The Case for a Creator (TV Movie 2006) Poster

(2006 TV Movie)

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Well, you just don't know for sure, do you?
hitchcockkelly28 January 2023
There may well be a Creator, but this documentary argues from ignorance and begs a lot of questions. The negative evidence presented says, "Whenever we don't know the how, God remains a viable explanation." That's the God of the Gaps. The argument of Irreducible Complexity also appeals to ignorance. "We don't know how the flagellum could've evolved. It's so remarkable only an Intelligent Designer could've come up with it." First, I don't know if the premise is true. Second, it begs the question, "Why would an Intelligent Designer give the most efficient mechanism in the universe (as one scientist describes it) to bacteria? One scientist points out that the earth is uniquely positioned for discovery. How does he know? Perhaps if we'd developed in a different part of the universe, we might have developed far more effective receptors than sight and hearing, both of which only detect a small bandwidth. They said DNA is too remarkable to have evolved, but if it was an intelligent design, why does every creature have so much junk DNA? Why would an omnipotent God care if we learn about him through science, especially since science has squeezed God out of so much of the picture? The fine tuning of the universe for life is compelling, but this may be the only possible universe, and if it was created for life, why was it only fine tuned for this infinitesimally small dust speck we call Earth? One scientist says that asking, "Who created God?" avoids the question of whether the universe was designed, but atheists only ask it to refute the creationist premise that everything that exists must have a cause. It was a compelling documentary, but mostly it argues that scientists haven't pushed a Creator out of the picture yet. That may be so, but unknown is not unknowable, and since no one can prove the non-existence of anything, a Creator may always be out there. The point is to keep observing and not to say, "Well, you just don't know for sure, do you?"
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Ignore the nay-sayers, this is good stuff!!
guyrising6 September 2013
The atheists rubbishing the documentary have failed to repudiate irreducible complexity, the Cambrian Explosion and the, now, hundreds of scientists signing the Dissent from Darwinism document. There will always be those who feel threatened by intelligent design, possibly because it suddenly means they will be held accountable for their actions, but the refusal for atheists to open their eyes and to actually stop shouting down scientists who know their material is always going to be sad. The growing numbers of scientists, doctors, surgeons and other specialists to withdraw from Darwinism means something's up, and a refusal to investigate or to even listen to these people whilst rubbishing anything they say is sad at best.
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Biased to the point of absurdity
zachary-797-33888021 July 2010
I just finished watching The Case for a Creator. In the interest of full disclosure, I'll tell you that I am an atheist and am therefore biased myself. I expect that some reading that statement will probably skip over the rest of this, however, I always enjoy a challenge to my beliefs (or lack thereof) so I attempted to view this documentary with an open mind and see what sorts of assertions it made.

As each claim was made, I paused the movie to do some very simple research to broaden my understanding. Without exception, I discovered each claim to be false. Not utterly false for the most part; just false enough to skip on to the next claim. The most astounding was a claim that was involved in a court case prior to the making of this film:

I generally expect documentaries to be well researched, and this one falls well short of the mark. Whether intentionally or not, it is misleading. Regardless of any beliefs or preconceived ideas you may have, please do yourself a favor if you watch this documentary - question it. Preferably from a variety of sources. Faith shouldn't mean believing in something that is demonstrably false, or believing because you're told to.
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Ligitimately Presented Information
janazkjv115 August 2013
I first caught sight of this documentary on YouTube a few years ago and then stumbled upon some others like it on YouTube produced through Ilustra Media and I've then since ordered the DVD Box Set. I have repeatedly watched and followed up with my own research on the scientific facts presented in this film and the others and found them to be extraordinarily accurate and very educational. Certainly substantial material that calls for a reason to pause and contemplation on the theory of Intelligent Design. The graphic depictions are amazing, the commentary is well spoken and it keeps your interest. I highly recommend it.
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it's a bit like Science, but with a twist
siroilassuper2 August 2009
I've seen this documentary knowing of its Christian biased view because I honestly wanted to learn what is the scientific evidence in the natural world, to a supernatural god. And although I've learn the reasons why the producer and director think like they do, I have to say, they should update their arguments. the director shows interviews with some scientists and philosophers where they basically say that it is impossible for life to exist without a creator, due to the fact that it would be improbable to happen any other way. and this is a problem. not one, I'll repeat, in the whole documentary there is not one evidence of god mechanism at work, not one proof of god as a creator can be seen. the whole premise of the argument is that the scientific knowledge we have now is way too incomplete and has gaps, therefore a creator must exist. but wait, wasn't it always like that? wasn't always the core of religious ideas about the universe, based on the lack of knowledge we had? don't scientists keep on working trying to find more and more?

