Mr. Jingles (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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waste of 80 minutes
bluefever531 October 2006
This movie was awful, the acting sucked, the plot sucked, it just confused me, it skipped around everywhere, and the only time it even made since was the last 15 minutes, and even then, it wasn't very good. It looks like a homemade movie, that i could even do better with. i spent most of my time laughing, than being scared. This movie is not for a horror fan, the gore and everything looks like something and 8 year old kid would make and something you would buy at a Halloween store. The cover is more entertaining that the movie. i sat there in confusion on who would really produce such a movie. Do yourself a favor and use your money for something else.
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Completely Awful
lascolinasguy26 July 2006
I could only stomach the first 30 minutes of this terrible movie. Cinematography: F-; Acting: D-; Special effects: F-. This is definitely one of the worst movies ever made. My wife demanded (and received) a refund for the rental of this DVD. Don't waste your time or money on this dreadful production! The first 10 minutes of the movie is all credits. The producers knew that no one with any taste whatsoever in film would watch this movie to the end. After getting past the credits you are rewarded with something that looks like it was filmed with a cell phone camera.

If you are in the mood for a scary movie, do not watch this movie. If you are in the mood for a comedy, watch this movie. You will laugh at the effects and acting that went into the making of this film.
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I cant believe I actually watched the whole thing
thelarva12 April 2007
I knew this movie was going to be bad, but not THIS bad! I think more money was put into making the cover than the actual movie. This is beyond bad. I mean, every second of this film is crap. The acting is so poor that its funny.. Well its funny at first, but after a few minutes it just gets annoying. Its like the actors try to be bad on purpose or something. Or are they all really that lacking in talent? I don't know, and i don't care. I wouldn't even call this a movie. They tried to make one, but they failed. Sorry dudes, better luck next time. Or maybe it would be best if there were no next time. Do not watch this movie. Seriously. Stare at the wall for an hour and a half or something instead.
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Oh, it's NOT a comedy??
drown_in_vintage5 March 2007
I see it's been said, but if you need some more reassurance, do not watch this movie.

Plot seemed simple, Killer Clown out for revenge.

When you see the words "killer", most assume that the movie is a horror, or at least a suspense. Maybe I was too busy laughing, but I didn't find a thing scary about this.

Some of the worst camera work I've seen. In one shot, I could even see an UN-cleaned spot on the lens.

And the acting, my god, a Razzy would be too good for it.

An obvious low budget amiture movie
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Poor image and sound
droche-321 July 2006
Forget about the total lack of believable plot. And the acting was about the level of a junior high student film. "Goodness, my father has hit in the head with an ax. I must fall down now. And now I must go insane for a few years." Ha ha. The celluloid film quality is only a little better than super-eight film, and the sound is no better that a hand-held Radio Shack tape recorder. Skip this and find some Steven King. This could have been an idea that worked out if they handled the contrasts correctly--an orphaned teen seems non-chalant instead of horrified, police act mildly amused as the shoot the clown in the opening sequence, and the omni-present blood looks like day-glow silly string It doesn't have enough bad lines to be accepted as camp, just faulty cinema.
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The Worst Killer Clown Movie Ever Made
Prazzie1 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing you will notice is that the starting credit sequence is unbearably long. The second thing you will notice is that, unless you are related to them, you don't know any of the actors. And once the movie starts, you will realise that the only work the special effects company did must have been the fading job on those credits.

In horrors, you tend to have a set up. The exterior of the house, the lone girl inside, a few noises to get you excited and then the Eeek! moment when we see the killer. Mr Jingles cares not for such traditions. They show the house and then launch straight into the first killing scene. The only problem with it is that it is so bad, I actually thought that these people were having a dress up party and some clown guy was pretending to kill someone, and then they laugh about it afterwards. Sort of foreshadowing to the REAL clown killer that will arrive later. But no, that was it.

