Frank and Cindy (2007) Poster

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aaronjv-116 April 2007
Honestly, I didn't expect much going in to see this; a documentary about your parents? But I was never so glad to having seen a movie than after watching "Frank & Cindy".

It's extremely revealing, often by the characters who aren't aware of it. And there's so much to confess, it's both hilarious and heart-wrenching at the same time.

It's nearly cringe-worthy to see, in one scene, the filmmaker's mother left alone with the camera (smartly) still running on her, trying to figure out her life, her eyes darting back and forth like a panicked deer, to suddenly and quietly ask, "GJ (the filmmaker, her son), what am I going to do?"

There's so much about modern American life (or "This American Life", as the new Showtime show had a segment on this movie) in this feature; if you're a fan of REAL people (revealing unscripted, raw stuff, very UNlike reality TV), and can put up with some awkwardness (both with the film-making--a few frustrating camera angles/shots and some hard-to-hear sound parts--and the subjects themselves as they try to realize something, ANYTHING meaningful, but too afraid to look at the deeper problems in their lives), this flick is well worth your time.

It's nice to see some not-so-pretty things in movies sometimes.
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Entertaining slice-of-life docudrama
a_chinn6 July 2017
Oddball documentary about Frank Garcia, a 1980's one-hit wonder, his wife Cindy Brown, and their dysfunctional lives. Frank is an alcoholic layabout who can't let go of his glory days, spending his days and nights in his basement making music and drinking. Cindy spends her days complaining about her teeth and doing nothing about them, and also working to financially support Frank and his music dreams. The commonality between the two seems to be that neither of them are happy and both have big dreams, but neither seems interested in actually taking any steps out of their rut to change anything. They're both just all talk. Adding to the strangeness of this documentary, it was directed by their adult son who also lives at home. In many ways, this film reminded me of the documentary "American Movie" where it was also hard to discern at first whether the filmmakers were mocking the subjects or were trying to genuinely tell their story. "American Movie" was certainly not making fun of it's subjects, and I don't think this film was either, although there are certainly a lot of moments shown that are hilariously at the expense of Frank and Cindy. Like the best documentaries, this film does have a subtext about the pursuit of Sisyphean dreams and knowing when to let go of them, but I'm thinking this film was more just a colorful slice of life. Still, it's a pretty entertaining slice of life that more than kept my interest.
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Dumpster Fire
nebohr11 July 2022
It seems to me that the two parents never matured mentally and since they probably came from dysfunctional families their marriage resulted in the creation of yet another dysfunctional family. That they contradict themselves over and over again; sometimes in the same sentence; leads me to question their mental health in general.
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The Crazy Parents Are Everywhere....I'm Not Alone
sarahjefferis16 April 2007
This film was a great documentary piece. The filming was great, well thought out perspectives. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes documentaries and has a great appreciation for films. I watch one documentary every week, this was up there in the entertaining/"I will watch this again" category. I can relate a lot to this movie, and I see a lot of characteristics of my parents that I recognize in Frank & Cindy.

For people who have little patience, this movie is not for them. My sister tried to watch it and it didn't keep her attention long. But then again, my sister doesn't really appreciate artistic things in general. So don't let boring/unoriginal people watch this film.
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Better than the 2015 film
GMGoodwrenchGirl9 December 2019
I had watched the 2015 movie this documentary was based on. I thought the movie was okay, but I preferred this. Although it was the real thing, it somehow didn't feel as dark and depressing as the movie. Both ended on a more "up" note which I enjoyed.

I thought Frank and Cindy were entertaining. They have their issues, for sure, but come across as people who do love their son and still hope to improve their lives.
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absolutely wonderful film.
emma-anna16 April 2007
the unassuming nature and almost indelible loveliness of this film shocked me. a tale of a childhood littered with substance abuse, screaming matches, and relocation. only this isn't expressed through depressing or philosophic means, but rather through humor and positivity. this movie proves that formerly dysfunctional family can somehow still radiate a ridiculous amount of love for one another (and an awful lot of cuss words, too). Frank & Cindy is raw talent at its greatest.

i'm done with my comment. but it won't let me post it until i have ten lines. which is ridiculous, by the way. some people (like me), believe that brevity is the soul of wit.
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doug_nolan22 March 2007
This movie is a look at life. I thought it was very funny and entertaining. By the end of the movie you feel like you know these 2 and you are rooting for them to keep it together.

