"The O.C." The Secrets and Lies (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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The Secrets and Lies (#3.19)
ComedyFan201024 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Julie and Dr. Roberts are back from the cruise, engaged of course. But the family time doesn't work out too well as Marissa and Summer are fighting because of Marissa seeing Volchek. Marissa also convinces Sadie to stay for Ryan. And she does cocaine. Sandy fires Matt for the best of the hospital but he threatens to have a case against his partner, who then comes and beats up Matt.

I find it incredibly annoying ho everyone tells Marissa what to do with her life and whom to date. I actually prefer her like this, we have enough boring characters like Ryan. And I see no real reason to hate Volchek. Oh no he wears "bad guy" clothes and parties, what a horrible thing to do! I am curious to see how it goes with Matt. I am sure him and Sandy will kick some ass.
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The Secrets and Lies (#4.19)
audaciousness10 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Marissa's ties with Volchok send her into a substance abuse downward spiral. Summer is concerned about her friend-and the fate of her father's relationship if things don't improve. Ryan and Sadie's relationship is on the line, as Ryan and Marissa keep finding themselves intertwined in one another's lives. Seth spends some quality time with Kirsten, as she reaches nine months sober. The events at Newport Group turn violent.

Now that's more like it! Unsurprisingly, this was a fantastic episode, seeing as how it was written by the two strongest writers on the show. I loved seeing Marissa and Summer fight for the first time ever (even though it broke my heart) and Ryan becoming aware of his savior complex and trying to change it- even if Ryan and Marissa keep involving themselves in one another's lives.

The happenings with Julie and Dr. Roberts are also really quite interesting, I look forward to seeing where it goes with Marissa and Summer being sisters. As well as what's happening at Newport Group- seeing Sandy become the new Caleb is a great way to reinvigorate the show.

Right now, the plots are really quite dark but fascinating-the dynamics are changing and the strength of relationships are being tested, which makes for a very "fresh" feeling to the show. It's a much-needed shake-up that will lead us to a satisfying endgame this season.
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It's more about sisters...
aura77230 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Julie and Dr. Roberts announce their engagement and the Cooper ladies move in with Summer and her dad. Meanwhile, Marissa drifts away from the group and Summer when she seeks solace in the bad company of Volchok and his crew. Ryan tries to move on with Sadie, but Seth's concerns for Marissa get in the way. At the Newport Group, Sandy's woes with Matt continue and Kirsten surprises Seth with a night out.

I can't believe that Sandy fires Matt! When did he became such a Caleb Nichol? And Ryan is trusting Marissa with Volchok? What's happening with everyone? I believe Marissa is grown up and responsible for her own actions. It seems to me the bad and troubled girl attitude is in her no matter what. Ryan appears to be her only cure. Maybe she loves him, maybe she doesn't, he's the most important to her.
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the downward spiral
RavenGlamDVDCollector28 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am THE Mischa Barton/Marissa Cooper fan. Yes, the #1 fan-boy. As for THE O.C., I know this has all happened ages ago, but I'm a DVD guy, and I'm having a whale of a time with the story. Unfortunately, while I was watching Season 1, while I had yet to acquire the rest of the series, and while I was already thoroughly involved (!) with Marissa Cooper (!! boy, I wish!!), I learned in a magazine of the outcome of Season 3, so, before I go on, ***********Season Spoiler Ahead******************

And what a spoiler, so back off if you don't want your viewing pleasure ruined! Only meant for you guys who have seen S03E25.

Okay, now that the newbies are out of the room, I can with a clear conscience relate that I am watching with growing horror. It's only a story, Marissa is not a real person, it is only a story, but in six weeks' time*, I'm gonna see the most tragic casualty in TV history. I don't know how it is gonna happen, only that she dies.

*I watch just one episode a week. On Mondays.

This afternoon, I watched "The Secrets and Lies", and I wanted to scream out at Summer, tell her how that guy is LIKE SO not worth getting involved with, how he would only drag her down. And to Ryan, at the lifeguard tower, "Tell her she is much too valuable to waste herself like that!" And at the script-writer, "Hey! Goof! You lot have Marissa's motivation all wrong!", two weeks ago she was like, "We're not from the same world!" and yet, she hooks up with Volchok? But, okay, it's not about anything remotely romantic, I learned towards the end of the episode, it's more like SHE WANTS to be mistreated, for she said herself she didn't come to him to be treated well. She, poor wretched bird, does all these things SIMPLY TO BLOT OUT REALITY.

I've noticed that one of the two other reviewers here is a totally misguided little soul as well, believing that Marissa is choosing freedom and that Volchok is like the coolest thing since sliced bread and, well, yuck, she's probably into black rappers too, 'nuff said. There is a saying in my home language, which directly translated means: Mix yourself with barley and the pigs will eat you, and this is what will happen to Marissa, not because she deserves it, but because she is so forlornly misguided as well. An OD on THE O.C.?

My thanks to everybody, from Mischa Barton to Josh Schwarz (Mr SuperCool himself) for keeping me glued to the set. Even to Cam Gigandet, who fortunately got to play the bastard as far more than a mere cardboard character.

Ryan, you should have just kicked his ass, Ryan! Yes, boring old Ryan.

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