Hide and Creep (2004) Poster

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First time actors!!!
jpudwill22 July 2005
If you enjoy "B" movies with "C" attitude then this movie is for you. While the plot is OK, it is predictable. The writing loosely reminds me of Kevin Smith's style. I am by no means comparing Kevin Smith to these writers so don't get your hopes up. The special effects are limited. This movie was done on a budget and it shows. The DVD box compares this movie to Shaun of the Dead. I don't think so. There are some funny parts though. Despite all of this movie's shortcomings, I did like it. This movie compares to "Children of the Dead" for so many reasons. I don't regret renting this move. IF you enjoy low budget horror films, give this one a try. It is a lot better than a lot of films I have rented.
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Not as bad as all that!
darkness19983 August 2005
I have rented several b-horror films in my time. I have to say that this one isn't as bad as some of the users have made it out to be. It made me laugh a couple of times and had a halfway decent story line. As usual, the acting isn't great and blah blah blah, but if your renting a low budget movie you know what your getting into before you start to watch it. As far as the genre goes I would rate this one at a 6 just because of the decent script. The video store owner Chuck kinda reminds me of the guy from "Clerks" with his comments and attitude. Don't get me wrong, the characters and script are no where as good as "Clerks" but it did remind me of him a couple of times. All in all, I wouldn't call this a complete waste of time and I actually watched it twice before taking it back. To each his own though. I may be biased because I had rented "The Wickeds" at the same time which I believe will be in the Guinness Book of Worlds Records for the worst movie of all time.
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Low budget; requires special sense of humor.
michaelRokeefe28 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
From the get-go...don't expect an award winner; but you can expect to be laughing out loud. This horror/comedy was written by Chuck Hartsell, who also stars and shares direction credit with Chance Shirley. Not to offend, but some say that HIDE and CREEP requires a redneck sense of humor. Nonetheless, you will be entertained. A small town down south is caught in a frenzy when it is visited by a UFO at the same time zombies come looking for a bite. Related or coincidental; who knows. A government agent drops in by parachute to investigate the UFO sighting and finds zombies popping out the ground at the cemetery. Of course he is killed and a zombie virus spreads. Three hunting buddies end up defending their hunting club and discover you can only kill the zombies with a head shot. Meanwhile an unlucky guy wakes up in the graveyard naked after being abducted by aliens. All of this weirdness continues with the local preacher fighting off a zombie, only to be bitten before killing it. In another part of town a man goes into a strip club only to find that the strippers have already got the zombie virus and chase him out...but they are afraid of the dark. Back at the church the preacher begs for forgiveness for killing the zombie and then blows his own brains out. You just have to see this for your own bad self. My favorite sequence is a customer chiding a waitress because the cafe only sells Pepsi...no Coke.