After watching the beginning you will think it can't get any worse. And yet, somehow, it does. The acting, the dialogue, the sound effects (my favourite part), the "blood" and "gore", the way the weapons stay clean despite the scene being drenched in "blood", the way Mr Jingles barely taps a victim where a crazed killer would be using force and achieving the same result (decapitation)...I could go on but you have to see it for yourself. Yes, really - watch it.

I invited some friends around, just to share the horror of this film with them. Here's what you do: Tell them all you have found the worst movie ever made. Really go overboard with this step "No, really, dude, you won't BELIEVE how bad this thing is". When they are convinced that it is really very bad, show it to them. And then laugh yourself silly when it dawns on them that it is even worse than the worst movie they tried to imagine. I am not joking. I did this, and I laughed myself into a paralytic state.

My friends all agreed that if we filmed our own little movie, using a cellphone camera, it'd turn out better than this. And then we wiped off our tears of laughter, and returned to the real world where bad cinema should get you shot.
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Fun to make fun of.
kreepstp4 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a sequel, and I didn't know that when we rented it from family video. The cover was convincing, it looked scary; but when we watched it, the DVD menu was even low budget. Murder has no place in the low budget film industry. The fact that it was produced by LionsGate was very surprising. The acting was terrible, but funny. The graphics were so terrible that it was comical. This movie would be good for cheap humor, and would only be scary if you were on acid. Without knowing it was a sequel, the plot was unclear, and very vague. It is obvious that none of the "actors" in this film have any experience in acting (that's including high school drama classes)which is very irritating.

JUST US GIRLS! Giving it a 3 for comedy.
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sfsulax24 July 2006
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This would have to be one of the worst movies I have ever wasted my time in viewing. I understand the budget was low but I have seen film students at community colleges (which I'm sure was the case with this film) put on MUCH better film productions. The scenery and set production value was downright silly, for example: during the obligatory party scene there were alcohol bottles around yet none of them were opened and people were far into the party and most were already 'drunk'. The acting was awful and there were many times when the actors would actually talk over each other proving the poor acting skills and ill preparation for their lines. And the effects? Non-existent. It saddens me to know if these people made money off of this.
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Not worth a glance even
heavenlygodess694 February 2007
Typically when I rent a movie I look at the cover and read the back to see what it's about and if it sounds interesting i'll watch it. I rented this and the summary was very deceiving, this movie is probably one of the worst movies i've ever "attempted" to watch. When I say attempted I only watched 15 minutes because it was so bad. It's quite obvious the budget for this movie was about $35. It looks as if someone just grabbed their dad's camera and a few friends and made a very terrible movie and sold it to Lionsgate. Don't bother wasting money to rent it or even watching it on TV, although I think luckily for the world it won't be shown on TV.
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quite a let down
rooneyisgod27 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i was going to give this film a 10 like for the hilarity, because the acting is something else and the special effects and the killings in this movie, phew, movies really are booming in the year 2006. to be fair, it did have me laughing a fair bit, thats probably the bonus.

there's not a lot i can say about it because it was the same from start to finish, bad acting, dodgy kills, dire special effects. proper low budget film that some random person decided to get his family n mates in on for a college project. i noticed it from the start when the executive producers were known as......todd, matt and gary. lol, normally you'd have your full names because you'll want people to know its you. and from that point on i knew this film was going to be a disgrace lol. and then when you see someone use their gun in the film, one of the funniest parts, it sounds like pop corn popping in the microwave, or a kids cap gun...minus the mild amount of smoke that appears after shooting.

the plot was abit of a warpy one as well, because there wasn't really one. obviously we all know that its about a killer clown but thats it.

to put in bluntly, this film was a big dollop of cheddar cheese. I'm sure that once this movie is released on DVD, instead of people opening the case to reveal a disc, the only contents of the DVD case will be a big slab of cheese that people will be placing in their DVD players to allow them to see this cheese in moving formation.
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... Not worth your time.
christo628 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
An incredibly short film with bad camera work, bad picture quality, bad sound and bad acting. The storyline was honestly vaguely interesting, and the film had potential to NOT be a waste of time... Alas. The ending is abrupt and as poorly done as the rest of the film.

