"Ultraman: A Special Effects Fantasy Series" Nazo no kyôryû kichi (TV Episode 1966) Poster

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Godzillas Guest-Appearance on Ultraman
mattkempke29 May 2008
In this 10th episode Ultraman has to fight Jirass, a dinosaur-monster created by a mad scientist who once disappeared at Loch Ness. He became mad with researching dinosaurs and so, back in Japan and disguised as an even more mad scientist, he builds his laboratory at a fishing lake and breeds his own.

Jirass is an interesting guest-appearance by Godzilla himself. He's wearing a costume, too, and get's a very special personal fight scene. At first Ultraman and Godzilla just compare their skills (shooting rocks that they throw into the air); then after some real wrestling Ultraman finishes the Big G off with a very subtle and samurai-like cut which leads to a emotional death scene.

This episode is (on purpose) more cheesy and pulp than the episodes before and it works very well! (The professor reminds more of a Kamen Rider Shocker-Member / or Dr. Hell from Mazinger than anything we saw so far in this series) Always strange: in this great kids television series it's OK for Ultraman to rip off monsters body parts (including display of blood) and then to hit or tease the monsters with their own dismembered body parts. Even I am sometimes puzzled and shocked - and I like Evil Dead.
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Godzilla versus Ultraman
madbrooks6 February 2020
The episode features a mad scientist with an obsession for dinosaurs - apparently an expedition he took to Loch Ness had an interesting result - but more interesting is the fact that Professor Monster, as the mad scientist is known, has spent the previous 15 years raising a dinosaur.

Thew monster called Jirass is a mutated lizard kaiju that fans will recognize as a modified 1964 Godzilla suit, only with a large neck fringe added. Jirass also has Godzilla's iconic power Atomic Breath as well as his trademark roar.

This is an incredibly fun episode with the fight between Godzilla/Jirass and Ultraman being a particular highlight for the series.
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A fun episode of the original series featuring a famous cameo
MlleSedTortue10 March 2021
This is most definitely one of the most famous episodes of the original Ultraman and it's a pretty fun one also. It starts off with a rather routine operation for the Science Patrol only to run into the scheme of an archetypical mad scientist and a last minute twist ending. Of course, what really is this episode's claim to fame is the appearance of Godzilla in a pretty conspicuous disguise. Given the connections Tsuburaya had with Toho early no it's a real treat to see his two famous creations face off. They definetly knew what they were doing when Ultraman tears of Jirahs' frill and pays respect to his fallen foe.
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Interesting and Fun
danial-9206321 October 2021
I love this episode. Its fun and interesting and the same time. They start off easy showing routine and stuff but then boom! Mad Scientist...the plot of superheroes shows cant go wrong with mad scientist dont they? Plus its about dinosaurs which is the best eye-catching title for a kid shows. Better yet even for adult.
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Godzilla got shoulder pads and a fabulous cape.
mark.waltz21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's a mad scientist who looks like he could be out of the Boris Karloff movie and a study of dinosaurs that prelude the entrance of the creature who is supposedly Godzilla, apparently on loan from Toho. They just disguised it a bit. Two young men are fishing when the monster makes its appearance out of the lake, and one man that stupidly crushed when he doesn't get out of the way. Hey, if you see a monster coming out of the lake, move! The Mad Doctor happens to notice the communication device on the space centers chest, and smashes it into the ground. He means business, and he's not about to have his secrets exposed. When Susumu Kurobe uses his ray gun to turn into Ultraman, it circles around him, unaffected we did not here before, and this is the first time where the narration does not tell us what we already have figured out. The one thing I can say about the presence of the Godzilla costume here is that you can see it's cheapness as compared to a feature films, and there's a very gory sequence where Ultraman rips the cape looking appendage off of the creature's neck, leaving exposed bloody flesh. It's actually pretty disgusting. Still a good episode, although I can't imagine this creature not hurting as he rolled around with that exposed flesh as dirt and grime got into it.
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