"Doctor Who" Evolution of the Daleks (TV Episode 2007) Poster

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A Dalek in a Poke...
Xstal5 December 2021
Dalek Sec is far too clever for his own good as far as the other members of the Cult of Skaro (Jast, Thay & Caan) are concerned and he certainly is not what they had anticipated, but it gives the Doctor time to escape where...

He clambers aloft the Empire State, ripping off panels of Dalekanium plate, then harnessing gamma rays, off to where actors play, mutant forms start to congregate.

It's keep your fingers crossed time as two cunning plans play out in the theatre of dreams (or nightmares, depending on your perspective), please take your seats.
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A let down after last week
drwordsmith28 April 2007
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Although my opinion is conflicting to most people's about the two part dalek episodes in series 3 of Dr Who, I think 'Daleks in Manhatten' is a much better episode than 'Evolution of the Daleks'. For me, this second parts had too many twists and really, was pretty poor in places compared to the build up that had led to it. For starters, I found a few plot holes in going through the episode. Why on earth would the Doctor want to co-operate with the Daleks, and when he was struck by the gamma radiation (pretty powerful if you think about it), not only does he survive but he doesn't need to regenerate either. And an army of human daleks? Although the way they were stopped was pretty cool (the doctor's DNA), and they were slaughtered by dalek Caan, I wasn's buying it. Another problem I had with the episode was the early removal of seemingly key character Solomon, a very cut down role for Tallulah, and the uselessness of the newly created dalek hybrid Sec (Sec was my favourite dalek). However, the episode wasn't a complete let down. The basic premise was interesting, Martha had a decent role for once and Tennant was at his best. The dalek's attack on Hooverville was one of the best bits of the series so far and the daleks nattering in the tunnel was quite funny. The episode was definitely a let down to what a was expecting, and not as good as 'Gridlock' or 'Dalek's in Manhatten', but can still stand on its own as one of the better ones of the series so far, and is definitely worth watching. Makes you wonder what happened to dalek Caan as well... (finale anyone?)
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not too shabby
philcUK29 April 2007
The Daleks have proved to be a bit of a nostalgic winner for the new Who but i'm thinking they may be on the verge of stretching it too far now after this ending. As with the other recent episodes featuring the Daleks, the Mill has for the most part done the series proud with excellent CG work. The big let down here was the very questionable prosthetic work on the Dalek/human hybrid which could have been so much more had it been a combination of prosthetics and CG – Davy Jones style. The Doctor Who Confidential series always see the production crew chattering about budget constraints so I guess that's the answer to that one. Perhaps had RTD not indulged his passion/obsession with pretty boys and got a Desperate Housewives stud muffin in for a five week filming schedule some extra cash may have been available for post production. I'm sure one more Brit actor giving it their best 'New Yoykar' accent would have made little difference to the overall effect. I love the Doctor Who franchise but fear that they will soon get very stale. If you could travel to any point and time in the universe – why would you always end up on earth – usually in Cardiff? If the budget is there to turn Wales into NYC – can't it turn it into another planet instead?
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Nature of the Daleks
wetmars13 August 2020
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An interesting change to the nature of the Daleks- never it's dead! Boy, this was a huge letdown lol. This episode was better than Daleks in Manhattan, it was entertaining and fun. I don't get why the Doctor would help the Daleks, just let that sink in, the Doctor is the greatest enemy of the Daleks.

What was the best about this episode was Tennant's performance.
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Under-rated, great action sequences, great special effects and acting, story not so good
rohanumpleby-3405716 June 2023
The start to the opening two parter has some great emotional weight to it. The action is quick and the cinematography is great, has some great shots. The Visualls are great too, especially the night time. Then the leader of the Daleks doesn't want the daleks to kill, he proceeds to say that he wants the Doctor. "KILL ME" says the Doctor before the Dalek master says this. The first 🔟 minutes this story is great. The Action goes so fast, with emotional scene with the Doctor makes the first part of the story great.

After that the episode seems to miss important information out, the story goes way to quick it's like your watching a Marvel movie. There's opportunity to make the story more interesting, but they get sidelined for a quick run of the mill Dalek story with a few interesting ideas at play. It feels as if it's montaging through the story, just to get it finished. Which means it feels a little rushed.