I want my rental money back, plus change. The jacket art and info is actually pretty slick, which is sad. The clown on the cover, DVD art and even in the menu section is NOT Mr. Jingles.

Just don't bother.

It's not worth the effort even to read my review, probably. Just check the rating up above, it's more than enough in this case.
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Hilarious when your high.
highbuzz8117 June 2012
Hilarious when your high. This should be more of a comedy. If you have any sense of humor this one will have you smiling. Get out the ketchup, spray paints, and water balloons. Your in for a blast. Hehehehe.

Mr. Jingles is the man! You got to be to squish a watermelon. Ignore all reviews that are bad for you'll regret not seeing this one. Seems like a cheap made comedy but you will be laughing to the point of busting some water in your pants. Watch out for the dinner bell sound. Lock your doors and windows and burn a big one and bring your munchies because your in for one hell of a show. His laugh is the greatest! You make my kids think clowns are actually funny.
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nixons_smelly_vagina28 July 2006
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I love B-movies but this film had nothing going for it. A seriously weak plot, an ANNOYING killer, and not nearly enough nudity to make it passable. The little phrases the clown would say as he dispatched a victim were tragically without witty and repulsively stupid. There were plot holes the size of the grand canyon. Continuity was non-existent. Was the ending a twist ending or not? If the cliff hanger ending is an indication that there may be a sequel I must urge the film makers to reconsider. I think investing any funds planned for a sequel into a foreign lottery is a better way to use the money. Pathetic. Entertainment value was barely enough to keep me from slitting my throat.
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worst movie ever
horrorfanatic992 August 2006
this movie is one of the worst b grade horror movies i have ever seen. the kills are just so stupid, it looked so unrealistic, and on top of all of that Mr. jingles is the most retarded serial killer ever!

at least other movies in this category are at least half way descent, in this case it had a bad plot, no set up, bad backgrounds, no noticeable actors, and a completely retarded killer!

worst horror movie ever mad don't waste your money on it unless you are a idiot and love fake kills and bad movies! this is by far the worst horror movies ever made, this an even worse movie idea than Jason x, which is saying a lot since i'm a huge Friday the 13th fan.

*if a horror fan do not watch, horrible is a disgrace to the genre.
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Two words. Intestine Sausages
vegeta398616 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK, oh boy. Mr. Jingles. The first thing i should state about this movie is that, if you're expecting a low budget classic where the script showed some heart and is actually a fun, mildly creative horror movie such as Satan's Little Helper, not only will you be disappointed, but you will want to subsequently shoot the TV, take out the DVD, chew it up, and spit it back into the DVD case and then return it to the store. However, if you walk in knowing it's going to be crap and you want a laugh, then this movie is gold. Why? Because mr. jingles is quite possibly one of the cheapest, most poorly made movies i've ever seen in my life. And, what a shocker, it's released by Lionsgate. Once again, i love the misleading cover art. all right, enough intro, let's get onto the plot

In the beginning we're introduced to the backstory of how mr. jingles randomly went through people's houses and killed them. He makes it to this girl's house and kills both of her parents. the father with two axes to the head that look like plastic and horrible editing, and the mother (my favorite in the movie) where she dumps what look like pig sausages out of a hole in her shirt which are supposed to be intestines. now this is hysterical because once she dumps them, you can actually see behind the hole where the intestines were supposed to fall out and you can see her skin, perfectly intact. quality. anyway, apparently this is supposed to be our lead actress as a child being scarred by mr. jingles. the only problem is, they use the actress for when she's grown up. what? they couldn't afford a 10 year old actress? apparently not.