At one point, one of the subjects becomes upset with the filmmaker. These are things you would normally never see.

I can't believe these 2 let someone film their lives for so long. You will see the ups and downs of a man and woman who dreamed of a lifetime of music and money. Like most people who have a brush with fame, these dream fizzled out very early on.

They seem to be trying to get it back.

Definitely see it.
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At least Grey Gardens had heart...
jackiebeat1 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was not enjoyable to watch. Frank puts all his dreams on the back burner and gets a normal (boring!) job just so his stepson can go to film school, but his stepson decides that he'll make a humiliating documentary about the man instead. A documentary filmmaker should point the camera and simply shoot, not manipulate and comment with snide captions. The bitterness and resentment of the filmmaker towards his stepfather is obvious. And sad. The goal seems to be to make Frank appear dumb and pathetic, instead he comes across as the most human of the 3 people featured.

Essentially a smear campaign all dressed up as something much smarter and edgier than it really is. It left me with an intense dislike for the filmmaker.
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An unsentimental look at a real family
brooks320-800-70335519 March 2019
There's no need to wonder how this documentary was made into a movie. It beautifully shows the complexity of family and the unconventional ties that bind us over many years. I have so much appreciation for the couple for allowing an honest depiction of a family -- not a Hallmark special, but the truth of broken dreams, addiction, regrets, reunification and survival.
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definitely see this film.
the_art_of_dissent16 April 2007
it is raw, and illustrates situations in life just as they are, including all of the ups and downs that accompany them. it gives insight into the not-so-glamorous side of fame that not many get to see.

taking a snapshot into the lives of frank and cindy for one year of their lives, the film shows the aftermath of frank's '15 minutes of fame' and their lives subsequent to the passing of that fame. you grow to care for the characters, not just because of the story, but because you know that these are actual people, with actual problems, just like you and i. i think that connection is what sets this film apart from anything i've seen in a while.
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ahyousobad31 August 2019
Truly. i would leave it at that but policy states 2 words is 2 short

Truly. you won't be sorry you saw it,. even if ya feel sorry sometimes while ya see it
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Humor & Heartache
girabbe18 April 2007
Frank & Cindy lingered in my head long after the film was over, even though I didn't want it to. Like being naked in the mirror, some are likely to hate it; but only because they are afraid to admit to themselves that they don't have the guts to explore the ugly side of the ones they love, like this movie does. Little do they know that the reality of people, both beautiful and distasteful, makes you love them even more.

While it's often so revealing that you need to squirm in your seat, it is delivered with a spoonful of comedy to help the medicine go down, so to speak.

It is rare to see anything as painfully honest and real as this documentary. It's inspired me to begin to creatively confront my own messy past. I hope it will be as potent a blend of objectivity, humor and heartache such as Frank & Cindy.
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shockingly frank (pardon the pun)
oranj_cat16 April 2007
Impossible to turn away from. This film is a loving and unblinking look into the lives of Frank and Cindy, told from the perspective of their son . . . who not only *has* a camera, but is not afraid to use it . . . and keep on using it!

This film is as addictive and compelling as the best of the ongoing "reality television" sagas currently being broadcast. It plays like a VH-1 "Behind The Music" episode, but goes much farther than the music network usually likes to tread - shining it's "cinematic flashlight" onto this family's hidden world.