However with that said the episode is shot well. Lots of different angles of the Daleks. Plenty of Action. With great acting from David Tennant who steals the show. Puts in so much effort, and you can really see that in his performances. Which are always a delight tobehold watching David Tennant play as the Doctor. The Music by Murray Gold will never be topped, he brings his all to the role. The Music was eerie and quick which set the tempo of this episode. Now time for the Verdict,


7/10 Under-rated Episode.
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Dalek Sec Warning: Spoilers
I beginning to think I'm missing something. I see reviews from many others being rather scathing and yet I liked this episode. Sometimes when I really don't like a film or TV show episode and I read positive reviews of it annoys me, so does my such high rating of this episode annoy people? Probably. So perhaps I should explain why I like this episode and all episodes thus far. It was enjoyable. Simple as. I enjoyed watching it, the plot in my view was great and I liked how it ended. I can't say much more.
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Evolution of Dalek nonsense
dkiliane23 February 2019
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This episode wasn't really any better than its predecessor, possibly in part due to the previous episode failing to set up for anything interesting. Although the idea of the Daleks transforming into something else that could possibly be an ally to the Doctor was intriguing, the execution was rather dull and didn't end up going anywhere anyway. I was actually kinda glad when the Daleks "exterminated" the human-Dalek hybrid.

This episode was badly plagued by camp, which made the enemies, both Dalek and pigmen, not seem as serious a threat as they should have. Also, humans altered to think that they are Daleks and somehow the Doctor being electrocuted interfering with that was pretty ridiculous.

David Tennant's enthusiasm as the Doctor was the main positive of the episode. And Andrew Garfield played his part well (odd seeing Peter Parker as a Tennesseean tho lol). British actors playing Americans can be quite entertaining (tho many times I'm sure wasn't meant to be in that way at least). No wonder Hollywood does it so often.

In summary, the story was a mess but the characters were good. It was unintentionally fun to see the British take on 1930s America. 7/10
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A dark, moving and memorable conclusion
DVD_Connoisseur28 April 2007
"Evolution of the Daleks." It's a title that will send chills down the spines of Dalek fans, conjuring up memories of previous classic stories including the masterpiece that is the "Genesis of the Daleks". So, a great title. But how does the actual episode stand up? Following a great opening with "Daleks in Manhattan", the conclusion of this two-parter is stirring stuff. There's a dark-as-night edge to events as the Daleks' plan starts to unfold. Never, in my opinion, have the metallic menaces been this deadly. As with "Dalek", we see The Doctor driven to the edge of madness by his anger at the creatures' inhumanity. The beauty of this tale is that there's a twist to the Daleks in the form of the human-Dalek hybrid, Sec. This is a superb touch of originality and one that will ensure this story ranks as a favourite in years to come.

The production values are through the roof, giving the episode a great sheen of quality. Despite the gloss, there's a genuine "classic" feel to the drama. Even when stripped of its magnificent visuals, "Evolution" remains a terrific tale, thanks to a very enjoyable script from Helen Raynor. There are many memorable scenes - the Daleks' attack on the Hoover Ville shanty town, the sight of the Daleks moving at a swift pace through the New York sewer system and their vast, Frankenstein-like laboratory.

One thought remains with me following the end titles. It can only be a matter of time when new fans of the show are finally treated to an audience with the dreaded Davros. All those references to the Dalek creator are surely a warm-up to this character's return.

9 out of 10. No funny business here, this is serious "Doctor Who". What a thoroughly delightful experience the third season is turning out to be...
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southdavid16 March 2021
The conclusion of this two-part episode was actually a little better than I was anticipating given the underwhelming first half.

With Dalek Sec (Eric Loren) now in his combined human/dalek form, his plan for spicing their genomes together is at fruition. However, he begins to see a value to diluting the Dalek genes a little, which the rest of the Cult of Skaro rebel against. The Doctor (David Tennant), then desperately tries to foil the plan, before an army of pure daleks in human for can arise.