The police come, and shoot mr. jingles with the WORST sound effect of a gun i've ever heard. they couldn't even afford a fake prop gun? THE HELL WAS the budget on this movie? two bucks? a cap gun with smoke would have worked better! they cost 2.50 at Walmart! i don't get it! there's no excuse. But it IS hysterical.

then we flash forward to the present. apparently the girl has grown up and finished rehab. She is going to live with her cousins and aunt. and of course the cousin and his friends do nothing but have sex and do drugs. now, if i didn't know better, i'd think that people who make movies were NEVER teenagers. We don't all do drugs and have rampant wild sex, we don't bust into a fully choreographed dance number in the halls, and we don't have hierarchies. Get your facts straight. So the cousin's friends feel they have nothing better to do than dress up like mr. jingles and scare the crap out of her.

Meanwhile the cop who originally shot mr. jingles meets up with a crazy bum and the mayor (who is by far the worst actor in this movie btw) and the bum tells them how mr. jingles is back and is going to kill more people. he's back because.... i don't even know. he just is. the bum then goes into this whole spiel about how mr. jingles has to be cornered by four candles and trapped in order to send him back to hell, and that the cop who killed him is the only one that can do it, but this side story is quickly forgotten as mr. jingles kills both of them and this is never spoken of again. WHAT THE HELL?! did they just make a way to stop jingles, talk about it for 20 minutes and then kill the guys who had a plan never to speak of it again?! you could have totally cut that whole segment out! it was POINTLESS!

So after that, mr. jingles kills two of the drug friends in the woods with horrible editing and a fake dildo, and then we see the main girl's female cousin with the pancake boobs take a shower. and then she gets killed. huzzah. meanwhile the male goth cousin who has been saying that maybe dressing up as the homicidal maniac who killed the girl's parents to scare the hell out of her isn't that smart of an idea (sound advice) but his notions of a conscience are quickly erased as his goth girlfriend seduces him and they get to lovin.

Anyways, the girls have decided to throw a party. Even though they promised the aunt they wouldn't. So the goth girl dresses up as mr. jingles and is killed by him. while throwing the party, more stoner friends get killed and finally it's just the main girl and mr. jingles. and here's where the ending makes no sense. Mr. Jingles is holding two axes and stands there. then all of a sudden the girl is holding th axes. So...she's supposed to really have been mr. jingles i guess? but how was she fighting him? i don't know. the police come after the bodies are set up ala 'happy birthday to me' style around the table, and they lead the girl out to the cop car. However, after they do so, mr. jingles pops out. (rubs temple) roll credits.

This movie is just awful. If this was actually meant to be scary, i feel bad for whoever wrote this. the special effects are abysmal and the plot just leaves loose ends. whatever happened to the candle thing? is she really not mr. jingles? how did he come back? i don't know, and honestly, i don't care.

The acting, if you can call it that is something you'd expect from a car mechanic trying out for a shakespearean play. do yourself a favor. skip this one. unless you want to laugh your butt off. cause you will. with lots of loose ends, terrible everything, Mr. Jingles gets 1 shirtful of pig intestines, out of 10
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what a piece of crap
darksorcerer12 July 2009
I bought this Movie at a cheap discount warehouse in Australia for two dollars, the cover looked very cool and the idea of a killer clown seemed (though not original) something that might be entertaining.

What a mistake, the acting is awful the victims still seem to be moving and breathing, the make up is pitiful, the lighting is bad, the sound is bad (gunshots sound like a toy cap gun) Don't mistake my comment for one of those ïts so bad it must be cool comments, its so bad its just plain terrible.

I cannot begin to describe how bad this movie is, the camera work is so bad using the old trick of editing and cutting to create gore, the sound is very bad, the acting is bad, the story,effects,directing,plot is all bad.

Basically this movie sucks, i give it 1 because you cannot give a lower score
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Oh my, Angie. You need to be punished for making tinkle in your panties!
BillyRayJohnson29 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Within the first second this movie starts out on a sour note, as two and a half minutes of credits roll against a plain black background, while the music of a garage band Korn plays. When the first actual shot comes up, you will immediately be taken aback by the low quality of the image. This movie appears to have been shot on a circa 1992 home camcorder.

