(TV Series)


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You can even find the kitchen sink . . .
pixrox119 March 2023
. . . at the county fair, usually in the home remodeling pavilion. COUNTY FAIR shows that fair goers also are likely to see dairy cows, roosters, sheep and pigs at such events. In many localities, this annual shindig is the highlight of each year's social season, becoming the event most likely to attract out-of-town visitors. Most fairs feature various forms of competition. Some have a demolition derby night, while others include horse races. Most if not all feature blue ribbon events, in which entrants of all ages and genders are allowed to pit their livestock animal, vegetable harvest, baked goods, craft project or family heirloom recipe against all comers. This picture contends that cheaters and bullies will likely suffer their comeuppance at a COUNTY FAIR.
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