Filmed for a reported $30k, the decidedly "low-fi" approach is actually very refreshing, reminding us that when you have a solid idea, along with compelling subject matter you don't need millions to create an entertaining and engaging piece. From "The Blair Witch Project" to the recent treadmill video by OK Go (one of the most played clips on You Tube) I look forward to a future populated more and more with filmmakers like G.J. Echternkamp and his group of low-budgeted but high-spirited auteurs!
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documentary about the lives of cindy and frank...garcia
sarahs0118 April 2007
great film by gj. it's kind of bizarre and from the clips i sort of felt bad for him but then he incorporated humor and such so that was nice and i now understand why he decided to film what he filmed. way 2 go b-am. i wish i could have been there for the premier in la but i watched "this American life: the camera man" on showtime which also gave more insight into the film. i hope gj continues to make stuff like this and more people start to watch his stuff because it is quite entertaining. i would recommend this doc. to anyone interested in a humorous look into the lives of gj's mom and stepdad, even if they have no idea who they are. b-am. OK.
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Life of past yet still aspiring rock star and family from the child's viewpoint
toks-116 April 2007
I took a bunch of friends to this 'documentary' and we have never laughed harder....Frank and Cindy is a hilarious look at celebrity and real life....full of ups and downs and unexpected twists and turns...the lesson we all took home is that no matter how crazy your family seems, maybe it's normalcy or we are all nuts and being nuts is normal and this family is especially nutty in a really good way....

reality TV is not real especially when someone has set up a in this house or on this island or whatever the theme is for those programs..this film right here Frank & Cindy trumps the early 'reality' movies Truman and Edtv!!! go see it..if you don't like it..I'll give you your money back.

I am not a paid endorser..this film really was amazing....and pleasantly lo-fi...0 explosions and gore!!
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frank and cindy rock
insurgio16 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
what starts out as a juvenile attempt at humiliating frank, ends up as an intimate look into a family's struggle to understand each other. i am a huge fan of frank by the end of the film. i would have liked to end with that, but the comment police insist that i create "10 lines of text". so, here it goes.... it starts out with gj(the film maker) and his mother taking a lot of shots at ol' frank, who is a bit of a goof with a drinking problem. as the film progresses, you began to see some endearing qualities in frank and you realize that frank is probably not the sole cause of the problems that they are working through. when frank accepts the challenge to play the show, you can't help but root for him. especially since no one in the film has much faith that he will get the job done.
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Original & Therapeutic
ReenaRexrode16 April 2007
An unique documentary about what family is all about, shown through the ups and downs(mostly downs)of Frank & Cindy. The filmmaker is brave enough to expose his mother and stepfather in a way that would make most of us shake with fear and embarrassment. It reveals those private moments of regret, disgust, anger and love that you would only see living in the same house with this family- or really any family. The film pulls you into this family and you sympathize with their day to day dysfunction. I feel compassion towards Cindy in the same way I do towards my own mother. If you can't identify with this film at least on some small level, you must have a perfectly normal family life or you're in serious denial.
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Get to know GJ and be amazed
mnmls16 April 2007
I know GJ... at least I thought I knew him, and then I saw his brave and humorous documentary, and well now I really know him. I'm impressed that he was able to screen his present and past into an articulate, provocative and altogether captivating film. The multitude of camera angles offer a deeper insight into his family, for example; while GJ sits at the computer and the viewer is allowed a glimpse of his nervous hands whilst Frank & Cindy argue in the background is compelling, yet it is also familiar. Variety is another wonderful aspect to this film, each scene has a different point of view from the other and it really kept me on my toes. This is a crowning achievement, and more then anything a start to a prosperous future! Congratulations on a wonderful film GJ, it's sure to get you sailing.
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An incredibly gripping film that could only have been made about this family
matich17 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have not seen the full movie, only what was on This American Life, but what I saw there was enough to have me hooked and want to know more.

On the onset of the movie, you immediately feel like you know the characters and have a natural judgment against them. Frank comes across as a completely lazy alcoholic slob whose entire life is the result of leeching off other people. Cindy seems like a complete eccentric mess who finds every way she can to cheat the system, and couldn't seem to ever let go of her hard partying lifestyle. And GJ, well, I just found myself amazed that someone who grew up with these people as parents ended up being a functioning individual.

These immediate judgments seem perfectly reasonable for the first half of the show, but the more you learn about the people the more incredibly endearing you find them to be. Through the whole show you find out that Cindy has been lying about a lot of things she's telling GJ, and yet you still find her to be likable and completely honest. Frank never stops coming across as a slob, but you soon realize that he's a part of her life and as much as they bicker and fight, they seem to really need each other.

I want to say more, but I'm going to refrain till I see the entire movie. All I can say so far is that I can't wait to see what happens. To be a fly on the wall in that household must be a real treat.
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