"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Coming, Mama (TV Episode 1961) Poster

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A great episode made great by a great actress
Mehki_Girl21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great episode with the great actress Eileen Heckert. I've loved her acting chops ever since I saw her as the mom of the little dead boy in The Bad Seed.

Eileen isn't getting any younger as she lives with her ailing and controlling mother. She's finally fed up and stands up to Mom one night when Mom has her rush back from her date pretending to have had a heart attack. Even the doctor has had enough of mom. He encourages her to stop letting her mom control her and to go ahead on with her life, get married and be happy.

He gives Eileen some sleep medicine and tells her to take one teaspoon into the tea for her mother so she'll sleep through the night.

Coincidentally, the boyfriend gives her an ultimatum to make a decision tonight or I'm out of here.

Because this is Hitchcock, murder is always the only solution. She gives mom two whopping tablespoons in her tea after Mom tells her she thinks the boyfriend is after her money and if she marries him she'll redo her will.

Wouldn't you know it, mom was living off an annuity and when she's dead the money stops.

She stages the finding of her mother's body without a hitch. And after a little fear that Mom was right about her boyfriend only wanted money, gets married.

They need to come home immediately after the wedding and before a honeymoon only to find yet another mama invalid in bed. Telling her she's so glad she had so much experience with her mother so she can take care of her.

The look on her face. Mama calls her to come and help her to move because she's in a lot of pain and is uncomfortable. And Eliene tells her new hubby, perhaps mama will need some medicine to help her sleep through the night.
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One down...one more to go?!
planktonrules15 April 2021
Lucy's mother is a horror. Early in the episode she has an attack and is reported on death's door. As it turns out, she's just fine and was pretending to be sick to manipulate her. The doctor confirms that the mother is fine and was never in danger and staged the 'attack'. Not surprisingly, Lucy's boyfriend (Don Defore) has had enough, as she has manipulated Lucy (Eileen Heckart) for years and having a relationship with any man seems all but impossible thanks to her mother. So, Lucy has to choose...her mother or her boyfriend...because he's ready to walk.

This is a pretty good episode...with an ironic and interesting twist at the end. And one I didn't exactly expect! Darkly funny....nah, just dark!
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The Circle Game
Hitchcoc29 May 2021
Poor Eileen Heckert. She is dominated by her imaginary invalid mother, preventing her from having a life of her own. She has hopes to be married to Don DeFore. Unfortunately, even after she takes matters into her own hands a curveball comes her way.
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Mother From Hell
telegonus23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Coming, Mama is a downbeat and depressing Hitchcock show that might have played better with some humor added. It's the story of a middle aged woman and her beau and the problem that the woman has with her ailing (or is she?) mother, who doesn't approve of the man her daughter wants to marry, even warns her that he's a fortune hunter, threatens to cut her daughter out of her will is she marries the man.

The action that the daughter takes to ensure that this shall not happen is, as it generally the case in a Hitch show, extreme; and as i nearly always the case the consequences are dreadful and ironic. There's little in the way of suspense in this episode. Eileen Heckart gives an outstanding performance as the unhappy and unfulfilled main character, and Don DeFore is competent as the man she loves.

All this aside, there are good reasons to watch this one that have little to do with the plot, much to do with the problems posed by an aging and ailing parent of a mature adult who refuses to let go of his (or her) son or daughter, and the potential for tragedy when the lives of younger people get smothered by the needs of older folk.

On its surface, Coming, Mama might appear to be a period piece, and a rather old hat one in the bargain. If one looks a bit further it raises issues that are as common with people today as they were fifty years ago.
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Wanting more out of life
glitterrose13 September 2022
This is another episode that fits into the category of having parental issues. Our characters for this episode are Lucy, her mother, and Arthur (Lucy's fiancée)

Lucy's supposedly 34 years old. A lot of people might choke back laughter at that while I look at it from a realistic point of view. Yes, the actress is older than 34 but I look at it from the point of view of Lucy's mother basically being an emotional vampire. She's drained the life force out of Lucy and it makes sense for Lucy to look older than her years.

Lucy's mother is an invalid and Lucy is her caregiver. Thing is that Lucy's not meant to have any kind of life on her own. You can clearly see the poor lady's frustrations play out as she rushes back from a date with Arthur because she's been led to believe that her mother's on death's door. Turns out mom's just fine and she's just faking. Even the doctor confirms there was nothing wrong with her. Mom's just upset that Lucy was attempting to do something for herself. Lucy even said that her mother had been difficult for the whole day because she knew that Lucy had a date with Arthur. Lucy's at her breaking point.

