(TV Series)


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"He's a cool customer!"
ShadeGrenade4 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
An out-of-work Stuart-Clark turns up at Maxwell's surgery, offering a second-hand E.C.G. machine for sale. Unfortunately, it explodes when they try to use it. Upton comes up with the idea of converting the Major's den into a second surgery, and the Major agrees - after several whiskies.

Returning from a fishing trip, he is quite upset to see that his belongings - including a stag's head - have been damaged during Upton and Collier's spring-cleaning, and thinks that they may are secretly planning to replace him with Stuart-Clark...

An unusual episode, the flip side to 'You Make Me Feel So Young'. Maxwell's realisation that he may be too old to be practising medicine provides a rare moment of pathos in the series. Lowe is in superb form here.

Upton's actions are callous, but he later redeems himself by reinstating the Major's den.

Funniest moment - an inebriated Maxwell accidentally wandering into a women's toilet in a pub, exclaiming: "Those men in there are in drag!"
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