It seems like a group of buds down in Birmingham, Alabama decided to make a movie and damn if they didn't. Credited in the cast: Kyle Holman, Eric McGinty, Michael Shelton, Melissa Bush, Lael Boyd and Chris Hartsell. So bad it is good!
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Low budget redneck-zombie cocktail..........
merklekranz23 December 2008
No question the movie is a comedy. No question it is low budget. No question the script "borrows" from the genre. No question the acting is not good, but enthusiastic. No question "Hide and Creep" can rightfully take it's place on the low budget fun shelf, next to the likes of "Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction", and "Night Feeders". The script seems to be a cocktail of zombie movie snippets, redneck jokes, and stereotypes. The film is fast moving, with little character development, nevertheless there are a few laugh out loud moments. If you look past the cheap effects, and latch onto the lighthearted idea of rednecks trying to outsmart zombies, you will be entertained. - MERK
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Dawn of the Red(neck)
kzintichmee7 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can I say. When you are only about five minutes into a movie and you see a guy wearing a white tee-shirt....and NOTHING else! I got this used at a game store, (three movies for ten bucks, how can I go wrong?) I got my money's worth. Another in a seemingly endless stream of brand X zombie movies. Everyone involved seemed to be having fun. The makeup was subpar, all the zombies looked like people that needed a good night's sleep. Some of the guns were obviously starter pistols, or something. This time, an infestation of "R.C."s, reanimated corpses, invades Dixie. Played about half for laughs and half for horror, neither half ever delivers the goods 100%. Does that make sense? The plot is fairly straight forward and involves aliens, lesbian strippers, good ol' boy gun nuts, a pretty cool video store owner, who was also the director,(he kinda reminded me of Joel Robinson from MST3K), and a feisty, fairly hot secretary. The copy on the box compared this favourably to Shaun of the Dead, lies! all lies! I did laugh though when one guy who was starting to "turn" tried munching on himself and a reverend also turning after being bitten, cut loose with a stream of profanity in the pulpit. If you can get it as cheap as I did then buy it, otherwise, it's good for a rental. Get some barbecue and a six pack of Coke, (not Pepsi) and soak up the Southern hospitality.
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Better than Shaun of the Dead? Please!
KillerCadugen20 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I can forgive a couple of guys trying to cash in and ride on the coattails of a "funny" zombie movie like Shaun of the Dead and the Hartsells were heading in the right direction, but lack of money, lack of writing talent, and lack of any real directorial ability dooms them from the start. HIDE AND CREEP takes place in a Southern redneck town, where a zombie plague has suddenly sprung up. And when I mean "sprung up" I mean "sprung up" because zombies appear almost out of thin air - in the church, in the video store and in a living room (where one zombie comes right through the door without any of the five people in the house seeing it and one zombie comes up from the basement where one man had said was empty not five seconds before). The ultimate reason why the zombies have started appearing (aliens) is stupid, the makeup is poor and the acting is dismal. But I'll tell you what - put some more money into the project, some better writers for the dialogue, and a new director and an idea like HIDE AND CREEP has real funny possibilities.
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Don't take it too seriously and you'll have a great time.
DelVarrick23 April 2006
The reviewer who labeled this "The WORST movie of all time" must not have seen many movies. Far worse films top the box office on an average weekend. Some people just can't handle low budget movies. Some can't handle Horror Comedies. So if you're a stickler for a multi-million dollar budget and a film that takes itself too seriously, you may well want to avoid Hide and Creep. On the other hand, if you're like most genre fans and enjoy the occasional humor with your Horror, you should get a kick out of this film. If you like films along the lines of Bad Taste, Evil Dead 2, Evil Aliens and Slither then you'll probably understand this movie.

Hide and Creep is both a parody and an homage to Romero and Raimi and Jackson. It's chock full of in jokes and not so subtle references that only a true movie geek can fully appreciate. Lots of bad makeup and iffy effects that some movies would expect the audience to believe as genuine. That's part of the gag. The zombies aren't meant to look 'real'. The gore is meant to induce more laughs than scares. Again, don't take the film too seriously. It's not a serious film. It's a comedy. Not a broad, slapstick parody in the Scary Movie vein but a parody just the same. Better than Shaun of the Dead? No but I laughed more at Hide and Creep than I did Shaun or even Slither for that matter.

While small on budget, Hide and Creep is huge on heart. Real Horror fans should appreciate such love for the genre and the effort put forth by young filmmakers with no studio backing.
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Hide and Creep is that bad!
bigdarvick20 September 2005
For starters, Ed Wood has been de-throned! Hide and Creep is by far one of the all time worst films ever made. This movie is proof that the only thing good coming out of the deep south is the northbound train! Hide and Creep is what you get when you give a couple of hillbillies a camera. This movie was chock full of crappy acting, editing, art direction and so much more. In some scenes I had to turn up the volume so I could hear the stupid banter (obviously, these actors were not properly "miked." These guys sadly believed that they were spewing great dialog. It was embarrassingly bad at best. If you threw camera equipment into the Gorilla Pit at the zoo, you'd wind up with a BETTER produced film. The folks that made Hide and Creep must have literally yanked some distributor to get this waste of good film stock into the rental stores. This film should come with a warning: "Watch Only if you have the I.Q. of a head of lettuce."
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I thought it was really funny....
imoan121215 January 2006
I love zombie movies and I always appreciate seeing someones take on the zombie genre. This wasn't an excellent film by any means but it was funny and I really liked what they tried to do. It had some creative moments in it which now a days that is all you can really expect from a zombie movie. I know I just want to see something that I have not seen a million times already and I believe with this movie there are some real fresh moments. I would definitely recommend this movie not because it's perfect or wonderful, but because it's funny and has some new zombie moments in it. I really enjoyed the idea that Zombies are afraid of the dark. I don't recall ever seeing that before in a zombie film and it actually makes some sense. It removes the fear of the night and actually gives you a safe feeling. The quality isn't perfect so when you rent it do not expect top of the line Romero style Zombies, it's an Independent Film and it shows.
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My god..
jpkwolf3 March 2005
My ex told me this movie was good and as a fan of zombie movies I expected to like it. The movie begins well with this guy working in a movie rental shop talking about zombie movies with a customer but then it all goes downhill.