And let's look at Lucy's mom for a minute. The mother isn't a sympathetic character at all. She says very unkind things to Lucy's face about the way she looks, making it seem like Arthur's just with her for her money, etc. Lucy's getting more and more open about her unhappiness with each biting remark coming out of her mother's mouth. Lucy still states she wants Arthur. She's tired of being alone and that she needs somebody. Again, one can't blame Lucy for the way she feels. Although it's a puzzler how Lucy was even able to find the time to even get to know Arthur to begin with without mommie dearest messing it up for Lucy from the start.

Let's flip to Arthur for a minute. Poor Lucy is getting stuck with a lemon when it concerns her fiancée. He's had it up to here with Lucy letting her mother interfere with their lives. He lays it out on the table and makes it look like he's ready to move on if Lucy doesn't pick him over his mother. Yes, he gives her an ultimatum. Again, I feel for Lucy because she's honestly stuck in the middle between two VERY rotten people.

Lucy decides that her mother's death is the only way for her to get her freedom and to be able to supposedly have the life she's craving with Arthur.. Yes, it's that standard route again but I still find the episode entertaining because there's still enough twists through the episode that leave the viewer remaining interested instead of yawning and saying "They're doing another episode like this again? Geez." Anyway, the doctor has left Lucy with some medicine and given her the directions for the correct dosage to give her mother. Well, one kinda wants to chuckle as you see Lucy basically filling up a shot glass' amount of medicine instead of giving her mother the correct dosage. Lucy has it planned that she will make her mother's death look like a suicide. People buy it as a suicide. But Lucy's about to get a shock. Remember how Lucy's mom threw it in Lucy's face that Arthur's just with her for her money? Turns out Lucy isn't gonna get any money. Lucy's mom was living on an annuity and it ended at Lucy's mother's death.

It's decided that Lucy and Arthur will get married right away. Here comes shocker number two for Lucy and perhaps one of the lowest blows of all. They go back to Arthur's house and it turns out Arthur's mom has had an accident that's left her bedridden! And the mother makes such a big deal about the two of them giving up their honeymoon in order to take care of her. Looks like news to Lucy about losing her honeymoon. It's all so disappointing as you wonder if Arthur has any kind of feelings for Lucy outside of viewing her as a free nurse for his mother. But no worries, Lucy has it all straightened out in in her head for what she has to do. We'll have to get some more medicine from the doctor. And the end shot is absolutely iconic as Lucy walks towards the camera and the smiling look on her face makes her look like Joan Crawford. Part of me laughs with glee at the look on her face and the other part sympathizes because this is truly such a broken woman that she's gonna go to all this trouble over a man that's really not even worth it.

This episode is another one listed as my favorites and I'd highly recommend.
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"I have been by myself long enough."
classicsoncall7 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is pretty standard Hitchcock fare, as a woman who's been single long enough is forcibly tied to her mother's apron strings and the old biddy won't let go. The solution in these programs generally resulted in some form of murder, and it's the medicine overdose trick that's applied here. How old did Lucy Baldwin (Eileen Heckart) say she was, thirty four? Actress Heckart was forty two at the time and conceivably looked older, while her fiancé, portrayed by Don Defore, was in real life six years older, so they did make for a pretty good match. Only problem is, Arthur Clark (Defore) wasn't entirely truthful about how needy his own mother was. Not to worry though, that knowing smile on Lucy's face when she went to get the medicine was all you needed to know to close out the story.
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tcchelsey27 June 2024
Classic Hitch, and exceptionally cast with Eileen Heckart (as Lucy), a woman literally at the end of her rope. Eileen Heckart was a natural in any role. Watch her at her very best.

10 earned stars.

Lucy is caught between Arthur (Don Defore), her fiancee, and her complaining mother. I agree with the last reviewer, and best put. Lucy's mother is an emotional vampire and driving her nuts. You probably can guess what's in the cards... and this is when Hitch pulls out the rug.

Arthur soon introduces HIS mother to Lucy! What an emotional rollercoaster, and Eileen Heckart has a dynamic closing scene, you can't miss.

Popular senior actress Jesslyn Fax plays Arthur's mother, who appeared in two of Hitch's films, REAR WINDOW and NORTH BY NORTHWEST. Interestingly, there was wide debate as to whether she appeared in the latter film (in one scene) OR... Hitchcock doing her role in drag? Were they serious?

It turned out, it was the real actress. Super trivia question for buffs. And it's strange how the rumor began in the first place.

One terrific episode. Thank you, Eileen Heckart.

SEASON 6 EPISODE 26 remastered CBS dvd box set. The set with the famous yellow cover.
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