"O'Grady" Party Gong (TV Episode 2004) Poster

(TV Series)


Holly Schlesinger: Beth Briggs


  • Kevin Harnisch : Look, I just thought that it might be nice to have a party for all the people who didn't get invited to Pete Klesko's.

    Abby Wilde : Pete Klesko's having a party? When?

    Kevin Harnisch : Um, tonight?

    Abby Wilde : I wasn't invited.

    Beth Briggs : Neither was I.

    Harold Jenkins : I'm busy anyway.

    Abby Wilde : You know, that is so not cool. I mean, I'd understand why he wouldn't invite you 2, but us? I mean - not that I care at all.

    Beth Briggs : Well, I don't.

    Abby Wilde : Me neither. Let Pete and his popular-loser friends have a party. Why should I care?

    Beth Briggs : Well, he *is* pretty cute.

    Abby Wilde : [not listening]  I don't care, Beth!

    Harold Jenkins : Yeah, and it does kinda hurt to know that there's a party goin' on somewhere and you're not invited. BETH: Yeah.

    Abby Wilde : I don't care, Harold!

    Harold Jenkins : Well, geez, I don't either really, but, it's sad. BETH: Yeah.

    Kevin Harnisch : Hardly anyone who's cool was invited, I heard it was mostly college kids.

    Beth Briggs : WOAH. HAROLD: Outta my league.

    Abby Wilde : Whatever, I don't need a PhD to go to a party, I don't care.

    Kevin Harnisch : Oh you don't care.

    Abby Wilde : Uh-uh.

    Kevin Harnisch : Cuz it sounds like you care.

    Abby Wilde : Well, then you're hearing wrong, cuz I don't. I mean just because a cute, popular guy hasn't invited me to his party- what am I gonna do, curl up into a little ball and die? I don't think so, life goes on! Heh.

    Kevin Harnisch : Okay.

    Abby Wilde : Been to other parties, not a big deal!

    Kevin Harnisch : Okay.

    Abby Wilde : And plus, I haven't checked my voicemail in like a half an hour, so there could totally be a message from him, but I wouldn't even care if there was.

  • Harold Jenkins : [the amnesia weirdness kicked in]  Hoo! Woah, I just totally spaced.

    Abby Wilde : Me too.

    Beth Briggs : Yeah. Wait, what were we just talking about?

    Kevin Harnisch : [has an idea]  ... uh, well, Beth, you were just inviting us to your party.

    Beth Briggs : Party? I'm not having a party.

    Harold Jenkins : Am I invited?

    Beth Briggs : Of course.

    Harold Jenkins : Thanks.

    Beth Briggs : But wait, I'm not having a party.

    Harold Jenkins : Oh, so I'm not invited?

    Beth Briggs : I'm not having a party!

    Abby Wilde : Yeah, but, I'm invited, right?

    Beth Briggs : No, nobody's invited! You guy - I'm not having a party!

    Kevin Harnisch : Wow, that's gonna be tough, then. Beth: What is?

    Kevin Harnisch : Telling all the people who you invited that the party's off.

    Beth Briggs : What are you talking about?

    Kevin Harnisch : [laughs a little]  I think you told, like half the school about you're party.

    Beth Briggs : No way, I would remember if I did something that stupid.

    Kevin Harnisch : Beth, if still not convinced, we can just ask a couple of random people if they know about you're party.

    Beth Briggs : Okay. I can deal with that.

    Kevin Harnisch : Cool.

    [stands on lunch table] 

    Kevin Harnisch : Listen up O'Grady! Beth's havin' a party tonight, who's comin'?

    cafeteria : [pause a few seconds, then the hole room starts to cheer] 

    Kevin Harnisch : See, everybody knew.

    Beth Briggs : [puts her face in her hands]  Oh my God.

    Harold Jenkins : Now am I invited?

  • Beth Briggs : [about the party]  I'm gonna be grounded for life!

    Kevin Harnisch : Take it easy, I've pulled off bigger jobs than this.

    Abby Wilde : You have?

    Kevin Harnisch : Sure! Remember when Dr. Myer's car ended up on the roof of the science wing?

    Abby Wilde : Oh my God, that was you?

    Kevin Harnisch : [smugly]  I will neither confirm nor deny it.


    Kevin Harnisch : Yeah, it was me.

  • Beth Briggs : [on phone with Abby, angry]  I'm having a party!

    Abby Wilde : You are? Why didn't you invite me?

    Beth Briggs : Abby, YOU were here! But then you ran out to pick up the pizzas, remember? Oh... my God!

  • Kevin : Hey Flake. We were just stopping by to thank you for lettin' us uh, use your place tonight, party was awesome.

    Mrs. Briggs : [confused]  ... what? Party? But, Beth, you said that -

    Kevin : Oh, man you shoulda been here, it was sweet! There were at least uh, what would you say, Beth, 100 people?

    Beth Briggs : Make him stop!

    Abby Wilde : Tell me how.

    Kevin : [reminiscing]  Aw, we used your massage table for the poker game... hope you don't mind.

    Mrs. Briggs : [quietly, furious]  My massage table?

    Beth Briggs : No, mom...

    Harold Jenkins : Kevin, what're you doin', man?

    Kevin : Relax, Harold.

    Mrs. Briggs : [to Beth]  I thought you learned your lesson last time, young lady!

    Kevin : 5.

    Mrs. Briggs : Brandy still hasn't forgiven you!

    Kevin : 4.

    Mrs. Briggs : I swear, I'll never be able to trust you again!

    Kevin : 3.

    Mrs. Briggs : You're grounded.

    Kevin : 2.

    Mrs. Briggs : Indefinitely!

    Kevin : And, 1.

    Mrs. Briggs : [gong goes off, weirdness strikes again]  ... oooh, woah, woo, woo-hoo! I am *sorry*, Beth, did you, did you say you had a good evening?

    Beth Briggs : ...yes... evening... great.

See also

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