First let me note some positive points. To be fair, by the end of the movie I was used to the image quality. Also, the director seems to have some understanding of image composition, a rarity in films of this budget. Don't expect pleasing or astounding imagery, just some competence for a movie of this caliber. The makeup on Mr. Jingles (Dr. Rudy Hatfield, Biker Zombies) was fairly decent. His secondary makeup later in the movie looks like a costume shop quality appliance, but it's still all passable. That said, the Jingles makeup is nowhere near as cool-looking as it is on the cover art. Another positive, there is some attempt at character development. Sound recording isn't impressive, but dialogue is always audible.

For those wondering about nudity there are two brief instances, but not likely to cater to all tastes. I'm no puritan, but to have girls get naked for your $500 dollar budget movie just seems tasteless to me. Anyways, watch for the appearance of garden gnomes during the lovemaking scenes. I suspect there is some deep symbolism to be found in these.

Writer/director Todd Brunswick (They Must Eat) fails to build suspense in his sequences. Terror sequences with Mr. Jingles are made humorous by the absurd things that come out of his mouth every time he opens it. These quips are the most entertaining aspect of the movie, but I don't think we're supposed to be laughing.

Gore in this movie is quite limited, mostly blood spraying onto characters from off camera. Mr. Jingles impales a few people with his small hatchets, though it's usually not exactly impressive-looking. There's a funny scene with Jingles jumping on a goth guy's back, as the guy spits blood out, and Jingles laughs maniacally. Also, watch for the part where the cop fires a gun, and the gunfire sounds like fingers snapping!

On a side note, I read somewhere that this movie is a sequel to S.I.C.K., which I have yet to see, so I can't confirm this. However, there is a confirmed sequel to Mr. Jingles, entitled Jingles the Clown (2009).

For comparison, this movie is slightly better than Fear of Clowns, because Mr. Jingles has a more engaging story (you heard it here first), slightly better camera placement (close-ups are still excessive, but nowhere near to the same degree), however the lighting was better in Fear of Clowns. All in all, Mr. Jingles has more potential unintended laughs than Fear of Clowns. Mr. Jingles scores points for attempts at character development, laughs (intentional or not), and one obligatory point for the effort to make art.
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Terrible, but still not as bad as...
j_zimmy14 November 2008
I turned the move off after the lady dumped the handful of bloody potatoes in the opening scene. I should have guessed it was going to be this terrible when the opening credits read like those of a porno movie: "Tommy Brunswick". And then they just skipped the last names all together and only used first names... and then they skipped the first names and only used nick names. How on EARTH do people produce this crap and actually think they did a good job. This crap would do more bad for a producers reputation than it would good.

