(2006 Video)

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Finally a good one...
rominacanina27 October 2009
I spent most of the day watching short film in IMDb. It is amazing how many bad films can be found online. Don't get me wrong, there are a few great ones available like "La Señorita Zuenig" and a few other ones... but the majority are extremely amateurish attempts.

"El Joven Telarañas" may not have the most inventive plot and may not have the greatest script, but it has an interesting character that holds your attention for the 10 minutes it lasts. Also, it is a well crafted short film that shows the ability of the director and crew. The tone falls under clear influences of Allan Poe and Tim Burton, not reaching their geniality, but introducing the audience to a director whose career is worth following. It is worth your time. Very enjoyable.
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