I was disappointed with this documentary not due to the underlying religious views, but because i was expecting to actually find an intellectual case for a creator (you know, it says in the title), but instead I have this ongoing presentation of what science is still looking for, and then with a twist justifying the existence of a creator because those gaps exist.

and by the way, no, I'm not afraid of confronting my own convictions like the previous comment refers to. that's what I was expecting from this documentary. it just didn't happen.
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Condemned without a viewing
abchulett16 October 2008
Lee Strobel presents a series of interviews with scientists and other scholars who convincingly demonstrate why the foundations of the theory of evolution would crumble, if only its adherents would confront the evidence honestly....including a remarkable comment made by Darwin himself as to what it would take to render his theory invalid.

As with the excellent "Fireproof," here we have another strong message in favor of the Christian faith that has been met with several immediate blind and ignorant "1" votes. The message boards for "Fireproof" make this clear, as do the polemic voting with a nearly equal number of "1" and "10" votes in each case.

There are evolutionists, atheists, and others who apparently don't have the courage of their convictions and will not confront the fallacy of their misguided beliefs. Theirs is a blind faith that does not stand up to investigation on its own terms. See the DVD or read the book.
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Total, unmitigated garbage
charmark_814 December 2010
The premise of this production is "life came about because of the conditions in the universe. These conditions are all a billion to one shot. Therefore, goddidit." One wonders if it ever occurred to the producers that life occurred in this universe because life had only the conditions here to work with. If there were different conditions, then life would have been different, and the creationists in that universe would be marveling at how the conditions were so precise as to allow life.

I am reminded of a quote by Douglas Adams: "...imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in. Fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!'"
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An amazing movie, with convincing facts.
darklighta4218 June 2010
So basically this documentary features a man who was born atheistic, and has later been converted to Christianity by the amazing amount of facts that prove intelligent design. In this documentary he reveals these facts.

This documentary is amazing. It's just fantastic. I recommend it to all, no matter what your belief is.

There seems to be a lot of haters out there, however I tell you, just watch this movie!

It's certainly worth it. You don't want to go to hell when you die...

God bless you all.

-Dark Light
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wayno-628 February 2009
What could have potentially been a great work, instead I found it dis-enfranchising? How so? No closed captioning or sub-titles.

For us deaf/hard-of-hearing folks, this is a MUST so that we too can participate. Instead, we are cutoff.

God apparently makes perfect human beings, that have 2 ears that can hear.

For those of us who can't: tough beans.

I watched about 5 minutes of it. I could read the lips okay, but the underlying narration, was non understandable.

What a shame that such a powerful tool, instead has the power to dis-enfranchise.

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A good defense of Monotheism, but his god takes the backseat in the creation of the planets.
His work is a dangerous potpourri / blend of ideas. I go as far as to say that it is more dangerous than what Darwin has written or said, because it pretends to endorse the Bible while it plainly contradicts the Creation Account. His bizarre version of the creation account implies billion-fold death before Adam.

While Strobel generously allows God to have come into action with creation day 1, he assumes a passive role of a spectator who had to wait until the big bang had made Him the earth and other collisions formed the moon and so on.

This is heretical. The Bible clearly states that God laid the foundation of the Earth, and the act of 'laying' is contrary to watch an accident happening. And it says that He created bodies like the moon.

While Strobel enlightens us with a good defense of special creation (at least in minor sense), he appears to have been intimated by his cuma laude friends. Why is he not asking how they can be certain about the materials the sun consists of, or why it should be billions of years old? Why did he not confront them with Bible verses that state that God laid the foundation of the earth and created the sun?

It is hypocrisy to have an investigative character and boldness when it comes to opposing certain lies of the more obvious enemies of God, but to leave this same character at the door when meeting with his special friends of worldly prestige.

Another fatal point is the blatant deception regarding the Cambrian explosion. When he brought this topic up in the book, it pretty much sounds like 5500 BC (Adam) or 3300 BC (Noah's Flood), when all the animals suddenly appeared at the same time. It is then a huge surprise to read at the end of the book and after having been left with this totally false impression, that this explosion in his reality lastet 5 million years and took place 530 million years ago. He tries then in a silly way to compare this to 5 minutes of a 24hrs day (which would make 1440 million years!!!), in order to water down the obviously close similarity to the concept of evolution. Who cares if 5 millions or a couple of million years more. Both concepts are outmost heretical when compared with the Word implying 6 ordinary days.

Don't get me wrong, Mr. Strobel certainly makes a very good overall case for Christianity and defends it well in many aspects.

But both the book and movie should not have reached the audience of the average churchgoer, and rather remained within academic circles. I am certain that it is not in the will of God that someone spends all that time for going through such intellectual banter, no matter how sophisticated and meaningful it might be in parts. That time could be much better used to serve the church in a practical way, than being drawn in a parallel world of intellectual prestige and academics while endlessly listening to their oh-so-impressive credentials.

Humans cannot be convinced by truth and arguments alone, they are convinced by truth combined with example and passion. And most importantly and Strobel does not even see this, it is the Lord who needs to take away a veil in order for us to see those truths. No matter how smart and right and good many of his arguments might be, if he shows no heart to at least pray and call the viewer to pray for those veils be taken away, then his work is useless.
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