Snow (TV Movie 2004) Poster

(2004 TV Movie)

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Incontinentia_Buttockth16 September 2005
I don't understand why "mandlk" would be concerned with how "secular," much less "TOO secular" this made-for-TV movie is, or whether or not it made "sure there was No religion in this movie" as, the entirety of the story of - and the origin of the story of - "Santa Claus" has nothing to do with religion, whether viewed secularly or otherwise, in any fashion. The legend of Santa Clause derived from Thomas Nast year end cartoons printed in New York in the 1820's, amplified by Coca- Cola (paint)advertisements dating as late as the 1930's.

The English colonists of what had been "New Amsterdam," now New York, had no legend that correlated with the Dutch "Sinter Klaas," wherein Sinter Klaas would visit all the good (Dutch) children, giving them gifts and whatnot. After the English had taken over New Amsterdam, they ended up evolving the Santa Claus legend (and boy... it's a long story) to please their children. The Santa Claus story we're all familiar with in the 21st-Century didn't fully gel until after the Great Depression of the 1930's and, especially, with the "Miracle on 34th Street" film.

I guarantee it had nothing, whatsoever, to do with religion, lack of religion or secularism... or NON-secularism... or even a Christian usurpation of some pagan yule tradition. It is basically a 19th- century urban legend that became evermore-convenient to present-for-commercialization for the benefit of whoever happened to sponsor the latest made-for-whatever-medium depiction of it.

I suggest you simply enjoy the movie for the 'warm-fuzzies' it contains... or not... "That choice is left up to you."
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Not bad
SanteeFats24 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not a super Christmas movie but entertaining enough. Nick looses a young reindeer (Buddy) while trying to teach it to fly. Nick's sled won't fly with only seven reindeer. So what happened to Donner, Blitzen, and the rest? Rudolph where are you? It gets tranquilized by an a-hole hunter and he places it in a small zoo because he is hot for the zoo keeper. So Nick shows up and tries to teach the reindeer to fly. He has to take a room at the boarding house where the zoo keeper is, gee what a poser. There is the high light of the movie is the young precocious boy, Hector. He is of course advanced beyond his years. He is the first to find out the truth about Nick and helps him out. In a twist though the whole Santa thing is based on an ancient spell cast on a miserly man that has come down through the ages. Passed on from father to son, ad infinitum. So they rescue Buddy, Nick asks Sandy (the zoo keeper) to come with him to the north pole where she will be under the same spell. She declines because of the animals at the zoo so he goes. Then he shows up at her house and guess what? She decides to go with him after all. An okay movie but(?).
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Another enjoyable Santa film
gee-1520 December 2004
Yet another Santa Claus fantasy film with Tom Cavanaugh as a very non-stereotypical St. Nick. Such films generally play the reactions of characters to being confronted with something in which they don't believe. This movie is no different but does play around with legend of Santa Claus in an interesting way.

In overall terms, the script is rather weak and the film's limited budget does show. The reindeer effects though are pretty good. However, Tom Cavanaugh's quirky performance as a nervous, bumbling first-time Santa Claus is very enjoyable and Ashley Williams brings a great deal of warmth to her role as a good-hearted zookeeper. Their performances rise above the script.

My favorite quote (from Hector): "Who knew that Santa Claus was a dweeb?"
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Ersatz Santaman away!
lordclaymore21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I return again to the special plane of suffering known as made for TV Christmas movies. In this place, you will find alcoholics, children who talk like creepy adults, homely love interests, and D-List celebrities. In this particular movie, JD's brother from Scrubs is Nick Snowden, an Ersatz Santa Claus. The homely love interest is Sandy, a maladjusted zoo employee in California.

Whoo boy. This one really takes the bad storytelling cake. Picture if you will, a world where a professional hunter can not only capture a wild reindeer instead of transporting the deer requested from a farm by the zoo with dodgy paperwork with no repercussions, but can also harass, stalk and in many other ways be a complete creepy lunatic and no one calls the police or so much as pushes him away. Picture a world where a woman can display a regular fondness for Christmas but become an inexplicable angry wench when someone takes Christmas decorations that she has stored in the attic and put them on display in her lawn and around the boarding house she resides in for no good reason (my family really loved Christmas and they died is not a good reason.). A world where a spinster rejects the compliments and advances of a charming single man and treats him like a stalker for daring to compliment her. Picture a world where the mythical North Pole is simultaneously not of this world and very literally part of this world. Imagine in you can, a child who actively hits on a 30-something woman. Are you bothered yet? The people responsible for this movie want you to find this all whimsical and good holiday fun.