Of course, some of the aspects I didn't like from the first half remain, the patchy accents and the effect of Dalek Sec still is a bit underwhelming. The story problems though are sorted out here, into the semi tragic tale of Dalek Sec, who imagines a better future for the Daleks, only for one of his zealoted underlings to screw him over. Much like the Dalek moments that I enjoyed in the Doomsday episodes, the visuals of the gossipy daleks checking to see they were alone before sniping at their boss was both relatable and amusing.

I did think it got a little sloppy scientifically towards the end, when it went to great lengths to explain about solar flares and gamma radiation, which transitions into a lightning bolt and electricity - presumably when someone figured out that the original idea wasn't very visual.

Though I'm still a bit underwhelmed by the whole storyline of this two part episode this second half was a slight improvement.
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the worst Dalek story ever told
movieman_kev8 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly the second half of a story that shouldn't have been told in even one episode isn't that better then the first. The same flaws that plague the previous "Daleks in Manhatten" are present here as well. Horrid acting by the guest stars (luckily some of those over-acted characters die), a flawed storyline, shoddy characterization. All these elements combine to make this pretty much the worst Dalek-centered episode in... well ever. Tis a pity it marred an otherwise great 29th series thus far. If future appearances will be like this perhaps it's time to put the Dalekanium encrusted ones on ice for the foreseeable future.

My Grade: C-
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Evolution of Dr Who
archiemclaren424-130 April 2007
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As a child of the early 70s who grew up with Doctors Pertwee and Baker and giant spiders, robots, evil mummies, the Wirrn, UNIT etc. I never thought I'd say this but... with the last two episodes Daleks In Manhattan and Evolution Of The Daleks, in my view the new Dr Who has surpassed the classic series - including my all-time favourite Genesis Of The Daleks. The new series has now sustained its excellence across an arc of Dalek story lines - Dalek/Bad Wolf/Parting Of The Ways/Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday and the two new ones - which has been consistently brilliant, imaginative and thought-provoking. It's taken Dr Who up yet another level, as the Doctor has encountered the last few remaining Daleks post-Time War as both species try to come to terms with the existential problems of the being the last of their kind, desperately trying to work out how to survive. It has been completely brilliant.

Evolution Of The Daleks for me was a superb continuation. The Daleks were more menacing than ever - especially when two of them were discussing mutiny amongst themselves, with signs of near-humanity dashed away by the grating Dalek "affirmative". The moment Human Dalek Sec acknowledged the Dalek Creator was wrong was stunning.

The questions of Dalek Factor vs Human Factor smartly and deliberately echoed the brilliant Evil Of The Daleks from 1967 (I think even the title Evolution Of The Daleks hints at this), bringing the same questions of "What make us Human/Dalek?" to a new audience. The fact these Daleks are now experiencing something approaching the challenges and dilemmas approaching humans, expressing doubts and anxieties, seemed to me reminiscent of how Nazi SS Officers would conduct normal family lives whilst running extermination camps. This human edge makes the Daleks even more terrifying.

I was concerned that one last Dalek escaping again at the end stood the risk of being a little repetitive - but they could hardly end it there, could they? Plus, my suspicion is that this Dalek, with his existence and creation questioned, will now search out the Creator... cunningly allowing for the return of Davros in the next series.
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science got wrong
AleksandrBelenko29 August 2019
It is a very generic episode that concludes generic story about Daleks. But what irritates me is not the script or actors, the science is just wrong. It would ok if they just made up some gibberish, but they used gamma radiation yet showing lightning.... Those tiny errors spoil the exitement.
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A Pig's Ear
Theo Robertson22 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting much from this conclusion to the two part Dalek story but even then this was a very disappointing episode . It get's off to a bad start with Tennant degenerating in to his overblown mockney voice . He's had a season and a half to perfect his performance and he's still bloody irritating

But it's Raynor's script that is to blame for Evolution Of The Daleks being one of the worst Dalek stories to be broadcast . The whole narrative suffers from half baked ideas and plot holes . Is it ever revealed why the Daleks are converting humans in to pig creatures ? I know the Daleks have used humanoid slaves before like Ogrons so why no do it again instead of kidnapping humans who will be missed ? Why didn't Dalek Cann neutralize the human Daleks until after they'd destroyed the two Daleks ? Why give the human Daleks ray guns capable of destroying Daleks when firearms would have been just as effective ? etc