The movie looks like it could have been made by me and my friends which is no big deal of course if the movie would be any good.. but it's not. It desperately tries to be funny but only manages to be unfunny. The only part even remotely funny was the movie rental shop guy talking on the phone with the news reporter and maybe the car guy. Everything you could think of is just plain bad in this movie. I haven't seen House Of The Dead but I'm pretty sure it's better than this. The sound and music are also terrible. Also what's the deal with the zombies being afraid of the dark.. That's very very stupid. I wonder why I bothered to watch this till the end because it started to be painful. It also ends badly.. God damn.. Some seem to like this movie though so I guess making it wasn't completely in vain. Sorry guys. Try harder next time..
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A rarity.
mixedblood7418 February 2017
Very rarely do ordinary and regular people who love movies get to actually make them. Imagine that for just a moment - what would you do if you were told you got to do the one thing you've loved since you were a child and share that with the world? That's how I would describe this film, a labor of child-like love. Does money matter when you're doing what you love? No. Because it's all about the heart. And this film's heart is bigger than any blockbuster on the market. That counts for something. I don't want to be elitist and say that if you don't like this film then you just don't get it, because honestly that's too easy. I'll say instead that if you don't like this film, then you simply haven't seen enough movies. Enough to know the difference between a movie made for profit versus a movie made for sheer love and devotion for the medium; for the idea and for the experience. Those movies are not for everyone, they can't be. They're for the ones of us who enjoy the unique and random exposure to something original and are willing to take a chance that it might be a total bomb. The zombie genre isn't original. But this film is. And it made this fan feel like a kid again. That is why I love it, why I own it, and why I re-watch it often.
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Don't Hide from This Cute Alabama Zombie Flick
yaktheripper27 July 2012
"Hide and Creep" has the look of an undiscovered 80's zombie movie and the heart of one too. It just rocks with it's bad, low budget self. Obviously there's a lot of love put into it, all the characters do their thing without falling into over-the-top clichés or stereotypes. The description on here is a tad misleading. You won't see a flying saucer or an alien and the televisions work pretty well for the most part. What you will see is a tongue in cheek zombie movie where the whole premise is people are just trying to get out of dodge at the beginning of a zombie invasion. These are some of the most sneaky zombies I think I've ever seen, man they just pop up, just like that. Budget is an estimated $20,000 which tells me that the actors involved where doing it for the love. The director(s) Chuck Harsell and Chance Shirley make good use of their camera work with fairly imaginative shots. The zombie effects are hit and miss. The gore is substantial enough to probably find a good amount of censoring on television if ever broadcast. I liked all the characters, nobody was sleeping through their lines, and all seemed independently created with real lives behind them. This should be a MUST SEE for the zombie lovers and on every zombie movie lovers list. It doesn't quite change the game but it does keep the bodies on ice.
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Beyond Terrible
13Funbags10 May 2017
I'll be the first to admit that I don't usually like or even understand zombie movies but this one is worse than most.I guess they are trying to be funny but they fail massively.The only time I laughed was when the guy at the police station told the TV guy to put the game back on.They keep trying to use the same joke about the one guy loving his car more than his girlfriend but it wasn't even funny the first time.I wasn't really expecting it to be funny but I was expecting some kind of plot and there wasn't any.There is literally no story or ending.Zombies show up and bite some people, end of movie.The worst part is that anyone who has a speaking part and gets bitten never transforms into a real zombie.They eat brains but just look human.This is definitely one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
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Hide and Creep was the worst of the worst
seth-21810 August 2006
Any good review of this film was done by someone that had a stake in the movie. This waste of time is supposed to be an amusing spoof on low budget zombie movies. The rationale given by the makers of this crap fest was "that's why the make-up is so bad, it's funny!" NO IT'S NOT! It's just plain dumb! The DVD cover said "better than Shaun of the dead." NO IT'S NOT! Not even close! Shaun was a spoof and a well done one. Hide and Creep actually justifies censorship and book burning (in this case,script burning if it had a script). I actually got my money back from Hollywood video for this waste of 4 bucks. I would've enjoyed flushing the money down the toilet more than spending it on Hide and Creep...an utterly talentless, stupid and unfunny imposition on my time.
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I really had some hope....
DjangoLeone17 September 2005
I really can't say what possessed me to rent this movie. Maybe it was passing it on the shelf all those times and just getting too curious for my own good. Or maybe on some level I knew it would be awful and am a masochist at heart. Either way, I rented it and it's pretty crap. Some of the dialogue is good (namely the zombie movie phone convo and the coke vs. pepsi diatribe) but that's about it. The acting is third grade level and the actors themselves are some of the least engaging people ever. My biggest complaint however was with the zombie "action." The zombie makeup is basically white with big black rings around the eyes. The guns clearly aren't firing or making any noise whatsoever and the gunshot wounds are just someone flicking blood at the undead. All in all a boring and rather worthless 85 minutes. I do not recommend it but can't very well stop you from seeing it. Just remember it's your own trip. Your own stupid, crappy trip.
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Hide and Crap is more like it.
Polaris186310 July 2006
Sigh. How can zombies ever get respect when losers like Bruno Mattei and morons who get their hands on cameras make crap like this. I thought The Undead was stupid and bad, this is worse. Quite possibly the worst actually since Day of the Dead:Contagium and Zombie Night are right down there in the sewer with this worthless piece of garbage. Oh, did I mention I ABSOLUTELY HATED THIS? No decent acting, a stupid story, terrible camera work. I mean, a blind Ed Wood with a lobotomy would have done a more coherent job! This was just so lame. How do these people get the funding to make these craporama's when there have to be more talented filmmakers out there who can't even get a foot in the door? Amazing. Just a terrible, no-budget film with not an original idea in sight. Sigh... poor zombies. Perhaps one day someone other than George Romero and Jorge Grau will make a decent zombie movie. (And Alejandro De Ossorio).
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For horror fans
slake0929 July 2006
For the horror fans in the crowd, even the fringe fans, this is an enjoyable movie. Sure, it's low budget, it pays homage to other B-movies and the acting isn't going to win any Oscars. For all that, it does a decent job of entertaining with the premise of rednecks battling zombies.

