"The Facts of Life" Double Standard (TV Episode 1980) Poster

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What happened to Jo was sexual assualt. The skill of great writing allowed them to cover a serious subject matter and couch it in a comedy, yet kept it's dignity.
reb-warrior10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Blair is hoping a boy, Harrison, from a well-to-do, family that has known her family since childhood, will ask her to go to the cotillion at an upper-class dance club. But instead, he asks Jo to go.

It's 1980. What happened to Jo was sexual assault, attempted rape. I'm not sure of the laws at the time, but it seems like this kind of assault wasn't taken seriously. I mean it was in this episode, in a way, but it was more brushed off as a thing that women have to deal with sometimes, and not serious enough to be reported. There's a kind of do-nothing attitude I think that goes with the times when it comes to women and sexual assault. I mean the words " sexual assault," or "attempted rape" wasn't even used here. We've come a long way since then. Yet even today....

Blair was her usual snobbish self, yet hilarious. But she stood up for Jo and stood up for women in general. I love Jo and Blair. They are best friends. They just can't admit that to themselves. They really care about each other.

Jo looked so pretty in her dress and kudos to Nancy Mckeon on her scene with Charlotte Rae, where she talked about her hopes for the dance. Tough Jo is really very vulnerable. Tough vulnerable characters are always great onscreen.

Another thing this episode covered was the disgusting idea that some people are not deserving of good things because of their economic class. Just because Jo came from a poor family, Harrison seemed to think she was nothing and he could attack her because she was a "nobody." He behaved like a rich, entitled, privileged jerk(attempted rapist).

The episode is really funny with lots of funny lines from everyone. The art and skill of the writers created a sort of magic that allowed them to cover a serious subject matter and couch it in a comedy in such a rich and telling manner. 8/10.
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Jo vs. Blair
RavenGlamDVDCollector3 September 2019
How can I say this and be nice about it? Gee, that is gonna be very, very difficult. Feel free to dislike my little note here, I know it sure as hell ain't gonna be popular.

Jo vs. Blair...

Nancy McKeon or Lisa Whelchel?

Here's the facts...

In Season One, Lisa Whelchel is a knock-out stunner. She had major competition from Julie Pikarski, Felice Schachter and Julie Anne Haddock. Those three were there for their leggy displays (you'd be naive if you didn't agree). Julie Pikarski was the official opposition, and she was actually my favorite, I really liked her. Felice and the other Julie had comparatively minor roles, yeah, they sat around and stood around as set decorations mostly (but not completely, but okay...) Lisa, however, was the star, the main focus, as Blair Warner. Let's say that on the Man's Richter Scale she was an Eight.

By Season Two (actually noticeable all the way)... and it pains me to say this... Lisa is not an Eight anymore. I'm not gonna go into this, suffice to say that the most beautiful flowers bloom gloriously, but the bloom lasts for a tragically short time, and Lisa is not the Blair of Season One anymore.

Enters Nancy McKeon as tomboy Jo. However, take note, this is Nancy McKeon. In real life, not that I knew anything about her, but clearly not the tomboy type. That ponytail... that pretty face, even when she scowls, she ain't nothin' but cute...

Okay, I don't have to write out my verdict. You know my answer. Nancy McKeon is a Ten. And I haven't even seen her legs yet...

So, as for this episode, Jo in her LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE 'peasant dress,' you could put Jo in a gunny sack and she'd still beat the pants off...

That guy Harrison... Any guy who wouldn't see THE TRUE PRINCESS in Nancy McKeon (even if Jo rides a motorcycle)... well, he DESERVES a slap / poke with a high-heeled shoe.

Written by a Nancy McKeon fan (who actually is biased towards blondes, but...)

P.S. This little show damn well rocks. All the girls get fantastically good lines! Almost four decades later, I am amazed! Putting up Quotes left, right, front and center! Check 'em out!
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