However, with all of this being said... this movie was still not anywhere nearly as bad as "Dungeon Girl." You must check it out, even if it's only to make Mr. Jingles look like an Oscar-winner in comparison. They both fall into the great-cover-tricks-you-into-renting-an-eye-gougingly-terrible movie category, but Dungeon Girl is far more terrible.
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piece of crap.
akhhhicks30 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Jesus Christ. What is wrong with Tommy Brunswick? I went into Family Video to rent this, because the front cover made the movie look scary. It made it look like one of those classic, fun killer clown flicks like Stephen Kings It, or Clownhouse. First of all, the opening credits are, oh let me see, 10 minutes long. The effects are terrible. The DVD case is better than the actual movie. And how does Mr. Jingles just change appearances in the middle of the movie where he comes back from the dead? It looked like the movie was made from a cheap Flip Video Camera. Oh and Mr Jingles when he says, ''Hello, Fuc###.'' What does that mean. And the ending. Please! I'd rather watch 1,000 episodes of Dora the Explorer than watch this junk again. Do not watch this unless you're looking forward to waste 80 minutes of your life.
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Wonderful Simply Perfect
Chief_Firebird10 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
One day my friends and I decided to watch this film after seeing at a store for one dollar and fifty cents, I really wish I had held to the money. First off the first death scene was so bad I thought the killer was trying to show how not to kill someone. Also the gore was all over the place, but the gore was black and looked like someone pooped all in the blood supply and then vomited into it. It really is that bad. Dialoge is superb if you consider the phrases of newborns intelligent. I plan on donating this to the feed the Ethiopians fund, but they probably wouldn't even eat it. I guess I'll just set it on fire. But no seriously don't watch this film it really is as bad as every one says and it so bad it really isn't all that funny. Also the nudity is gross can you spell ugly goth chicks I know I can and my mind will be scared forever. The only words to describe how this movie is, is blood orgy. Watch this and you will die I promise.
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fommbrel7 January 2007
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I went to the store hoping to buy something to skip the weekend. I saw the cover of "Mr. Jingles" and read the back, it seemed interesting, but then after watching those long credits, I knew the movie was going to be a disappointment once the picture showed, it was obviously a home video made. The people in the movie needed acting lessons, badly. The clown was really annoying and too silly and not scary one bit. I think the clown was trying to imitate "IT" but did a very poor job doing so. I have watched horror movies all my life, and I have had my share of bad ones. Lately actually, just in the past 2 years, I've had the bad luck of being tricked by movie boxes at the store, and when I go home I find a badly made home video. This is like the 4th one in 2 years. I don't really want to bash anyone since they tried, they just did a very poor job trying. But I think they need to put special labels on these "home video" type movies, so the boxes won't trick us at the store anymore.
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A fun horror flick I'd see again.
jillb850317 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK obviously this isn't an academy award winner but that doesn't mean it's not a blast to watch. Which it is. I was thoroughly entertained throughout the whole movie. It really had everything: blood, guts, gore, sex. The movie flowed really well and there was never a boring moment. The clown was scary looking and reminded me of the one from IT! The dialog was fast paced and had some witty one liners that are definitely quotable. I'm sure they were working on a budget and couldn't get the best cameras but they made do with the ones they had and created movie that had me jumping and laughing at the same time. I've seen a couple other movies by the same people and they're all a lot of fun to see.
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Feces In VIdeo Form
zrshaffer30 March 2007
Why did Lionsgate decided to pick up this steaming pile of visual and auditory crap is beyond me. This movie is TERRIBLE! Why would anyone watch this? Most seem to have been lured in by the Clown featured on the cover, which should be noted, does not resemble the horribly sad excuse see in the "movie" Don't get me wrong, I love over the top characters, excessive violence, and cheesy gore films, but Mr. Jingles is by far the worse "movie" I have ever seen in my life. This thing sucks so much balls it's not even funny. I felt horribly raped on all levels after watching this film, and why I sat through it, I'll never know. And despite the fact I don't believe in God, I actually prayed for the "writer/director" (was this thing written with a crayon?) to be struck down, or maimed in a way that he would never be able to create another "film"
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This Movie Should Have A Lower Rating Than 1.7
fantago27 August 2007
I found this movie at a very conveniently cheap price at $2.99 plus tax. I thought to myself, hey, I love crappy/cheesy horror movies, I'll give it a shot. Oh, what a shot it was. Let's look at the terrible aspects of this movie shall we...Terrible acting...Terrible presentation...Terrible killer...Terrible plot...Terrible ending...Terrible special effects...Terrible all-around. After actually watching the whole movie, because I feel that I must finish it to put closure on the experience, I've come to the conclusion that nothing good came out of this movie...nothing. The only thing I have now is that I can brag to my friends that I've watched one of the worst movies ever made.
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Waste of $3.00
jamhorner11 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What a piece of garbage. Were do I start with this one? First of: What is up with the clown? It was not scary, it was overdone and he was more funny that horrific. I'm sorry it was worse than S.I.C.K. The main problem was the style in which he killed people in and his laugh. It took me out of the movie.

Second: The lighting looked as if some film-school drop out did it. It was too saturated and at some points, not saturated enough. Horrible.

Third and fore most: The ending was trash and it didn't make sense.

Lets just say for this one, when I rented it and got done watching it, I wanted a refund of my $3.00. The video store clerk gave it to me and said, "I could have told you that." That's how bad it is.
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