Please Twins! (TV Mini Series 2003–2004) Poster


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Not on par with OT
harshvardhanlsinha5 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Onegai Teacher! When I saw it, I was hooked and addicted to it. It just had me finished the whole season in just one day. It made me watch all the episodes one after one and without any break. I felt really nostalgic when it was over, for many days.

And then I watched onegai twins. Though it was spin-off, it didn't really felt like it, except for the places and characters. Even the characters' characters were changed. E.g. Ichigo Morino. She was seeming a completely different person.

The quality was not maintained at all. The echhi portion had taken over. If only the creators had maintained the same quality, the show could have become much better.

If there happens to be any remake, I would like to have it a clean version.
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Spin off with a lighthearted mood
harrower4598 June 2004
Onegai Teacher is my favorite anime, bar none. The first thing that I noticed about Onegai Twins was that it was more sexual Then Onegai Teacher, and far less Sci-fi, doing away with the starships and the Galaxy Federation, although on a few occasions you do see Transfers used. The story really has more of an upbeat feel to it then teacher did aswell. This story is a very light hearted, sweet love story about a guy named Miaku who lives alone, wanting to find out if he has any relatives. Two girls (Miina and Karen) suddenly pop into his life claiming they are his twin sister, but can't really prove it. The love story is more complex then teacher in the fact that it involves not only feelings of passionate love but also feelings of family love, sibling love (They may be Reletives...they may be strangers...) with "Love Aliances" and "Triangles", a confusion of feelings and just all round cute characters I found this anime to be very enjoyable but Its not exactly what I would call a true sequel, more of a spin off. I would have liked to have seen more of the old characters back, but, I found that it didn't hinder the story here in anyway with most of the old cast missing.
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santiago_pet23 October 2006
Onegai Teacher was one of the most gripping series I've ever seen for an anime with a neo-escapist sci-fi tone. I watched episode 1 out of pure curiosity and was hooked through all 12 episodes. The series employed some pretty good character development for the main cast and it's depth of suspenseful romance completely engulfed me for an anime. Definitely not intended for the shallow or unimaginative to see.

Onegai Twins, like all desperate sequels (that passes off as one that not is) to a good movie was just a plain nuisance to see. Definitely a product of a limited imagination cow-tailing to the desperate fantasies of a society that "has seen it all". Sexual relations (or at least the innuendo) with a member of the same family is a let down. Such a shame considering that the culture behind the anime genre, IMHO, have a limitless well of imagination to draw from. Even their worst however, is far better than western (American/Euro) developed animation. Hence my rating.
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Skip Onegai Teacher and go straight to this spin-off
stargunner23 November 2004
It took a load of convincing for me to watch Onegai Twins, being it the spin-off of one of my most loathed anime shows, Onegai Teacher. But to my surprise and pleasure Twins has almost nothing to do with the original, and was a refreshing experience.

Twins is a balanced mix of romance and comedy. Most often there will be too much of one or the other - especially romance - and the sappiness will ruin the show. But in this case I was very pleased with the way it was presented.

You won't find the usual action/peril overkill that reside in most series, this one is for those times when you're not thirsting for violence and want to see something a little bit more sensible. I'm glad I put aside my presumptions about Twins and gave it a try. 8/10
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