So instead of a coherent and compelling story we've got an empty and shallow runaround story paying " homage " to other stories like Genesis Of The Daleks and Evil Of The Daleks . Even James Strong directing is awful in places such as " the gossiping Daleks " in the sewers or the pig men in the lift . But to be fair even Martin Scorsese himself would have a problem making this Dalek story a classic of DOCTOR WHO
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Ambition Outweighs Execution
hwiltshire-068894 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Evolution of the Daleks, the conclusion to the two-part Manhattan adventure, is an episode full of ambition that sadly falls short of its potential. It boasts interesting ideas and some strong performances, but ultimately collapses under its own weight, warranting a 6 out of 10.

The concept of the Cult of Skaro attempting a Dalek "evolution" holds promise. The Dalek-Human hybrid, while morally dubious, is an intriguing twist. David Tennant is fantastic as the Doctor, his righteous fury a highlight of the episode. However, it also marks the show's overuse of the "Doctor makes a difficult choice" trope, lessening the impact.

Unfortunately, the episode stumbles in execution. The plot is overly convoluted and rushed, leaving little time to really explore the ethical dilemmas it raises. Solomon is disappointingly one-note, and the supporting characters are largely underdeveloped. The final resolution is predictable and too rushed.

There are a few redeeming features. The visual of the iconic Dalek Sec in the Empire State Building is striking. Some emotional beats, particularly those involving Martha and Frank, do work well.

Evolution of the Daleks isn't without ambition, but it lacks the finesse to pull off its complicated plot and ethical questions. It feels messy, with great moments overshadowed by frustrating plot holes and an unsatisfying ending. While not a complete disaster, it's ultimately a missed opportunity.
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Evolutionary not Revolutionary
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second part of a two part story following Daleks in Manhattan. The first part was flawed but a decent episode with many strengths. This second part is weaker. It does have strengths and positives continuing from the first part because the acting, effects, period atmosphere, costumes and the menacing Daleks still remain really good. The problem is that the development of the plot goes in an unsatisfactory and muddled direction. The attempt to create Dalek-human hybrids using a solar flare storm and a convenient lightning strike through Dalekanium does not come across as a good idea to me in the way it is presented and elements of how it all progresses and concludes are not good enough. The Doctor clinging to the lightning conductor putting Time Lord DNA into the mix does not ring true. The 'empty shells' of humans that are said to not contain any rescuable part of the people they once were are then shown after they are revived as hybrids and one of them speaks in his original American accent. It is hard to know how he should speak but using his original accent suggests there WAS a part of that person still within him. I also am not keen on the design of the hybrid.

I just do not like how everything pans out and rather than an exciting conclusion I feel it is more of an anticlimax. It is not terrible but just feels a bit of a mess. The good elements and strong production values mean this should not be dismissed as a very poor episode but I would rate it as a below par 5.5/10.

This episode - 6/10 Part 1 - 7.5/10 Overall story - 6.75/10.
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The pig--slaves and the army of mutant human--Daleks
Cristi_Ciopron24 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The mutant pig—slaves episode is an awesome one, very uncanny and suspenseful.

The Doctor meets Dalek Sec, a mutant Dalek—the first exponent of a new race.

The Daleks create an army of mutant pig—slaves short—lived and an even scarier army of Dalek—human mutants—beings who keep their human shape yet have Dalek genetic code. The Daleks need the energy provided by a solar explosion—a vast quantity of gamma—rays, to bring to life the human--Daleks.

The glamor of the '30s is rather understated.
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The cult of Skaro....well almost
Sleepin_Dragon17 August 2015
Daleks in Manhattan was fairly OK, it had some fairly interesting concepts, but it all starts to go a little wrong.

I don't particularly like Dalek Sec, although he is fairly well designed, and poses some interesting questions or the Daleks.

The Dalek attack on Hooverville is fairly well played out, although Soloman's demise is too soon, he was pretty good in the previous episode. They've just lost the scary edge they had back in Series 1.