This movie is so aggressively stupid that I started to believe it had achieved awareness and malevolence and was actively trying to hurt me because I knew things and kept trying to insist logic and sense should exist within its framework, but my protests were drowned in a sea of poorly timed slapstick, awkward romantic tension, and forced drama. I knew that I had begun my descent into madness anew when the hunter contacted a poaching hobbyist so that he could sell him the rights to shoot a flying reindeer rather than reveal the animal's nature to the world at large and sell it to research or charge circuses to showcase it, or literally ANY other thing you can do with a flying reindeer that you have caged for ready transport and the money and means to do said transporting. No, forget that. I knew where I was when Ugly Mcvacantsmile got all ticked off about the Christmas decorations. Also the CG in this movie is completely laughable and the soundtrack hurt my sanity points directly with no saving throw.
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A Must See For The Entire Family
cowboy197212 December 2004
My wife and I just saw the movie Snow on ABC Family a few minutes ago, and I must say that it is very excellent.

It is very heart-warming and it also gets you in the spirit of the Christmas Holidays.

This movie starts out with a guy named Nick (AKA Santa) who has lost one of his reindeer and is on a mission to find him. Not only does he find the reindeer, he also finds the love of his life,although she doesn't realize it at the time. Nick tries out in a lot of ways to not only get his reindeer, but also tell this woman he is Santa, and each and every time he tries, someone either interferes, or else he loses his nerve to tell this woman the truth. Finally after showing this woman where he is really from, does she realize he is Santa but when he asks to go with him, a roadblock occurs. If you haven't seen this movie yet, I recommend you see it to get the rest of the story.
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3 actors I like
jpapanone13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In an absolutely unwatchable cluster of a movie. I mean...all these movies are the same...and they are garbage.

Spoiler alert... this movie blows
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Christmas-Reviewer22 September 2016
This is the reason why I see so many Christmas films. I watch one a day from August 1- December 31. If I only watched these films in December then it would of been years until I saw this film and what a discovery.

In this film a zookeeper has no idea that her new reindeer is actually stolen from Santa Claus. The reindeer name is Buddy and he doesn't really know how to fly but Santa needs to find him in order to get his sleigh off the ground on Christmas Eve.

The film has a great cast and believable performances. Ashley Williams plays the zookeeper and she is a jewel. Tom Cavanagh plays Santa Claus and he is perfectly cast.

This is a great family film. Kids will love this and their parents will not be bored.

Buy it and share it with friends. It doesn't need to be Christmas to "Spread the Christmas spirit"
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Great Christmas Movie for the whole family
wendysgoodnews20 December 2005
This is an excellent movie shown on Family Channel for the whole family to watch. It is so nice to see a fun light hearted movie that has no cussing and no sex in it. We watched it a couple of times last year and already this year a couple more times and I am hoping to get the chance to watch it again. It is one of those movies that make you feel Christmas(y) and happy. I hope at some point they put it out on DVD so I can buy it and watch it all Christmas Season. Nick Snowden is just the all time cutest Santa trying to get back his missing reindeer with the help of a small boy with big ideas. Sandy Brooks is a naive zoo worker who plays the perfect part of prospective Mrs. Claus. This is truly a must see movie for everyone from the youngest to the oldest.
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Santa finds a potential Mrs Santa
MartianOctocretr527 December 2006
This is a very light hearted sweet story. It's familiar territory in Christmas movies lately for Santa to find a girl friend, but this movie manages a fresh and pleasant approach.

A lot of the credit goes to the principals Tom Cavanaugh (Nick) and Ashley Williams (Sandy), they are both very likable and well cast for this story. The obligatory bad-guy Buck provides both the unwanted suitor (of Sandy) motif and the mean vicious selfish clod as he rips off a deer and sells it. Guess what? It's one of Santa's reindeer ("in-training"), and Nick is the Jolly Ol' Elf searching for him incognito. He rooms at a boarding house, and animal-lover Sandy is a neighbor. She, Nick, and other tenants are all close, and the inevitable romance sparks.

