"Cheers" Airport V (TV Episode 1988) Poster

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Airport V (#6.19)
ComedyFan20103 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Eddie got a job as a Penguin for which he has to go to another state. He wants Carla to visit but she keeps on postponing it and he thinks that it is because she is ashamed of him. But the truth is that she is afraid of flying. Frasier comes in to help her and the rest of people with flying phobia, but becomes scared in the process himself.

Not a memorable episode. The whole thing with Eddie was pretty boring. Just as the side story about the review where people think Rebecca had to sleep with the reviewer. I didn't laugh even once there. The only thing that saves the episode from complete sucking and brings some laughs is Frasier.
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Feels like a (particularly goofy) "Frasier" episode
dgplatt-6012117 July 2024
This feels like an episode of Frasier, and not just because Frasier himself is prominent. It's Frasier's switch from calm authority figure to raving maniac that feels like a harbinger of the later series.

It's rare that we see Frasier and Carla together, and it's kind of fun. The plot starts with Eddie's new job with an ice show. Carla is delaying visiting him because she's afraid of flying. Frasier's technique (basic desensitization) is actually quite sound, but of course it backfires here.

The subplot is pretty goofy, too. Why a snooty restaurant critic would be reviewing Cheers is a mystery, but of course Rebecca botches it. Another episode with nothing terrible, but nothing very good, either.
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Another Throwaway
Hitchcoc27 August 2019
Eddie has a job with an ice show. He plays a skating penguin (not the Pittsburgh kind). He ends up in Seattle and wants Carla to visit him but it turns out she is afraid of flying. Frasier offers a class in this phobia and Carla signs up. The final project for the class is to actually take a flight. This is really not so funny.
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Fear Of Flying
Bolesroor30 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
And this week's Season Six sight gag is... Eddie as a penguin! Yes, former Bruins goalie Guy "Edward" LeBec joins the Wonderful World Of Ice as a Penguin, perfect for easy confusion with Pittsburgh's hockey team. And for unknown reasons he leaves the job interview still wearing his costume, drives to his wife's workplace, waddles down the stairs and walks in to surprise everyone with a hilarious visual reveal!

Funny stuff.

George Wendt directs this stinker of an episode, but not even "NORM!" can save it from crashing and burning. Carla develops a fear of flying so we can have a plot line this week and Frasier volunteers to help her overcome it. The scenes on the plane are coma-inducing... there's nothing interesting or engaging about them in any way. Carla overcomes her fear but Frasier develops his own phobia, in an uninteresting ironic twist that will have you laughing for seconds. Sorry to be so harsh on this episode but it's definitely one of the worst of the season, and watching it again it seems even worse than before. There are a couple good laughs here but little else.

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