(TV Series)


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A very well written story.
Sleepin_Dragon25 November 2021
A large scale raid on a house full of illegal immigrants provides an unexpected lead, to an unsolved murder. The question is, is he telling the truth, or merely buying some time.

It's 1996, fast forward 25 years to today, and the news is about a tragic case of 31 people who died whilst trying to cross The Channel to The UK, immigration is still a hot topic, and there's still a lack of a solution it seems.

It's a good very good watch, you do need to appreciate that it was made back in the 90's, attitudes have changed somewhat since. It's a very nicely produced, and we'll made episode. It's well paced, it's a big story, but it never feels rushed. The ending comes as something of a surprise.

I really did enjoy the two guest actors that featured here, Michael Feast and Paul Bhattacharjee are both absolutely wonderful actors, and both perform incredibly well here.

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