All plot lines used before, even the "skeptics refueling their faith" idea, but it's fun, because of a bright script and an amiable cast. A good movie to drink hot chocolate while sitting next to a fireplace fire.
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the movie snow
soccerchic247195 December 2005
i thought the movie was so fantastic...I'm am almost obsessed with is a perfect movie to show during Christmas. It made me get more excited for the Christmas season. Ashley Williams is such a good actress...she has such a cheery attitude and is so good at being who she was in the movie..i also thought Tom Cavinagh was a good actor..he played the role of Santa so well. U wouldn't have thought of Santa like that. I just really enjoyed the movie and i think the characters were awesome..i have never never liked a Christmas movie more..i think this is one of my favorites..It also had a good story line to it..i liked how they went back and forth to the north pole and to Calinfornia.
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s_mundine5 December 2005
I thought that this movie was extremely sweet and fun loving. Who could not love this movie? It really gets you into the spirit of the holidays and giving. Tom Cavanagh and Ashley Williams were magnificent and Jackie Burroughs was just as wonderful as she was in "Road to Avonlea" which is another great family show. I recommend this movie for anyone anywhere anytime. I wish there were some more romantic comedies like this one. Tom and Ashley had great chemistry together. I wish they would do another film together. I think the innocence of the movie is what captures most people. Shouldn't love be so innocent, shouldn't life?
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My new best favourite Santa Claus is in town!
Harbinger_37816 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe it - this is fantastic! After watching Master Cavanagh's two Snow movies and a Trading Christmas, I can't hold in my silence anymore. Can't believe these amazing Christmas tales are only broadcast on TV. I believe I just got my new favourite Mr. and Mrs. Claus! Masters Tom Cavanagh and Ashley Williams has given brand new face to the traditional Father Christmas - all "Ho, ho, ho" and elder and chubby and with white beard old man-like... "Nick Snowden", the name is very cool, and Doctor Reverse-Flash's portrayal of Santa Claus is both fresh and sexy. Nick and Sandy are really in perfect harmony and their story might just beat literally every other Santa Claus stories... Very well done indeed, doc.

Also, this movie is the start point of an inspiration that drove me to make a sketch of a young, Generation-1 Santa Claus, one young, unmarried, husky, tall and handsome, charming and charismatic... even with a sword in his hand, his Santa suit a Christmas hoodie infused with an armor set, and himself not needed for any reindeer rides - he soars the air himself.

It's really rare to see a young Santa Claus in portrayal, with the only other one being Nicholas Smith Claus in 2015 Charming Christmas, and it's really, REALLY exciting.
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What a nice film
Hollywoodwhore9913 May 2017
Not all "Christmas Television Movies" are bad. Some of them are but this film "Snow" is very good. It is "Christmas Magic".

In this film Ashley Williams plays a zookeeper who unknowingly has one of Santa's stolen reindeer in her zoo.

Nick Snowden, who is really Santa Claus, falls for Sandy Brooks, a pretty zookeeper who works at the zoo from which he must rescue Buddy, a young reindeer who has not yet learned to fly. He needs her help to get Buddy out, so he follows her home. Nick meets Lorna, the landlord and owner of the boarding house where Sandy stays. She thinks Nick is a tenant, gets to know him, and lets him stay in the boarding house. Nick meets Hector, whose mother is a postal worker. Hector figures out that Nick is Santa Claus. Nick meets Sandy and falls for her. Sandy falls for him too and is unaware that he is Santa Claus. She helps Nick get Buddy out of the zoo and back to the North Pole. Nick usually tele- port himself in and out by mirror, but the only way the mirror works is by using North Pole snow. Buck Seger is a hunter who works at the zoo and has a crush on Sandy. He sees Nick as a rival and researches that Buddy is from the North Pole. He plans to sell Budd.

I loved this film. I will watch it again
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brookeN-9805413 December 2020
Snow is wonderful! Everything about it makes me smile. The acting, story, characters, and music all make up the Christmas magic. The chemistry between the cast is great and the story flows naturally. This is one of the best Christmas movies out there.
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This is bad
catpantry1 December 2020
Each actor in this is like a mosquito. As we watch this from outside the sphere, Santa clause is fixed in the center asleep with open eyes, he'd stopped himself. One of them falls to their knees and pulls Santa's boots off by their straps. At the film's maximum point we see a soiled father near a micro Crain. The film shows a leaking glass of wine at its mid point to let us know we need a 5 min bathroom break where we sit.
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