There isn't a lot of sleaze; only one scene with minor nudity, nor does the gore go over the top, so it isn't a schlockfest. The characters seem to be enjoying their roles, the dialogue was semi-witty, the production values better than many movies in the genre. It looks like a movie that was fun to work on.

Good enough for zombie fans? Yes, indeed, the zombies are quite acceptable in this movie and act according to the standard model of zombie behavior. They lurch, drool, bite and bleed like zombies should.

This is a beer and chips movie, without doubt. Enjoy it with your friends and some snacks. Break out the stash first and you'll be rating it up there with The Godfather.
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Truly not funny, not scary, not smart, not much of anything!
seth-2533 June 2007
I honestly believe that any positive review of this film "Hide and Creep" must come from friends and family of the crew on this nostril flaring stinker. Retail shops such as Hollywood Video and Blockbuster must be forced into taking movies like Hide and Creep with the promise of cheap fees or royalties. The people behind Hide and Creep may think they're paying homage to greats like Night of the Living Dead and Evil Dead, but all they are really doing is creating a waste of time for any human being dumb enough to fall for the fake reviews on the DVD cover art. I hope, no, I pray that these southern goof balls never touch a camera again and stick with what they're good at...watching movies, not making them.
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Actually made my laugh about 10 times, and that's really rare
gtc8312 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a zombie movie comedy, it's not a horror film by any stretch of the imagination. Of course, neither are most zombie films. People can't really be "scared" by all this silliness, can they? Anyhow, round up the usual bunch of rednecks and let some zombies loose in their town. Hilarity ensues. The local TV station is reporting on the zombies - a redneck calls up and complains that they preempted the basketball game. One guy says "It's the end of the world". Another guy says "Well, it isn't the end of that whiskey bottle. Mind if I have a swig?" You get the idea. People are comparing this to Shawn of the Dead - this is ten times better. I laughed on quite a few occasions during this movie. I changed the channel 1/2 hour into Shawn. That movie was garbage.

This film even shows a surprising amount of intelligence. One guy is lamenting the loss of his '64 1/2 Mustang which he had just finished restoring. You'll never, EVER hear mention of such a thing in a Hollywood movie because they assume that the audience is way too stupid to know what a 64 1/2 Mustang is, and they would become confused and disoriented.

The acting is really low-key, everyone just takes the zombies in stride, dealing with them much like they would a herd of cattle that got loose and began roaming around town. One guy, who's house is surrounded by zombies, goes outside to get something from his truck. Upon returning, his wife excitedly asks: "What have you decided to do!". "Oh, I wasn't deciding anything" he says, "I just went out to my truck to get my beer".