We've had the Dalek DNA transfer done before, back in Evil of the Daleks, and it was much better done then too, this just felt wrong.

David Tennant is really good, charismatic and heroic, as always, he doesn't allow the feeble script to halt his brilliance in the role.

Overall I just don't like it that much, it's messy and all over the place, the daleks were disastrously mis-used here. The ending could have been fantastically epic, but it wasn't. At least Dalek Caan remains.

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Almost ruined the Daleks
pjgs20027 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Last week's "Daleks in Manhattan" was a much better episode than this one. Some of the extras/really minor characters' performances were over the top, but the Daleks were great (until the ugly looking "human- Dalek"), and the main characters were written nicely. I'd give "Daleks in Manhattan a 7.5/10. This week was completely different.

I liked the fact that the Daleks were trying to evolve, but the "human- Dalek just looked embarrassing. Even for Doctor Who I can't justify how bad that looked. There were plot holes here and there, and the pigs were again completely unnecessary to the story except for having Lazlo turn into one. In series 1 and series 2, the Daleks were menacing, ruthless (for the most part), and exciting. Last week kept the upward trend going with the Daleks, but with the addition of the Dalek Sec hybrid and the human-Dalek converts, this episode has almost ruined the Daleks for me.

Evolution of the Daleks isn't a bad episode, but it's certainly not a good one or one I would ever show to someone who hasn't seen Doctor Who. In addition, it almost dethroned the Daleks as my favorite Who villains. "Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks" is one of New Who's worst stories so far. 6/10
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We are not amused...
dezyderiuszs28 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Remember how in first season Doctor met a little metal box and end up shouting "it'll kill us all!" and was trying to kill harmless and defenseless creature? THE Doctor... Afraid? And remember how later this silly looking box actually kill them all in what, 5 minutes? Destroying Earth accidentally was stopped, but it would take some 10 minutes more... And remember how in first season finale whipping out whole station took about 2 minutes? Daleks lost about 2 units then, because of silly human resistance... And Doctor was about to destroy the life on Earth just to stop them? Do you remember that all? Now just forget it...

Daleks are now living in the sewers(?), kidnapping people and turning them into walking pigs(??), and "ExterrrmiNATE!" means now "oh, give'em a moment, and maybe we shouldn't kill them, how do you think Frank?". BTW, making circles looking at the Doctor and repeating "Exterminate, exterminate!" will not cause him to die by the heart attack, really... I don't know what to think about this episode, nothing makes any sense, lightning from the sun, human-pigs (and they could stay in the human form... Laszlo escaped after changing his form, but not his mind... So Daleks were doing... what exactly?), human-daleks (cause 1000 people thinking as Daleks and wearing Dalek's guns will absolutely outnumber... well billions of people with regular guns...), radio giving chance to escape just for chosen people, whole scene at the theater, war- prisoner, genetics, ESB, well... every single thing...

And after some time I can easily say when David Tennant is having fun playing Doctor, and in this episode I saw just one big "and I am doing what exactly now?" on his face, cause yes - he was doing silly, silly things. Plus one more "silly" sometimes.

I like this series, cause is doing great job showing us our life with magnifying glass, giving some things to thought about. And this episodes actually... gave us nothing... Took a lot instead...
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Evolution of the Daleks
studioAT9 August 2021
This is the second part of the 'Daleks in Manhattan' storyline, that didn't exactly get off to a great start.

This sadly isn't much better, and it's only a good performance as ever from David Tennant that holds it all together, but even then it's only just.
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Maybe if they made it a 3 parter
warlordartos11 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not only is there too much going on for one rushed episode but there's also a lot wrong with it. If you really think about it they only introduced The Cult of Skaro a few episodes back and they already decided to kill of 3 of them. Too soon, after such a great idea of these types of Daleks and they kill them off in a few episodes.

Now the smaller problems. The Doctor gets electrocuted and survives without regeneration, the lift just happens to open when the lightning strikes, The Daleks were reintroduced too soon, and most importantly The great Dalek Sek will now always be remembered for being the human one
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