style. The characters also get more developed towards the end, which explains some of their behavior early on. Check out the movie if you get a chance to, make sure to watch the end credits.
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A great movie for everybody!
ylobelsohn10 April 2005
I saw WWHTKB pretty soon after production finished. I loved it because of its quirky comedy and "clerksy" feel. I have seen it 3 times since, a few different edits and I like it more and more each time. This movies is funny and enjoyable with a plot like I have never heard of before! Definitely unique in its theme, WWHTKB is the type of movie that everyone can watch and enjoy no matter what your movie preference is. There is a character for everyone to relate to and the acting is great. My personal favorite character was Eugene, he was absolutely hilarious! And the scene in the movie theater is one to leave quite a memory. Oberall it was a great movie, one that I am looking for ward to seeing again and again. I can't wait to be able to own a copy of my very own!
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