Overall, this is a delightful little film with a lot of originality and - gasp! - it's actually funny. When was the last time Hollywood poured $20 million into a film and actually produced a laugh? These guys did it for probably around $20 thousand.
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Better than Shaun of the Dead??NOPE.
argentobuff12 May 2006
Hide and creep.I like the title.I heard about this being on the sci-fi channel the other night.Let me say these guys have been watching shaun of the dead too much.No!I take that back.One can never watch Shaun of the dead too much.It is a funny ass zombie movie.H&C tries to be the same.It has some very funny jokes.Really.Most of the characters are likible.But it just suffers too much from its ultra-low-budget-trappings which drag it down.

But hey my hat is totally off to the guys who made hide and creep.At least they got off they're butts and made a flick that actually received national distribution.Kudos guys.I hope they get a budget next time.
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Holy Crap! Alabama, no way.
berkleyblack23 September 2004
Went to the local film festival earlier tonight, or at least the kick-off for the local film festival. The venue couldn't have been worse, but it did aid in the general essence of the movie, Hide and Creep. The show was at Sloss Furnace in a concrete pit normally used for rock concerts and had small folding chairs for seating with a plethora of smoking and drinking. So what I am getting at is, it was a fun and unique experience!

Now, as a preface I want to tell you that I am a huge fan of the horror genre. I like it all, shock-horror (naked blood), gore-horror (dead alive), classic-horror (night of the living dead), sci-fi-horror (event horizon), suspense-horror (in the mouth of madness), standard-horror (hell raiser), modern-horror (ginger snaps) and many others that I could go on listing forever. I like these movies for many different reasons and that is a whole other topic altogether, perhaps in the forums...

This movie starts out quite amusingly with Chuck (writer/director/producer/actor) in his movie rental shop in rural Alabama, chastising a person on the phone about ZOMBIE films. Brilliant beginning. After reluctantly killing a ZOMBIE and finding out that the sheriff AND deputy are unavailable he does what any other good southerner would do and drops the dispatched ZOMBIE at the cop-shop and explains to a girl at the restaurant across the street where his breakfast is to be the obvious difference between Coke and Pepsi (the impostor cola).

That is all I will ruin for you. If you are a casual fan of ZOMBIE films and like the new trend of horror films not taking themselves too seriously, then I can offer no better movie in that style than this.

Camp, fun, charm and style, this flick has it all. I have no idea about the national release of this film, but I recommend it to just about anyone with a sense of humor and looking for a horrific-ZOMBIEfied time!

To answer questions, yeah, there is nudity, yeah they have to be shot in the head, yeah, there are a lot of inside jokes for Alabamaians that won't all be lost on everyone else, and yeah, Coke is better than Pepsi!
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Surprisingly Good
tjgraham417 October 2006
Although at first glance this film appears to have been done as a final project for a film school freshman, the film has many great and classic qualities. Released in 2004 the grainy film quality gives it an older look adding to some of the great films of the 80's. The humor adds an element that isn't all too characteristic of these kinds of films but nevertheless is a welcome relief. The low budget is obvious but the filmmakers do a great job of stretching that budget and the final result is not a bad piece of work.

The characters are surprisingly deep and the actors portraying them give them a realness and are believable.

This type of film may not appeal to everyone but I suppose the only ones renting it will be the type who will enjoy it.
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For this lemon, free isn't a good price!
quinnox-115 March 2007
Saw this on Sci Fi and what can I say but it was possibly the most amateurish "movie" I have ever seen. And I could only bear to watch the first 10 - 15 minutes of it before I had to turn it off. I saw all I needed to see at that point. My god. Imagine if a group of High School students decided to shoot a zombie movie for fun and use it on halloween for laughs. Well this is what you would get, except maybe the high school kids might do a better job! The actors in this film all look like rejects from Hee-Haw and the direction and cinematography is abysmal. The make up on the zombies is not as good as a mask you can buy in a dollar store. This film gets the lowest grade possible. I can only marvel how this trash actually got released.
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Very boring.
sekeller129 December 2006
I love comedy mixed with horror/drama movies, such as Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Dr. Strangelove, Love and a .45, etc. But this movie ....... SUCKED!!! I got my poor wife excited into watching a great, funny horror movie, "Better than Shaun of the Dead," which we loved, and after 45 minutes she got up and quietly walked away and left me to watch it alone. I just fast forwarded it and didn't even bother watching the accompanying short movie.

I feel like finding out who the reviewer on the CD cover was that said it's "Better than Shaun of the Dead." That's the reason I rented it. I want to tell him that he's an idiot.
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So bad it's good
gayclubingemo28 May 2021
This film made to be a tax write-off Id put it up there if the room.
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